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Okay Russo Brothers, interesting fanfic you got there, but may I suggest an alternative ending?
Steve puts the stones back, goes back to Peggy, gets his last dance, talks to her, tells her how much he misses her. Then says his final goodbye to his best girl.
He appears back on the platform. Bucky muses “I didn’t think you’d be coming back.”
“I almost didn’t…but I couldn’t leave my family.”
His phone buzzes. The screen lights up: ‘Sharon Carter: Dinner tonight?’ the text notification reads. Steve smiles at it.
“Hey Buck…do you rember when we lived together? After my mom died?”
“How could I forget? You were a nightmare to live with. Never pick up your dirty clothes.” Bucky laughed. Having his old memories back was amazing sometimes.
“Wanna relive the nightmare?” Steve says, eyes gentle.
Bucky smiles. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
He steps off the platform, a circluar bag in hand. He puts his hand on Falcon’s shoulder. “Sam, I think I’m gunna try some of that life thing Tony was talking about. Can you take care of this for me?” And hands him the shield and suit. “The world doesn’t need Steve Rogers, but the world needs Captain America.”
Sam laughs. “I don’t think it will fit.”
“It will. Eventually.” Steve says, giving his shoulder a reaffirming grip.
Bucky nods at Sam, and follows Steve away from the platform, away from the fight, toward their future. Steve calls Sharon back. “Hey. So about that dinner tonight…” Bucky hits his arm and mouths “Science fair!” Referring to when Bucky got Steve a double date. “Any chance you got a friend?”
Boom. Steve retires, Sam becomes Captain America, Steve is straight and Bucky and Steve live happily ever after platonically because Marvel is too coward to make them a couple.
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Batman or X-men First Class; Request by → anonymous
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I can do whatever the hell I like! You’ve read the stories, you know who I am!
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Me: * trying to not let my mental health drown me in another wave self hate*
My mental health:
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possibly an unpopular opinion, but endgame actually made me like pepperony a lot more than I used to. I was always pretty neutral in, like I definitely didn’t hate or even dislike it, but it also wasn’t really my thing. Now? Sign me the fuck up for that soft pepperony content!
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A Post-Endgame moodboard:
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Ant-Man only cared about one ass in Endgame and it wasn’t Thanos’
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steve rogers, became known and respected as captain america because he stormed a hydra base upon knowing bucky was there
steve rogers, who didn’t want to kill nazis, just hated bullies, said he would kill every single one of hydra when bucky fell off the train
steve rogers, even when he had nothing he had bucky
steve rogers, dropped his shield and didn’t fight back because he was with bucky til the end of the line
steve rogers, fought against countries and the king of wakanda to protect bucky
steve rogers, literally dropped every brain cell upon the mention of “bucky”
steve rogers, didn’t care about being labeled a criminal as long as he’s with bucky
steve rogers, heard bucky’s last word was his name right before he dusted in front of him
steve rogers, fought against his younger self with equal or even more strength than him and used the only trigger words he knew would make him stop and drop everything “bucky is alive”
steve rogers, got bucky back after half a decade, left him, and went back in time to marry peggy knowing full well that in those exact years, bucky is out there being used and tortured by hydra
which one of these seem off i wonder????
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My Couples Goals:
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Tony: *snaps at Steve*
Me: lmao fuck yea man can we get more of that
Tony: *snaps*
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Marvel you sneaky bitches. (SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME AHEAD!!!)
1. Steve’s “last mission” is him going back in time to put all the stones back in their rightful timelines. This was his last mission before getting the chance to “have that life Tony was talking about”.
2. Natasha’s “last combat” was that brief fight with Clint in order to sacrifice herself for the soul stone.
3. And of course, Tony’s “last sacrifice” was his ultimate sacrifice of wielding the iron gauntlet in order to save the universe, effectively killing him.
These posters were released so long ago, and the meanings are much deeper now. They were right under our noses.
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The only valid part of the funeral scene was Happy practically stating outright that he’s willing to die for Morgan like you just know that tiny ball of sunshine has her daddy’s right hand man wrapped around her little finger now:
Happy, on a date: so, as I was saying, got promoted to “forehead of security” when- sorry, phone won’t stop ringing, let me just-
Morgan, on the other end: I want cheeseburgers
Happy: it’s 10:00 pm
Morgan: and
Happy: I’m busy
Morgan: and
Happy’s date: who’s calli-
Happy, shoving breadsticks into his pockets for Morgan: Im sorry I have to go right now immediately
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