xmonesia · 1 month
April Goals
Since April is my birth month, I have a couple of goals to achieve and habits to build. And since my day is literally at the end of the month, the 28th I will be celebrating the entirety of April.
I'd like to have lost 20 lbs by my birthday.
Complete my third novel that I'm writing and self-publishing.
Reach 100 followers on Instagram, starting my social media Era.
I think three goals is enough for one month, I do not want to over do it nor burn out so quickly.
Wake up early every morning.
Build a workout routine.
Mindfulness and Yoga.
I truly had built these habits in the past but with just one interruption that life throws, everything can fall apart so easily and I've felt that. Now my sleep schedule is all over the place and I really just want to sleep all the time. But not this year, this is my New Year.
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xmonesia · 7 months
Nearing The End
2023 is nearly ending and I have not been good with posting how I wanted. Life somehow knows how to storm in and take my attention away from what I want to what's needed.
Sick parents.
Life on hold.
Not enough money.
The same ol' song and dance of life.
2024, I hope you treat me better.
Starting November, I'll be trying to build new habits for the new year. So that going into 2024 will not be so difficult to maintain as every beginning of the starts off.
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xmonesia · 8 months
Bestselling Author In The Making
I've been so very busy lately, sorry? Or am I?
Life has been doing what life does best, throwing me for a freaking loop. I've come to check in, update you about a little bit.
If you didn't know, I'm an self-published author, Indie Author if you nasty.
All jokes aside, I've been dabbling into a new genre lately. Still I love writing romance but not the type of romance you'd think you read from someone who looks like me. Comtemporary Romance has a special place inside my heart but lately I've made room for Fantasy, or Romantasy.
I love creating an unrealistic world, building new things and lives that is even new to me. As an author, I've learned so much about my own writing style, my writing voice. I enjoy writing about about people, or creatures that has my skin tone.
It's new to me, but still, something so fun about it is there's basically no rules. At least, I don't follow any of them.
So I guess that's all I had to say. It's short and sweet, straight to the point.
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xmonesia · 10 months
Wants, Needs, Habits
I want, I want, I want.
I don't really know what I want, as a person who's afraid to ask for anything.
Needs are to be met. I ask for what I need not only because I want what I need because I can't go without. Its a necessity.
Habits are formed within three to six months I've heard.
The moment of inconvenience, my habit breaks and crumbles away because what is the point? The point is to push past any and all inconvenience, will it matter the next day?
What about next week? Or the following month?
I want stability, because I know that I need it.
My lack of discipline makes it harder to achieve my needs, and the habits I choose to invest in are hard to continue when my mindset is lacking.
My needs are my wants but the habits that I need to achieve it needs discipline. It's all so confusing so I go in circles with building habits and the further that I go the longer that I break.
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xmonesia · 10 months
New Beginnings
Age, grown enough.
Energy, tired of living only to survive.
Being the part of society that is looked down upon, ignored and just disrespected. But if the tables were turned...
I'd be labeled as stuck up, angry, and insufferable.
I'm looking for a new beginning, where I'm the main character and breaking necks as they turn.
Look at her, she has it all.
Oh only the surface level is beautiful, they don't see the sweat, blood, and tears.
Journey, just the beginning.
Destination, let's see where we go.
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