xombe · 7 months
rvb scooby doo mystery incorporated au just hear me out
sarge is fred, donut is daphne, simmons is velma, grif is shaggy and lopez is scooby
but at the same time another mystery incorporated team is in the same high school, investigating the same things
wash as fred, tucker as daphne, church as velma, caboose as shaggy, freckles as scooby
do you get me??
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xombe · 7 months
Can you draw that snail? You know the one who got out of Grian's power and started to eat Gem's lighthouse?
little guy <3
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alternatively: big guy.
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xombe · 7 months
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Lost July ☆
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xombe · 7 months
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xombe · 7 months
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xombe · 7 months
(Here’s the beginning of the interview Andrews has with Sarge, so she can share what the Reds and Blues have been up to with the universe)
“Well, I’m not sure where you want to start-”
“Now, now…” Andrews said, her voice both amused and patient. “I won’t be exposing any secrets you want to keep, you’ll have the final word on what information I share publicly, but between the two of us? Let’s try to keep things simple, and honest. After all, we ARE on a first-name basis!”
The old soldier was quiet a moment. A short moment, but for Sarge, being quiet was about as rare as hen’s teeth.
“Fair enough, Dylan…” he answered at last. “But the name is one of the things we keep quiet about, understand?”
“Absolutely… can I ask one question, though? Just for my own curiosity,” her curiosity often got the best of her, and certainly created problems occasionally… but that was why she was a reporter. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but satisfaction is what kept bringing her back.
“Hmph. Fine. Shoot,”
“I’ve never heard a name like yours before. Just what was the inspiration when it was chosen for you?”
Another quiet moment. Andrews was beginning to think he was simply going to ignore the question, and if that was the case, she would move on rather than press the subject. However-
“When I was born, which was MORE than 29 years ago, I ADMIT IT… m’family didn’t name me right away. Not too many infants survived their first few weeks back then… it was a different world back then, see- you’re too young, you never lived in a war-zone, but that’s what it was like. So, they waited to see if… well, you know how you’re not supposed to name anything, or else you’ll get attached? ‘Folks were worried about getting attached to ME, because maybe I wasn’t even gonna live too long… but a few weeks went by, then a couple months, and I was still breathin’!” he chuckled a bit to himself before continuing.
“I guess I was the only baby that made it, and the group of survivors my family stayed with- they all supported each other. A whole bunch of people took turns watching over this little bundle of joy! Everybody had a different name they liked to call me, and when it was time to give me a REAL name… it all got combined together. One big name, from more than a dozen different people, who all came from different places, and spoke different languages… I was the only baby any of them had, so I suppose they gave me all the names of… their kids who weren’t with them…”
“That’s… oh, Sarge, I don’t know what to say, that’s INCREDIBLE… it might be the sweetest thing’ I’ve ever heard-” it was true, Andrews didn’t know what it was like to be born directly into a war-zone; and at the time the man sitting in front of her was a child, the Earth had been under attack by enemies from outer space… not to mention all the never-ending fights between humans who decided they hated other humans enough to kill each other. No, she hadn’t lived through that, but she had seen documents and footage.
Many towns and cities were destroyed, and groups of people would try to band together; they formed new little communities, some traveling like nomads, others attempting to stay out in one place, but all generally learning to rely on one another for safety and survival. Generations of children were lost during this time… from injury, illness, or lack of food. To think that she was now speaking to somebody who had grown up in that world, protected and nurtured by an extended-family of people who had been brought together by necessity, but stayed together by choice. That choice had, in fact, been to make sure a child could LIVE.
“I know, I know! Tragic and heart-warming… it’s practically Oscar-bait! But remember what we agreed on, not a word to anybody else! Bad enough that whipper-snapper apple-Jax knows…” he grumbled.
“Yes, I understand…” she couldn’t help but get a little choked-up, though.
“And, for the record- I mean, this is OFF the record, make sure to keep it that way! But just so YOU know, I’m not a bit embarrassed about my name! That’s not why I don’t wanna share it… it’s just…” Sarge seemed to struggle to find the words. “The people who named me are gone. All of them. And this wasn’t just my name, it was the name they gave me… someday, I’m probably going to die on a battlefield, being taken out by an enemy, and God-willing, I’ll be wearing my RED ARMOR- but when that happens, whoever kills me… I don’t wanna hear them saying that name. It was good name that good people gave me, so… so…”
“… you don’t want somebody who hates you to use the name that was made by people who loved you,” Andrews finished.
“Hurrrgh- if you WANT to read into it like that and add lots of mushy, emotional subtext, sure!” Sarge made several grunts and groans, crossing his arms across his chest and turning his helmet away to avoid looking at her.
“You are a surprisingly deep and sensitive individual, Sarge…” Andrews marveled.
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xombe · 7 months
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ok so. I may have made designs for Every Single Minecraft effect [except glowing because its already visible and invisibility cause. yknow]
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xombe · 7 months
Amazing framing, I like how the foliage is drawn and the emphasis on Evan/HABIT standing in the center
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excuse my manners if i make a scene
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xombe · 7 months
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This bit of Grians episode made me laugh so hard omg
also I saw someone point out that the battle bots arc started and ended with Docs machinery getting blown up lol
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xombe · 7 months
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that's his chaos child
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xombe · 7 months
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Ramattra's big hands are for holding
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xombe · 7 months
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Robots give solid hugs too
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xombe · 7 months
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xombe · 7 months
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zombie apocalypse AU ive been cooking up
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xombe · 7 months
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Thinking about pre-villainmode Temple
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xombe · 7 months
Brain was always there; as an actor on Marble Hornets, as a partner to the masked man, he lived right under the audience's nose. He haunts the narrative, almost every clue every hunt has his fingerprints on it. Behind the scenes, pulling the strings, trying to drive the players in the right direction, he's an agent of the Web.
Where Brian goes after the figure drags him away is unknown. Alex tells us that he, along with the rest of the actors, is gone, so it's safe to assume that either Alex thought he killed Brian, or that the Operator got him. He doesn't stay gone forever, though, and rejoins the narrative as the hooded man, chasing some unknown goal, though ever present.
As the hooded man Brian works with the masked man in the early season. The only goal confirmed for the audience is his desire to kill Alex, which we see him almost accomplish in the rock scene. When Tim partners up with Jay, the hooded man attempts to reconnect with him through cryptic messages. The "LIAR" written on the hospital wall when Tim and Jay investigated it was meant for Tim, though the meaning behind the message is unknown.
Noting Brian's potential involvement with Totheark adds to the connection. Entry #61 heavily implies that the hooded man is involved with Totheark in some form, whether that be as the sole entity, or part of the collective. Totheark has a larger goal than just killing Alex, otherwise he would have no reason to taunt Jay or drive him toward "the ark."
Were I to attach another entity to Brian, it would either be the Lonely because of his isolation from the rest of the group.
Much of this connection relies on Brian being part of Totheark, something I attempted to avoid in the beginning, but realized you can't talk about him without mentioning the theory. I really enjoy Brian's character, because he doesn't have much confirmed in the narrative he's an open book for crafting theories and fan content.
Alex // Jay // Tim
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xombe · 7 months
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richey edwards quote spoke to me and said this was alex kralie
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