xo-batman-xoxo · 10 years
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xo-batman-xoxo · 10 years
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Watch Honey Maid’s awesome answer about the backlash they received 
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xo-batman-xoxo · 10 years
Ok, I’m sorry.. but Lousie, back off the boys a bit!  We know you love them, but inviting yourself to stay? that’s a but much. How are they supposed to anwer that? If they say no they look mean, so it means you have pretty much forced yourself on them whether they wanted you to stay or not..  I’m not saying they wouldn’t want you to, but it’s their home, and it just makes it hard for them to say no if they wanted to.
Please do not repost this in any tags :)
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xo-batman-xoxo · 10 years
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This is pretty much me in gym. Anyone else like this in gym?
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
do you think that samchel will happen? i mean, amber is just a guest on glee now, so, samcedes will not take a long time
Well, Lea didn't sound too sure about Samchel happening. She said "I think that came and went." But last month, when asked about the Billy Joel episode, and if there would be a Sam-Rachel relationship, Brad said "There was a hint. There's something nice about the two.... Not yet." My theory is that Samcedes will last two episodes. And Sam and Rachel might hook up. Definitely not this season, but season 6; it's possible. My opinion is that since season 6 is the last season, RIB might have Samchel happen. If you look through my previous posts, I posted a link in my post called "Samchel Update."
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
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I currently have a burgundy/maroon tint to my hair, and I'm looking for a change
which color should I dye my hair?
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
tsa go away mercedes rachel will WIN
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
Give me a letter, and I will answer it
A: Age.
B: Where I'm from.
C: Where I would like to live.
D: Favourite food.
E: Religion.
F: Sexual orientation.
G: Single/taken.
H: Favourite book.
I: Eye colour.
J: Favourite movie.
K: Favourite TV show.
L: Favourite band/singer.
M: Random fact about me.
N: Favorite day of the year.
O: Favourite colour.
P: If I have any pets; if so, their names.
Q: What I'm listening to right now.
R: Last movie I've watched.
S: What's my ringtone.
T: Favourite male character from a TV show.
U: Favourite female character from a TV show.
V: What my name means.
W: Favourite superhero.
X: Celebrity crush.
Y: My birthday.
Z: Ever self-harmed?
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
let's take a moment and appreciate Santana's face in this picture.
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5x06 Movin’ Out | Just the Way You Are Alternative Cover
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
Reblog/like this if you ship Quick.
 I know these are annoying, but I honestly want to see how many Quick shippers there are, especially after last night’s episode.
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
Samchel Update
Okay, so my friend sent me this http://tvline.com/2014/03/19/glee-lea-michele-sam-rachel-romance-flirtation/  
And omfg. I don't know about you guys, but I'm kind of bummed that Samchel might not happen now. 
Question of the day: How would you guys feel if Sam and Rachel started dating?
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
I'm not sure if it's me, but the stricter parents are on their kids, their kids turn out pretty badly. My parents let me live my life, and they're letting me do what makes me happy. And, I turned out fine.
My close friend Jessica's parents have her on a tight leash. She's a druggie, and frankly; I'm worried for her. The reason I think she's like this is because her mom and dad don't let her live her life and have fun now and then. 
I feel like the teenagers that do drugs like heroin or angel dust and get drunk and are on a tighter leash. Their doing drugs and drinking is their way of rebelling against their parents. 
I could be wrong though, but from personal experience; I say the tighter the leash is on a teenager the more screwed up they'll turn out. I want to know what you guys think. 
Should parents keep a tight leash on their kids, or let them live now and then?
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
Overstreet wants to see more tunes like “Red Solo Cup” for Sam. “I’d like to sing a classic country song. That’s what I grew up singing and writing with my dad being a country music writer. Sam has had a lot of hardships and been through so many ups and downs that I’d like to see something for him where he may have stumbled onto something great.
Chord Overstreet [x] (via s-mchel)
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
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Anyone else agree?
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
my mom’s like why are you awake at 3am and im like why are you so obsessed with me
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xo-batman-xoxo · 11 years
Brad said Samchel's going to happen?
Yes. However, there are rumors that Samcedes will happen. BUT- my theory is that Samcedes will have their time together. Then, Samchel will happen. When asked about the Movin' Out episode and if there will be a Sam and Rachel relationship; Brad said "there was a hint. There's something nice about the two. Not yet." And that is what I know. But, Samchel will happen sometime soon.
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