xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam i'm always nice, idk what you're talking about :)
@leeam: you're really nice, sorry i got that wrong. @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam even after all these years, huh? glad you've decided to play nice
@leeam: yeah. i'm glad you're playing nice too. it's a nice change @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam i don't recall doing that?
@g2gmargot: @leeam but also don't call me out on twitter please that's rude
@leeam: i'd never call you out on twitter. you're my girl @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam i don't have feelings. what are feelings?
@leeam: you flat out told me it hurt your feelings @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam i'm proud of you, but that makes one of us. how's that group chat?
@leeam: i left it. it was hurting your feelings @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam pls don't make me come over and beat your ass. also don't fight anyone and get kicked out again
@leeam: im not fighting anyone. i find the fakeness entertaining @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam no, i think that's me. and then annalise. so you might be the third least fake. who pissed you off, anyway?
@leeam: oh yeah your hot sis and everyone @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
@g2gmargot: @leeam are u looking in the mirror again
@leeam: lol funny. i think i'm the least fake person here tbh @g2gmargot
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xlicm · 8 years
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“ that’s my type of girl, faith. ”
Today has just been a day from hell so right now I really just need someone to get completely shitfaced with me. I’ll even provide the alcohol.
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xlicm · 8 years
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“ we don’t have to go if you’re getting cold feet. ”
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                  “ are you SURE we should be skipping class right now? i mean - i’ve never skipped before so i’m no expert, but i’m almost positive that a week before the final is a bad idea. “
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xlicm · 8 years
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“ you still hurt my feelings. ”
“i’ll buy you some ice cream, okay? i didn’t mean it.”
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27 notes · View notes
xlicm · 8 years
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“ hey, eva, fuck off. ”
“ you’re getting drunk on watered down vodka like a fourteen year old girl. ”
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12 notes · View notes
xlicm · 8 years
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“ all i did was smile at her. ”
“well rosie seems to like you.”
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xlicm · 8 years
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“ that sounds like something i’d do. school can wait. don’t worry about it. ”
“anyone willing to take my social psych exam for me ? i can’t remember the last time i went to that fucking class, and instead of studying, i went out with a few of the guys. celebrated hump day and all that shit.”
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xlicm · 8 years
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“ good luck on the final. seems like you’ll need it. ”
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‘ it’s cindo de drinko & i have a final tomorrow. guess it’s a good thing c’s get degrees. ’
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xlicm · 8 years
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“ tacos are devils in disguise. ”
I think I got food poisoning from my lunch. I can’t believe tacos would betray me like this.
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xlicm · 8 years
@leeam: fake people everywhere
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