xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Apartment] Mountain Rain Aether / Gilgamesh / Lavender Beds / Ward 23 / Lily Hills Main / Room 64 twt: link
A cozy little room overlooking a spring torrential downpour.
This room was sitting empty for like a year and it was driving me MAD. I kept being so wishy washy about what I wanted in here and finally I decided to just mess with the mountain views that I saw people doing on twitter with the nursery canopy. Mountains!! Real, big, proper mountains!!! FINALLY
I don't know really why I went with rain, other than just the inherent gradient light. The way the nursery canopies sit, you can't really have a "light" rain unless it's behind the mountains and MUH IMMERSION. The new GC trophies with the cherry blossoms were actually the perfect height to slap on the floor, and the last little bit of base was hidden with the pine bonsai. I added the ixion trophy for lighting bc i had through the fire and the flames stuck in my head while building this and i regret nothing
I really like the woodstove, though initially it was much simpler. It might be better with less stuff, but it's just a cathedral lecturn turned around, log rack, a couple iron torches, and the pipe is part of the hingan ovens. The masonwork stove stone backing wasn't originally there but I felt like the place would burn down without it. muh immersion
I wanted to use all the stupid shower stands I had in my storage, so I actually tried to make an okay ceiling (overly okay, one might say). You can see some of the rain coming through so hopefully it looks like a glass window with rain on the roof? (I cannot remember where I first saw this done, but I know Peach did it in a build a while ago!) The "wet spots" are the bane of my existence but if I squint, it kind of looks like storm clouds. There's two starry sky phasmas above it for some collision+godray action and some other ambient lighting with crystal ornamental arrays. I still feel kind of iffy on it but... I think it looks okay?
I did have to make this veeeery small as far as my apartments usually go, and there wasn't a lot of slot space left for furnishings/clutter either. So in that regard, I'm a little sad that it's so bare, but I focused a little more on architectural stuff, so that's an inevitable tradeoff. At the very least, I really liked trying out new stuff!
also green+brown god tier color palette no i am not taking criticism at this time
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Medium] Steppe in Ul'dah Light / Zodiark / Goblet / Ward 11 / Plot 12 twt: link
The home of a WoL from the Steppe that lives in Ul'dah!
Blessed be the absolute madman that comm'd me to do a medium. I was way out of my comfort zone for this, but they wanted a mix of Ul'dah and Steppe themes so it was hard to say no! They wanted at least 2 floors, kitchen, bedroom, you know, the typical house stuff!
I like the upstairs way more than the downstairs, but it was neat to use the natural arches in the goblet houses for windows. I haven't really abused phasmas like this before either, so that was fun. I used mostly Azim Steppe phasmas, but also some Sea of Clouds and I think a Costa del Sol one as well. Blue sky is blue sky.
The owner is of the Saghal tribe, whom are essentially vegans. Ignoring the blatant egg in the shakshouka on the counter, I wanted to incorporate some personal lore somehow? Hence the little gardening situation underneath the stairs. I never know what to do with that space anyway, and it's just as many slots to decorate it as it is to cover it up.
I originally built it on zero light, with the thought that Ul'dah is probably hot as hell midday and you'd want to be in the shade/not have a lot of light. Buuuut I think it looks decent on light 1 too, and I think the owner stuck with that, so if you visit, it may not look exactly like the pictures!
Had fun slapping random colors and patterns everywhere, got to use TWO floorings I've always wanted to use but never have, and more Steppe themes are always good in my book! It was really fun! (and now I no longer have an excuse to not level an EU character)
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[FC Room] Good Vibes Dynamis / Marilith / Mist / Ward 9 / Plot 30 / Room 4 twt: link
My room for Toshii Studios! A little afk spot on the beach to relax with housing buddies.
I was part of the crew roped into building Toshii Studios on Noa Saitoshii's housing stream, so naturally I was legally obligated to also make an FC room there. I wanted to use it as an opportunity to capture the good vibes of the stream and the community there!
A while back I tried to make some mountains with the natural log beams, and when I originally posted it some people said it looked like ocean waves to them, so I thought.... let's try it! I'd also been wanting to try the cream yellow carpet flooring as sand, so it worked out.
The illusion of the beach immediately shatters as soon as you start walking out onto the "water" (pudding rugs lmao) but it's just meant to be an afk spot to sit and hang out and chat. I put the trunk under the hammock so you can /sit on the hammock too! I wanted it to feel like a communal space, even if said space is very tiny.
A few things that are hard to see are the stars in the sky (undersea spoils), the little fireflies flanking the entrance to the cave (mellow mog lamps) and a jellyfish that occasionally pokes out of the water (jellyfish lamp!) And of course, the sunset itself is very sparkly and obnoxious. I took some notes from Peach's sunrises, and I think it's a combo of Dead Man's Chest, undersea spoils and assorted candles. Not sure how many of each, but the waves are staggered on top of them and -- well, when you get up close, it's all held together by duct tape and bobby pins. Idk what you want from me
I really love how it turned out though! A big departure from my usual depressing style but a lot of people seemed to like it, so I'm very happy. It's my love letter to the community and if they stop by to relax, then my job here is done.
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Medium] All That Remains twt: link
An old inn that's fallen into disrepair.
My poor, neglected, mostly abandoned FC house. I made this when I was kinda bummed all my fcmates weren't playing anymore. Some of my friends quit completely and it felt like our little FC was slowly dwindling into nothing.
I didn't want it to be completely depressing though. There's still signs of use, like a little crackling fire, meals in the kitchen and a cute odder otter lamp to spruce the place up. There's even some flowers growing among the weeds!
I did want it to have an eerie vibe, and the foggy 'glow' that's all over is a bunch of Carbuncle Lanterns craned into the ground so you can't see the sparkles from it. I really like the look of it still, I'm sure I'll use it again in the future. I doubled down on no light coming in from the outside, so I even blocked off the windows with imitation wooden skylights, and the light from the door of the build is covered up with a demon wall and some wax vegetables shoved into the wall.
This is actually a two floor build but I never really finished the upstairs. It looks fine, there's a storage room and a little seating area but... I could never really figure out what to do with it. I wanted it to be a nice afk spot, but I had zero ideas. I think it ended up being about 270/300 slots.
In an effort to go full AIM away message angst, I had lyrics from River From the Sky by The Weepies in the guest book. The vibe was lowkey inspo for the build, ngl
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Small] Night Skies & Fireflies twt: link
A collab build I did with a close friend of mine!
This was a really fun build I did with my friend Akarin! We each got 100 slots. She did the architecture, and once she was done, she left it up to me to clutter it up however I wanted. We didn't have a theme in mind at all, but we both agreed it should be a light zero build.
I think I imagined a student lived here or something?? I'm not sure, but the general messiness and chaotic living situation reminded me a student situation. I think because Akarin loves clean and modern builds, I decided to go extra crazy with the clutter. Probably a little too much! But it was fun.
My desire to not float from below was strong, especially out of fear that I'd ruin Akarin's hard work with the structure. The couch was maybe the most "held together by string and paperclips" thing here because the sides were Fruit Stalls, and all the stuff on it was hiding pineapple leaves sticking out the top. I liked the little coffee station though! It had a very makeshift, hurried "dear god i need my coffee NOW" vibe to it.
The title came from the night sky (obviously) but also the mellow mog lamps that I shoved in the window. The little pink floating orbs looked a lot like fireflies, so I ran with it.
All in all, a very very fun challenge to do with a friend, and we ended up with something very different than what we'd both normally do. If you ever have a house to mess around in then I highly recommend trying something similar!
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[FC Room] With the Fishes Aether / Gilgamesh / Mist / Ward 1 / Plot 4 / Room 6 twt: link
A comfy lofi inspired room at the bottom of the sea!
This build was inspired by this lofi compilation! I thought it would be fun to play around with an unconventional room shape, and still have a chill cozy area to hang out in. I'm not normally very brave with colors since I prefer drab earth tones, but I wanted it to be kind of fun and chaotic. I think it works?
I really love the Ahriman Bookshelf fireplace! It's something I've been wanting to play around with but I didn't really have a build that fit it until now. also, I messed up on lofting the Eulmoran Divans, so the unfinished shawl is hiding a very obvious seam LOL. The chochin lanterns inside the alpine pillars is an effect I really like -- I can't remember if I saw it somewhere before, but I had so many chochin lanterns laying around. I needed them to go somewhere.
This was really just an excuse to use some of the tier 4 aquariums I had laying around, and clear out some storage. It was a really fun build though, and I do love the chaotic coziness of it.
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Apartment] The Fool Aether / Gilgamesh / Lavender Beds / Ward 23 / Lily Hills Main / Room 36 twt: link
The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun
This room was inspired by the song "The Moon Will Sing" by the Crane Wives (great song btw you should listen to it). I decided that I wanted to do something more -- artsy? Metaphorical? Up to interpretation? idk, but it was fun! I also wanted to take some similar vibes from my Fishing Shack and see if I could put it in the apartment.
Half of this build was me coming up with a story in my head based on the song and the other half was pulling directly from lyrics ("i made a bed with apathy," "ten years worth of dust and neglect," "I shine only with the light you gave me" "instead you hoarded all that's left of me" etc etc). I don't really want to say exactly what the story I had in mind is because I really love hearing other people's interpretations of it! Some take it literally, others think the bride is a ghost, some look for metaphors, and I love every single take I've heard (including the one about the chocobo racing debts)
While I'm on record of saying "lol it's just based on a song its not that deep," this is a blatant lie. I thought way too hard about everything in this build to the point where explaining everything would be too obnoxious, even for me. BUT the biggest symbolism of all is the title of the build -- The Fool. This is partially drawn from another Crane Wives song, "Shallow River" (also a great song btw you should listen to it), specifically the line "waste it all for the truth, for the fool in her wedding gown." I ended up shortening it to The Fool, partially due to ingame title character restraints, and partially as reference to the tarot card The Fool. It typically depicts someone standing on a precipice, and can mean new beginnings and a leap of faith or naivety and poor judgment. Which is the bride, I wonder?
HGXIV was kind enough to visit on episode 63 of their housing podcast (yt link!) and ended up changing the build forever
(also shout out to the one person in the hgxiv chat that guessed the meaning of the build name!)
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Small] Fishing Shack
A melancholic fishing shack, filled with old memories. The beautiful video and screenshots are done by Ashen Bride!
Man, maybe my proudest build and definitely the build I'm known for the most. This was in my little small house, and I struggled for nearly a year trying to put something in it. I was so frustrated with trying to make something cozy that I decided to go in the polar opposite direction and make it as a dilapidated and depressing as I could. I'm not sure exactly why I chose a fishing shack, but I was kind of vibing to "House by the Sea" by Iron and Wine when I built it, so I guess that's where my mind went to.
The loft was made from 37 antique wall shelves and shockingly it only took me an hour to do, including figuring out just how big the hole needed to be to jump up through it. I got the lighthouse idea from a WIP that Oddbolt posted on twitter, and I used three oriental bathtubs to get the foggy vibe over the water (in retrospect, one was probably plenty lmao). The window was definitely my favorite part.
This build means a whole lot to me for a lot of reasons. It was the gateway that led me to meet a lot of housing friends and honestly gave me a boost of confidence in my housing skills! It was also something that I built when I was in a long distance relationship, and felt pretty lonely. But while the general feeling of the build is pretty sad, the music boxes and bouquet in the loft were meant as a promise. Though we're apart for now, we'll be together again someday.
The build is gone now, because the promise has been fulfilled :)
I submitted this to Noa Saitoshii's tour in spring 2022 (yt link!)
Momogyle-san was also kind enough to visit on an Aether housing tour she did! (yt link!)
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Apartment] Ruins at Sunrise twt: link
A brief respite on your weary travels
This build was 100% just an excuse to have Drowning in the Horizon playing in a build of mine. I wanted it to be a makeshift camp in some old ruins, like someplace you'd see the party in an RPG spending the night. I don't have any pictures of the ceiling but luckily Midori from twitter visited and made a short little video and took some screenshots ;_; bless housing visitors with media skills man istg
video & ceiling: link
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Apartment] Wildflowers twt: link
The cabin home of a witch that lives deep in the woods
This was another apartment comm that I built in my alt's room and let someone copy. They wanted a witchy cabin! On one hand, I'm impressed how many distinct "areas" I was able to fit in here. On the other hand, in retrospect, there's a lot of things I'd really like to change. Especially the fireplace.
I do like the overall vibe though, I think this is a build I may redo someday, especially with all the updated items we have. When this was built, we didn't even have the Urth's Font phasma. That would've saved some slots for sure LOL
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Apartment] Benthic Depths twt: link
The deep sea home of a messy WoL!
This was actually an apartment I built as a comm for someone that really liked my Beneath the Ruby Sea build! I built it in my alt's FC room and then let them copy it. It probably still exists somewhere in the world, but I'm honestly not sure where LOL
It was my first time building for someone else but I had a lot of fun doing it, I definitely ended up with something that I never would've built for myself. I really liked the oceanview wind as a backsplash (pun absolutely intended) and I did my best to make the "windows" feel continuous. I'd really like to do something in this style again someday!
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[Apartment] Beneath the Ruby Sea twt: link
A room based off of Sui-no-Sato and Shisui in the Ruby Sea! I was fortunate enough to be featured by HGXIV for their community spotlight and they made me an absolutely gorgeous video for this build that I still cry over to this day
After I made the my Xaela build, I wanted to do something for the Raen as well! (Also my bf had bought me an unmelting ice partition and I wanted an excuse to actually use it) I had originally used the side windows with the crystalline coral and jellyfish lamps as a part of a build I did for my FC house, but that part of the FC got torn down so I wanted to reuse them. Making the main window with the tier 4 aquarium was a lot of fun too, it marked the start of a bunch of aquatic builds.
Fun fact! All the fish in the tank and the fish print are all from the Ruby Sea zone! (and caught by myself bc i aint paying 10k for a single harutsuge)
I also submitted this to be in Noa Saitoshii's build tour in spring 2022! (yt link)
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
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[FC Room] Night in the Steppe Aether / Gilgamesh / Mist / W1 / P4 / R5 twt: link
An Azim Steppe inspired home for my WoL!
My main's FC room! Like all other Xaela, I have a healthy obsession with the Azim Steppe and I really wanted a little piece of it for myself. This build has been up and mostly unchanged since I made it in February of 2022, and man. I just like it. I feel like my housing skills have improved a lot since that time, but I haven't had even the smallest desire to take this down. I just wanted this to be somewhere I'd like to hang out. Fresh air, night sky, a campfire with some tasty food, a soft plush carpet to roll around on, and some low moody lighting. I guess I got it right, because I still hang out here all the time!
This is actually the third try at making my FC room, with the first two attempts being lost to time. It's funny, I had actually finished making my second attempt and I was pretty happy with it! But then I went to the orchestrion to find some music for it and I said "oh, He Rises Above! Steppe night theme! Perfect!" I listened to the music for about a minute and then tore everything I'd just built down. And then I made this one! Zero regrets.
This was one of my builds I submitted to Noa Saitoshii's housing tour in spring 2022 (yt link!)
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xiv-amphis-apartments · 8 months
Greetings! I'm Amphi, and welcome to my FFXIV housing tumblr. I'm based out of Gilgamesh on Aether and I primarily do housing with a little pvp on the side. I mainly focus on apartments and FC rooms since they're the most widely available housing and I have perpetual beef with anyone that says you can't do much with them. I occasionally decorate houses when I have the opportunity but man, I do not like lofting from the basement.
Here's a quick guide to my builds; any listed with addresses are builds that are currently up and open to visitors!
Apartments/FC Rooms Night in the Steppe - Aether/Gilgamesh/Mist/W1/P4/R5 Beneath the Ruby Sea Benthic Depths Wildflowers Ruins at Sunrise The Fool - Aether/Gilgamesh/LB/W23/Lily Hills Main/R36 With the Fishes - Aether/Gilgamesh/Mist/W1/P4/R6 Good Vibes - Dynamis/Marilith/Mist/W9/P30/R4 Mountain Rain - Aether/Gilgamesh/LB/W23/Lily Hills Main/R64
Smalls Fishing Shack Night Skies & Fireflies
Mediums All That Remains Steppe in Ul'dah - Light/Zodiark/Goblet/W11/P12
If you remember a build I did that you don't see here, you're probably not losing your mind. My twitter got nuked at some point (it's back now but I had to restart from scratch!) and my old PC drive died, taking a lot of my earlier housing pics with it. This is an effort to keep my current and future builds from also being lost to technology ;_;
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