xiiuhaan · 8 years
Sometimes I see people say Anakin is spoiled and I’m like ????? 
He was literally a slave who won his own freedom…only to be stripped of that freedom in other ways throughout his existence and ridiculed every time he tried to assert even a little bit of control over his own life. 
In what way is he spoiled? 
Insecure? Sure.
Emotionally stunted and unable to cope? Absolutely
Jealous of the fact that despite not being as naturally skilled in the Force as he is, everyone praises Obi-Wan yet shits on him? You bet your ass. 
But spoiled? No way. 
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
My heart shatters every time I watch the scene where Padmé tells Anakin that she loves him and he screams ,“LIAR!”. It shows how truly twisted and dark he was at that point, how much Palpatine had gotten into his head. This was his wife of three years, the woman who was pregnant with his children, the girl who he thought about everyday since he was 10 years old, the person who haunted his nightmares with her death, the soul reason he wanted Palpatine’s help to begin with. And she’s standing there on Mustafar, after he just slaughtered all of the separatist senators, saying that they can run away from all of this and raise a family - for both of them to leave their old lives behind and start a brand new one. She’s watching the love of her life, the father of her children, lose his mind, and as she says, “I love you!” He screams, “Liar!”. And that’s one of the last things she’ll ever hear from him. Yet still, after everything, her last words are saying that there’s still good in Anakin.
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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Rey vs Kylo Ren (x)
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
When people give Elsa crap for being "too sexy" for Disney
It’s like,
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For gods sake, Ariel had a nude scene.
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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Sir Nicholas Winton is a humanitarian who organized a rescue operation that saved the lives of 669 Jewish Czechoslovakia children from Nazi death camps, and brought them to the safety of Great Britain between the years 1938-1939.
After the war, his efforts remained unknown. But in 1988, Winton’s wife Grete found the scrapbook from 1939 with the complete list of children’s names and photos. Sir Nicholas Winton is sitting in an audience of Jewish Czechoslovakian people who he saved 50 years before.
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
at lunch today i was sitting behind some 9th graders and one of them went “i was born in the year of the rabbit” and her friend is like “hey i am too!” and someones goes “i think im a rabbit too hold up lemme search it up…… holy shit me too” until their literal entire group was like Holy Shit bc wow they were ALL born in the year of the rabbit and the entire time im eating in utter disbelief because. no one realized. no one realized they were all in the same grade. they were all born in the exact same year of fucking course they were all born in the year of the rabbit i hate high school fucking shi t
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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Can they just kiss and make out already
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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and here we have kaisoo killing whatever’s left of my sanity :)
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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how messy is seho’s room that there are urban legends going around the dorm
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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Hes so tired
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
How to learn a language
Tips from a language major:
•When learning new vocabulary write the meaning in your language once and the new word at least three times
•If you are learning a new writing style (I.e. Hanzi, kanji, Sanskrit, etc.) write the character at least three times, the meaning and the pronunciation once. -do not write the pronunciation above the character, write it to the side, otherwise you won’t even try to read it. -Learn! Stroke! Order!
•when reviewing vocab try to use the word in a sentence.
•do not pay attention to the technicalities of the grammar. Do not attempt to compare it to your own language. This will seriously mess you up for 80 years. Just pay attention to the sentence structure and make similar sentences.
•if you are learning a tonal language (I.e Chinese) or language that has sounds that don’t exist in your language watch videos of people pronouncing things and try to match their mouth movements.
•if all else fails on your tones just speak quickly.
•watch TV shows in that language and yes watch them with subtitles. But please be aware that may not be how people speak in real life (I’m looking at you, Japanese/Chinese/Korean learners)
•DO NOT BE AFRIAD TO MAKE MISTAKES of you mess up during a sentence just correct yourself and keep going.
•flash cards, flash cards, flash cards. Real and digital.
•spend at least an hour a day on it (OUTSIDE of class), if you’re trying to learn on your own you’re gonna need more time.
•talk to yourself in that language, take notes in it, set your phone to it. You probably look crazy but that is a-ok.
•listen to music in that language, while it probably won’t do much for your ability in the beginning it will help you distinguish sounds once you get pretty good.
•and lastly, don’t give up. It took you like ten years to grasp your own language it’s gonna take awhile to grasp another.
-How I learned 2 ½ languages at once.
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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deadpool + text posts 
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xiiuhaan · 8 years
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