xmiricarox · 1 day
I cant think im thinking so much ive been thinking for one hour straight that email might haunt me in my sleep it was only a mail NOOOOOOO PLS HELP
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xmiricarox · 10 days
Cleaning my gallery!
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Part 4
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xmiricarox · 10 days
Cleaning my gallery!
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Part 3
Nature. Flowers, the sky and landscapes.
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xmiricarox · 10 days
Cleaning my gallery!
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Part 2
My pets (mostly my cat).
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xmiricarox · 10 days
Cleaning my gallery!
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Part 1
Wallpapers (all screenshots, mostly music or mcr related).
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xmiricarox · 11 days
My mom cleaned my room! D':
I would feel regular shame if the mess was normal (it kinda was), but some days ago i cleaned up everything and found super embarrassing texts from, like, ten years ago (and even my diary from 2021, my darkest time) so I hid them to throw them away later without anyone noticing.
But I get into my clean room and look at the CLEAN hidden spot 💀 what am I gonna do if she read any of that thrash (she certainly did)?
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xmiricarox · 24 days
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xmiricarox · 24 days
Today was great!!! 💙
I saw my best friend ever for the first time in almost five years!!
And we had a nice costume party at my uni
Thanks, God!
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xmiricarox · 27 days
I love
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xmiricarox · 27 days
The body you want? Achievable with discipline. The career you want?Achievable with discipline. The life you want? Achievable with discipline. That car you want? Achievable with discipline.
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xmiricarox · 28 days
Ya'll remember my bird of paradise costume?
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I can't get over that day
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xmiricarox · 28 days
A few weeks ago I went hiking THE mountain of my parent's town. We made it to the top after only one hour. I would have loved stopping to admire the vegetation, the view of the river, the rocks, the light and shadow that the sunrise created... bro, I would have even brought my watercolors!!! But it's hard when they're telling you to "hurry up because you don't want to get burnt and be left behind".
We ate and drank and took photos. Some complained about not having data in their phones. Some talk. Then quickly proceded to leave. Like, noo? Let's explore more? No?
Anyway, I was left behind and got a tan picking flowers with my mom while we descended. I enjoyed it a lot.
I don't care about being left behind and getting burnt. I'm young. And I want to see a little bit of glory through nature.
hiking? to get places? can’t relate
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xmiricarox · 1 month
No but, like, are you thinking of me? like i'm thinking of you?
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xmiricarox · 2 months
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Loyal to the same haircut since 2016. I got bangs the day before starting middle school, and I trimmed them again the day before uni.
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xmiricarox · 2 months
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xmiricarox · 2 months
Next Monday I'll start university too!!
After five years of not stepping on a regular school (after middle school I did homeschool), I'm really excited for this next chapter.
Of course I'm kind of anxious, because it's a new experience and I don't want it to negatively impact my faith and character. I believe my life has a purpose and it's the glory of God. If He wants me to serve Him in school and with my career, then I will.
This is also my prayer, wish you the best! 🤍🌷
God has been saying to me that he has a plan for me and that I have a purpose for him, I honestly can't wait to know what he wants me to do so that I can serve him and do what he wants to do. Soon, I'm going to start at an university and I'm honestly asking my Lord Jesus to guide me because i don't know what i want to do with my life or what career to take. Right now I'm praying to God to guide me, to give me acknowledge, and not to get me influenced by any evil that could be there. Especially because i can actually get easily Influenced, never noticed that till now. I pray that my chores in school don't make me forget him or get me away from him because i don't want that to happen again. I pray to my Lord for confidence as well and strength. I pray for everyone who's about to start school, a work place, a business field or something related for strength, confidence, and guidance for our God, our savior. In Jesus name, amen 🤍✨️
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xmiricarox · 2 months
follow for some more sick text posts that I reblogged from someone else
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