xlemondrops · 5 years
20 lessons for 2020
2019 has been a pretty challenging year for me. I started it being scared and anxious about everything, and I ended it single, with new career goals and surrounded by my best friends. Here are 20 lessons (100% tested and approved) that I learned along the way!
1. People only show their best sides to you but you would be amazed by how many people share the same feelings as you
2. If you feel like you can’t be yourself around a certain group of people, then you’re hanging out with the wrong group
3. Notice people who make you feel energized and happy VS people who drain all your energy. It’ll change your life.
4. You don’t need to justify yourself when you say « no » to something
5. However, you should say yes more often to spontaneous proposals and experiences
6. Honesty is a sign of respect
7. If you don’t give your 100% to something then you’ll be less likely to get that 100% back
8. Choose flaws over qualities. Your dream job also consists in not-so-dreamy parts, and this is what you should consider when choosing your career. The same applies with friends/lovers.
9. The person you sit in front of at the library can become one of your best friends (true story for me)
10. 99% of the scenarios you imagine in your head will never happen
11. Changing starts within YOUR thoughts and how you react to them.
12. Just because you’re offended it doesn’t mean that you’re right
13. Keep a critical eye to everything you hear/see.
14. Being vulnerable is a sign of strenght and not a sign of weakness
15. You can cope with a lot more than you think
16. Your life can totally change in a year and you can be a whole different person only if you’re willing too
17. Cherish what you already have in your life, happiness lies in gratitude
18. Wanting to be perfect for others will only make you seem a boring and hypocrite person
19. The habits you adopt now will define the person you’ll be in the future
20. Be curious. Read books, listen to podcasts, travel (even in your country), and talk to new people
Ig : @anatomyandcappuccini
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xlemondrops · 5 years
Brutally Honest Rules for University Students
Don`t consider the university experience as a gift. It`s not a destiny`s present nor a demonic ordeal. Basically, it`s just a process of buying. You buy your teachers` time and knowledge. You buy access to laboratories and libraries. You buy opportunities to meet new people. And this is a fair trade. Even if you get a scholarship, nothing really changes. Your future self pays the taxes for your current self could be well educated.
So, DON`T FELL FACKING OBLIGATED. You deserve it not even because you`re special (we all are special in some ways), but because that`s how almost everything works in this world. If you get a cup of latte instead of a glass of vodka, you ask to change it, right? So, when you feel your classes (tasteless latte) are nothing like what you`ve expected (blessed vodka), make your “order” to be done correctly. Change it! Argue with the whole staff of the bar (college administration). Kick and scream until you get it! You don`t usually ignore the fact your shoes are twice smaller than your feet. So don`t ignore the fact your schedule slowly kills your brain because it`s for somebody who has 48 hours in a day. Your dentist can`t treat your headache, right? That`s why you go to the other doctor. Your advisor doesn`t understand you? Go and change him/her/them. Fight for fucking perfect service! Everything has been paid for it!
Create a folder on your laptop and keep there the most successful articles you`ve written for the university magazine, all the professional photos you`ve taken for your peers, all the wonderful logos and brochures you`ve made for the student union, all the difficult translations you`ve completed during the course etc. It will be an excellent source for you’re your future portfolio. No matter what you`re studying right now, a good portfolio with plenty of samples of your works will definitely make your CV much more impressive.
Access to the offline and online libraries is one of the things you`ll be terribly missing after graduation. Create another folder and name it “TBR in free time”. Now download as many textbooks, essays, articles, and classical novels as you can. I know that now you sometimes forget to breathe and eat, but there will be free time for reading and learning in the future. Just trust me.
Sad news, dude. We all are living in the 21st century now. There is a possibility we all will have to study throughout all our lives. That is what the majority of employers already expect from us. So, don`t waste your time! Explore what kind of the learning techniques and methods are really working for you RIGT NOW.
NO, it`s not too early to start looking for some job positions. It`s never too early, tbh.
Your peers are important. Communicating with other people is a great distressed. We all are human beings and need time for having fun. BUT! Don`t expect to talk to the peers to be as much productive as talking to the professors. The other students will hardly ever tell you what to do with this fucking degree in the real world.
As soon as you realize in what sphere you`d like to work, go to your advisor and share the plans. No one can guarantee that these plans would necessarily become a reality one day. But it`s much easier to begin conquering the world when you at least have a compass in your hands.
Ask as many questions as you can. ALWAYS.
You`ll do the shitload of mistakes during you the university years. Everyone did. Everyone does. Everyone will be doing. Relax and learn how to fix it.
If there is an opportunity to get some services for free or with a discount just as you`re a student, get them! Because YOU ARE A FUCKING STUDENT! No shame in it.
Make the university administration think that you`re special. That you`ve got so many different talents and incredible skills (because I know that you`re special, bashful bastard!!!). They would treat you more respectful and would probably help with a future career.
You don`t have to be admired by everyone. The university life is not about it. Nah!
Those who tell the college years are “the most important and the most glorious years in your life” are fucking liars. There is no universal truth about being young. For somebody, this time will be a blessing, and for somebody disastrous. Don`t try to complete somebody else`s goals.
There WOULD boring classes, learning unnecessary information, bad grades, stupid fellows and idiosyncratic lecturers. It`s not Disneyland, dude. Even if you pay 30k per year for it.
Perfectionism sucks!
Those ones who force you to be a perfectionist are foolish.
Don`t worry that a single grade or even plenty of grades would “spoil your degree”. Just keep on working. There is high opportunity everything will be sorted out.
Smile to yourself when no one is watching.
Don`t overthink. NEVER! If you feel that you`re thinking about the problems all the time, it`s not OK. Not everyone does so. Go and find yourself a good therapist. Don`t let the stress and anxiety fight you. And don`t go to the battle alone.
Laugh as often as you can.
Sleep more. You are not a robot.
Before writing an important e-mail to a prof, check the addressee`s name TWICE!
Drink more water.
No, this cold can`t be cured with hot tea only.
If somebody treats you disrespectfully, don`t have any mercy to them.
Listen to music if it helps to concentrate/relax/distress.
Dance more often.
Love yourself. All the time.  
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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By mpthecomebackid
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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Sound Note - take notes while you record audio
Evernote - notetaking that syncs across platforms
Paper 53 - minimal notetaking that syncs
Microsoft OneNote - collaboration and syncing, best for Office users
Google Keep - jot things down, best for Google suite users
Notability - take notes and annotate PDFs
Mindly - create mind maps
Day One - a digital journal
Flash Cards
Quizlet - the quintessential flash card app
StudyBlue - another commonly used app
Cram - best for its “cram mode”
Eidetic - uses spaced repetition for effective memorization
My Study Life - schedules, tasks, reminders, and more
StudyCal - keeps track of tasks, exams, and grades
24me - automated reminders and event planning
iStudiez - schedule and prioritized task list
Google Calendar - a calendar, best for Google users
Glass Planner - a calendar and to do list with incredible functionality
To Do List
Clear - organized to-do and reminders
MinimaList - simple to-do and focus timer
Trello - collaborative project organizer
Todoist - clean and functional task manager
Default notes app on your phone
Time Management
Forest - plant trees by staying focused
Pomotodo - pomodoro timer with to-do list
Timeglass - custom timers
Tide - pomodoro with white noise
Alarmy - forces you out of bed 
Pillow - smart alarm that tracks sleep cycles
Workflow - automate tasks
Habitica - turn your habits into an RPG
Continuo - simple, colorful activity tracking
Freedom - block distracting apps
Free Learning
Coursera - free MOOCs
TED - listen to Ted Talks
Duolingo - language learning
Memrise - spaced repetition language vocabulary
Khan Academy - free video lessons
Ambient Noise
8tracks - curated playlists
Spotify - online music streaming
Coffitivity - cafe ambience
Noisli - background sound generator
Rain Rain - rain sounds
Binaural - binaural beats
Rockin Ramen - recipes based on ramen
MealBoard - meal planning
Lifesum - healthy eating
Stop Breath And Think - mindfulness meditation
Pacifica - mental health management
Sworkit - personalized video workouts
Waterlogged - hydration tracker
WolframAlpha - Google on steroids
Oxford Dictionary - all of English at your fingertips
RefMe - citation generator
PhotoMath - solve math problems by taking a photo
Mathway - step by step math help
Desmos - free graphing calculator
Wikipedia - not the best source, but it’s handy
Companion - stay safe when walking alone
Mint - money management
Toshl - finance manager
Tiny Scanner - scan documents
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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114K notes · View notes
xlemondrops · 5 years
complimenting japanese artists
There are plenty of templates for asking permission from Japanese artists on pixiv and twitter to repost their fanworks, but almost none about how to compliment their art and let them know their work is appreciated, so I thought I’d put together a few stock phrases you can use to let an artist know you think their work is great!!
ああああ = “aaaaaaa/ahhhhh” (use as many あ as u feel like ahaha)
_____さんの絵が大好きです! = “i love your art!” (use artist’s name in blank, usually in only japanese characters, for example ▲むっこ▲スパコミ レ57b on twitter’s name is just むっこ, ignore anything after an “@”)
_____は可愛すぎますよ~! = “____ is too cute~!” (insert ship or character name, you can get their name in japanese on their wiki pages or myanimelist, check their pixiv to see what their art is tagged with to find the ship’s name in japanese if you don’t already know it, or you can replace with (artist name)さんの絵 to say the artist’s art is too cute)
(きれいな/可愛い/素晴らしい)絵をいつも描いてくれてありがとうございます! = “thank you for always drawing pretty/cute/amazing art!” (pick ONE adjective)
_____さんの絵は凄く(可愛い/かっこいい/素晴らしい)ですねえ!= “your art is REALLY cute/cool/amazing!” (pick ONE adjective)
_____さんの絵最高です!/____最高です!= “your art is the best!” / “(character/ship) is the best!”
feel free to use as many exclamation points, hearts ♡♡♡, and kaomoji as you feel like in between sentences!
also for sentence enders, i just included a few random ones but feel free to exchange よ/ねえ as much as you like, but it’s kinda weird to use them at the end of every sentence. its also weird if you use the same one at the end all your sentences. also just a generic “~" at the end is good too!
if you have any questions on how to say something else, or if you think there’s an important phrase i missed, or you kinda want to know what the artist said in reply to your compliment, let me know!
[edit]: thanks to toukochu for pointing out it should be 描いてくれてありがとうございます instead of 描いてありがとうございます and that the は particle was unnecessary for 最高です!
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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| ASRA | The Arcana | Wealth of Secrets |
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xlemondrops · 5 years
leetle ... leetle russian lady ... pls give beets
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xlemondrops · 5 years
white americans after watching one anime
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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Lucio’s Book 7 - The Chariot - is here! 
Lucio takes a ride on the wild side. ✨
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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MLQC Anime - Evol x Love
they’re coming~ ♡
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xlemondrops · 5 years
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MLQC - Character Visual Reference
victor | gavin | kiro | lucien*
*the characters have different names in en / ch / kr / jp. already posted a list. tagged under “mlqc names reference”
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