xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
(/quickly lets her face relax and get back to the normal expression) uh, so... okay. (Not knowing why, she doesn’t have any feeling of the need to be watchful with this person) No, nothing (/shakes her head) (/displays a sweet smile to help him ensure that everything’s fine, she’s not bothered by his offer) I was uhh... just thinking, wondering if there might be some other thing in common between our rings. (/covers up her true thoughts with a white lie so she won’t feel uneasy for not telling him the truth) anyway... let’s go now? (/motions over to the way out)
・By chance
(/waits patiently for the girl to think it through. He felt himself begin to feel nervous and scared of having a rejection for the very first time) (/he nods at the girl, clearing that he was all right with taking her home. something inside of him made it seem like it was the thing he had to do, one way or another) Yeah, I’m fine with it…. I don’t mind at all, really. (/sticks his hands inside his pockets and feels his ring tighten, then a release) Is something wrong? (/bites his lip, as if he did or said something wrong to make her frown) You don’t have to… (/he stopped himself, not being able to finish his sentence when he knows that he wouldn’t want that… something in him knows.)
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
It’s alright, genuinely. I’ve already been waiting for more than an hour. (/her smile is now even wamer) (/fixes her hair, is ready to leave. No more word is spoken from him so she thinks their meeting could come to an end here) (/stands up and almost gives him a goodbye wave) huh? Are.. are you sure about that? (/blinks, the ask is to give him some more time to consider that idea) hmm you really don’t mind accompaning a stranger, in this case that one is me, to her home? (/waits for him to speak, has the feeling that her ring is tightening but only for a moment) What is this? (/slightly frowns)
・By chance
(/chuckles a bit, his tense body calming down by the sound of her laughter, making him feel as if things were okay) Are you sure? I still can’t help but feel bad.. (/sighs and turns his ring around his finger; at least it does that for a movement) — (/picks his head up and looks at her. He was feeling comfortable too quickly for her to leave… should he say something?) (/bites  his lip, thinking of something to say) I can take you home! (/stands up quickly as he messes his words up as he spoke) I mean… We can walk somewhere or if not I can walk you home.. or at least halfway there… (/shuts himself and rethinks his words, feeling like a fool once again) If you want… I really don’t have anything to do.
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
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(12/14/12) happy twentieth/twenty-first birthday to hello venus’ doll eyed, operatic princess. here’s to hoping for a fantastic birthday and just as great first few stages with the other girls! ♡♡
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
Really? I mean… (/his voice rose, surprised that her story was similar to his; he also woke up with a ring tight in his hand in the morning without much explanation) I also have a ring similar. (/he extended his hand out to the girl, showing the same silver ring on his finger, and suddenly he feels the ring tighten around his finger, then the feeling goes away) It won’t come off, even if I pull it. (/he confessed, looking at the girl next to him) Do you thi— (/looks up at the train in front of them, the people piling in, and the doors closing) (/his mouths stays agape as he sees the train leaving and his eyes follow the train packed with people inside) — (/sighs and chuckles silently, saddened by the fact that not only did he miss the train, but he made her miss the train as well) This sucks. (/he mumbles, dropping his hand back on his lap and looking down at his hands) I made you miss it, didn’t I?
(/stares at the ring on his hand for a while, puts the book back into her bag so she won’t be busy holding it) It’s like the ring does not let go of your finger despite how great your effort is, right? Same as me. (/nods agreeingly) How come it happens to both of us? This is strange do you think.... (/follows his look as they both stand there watching the train slowly leave after when the door has perfectly closed) (/realises that she has missed it) oh— (/can’t help chuckling at the situation)  We’re now stuck in here. (/the laughter makes it easier for Yoonjo talking to him, she’s usually quite shy and doesn’t talk much to strangers) (/has a feeling that the story of their rings brings them some kind of connection) hm, don’t worry, I’m not in a hurry anyway. I think I’ll just get out of here and well, walk my way home instead of waiting for the next train (/smiles tenderly)
・By chance
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
(/walks slowly as her eyes hasn’t gotten used to the darkness inside the theatre, yet still listens carefully to him. Groping her way but not losing attention to the other’s words is actually not easy to do) (/is surprised because the origin of his ring is exactly the same as her) so, you already saw the ring on my hand before I give you my question... Such sharp eyes. (/doesn’t notice the screen, the more looking at his ring the more she finds it similar to her, not to mention they maybe have the same creator) Of course I do want to know who did that, but how? (/doesn’t say more, the movie has started. Yoonjo is somewhat afraid that continuing their talk might distract him from the movie so she simply keeps the silence)
A Film for Two
Ah I haven’t found anyone worth all of my attention yet. Ah this? (/looks down at it as they choose their seats in the theatre/) (/lowers voice a bit to be polite to the others in the theatre/) I actually woke up with this. Don’t think I didn’t notice you with the same ring on yourself. I noticed when you took the drink I bought you. (/looks at the screen as the lights dim for the preview/) I guess you can say I’m looking for the girl who put this on me. What about you? Aren’t you curious who put that thing on you without your consent? (/pauses now that the previews were over and the movie started/) 
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
(/questions herself if he dislikes talking to a stranger like her because it seems that he avoids looking at her) This ring? (/Yoonjo’s hand leaves the pages of her book, keeps the fingers in front of her eyes and starts observing the ring) To be honest, I have no idea where it comes from. Waking up in a normal morning and seeing this thing. (/begins recalling the feelings when she first saw it) (/doesn’t get the reason for why she finds that silver band special) it looks nice, doesn’t it? (/smiles gently) Why do you ask me so? It’s similar to some ring you own? (/it’s not hard to see the curiostity in her words)
・By chance
(/fiddles around with his fingers that laid on his lap, mentally scolding himself from what he couldn’t say and to what he did say that didn’t even grasp her attention to him) — (/surprised, he looks over at her) (/removes his gaze from her and nods) Yeah… You.. (/grabs the confidence to look over at the girl and then down to her hands) Where did you get that ring? (/looks up at her eagerly to know the answer. ‘Could it be her?’) 
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
Yoonjo quickly gave the other a polite apology. She never enjoyed the feeling of being gathered around by people like that at all. A little carelessness of her own could be a nuisance to some other one.
When she almost gave up, Yoonjo realised she hadn’t totally lost his track yet. At some distance from him, she saw him run out of the crowd. The thing that she felt strange was his rush. He seemed to be in a hurry. Don’t tell me that he has found out I’m the one who’s been following him. Even if so, it scares him that much? Yoonjo didn’t want herself to be stuck in the flow of people and end up standing in one place when he disappeared again. Luckily, she eventually got out of there.
Must, be, calm, do, not, let, him, doubt. Every step she took, every word was mentally told to herself. She couldn’t help but imagine how his reaction would be when she got to face him. What if he takes this as a prank? Yoonjo also began to question where his next destination might be, they had been walking for so long. The girl didn’t walk as fast as she had done. Her legs were tired. Though, she couldn’t stop and take any rest. All the effort would turn useless once he went out of her sight again.
He stopped at a coffee shop. Huh? Weren’t you supposed to be heading to your next place for performing? She didn’t want to wander around the street waiting for him. Yoonjo decided to follow him into the shop. At least, she could get a seat and get ready for the awaiting “journey”. She just expected not to be noticed by him. The game would be over once his eyes detected her.  
{Hey Lady Follow
Henry thought to himself how paranoid he must be right now. Maybe there really wasn’t anyone following him, after all. Or maybe there really was a stalker and they were trying to get him at his most vulnerable and take him. Just the thought of it made him shiver in his sneakers.
“Oh crap—I’m so sorry!” He re-focused and immediately apologized to a teen who he had just rammed his violin case into his privates and was now doubled over in pain. 
“I’m so sorry—ugh, h-here’s some money! Buy yourself a soda or something, kid!” He pulled out a few bills and shoved it into the teen male’s hands and ran off again, embarrassment still showing on his face. His cheeks flushed with a light pink. 
He sighed and calmed himself down before he realized that he forgot about the strange feeling of someone following him. By now, he just thinks he was tired from the stress of life. Then again, he’s sure someone was following him. He could have sworn he saw a female trying to hide. Or was it?
Shaking his head and snapping out of his daze, he realized he was blocking the street and bowed his head in apology before making his way to a nearby coffee shop for a well deserved break before his next makeshift performance.
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
 (/is so into the book so she doesn’t notice that more and more people have come and gathered around, they’re all waiting like her) (/continues reading until she hears a voice of someone say hi to her) (/it wasn’t annoying or bothering in any way for Yoonjo but she still takes a pause, her eyes searches for the source of that voice) (/sees a boy beside her, is not very sure whether what she heard was from him since he his look is at somewhere else, not her) (/hesitates to ask him, is afraid that it might give him annoyance) hm.. excuse me, (/speaks slowly and softly in a corteous manner) Are you the one who just called me a moment ago?
・By chance
(/walks inside the metro station, planning to go to the city to try the food he tried again for the first time) I had to stand here, right? (/mumbles to himself and adjusts the mask on his face once more as he walks through the groups of people) —  (/walks deeper inside and gets pushed back by a group of people and drops down on to a bench and bumping into someone next to him) Oh!… I’m sorry. (/tries to stand up again, but the group of people were still gathering around, piling up with the other people waiting for the train) — (/sighs as he notices that he’s trapped on that spot with the golden brown haired girl) — (/notices the ring on her finger and wonders if he should say something) … Uh… You…. Hi. (/looks away from the girl, feeling like an idiot already)
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
(/doesn’t know how to reason with him since the things he says has no point for her to pick holes in) okay then (/just murmurs to herself and lets him do what he wants) thank you (/accepts the drink from him but hesitates a little when he gives her some popcorn) (/despite the scruple, Yoonjo ends up letting him feed her. She isn’t really eating, her tongue keeps playing with that piece of popcorn) (/swallows it before answering his question) hm... actually, my plan was going to the movie with a friend of mine. However in the last minute she sent me a text which said she couldn’t go. There must be a cause for her to do so but at the moment I don’t know what it is. (/smiles gently. She is quite watchful to strangers but also subtle at the same time so the slight flirtation in his smile doesn’t leave her any impression) You call me a cute girl? If that’s a compliment, thank you (/chuckles softly) hmm how about you? I think you should have been with your girlfriend on this special day. (/looks at him again) I don’t believe someone like you doesn’t have a partner... (/a ring on his finger catches her sight while he is holding a piece of popcorn in his hand. )
A Film for Two
(/orders a set for a couple, with popcorn and some soda/) No I insist, I never let women pay. And you’re allowing me to accompany you so let me show you my gratitude somehow. (/pays & hands her a drink, hoping she doesn’t mind the soda he ordered for her/) (/takes a piece of popcorn and offers to feed it to her/) (/she hesitates before opening her mouth as he popped a piece in/) (/feeds himself some, mentally noting that he’s glad he ordered some, it’s not too buttery or salty/) So how did you end up with two tickets and no one to see with? I’m sure a cute girl like you could have easily gotten a date. (/smiles a bit flirty/) 
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
Catching some seashells on the sand is something that’s so ordinary to people who come to the beach. It’s like if you let your eyesight take a walk on some winter night sky, you can spot the Orion constellation among many sparkling stars without not many difficulties. However, it’s not that easy to see a letter on your way at the place where sea waves meet the shore. It sounds strange, a letter have come to Yoonjo in that unusual way. 
She still remembered it was from somebody named ‘Jonghyun’. A male. She guessed. Yoonjo didn’t think a random walk on the beach would end up receiving a special letter. There was no address written so she couldn’t return it to the writer. The girl tried asking some of her friends, who also had that name, but they all told her that they didn’t leave any piece of paper there. That meant all the thoughts she accidentally had the chance to read were from a stranger. But who this person might be?
That question still be kept among her daily concerns. Yoonjo had read the letter several times, at home, at school, or even at the library. She could easily tell that grief and sorrow  had tortured him. She wanted to give him consolation but was afraid at the same time. No one could know for sure whether he would listen to a person he had never met. It was not to mention that he might see her as a nosy or rude girl who read the letter without his permission.
“Dear you,
First of all, when you’re reading this, I think I should say sorry because I’m not the right “you” who you were expecting your letter to be sent to. Don’t question me who I am. I don’t know who you are either. Who I might be doesn’t matter anyway. Just know that I’m the one who listens to you.
Well, I have no ideas of what have happened to you before. Through your words, the only thing I can see is a pain, and it’s gnawing your heart. I’m glad you finally wrote out all those painful feelings. It’s better than just burying them deeply inside forever and then some day misery will grow to the point where is out of your ability to take control of.
 We have no way to change the past. So don’t let reminiscing maltreat yourself that much. I don’t know who is the one that presented such beautiful memories to you, but that one must be very lucky to have the love of someone nice like you. 
 I wish that you will meet that special one soon.
  Yoonjo didn’t know why just in a moment at the middle of lunch time she could write a response to that male that fast. Going back to the place where things began with his neatly folded piece of paper, Yoonjo looked around for a while before leaving her letter there and went home. 
If magic does exist, please happen.  
Letters to Juliet
Written in sloppy script, a letter was carelessly left among the rubble of Yongduam Rock. The salty sea breeze carried the neatly folded piece of paper through the air, as though the letter was meant to be delivered, to be read. By someone. Anyone.
Dear you,
The hopeless feeling is creeping up slowly and I find it dragging along thoughts and memories I thought I suppressed a long time ago. I blame myself for leaving as I quickly learned that running away from my problems never solved anything. I’m so good at running away… at avoiding my problems. Every morning when I wake up, I hope that maybe it was all just a dream, and that you’ll be there next to me, to be the first thing I see when I open my eyes. But every morning when I wake up in an empty bed, it only reminds me of what could have been. You’ll probably never see this, but wherever you are, I hope you’re happy and that maybe one day I can see your smile again. 
With hope and love,
It never fazed JR that this letter would ever been seen and found, but he would eventually learn that the world works in strange ways.
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
・By chance
(/takes a glance at her watch, checks the time again after getting bored of looking at people and surroundings. She has waited for nearly an hour as the result of having set the wrong time on her alarm clock.) I’m still lucky. Today is my day off. Otherwise... oh I’d better not think about that case (/intends to stand up and get out of the metro station then catch some cab but every time that thought comes to her mind she just has the feeling that the subway will come in a moment) hmm... okay, a little more patience won’t bring me any harm (/lets out a quick sigh, switches to looking for something to do while she continues waiting) (/takes out of her bag the book she just bought earlier and begin reading it. That’s not a too bad way to kill time anyway.)   
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
(/wonders if he feels okay with the movie, it’s the choice of her friend and she didn’t think of this situation. If Yoonjo have known about this before, she would not at least have chosen that type of movie. That vague concern doesn’t stay in her mind for too long much there is no sign from him really showing that he dislikes it) (/follows him, stop at the concessions stand) hmm anything is okay, I’m not choosey (/flashes a smile) oh and, I can pay for myself. (/quickly tells him as she sees him take out his wallet) Anyhow this is just the first time I-- hmm, meet you, I don’t want you to be bothered that much.  
A Film for Two
(/smiles, glad that she didn’t reject him/) (/with his rugged good looks he hasn’t been rejected often/) (/he didn’t intend to start a roll of rejection any time soon/) (/motions with a jerk of his head for them to go to the correct theater/) (/looks down at the ticket she handed him/) (/a chick flick/) (/doesn’t exactly like chick flicks but it suits Valentine’s Day/) (/before entering they stop at the concessions stand/) Would you like to eat any popcorn or a drink perhaps? (/takes out his wallet, ready to pay and not willing to let her pay for herself/) (/with his experience with women he has never let a woman pay, even if she was a noona or a simple colleague/) 
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
Yoonjo wasn’t sure if he was aware of the appearance behind him of her. Every step of her didn’t make too many sounds since she tried to walk as naturally and lightly as she could. Following a stranger, such a crazy and silly idea. Usually, she would take it that she was wasting her time, but not for this time. There was something interesting about that male, something unnamed, or it was because Yoonjo hadn’t found the word for naming it yet, that gave her such curiosity and made the girl break her normal rule.
Uh oh, it seemed like Yoonjo wasn’t very good at secretly following people. There was time the street preformer suddenly stopped his walking and turned back. It was when Yoonjo realised how useful the experience she had playing seek and hide games were. And also thanks to her slenderness, she didn’t have difficulty hiding before his eyes could catch sight of her. Carefully watching him continue going on foot from far, she just let out a weak laugh. Do I look like a sasaeng fan? Yoonjo shook her head. She extended the distance between them from that moment. Being careful was still better. In her imagination, she still didn’t know how to give the account for herself.
Still at the middle of thoughts, Yoonjo didn’t realised that the next street were quite crowded. When she got back to reality, he had already disappeared. Oh? She stepped faster, keeping the hope that he was still somewhere near her. Looking around, all in front of her eyes were just strange faces. Hey are you still here? The girl blamed herself for having been too adsentminded.
“Oh! Mianhe.” Yoonjo automatically said sorry when she bumped against someone. “Are you okay?” She turned to the other.
{Hey Lady Follow
Seldom did Henry ever play in the same place twice a day. He liked to switch it up and give a variety of people a chance to hear his music. As soon as he finished packing up, he headed out for his next destination. The Park.  
As he walked and walked, he couldn’t help but feel a strange notion that someone was following him. His hand gripped the violin case’s handle tighter and quickly pivoted his heel, so he turned around. No one. 
Henry turned back around and continued heading towards the park. The feeling of someone following him never went away, of course. Breathe in, breathe out, Henry. You’re just tired, that’s all. He’d repeat to himself over and over again. 
If there was someone following him, why would they? He was honestly a pretty average person with an average personality. If you discounted the street performing gig and the black market business, but that’s a story for later.
He, of course, did the most reasonable thing he could do. He crossed the street, hoping whatever or whoever was following him, if any, would lose track of him in the crowd and leave. Atta boy, Henry! You show’em.
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
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xmen-yoonjo · 12 years
(/goes to the movie theater, wondering what film he should see/) (/sees a girl with two movie tickets, looking down at them with hopelessness and despair/) (/figures why not catch a free movie?/) Hello I see that you have two movie tickets with you. May I join you for the film you chose? (/gentle smile/)
(/sighs after reading the text sent from her friend which tells Yoonjo that she couldn’t go out with her due to some personal reason) okay, just do your thing (/sends back to her a text, looks at the movie posters and then back to her tickets) so I’ll have to watch it alone? Alright… not a big problem (/tries to comfort herself. Not so long after Yoonjo makes her decision, she hears somebody call her so she just naturally look up. A male. It takes her a moment to be sure that she hasn’t met him before) Ah, (/is quite wavering at first but still gave him an answer) hm, okay. I won’t mind. (/replied him with also a smile) 
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