xjongryff · 10 years
[ ; his jaw drops in feigned offense, melodramatically putting a frown on his face, acting pitiful ] So, you'd drop me just like that, huh? [ ; exhales an exaggerated sigh ] I thought I meant more to you than that, Seol. [ ; a smile cracks his act and he shakes his head back and forth ] Nah, I've become, like, ten times smarter just by listening to you, and I'm not even listening half the time. [ ; chuckles ] I'm kidding, though. You fascinate me. [ ; leans back in his seat, constantly changing his position since he feels rather antsy in this environment, though he's accustomed to being ignored whenever she has a book opened ] Really? [ ; he perks up, already standing up ] Excellent choice, though I can't blame you as a Ravenclaw. [ ; taps his chin idly in thought ] Now, what to do? ... Anything in particular that you're good at? Other than reading, of course.
senses » ksh & ljh
{` seolhyun smiled sweetly at his joke. to be honest, she’d like to buy lots of people lots of things, but it all depended on how well her endeavors went. she couldn’t go around making promises and then be unable to deliver any of them in the future} we’ll have to see if we are still friends by then {` she teased back.} you might get sick of me and my books {` she blindly patted the nearest hardcover while she flipped the page in the volume she was currently looking through.} - {` she looked up slightly at the mention of him liking it when she talked smart. now that was a first. most people told her to save that talk for the classroom, unless, of course, she happened to be talking to one of her professors. or her brother} well, that’s a first.. {` she admitted quietly, not really knowing what to do. was there really a pressing reason to remain cooped up in here, like he said? it was rather stuffy now that he mentioned it}…. alright. {` she said it softly at first, and then she shut her book and she grinned} alright, let’s do something fun!
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xjongryff · 10 years
(`fingers tapping idly on the hardcover of the topmost book, he shows intrigue at the mentioning of a sibling, but phrases away from a question, not wishing to pry) I didn't know you have a brother. (`mumbles quietly before grinning at her confidence) Think you can buy me a house when you become rich? (`teases again, finding her quite easy to mess with, though he wouldn't call her a pushover. his intentions are nothing but full of lighthearted fun. with her explaining her recent doings, he just blinks dumbly for a moment) Sorry and all, but I only understood about half the words you said. (`smiles sheepishly while somewhat apologetic, leaning on the table to rest his chin on the heel of his palm) But you can continue if you'd like. I like it when girls talk smart. (`laughing aloud at her assumption, he stacks the book handed to him onto the pile) Now, how did you know? (`begins nodding) Sure, sure. You can research while cooped up in this stuffy place afterwards. For now, let's do something fun.
senses » ksh & ljh
{` seolhyun snorted and rolled her eyes at him. she watched him pull the books towards himself. he had nice hands.} of course i do things that are fun, but right now, i have to find a cure for my brother. then, when i become a wealthy and famous healer, i can have all the fun i want. {` she told him quite confidently. she had never felt closer to achieving her goal than she did nowadays. she was making so much progress- how could she just stop?} i’ve been working a lot in the green houses on the magical and medicinal properties of juvenile venomous tentaculas… but you’re not really interested in that, are you? {` she asked him with a small smile. there was no way she was going to be able to concentrate with him sitting across from her and just sitting there, doing anything and everything to distract her.} fine, if we go do something fun, can i research later? {` she asked him as she shut her book and slid it towards him.} i have this weird feeling you’re not going to just sit quietly and watch me work.
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xjongryff · 10 years
More than anything, his general respect towards women has prevented him from having a real girlfriend in the past. His personality influences him to be far too timid and shy to actually start something, whatever that may be. Sure, he could get curious from time to time, wondering if he was the dateable type. He was sure his mother would be ecstatic if she received news of him finally developing a normal teenage social life. Of course, that would undoubtedly be accompanied by a flurry of interrogating questions about every single detail of his hypothetical girlfriend. There was a paranoia that that would be intimidating enough to scare any girl off. Keeping his family on the other side of the globe was a wise choice, and he intended to maintain the same distance between them and whatever female he will eventually be interested in. Feeling her eyes on him, his gaze flickered over just in time to see her own drop. He wore a smile as he absently plucked at the strings, accompanying her wandering tune. "So, how's the life of a sixth year?" Jonghyun interrupted the silence, intentionally making his voice low so he doesn't disrupt it entirely. He wasn't talking just to talk; he liked catching up. Perhaps he was somewhat wondering about her.
Natural Resonance | iu & jonghyun
Chuckling softly she continued to strum her guitar, this time letting her calloused fingertips slowly play each string as she changes her melody. The melodies that she played often changed based on her mood, the person/people that are around her, and in this case it’s both. Casually sneaking a glance at Jonghyun she didn’t notice the smile that graced her lips as soon as she did so. Observing him under her dark lashes she didn’t notice the way her fingers changed to a different melody. It spoke of curiosity, interest, and most of all her hidden feelings for him. It hasn’t been long since she started to see him as more than an older guy friend but she does her best to not let it show so obviously. He’s a tall handsome guy she’s more surprised he didn’t have a girlfriend this very moment. But a part of her is grateful. At least that way she could continue on having this small crush of hers freely. Looking away she averted her gaze to her short fingers and casually switched chords. Picking up her guitar pick she started using it because suddenly her fingers started to hurt. Keeping her gaze away from locking into his she wondered if she even has a chance with being something more with him. 
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xjongryff · 10 years
[ ; smiling wider when she speaks his name in recognition, he nods and greets her in the same fashion with a short nod ] Seolhyun. [ ; at least trying to wipe the expression from his features, that seems to be a feat more simply put than done, and he just grins at being caught with such juvenile thoughts. sure, he isn't taller than every other male in his year, but he's gifted enough in that department to tease the shorter students, especially the females — which is a category that seolhyun so conveniently falls in. following her to the selected table, he seats himself across from her, sliding the stack of books already there towards himself ] So... what have you been up to? [ ; his lips purse at the selection, flipping through a few pages from the one on top before faking an exaggerated yawn ] No offense or anything, but this seems like a huge bore. Do you ever do anything, you know, fun?
senses » ksh & ljh
{` seolhyun found herself in one of her favorite places. if she wasn’t at the lake, she was in the library. there really wasn’t a chance that, if someone wanted to find her, that they would be unable to. } - {` she was studying up on herbs and their magical properties, more specifically those plants found in the mediterranean region. she saw the book that she wanted but she wasn’t quite tall enough. she had left her wand back over on her table and she didn’t want to walk back there and get it, so she stood on tip-toes, trying to reach. her fingers brushed the binding and she grunted as she failed to get a grip. the next second she knew, the book was being taken down by someone else. she turned, wondering who the mysterious book thief was, and grinned as she saw someone familiar} jonghyun {` she said simply, her eyes lingering on his face for a moment before landing on the book before taking it} thank you. and stop making that face {` she poked her tongue out at him and stalked past towards her table, figuring he would follow}
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xjongryff · 10 years
With how predictably sentimental she was speaking, he just rolled his eyes teasingly, momentarily resting his guitar on his lap. "I had a feeling I would be seeing you with this weather and all," Jonghyun shrugged with the explanation, seeming to have an extra sense when it came to certain peoples' whereabouts. If he knew enough about a person, it all came down to a guessing game on where he or she could be found at various times of the day. Not one for tedious small talk, he relaxed comfortably in the grass and lazily tuned his guitar by ear. It had certainly been a while, and he had practically been itching for the opportunity to do this again.
Natural Resonance | iu & jonghyun
Swaying side to side as her fingers stayed consistently steady on her guitar strings she shook her head no. “I’ve been sitting under this tree for about fifteen minutes enjoying nature and music, two of the best gifts life has to offer. What brings you out here Oppa?” She slowed her strumming so that while she was playing she could hear his reply. When it came to hanging out with him she only stopped playing her guitar when they discussed more serious matters. However on beautiful days like this Jieun couldn’t help but be happy. Especially since while her hands are on her guitar, her personal troubles fade away and she is mentally submerged in beautiful chords her guitar produces. 
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xjongryff · 10 years
senses » ksh & ljh
[ ; with the winding down of his class curriculums, there isn't much to occupy his time, studying being no pleasant option. being a fairly busy person, upkeeping social relations is never a huge priority, and he faces imminent guilt whenever he realizes how out of touch he has been, especially with those he cares about. so, quite regrettably, he finds himself roaming the aisles of the quiet library, searching for a certain ravenclaw that he feels the need to catch up with. seolhyun always manages to cheer him up, too, and he wouldn't mind a natural mood lift today. finally, he spots the girl reaching up to a shelf, fingertips only skimming the spine of a book. smiling to himself, he approaches her with light steps, drawing the book out of its place with ease ] Here. [ ; hands it to her smugly, refraining from teasing her too much. he finds her actions endearing, that's all ]
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xjongryff · 10 years
The smooth transition of random flurries to songbirds chipping at dawn had made spending more time outdoors rather tempting. Not that he was raised in a particularly warm location, but that just made the sunshine more valuable. Though, he couldn't say the weather patterns were too different. Guitar case slung over his shoulder, he exited the castle, hand lifting to shield his eyes from the blinding glare of the sun. Squinting, he made out a particular Ravenclaw's frame and began to head in that general direction. His hand lowered when his sight was no longer in peril, smiling at her greeting. "Have you been out here long?" Jonghyun wondered, setting his guitar on the ground, undoing the clasps to pull it out of its case. 
Natural Resonance | iu & jonghyun
Outside sitting under a tree Jieun gently strummed away on her guitar. Receiving the acoustic guitar at a young age she had grown very attached to it and appreciated it for not just the music she is able to produce but the way it calms her whenever she is troubled. Humming random melodies while she let her fingers pluck away she smiled to see her good friend and oppa Jonghyun approach with his own guitar. Smiling she shook her head as a greeting so she wouldn’t have to remove her fingers from her guitar. “Hey there stranger” She sang as a verbal greeting. She didn’t sing often but with Jonghyun she felt enough security to confide in him the fact that she sang at all. 
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xjongryff · 10 years
Ah, haven't seen you around here before. Welcome to the castle stranger, my name's Nana.
Oh, thanks, I suppose. You can call me Jonghyun. It’s a pleasure to meet you. 
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xjongryff · 10 years
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