xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter ELEVEN.
When Lacey comes too the chase down the demon that escaped with their best friend captured in it's claws. They search all over town ad can't find her and are running out of town when a boy from their school, named Jayden appears from out of nowhere and tells them the demon took Halo to the Silo bridge.
"Well how do you even know what going on?" Etheria questions him. But lacy tries to tell her that they don't have time to argue.
"Don't you think word would have gotten out that you found a magic book and now your trying to become magic?" He taunts at them. "I mean no one at our school can keep us secret."
"Your all a bunch of preps and you wish you could be as cool as we are!" Etheria shoots back but Jayden is already gone.
They find silo bridge and the demon is there but there was no sign of Halo. At this point Etheria stars casting magic at the demon out of anger in blacks out in performed the fire spell perfectly burning the demon away but they couldn't find Halo.
Now with the demon gone and Etheria calmed down from her rage they look for their friend.
"What if he threw her over the bridge!?!" Etheria calls after ten minutes of looking for her. "You know she can't swim"
"Don't worry. We'll find her." Lacey calls back.
Then suddenly Halo appears she standing in between the two of them in a flash of blur of light and her eyes are blacked over in our hair is glowing red and her skin is glowing. All of a sudden a ton of loud whispering voices filled the air. And then Halo let's out a blood curdling scream and grabs Etheria by the hair. Lacey runs to her rescue but as soon as she gets to the two of them, Halo kicks her in the throat, and she goes flying.
But when she wasn't liking Etheria grabs her by the hair and they fall to the floor pulling at each other's hair.
"I think she's possessed by that demon!" Lacey calls and runs and jumps into the fight and with super human strength, Halo throws them in two different directions at once.
It was impossible to beat her. Their best friend was possessed by a demon and they were loosing the fight and couldn't even save her.
Then they rush in to fight one more time with no other options when Jayden appears out of nowhere behind Halo and stabs her in the back of the head with. Knife killing her..
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter TEN.
So Lacey saved her friend and in the explosion, manages to save the book but it was too late for Deondra. Who was thrown in the the depths of the seven realms of hell.
She was forever in debt to the god of death Hades himself and before she could pay that debt she was killed.in the explosion from not being able to control her powers.
Upon learning this the three protagonist only learn about the three keys of God and the devil and must have all three keys to get Deondra back so they can learn how to become immortal.
The three girls agree to get the keys and get Deondra back the safe way, but don't know how to even start without any power. So they go too an oracle that tells them that a prophecy is about to become true and the one true goddess of the light name legendary will come true and this will change their lives forever. And also that they can learn magic if they each bond their names to the spirit realm and welcome the eternal power of Rashmi, the first humm ever to return from death.
"We don't even care about the prophecy you old bitch." Lacey tells her. "Just tell us where we can learn magic!" And with this new information the oracle decides that this will help the prophecy and mentions DARK HEX MAGIC, which Halo remembers reading about in the book. So they leave without any help from the oracle, and return home to the book and read about DARK HEX magic and how to bind their names.
So They go into lacy's backyard and perform the spell, one lays in the circle, while the other two read the spell and light the candles and the one laying in the circle Complete the spell by agreeing to bind her name into the book forever to be able to perform immediate magic. The spell works in two of the girls can now perform magic at which is Halo and Etheria, Lacey can't special magic and be a witch because she is already a vampire.
When they decide to test to see if they really got powers they're interupted by a demon appearing out of the book and knocks Lacey out with one thrash of it's arms and grabs Halo. Etheria tries a spell of fire but nothing happens and the demon escapes with Halo.
Please write me a good review on Goodreads and share them on Tumblr!! Thnxs and I 💛 you!!
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter NINE.
It was a loud manic panic in the hallway. Three girls were screaming at a girl to give them back their stuff before something bad happened. "NO, if you want your stupid little book, then you have to meet me a Decatur park and listen to my demands.
The girls kept screaming and one slapped me, while the other pulled my hair. It happened so fast by the time. Teacher came I was on the floor with a ripped slipknot t shirt.
We are ended up in the principles office with nothing to say I would guilty of one thing ceiling but the other girl first guilty of trying to fight me all at once. They stared with me and glares at me as I tried to tell my side of this story but the principal wasn't trying to hear it there was too much commotion going on in too much trouble being caused by the four of us that with already too far out of hand So the principles sent us all to in school suspension, and it totally sucked.
So the next day we all met a Decatur park and I had a complete surprise. I read the book and performed a magic spell and turn myself into a goddess spirit.
I had powers now and was forever in debt to a god for granting me the powers.
So when they tried to steal the book back I blew up the park out of anger, revealing that Lacey Moth was a vampire…
This book is a complete reimagined storytelling. So yes it is a fanfiction. I 🧡you so much.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Lacey, Etheria, and Halo are the three weird goth girls, that nobody understands. But when they find a book called the bible of Other, their whole lives change.With secrets, Dark intentions, and decietful actions keep promising, they set out to face and battle the Gods for their own worse enemy.A VAMPIRE'S LUST is Available to stream online for free on its own website written by @XDaZomboyOfficial or @Xoutmysoul...
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Lacey Moth is a goth vampire girl like no other. She holds her secret the best she could freshman year as she faces battling the Gods and every evil spirit and demon possible, to save her best friends worst enemy. But you know what they say? A enemy of my friend is a enemy of mine too. But as Lacey, Etheria, and Halo all seek to save Deondra from the evil debt she owed to Hades for their own selfish reasons, when they face the Gods? No one expected the final plot twist after many turns.With deep topics such a dealing with depression, social anxiety awareness, and self care, you learn a lot in the pages of this book, and it's guaranteed that you will fly through this novel, because it's a real page turner!!
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter EIGHT.
"Okay you all know that girl, Halo right?"
Deondra asked in the private meeting she ordered of all the alternative kids at highschool to attend.
"Yeah of course we do." Jacob answered. "What's going on why are we here? We haven't had a secrete emergency meeting since that time Parker threw up going down the slide in the playground.,"
"It's time I exact my revenge on what she did to me yesterday." I said promptly.
"So I'm leaving the group from here on out, and my one rule is you CANNOT follow me." 
"Wait tho why??" Ashley asked. 
"I have to do it alone. And trust me I know what I'm doing." I told them all, and with that I was no longer apart of the Emo's at highland highschool. I was no longer their leader either.
"But before I go, does anybody know a good lead for me to start?" 
It fell quietly as they all took it in there would no longer be a leader of the Emo's.
No one knew what to say.
"Yeah I heard they found a book they've been obsessed over you could still it and read their secrets!" Samantha says.
I agreed and left the group, forever. Now it was time to go to war.
My plan was simple, steal the book third period from Halo's locker and red their secrets, Leave an anonymous note telling them I know their secrets and they can only get the book back if Halo agrees to my agreements.
So after second period I waited untill the bell rang and I broke into her locker, but no book. I threw her jacket and three books on the floor but nothing.
I heard a teacher coming around the corner and so I stuffed the things back into the locker and ran.
It was so weird the book wasn't there. Maybe this book wasn't a normal book, did I get myself into something bigger than I could handle?
Well no.
There was nothing I couldn't handle, and with that I continue to try to steal the book.
I sat alone in the far corner of the cafeteria. I had to explain to my third period teacher I was late because I started my period, but she didn't believe me, so I ended up on the principal's office.
I sat alone where no one could see me. I couldn't believe I got myself stuck in this mess over a rumor Kayla Starton started.
And there was no way out but to do something drastic. So I waited untill the got up to throw their lunch away and grabbed the book and ran for it.
I don't know who saw me, and I probably looked like a idiot, but I got the diary.
Except when I got home I realized this wasn't a diary full of secrets. It was some freaky gothic bible with strange text in it on how to become a goddess.
I read as much as I could never looking backwards. Why? Because tomorrow the girls would know I stole their prescious little book. 
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter SEVEN.
And then a teacher barrged in and it was over.
"What is going on in here!?"
But the three of us ran off laughing while Deondra was still covered in milk.
We ran down the hallway laughing as my friends asked me what was all of that about.
I told them I would tell them in the bus on the way home from school.
And so I did.
Just like that we were in a war with the emo kids and the most popular emo girl there ever was Deondra.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter SIX.
It all started when Kayla Starton said that she knew that Halo had a crush on Derrick Atterman, and she told everybody in 9th grade that Halo had a crush on him.
But that wasn't it.
When Riley told everybody it was because Derrick didn't like her back because he was a freak, but he had a crush on Deondra.
When the word spread, Halo was super embarrassed and literally wanted to kill herself because she was so embarrassed.
But it wasn't untill Deondra talking in the bathroom with her friends that Halo should leave school because she was a clown and no one even cared about her feelings to stop the rumors.
Halo begins to cry in the bathroom stall where she was hiding in and realized she could do something better.
By third period everyone had heard about my crush on Derrick Atterman, and I was sitting of super embarrassment every second.
But I had a plan to not only get back at Deondra, but to stab Riley and Kayla Starton in the back too.
See everybody knew that the preps from our school could pull the strings. But I had a secrete weapon. I was one of he only goth girls in this whole school and I could pull strings too.
"Everybody knows that you started that rumor about me and Derrick." I called to Deondra getting her attention.
"Why did you do that?" She snarled.
"Everybody knows you and your friends are JELOUSE of me and my friends."
"You're a fucking emo!?!" I called and Lacey and Etheria finally catch up in the bathroom. "You are hands down the lamest students here!!" I yell.
Before responding Deondra looks at me and my friends and finally she replies "you and your friends are just wanna be freaks." She wipes the tears from her eyes and settles This.
"You do know that this means war right?"
At first I said nothing.
I knew exactly what I did when I hit her in the face with that chocolate milk but I never thought that she would want to fight back, all I knew was that I was gonna fight back too and this war was gonna go on for as long as we wanted it too.
"Don't cry over spilled milk." I tell her with a shrug and my friends laugh.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter FIVE.
It was finally my turn to receive the book it was a Thursday night and we had all crashed at Lacey's house and she passed the book to me the lights were low and all time low is playing in the background It was the perfect environment for me to come face to truly of what I was really thinking in that moment that one day We will become great guards in this was the beginning.
With solemnly on knew that we couldn't just become God's all of sudden it would take a lot of learning practice and strength in ourselves to carry on the deed of becoming God's but that didn't worry was that the strength of the group would weaken and we would each seek different things in time.
As I was distracted again me the book and I snap back into the reality of everything that was really going on we were God's and not only were we gods, we were destined for greatness. And I would do anything to protect my friends.
"You now posses the bible of Other, what you do with it in your possession will be trusted." Lacey said.
"You are not only I control of your destiny, but also contribute to the group, so please be wise and know that you are trusted here. And never alone."
Halo spoke.
And they looked to each other in agreement and passed the book to me.
By the time I got home from our super ultra cool goth night party, I was super tired but still got home and couldn't help but read the book.
I overheard Halo talking about something about which is that caught my ear earlier in the night and I quickly flipped to that page. But when I got one of that I ended up flipping to the end of the book and found something super ultra interesting something that would change the whole perspective of what I wanted to do with this book alone what I wanted to do with the book with my friends.
"Here you guys go. I totally don't need the book anymore." I tell Halo and Lacey.
Why? What do you mean?" Halo asked.
"Well I read something in the back of the book and it totally scared me. 
So I don't want to be apart of this scary shit anymore."
"We can just talk bout something else then that's fine.
I'm so sorry it scared you.
And anyways I totally found something better to do." Halo says.
"No it's cool. I just really don't want too."
I lied. And we grabbed our food and st down at our normal spot away from the emo kids.
We didn't hate the emo kids but we made sure no one ever confused us because Halo especially didn't like that.
Plus anyway they were all weird and they decided to fit in together and be weird together.
"So anyways..." Halo says picking up her chocolate milk carton. "There's a war between us and the emo kids." She says. "So you guys better be ready for whatever going to happen after this."
"Wait, after what?" We both asked, and then Halo throws her milk carton filled with chocolate milk in Deondra's face. She was the queen of the Emo's. 
When people started laughing, she stood up and ran out of the cafeteria and Halo jumps out of her chair and calls"come on!" As she quickly followed out of the cafeteria.
"Wait what's going on?" Lacey laughed as she jumped up, and the two girls left the cafeteria and followed their friend. 
This wasn't over.
Halo followed Deondra into the bathroom where she stood there in the mirror crying.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Lacey Moth is a goth vampire girl like no other. She holds her secret the best she could freshman year as she faces battling the Gods and every evil spirit and demon possible, to save her best friends worst enemy. But you know what they say? A enemy of my friend is a enemy of mine too. But as Lacey, Etheria, and Halo all seek to save Deondra from the evil debt she owed to Hades for their own selfish reasons, when they face the Gods? No one expected the final plot twist after many turns.With deep topics such a dealing with depression, social anxiety awareness, and self care, you learn a lot in the pages of this book, and it's guaranteed that you will fly through this novel, because it's a real page turner!!
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter FOUR.
My name is ETHERIA, and I have no last name. On the first day of school me my friends went on the gothic adventure that was the coolest thing to ever happen to any goth ever. And on the way home we found a book it's called the Bible of other and we read some of the chapters in decided that we would all try to become spirits of the underworld and become powerful goddesses that lived powerful lives hidden in the magic of the Bible. But I couldn't wait to read the Bible on my own so I could get my very own selfish amount of power out of the book and become the most powerful gothic vampire dark soul girl that ever existed in life. We decided that we will share the book everybody would get a week to read and decide on what they wanted from the book and I was going second I waited and waited for a long time even though I didn't trust Lacey with the book and I especially didn't trust Halo I was gonna do my own thing with the book in this led me to believe that they couldn't be trusted at all for a little bit I sat in my room listening to my chemical romance and blasting music in my room I start alone and waited and into this baby the day I could read the book on my own then my mom came into my room and she told me your music is too loud so I told her to shut up and threw a pillow at her and she left because she didn't want to argue with me because the last time that we argued I punched the door and slammed the door in her face after calling her a b**** she knew not to mention me and I knew that I could easily make her mad and it was her fault that my dad left her because she was crazy and always mad and she secretly knew I had been cutting myself because he left us.
I had so many plans for the school year like finding a boyfriend and making more frames and even spreading rumors about my English teacher who I hated that he was having sex with the head two leader in giving him fired the principle wouldn't believe me because I was always in trouble but the counselor had to believe me so when I was ready to spread that rumor I was going to tell everyone including the council that I thought from myself that way by the time the counselor with it do his research everybody in the school would already know I was just a weird lonely gothic girl so why would anybody think that I would lie and this was my plan at the beginning of the year because I was dark-minded dark spirited and I was super bored. Also I was lonely so I was hoping like getting a boyfriend would be cool so he could take me in a concert in we could explore the local medals he because all the grown-ups got to go to metal concerts and we were too young to even go to the bars where they all hung out so I was gonna do my plan in fulfill the great prophecy of running everybody's lives including my friends if they got in my way.
So I paste my room thinking about what I would do and say with that friend of their negative day at the bus stop because they were so boring me. Even though I didn't hate them I always had to pick on them because they knew that we had to be the coolest golf girls ever to exist and they were doing lame stuff and taking too long to make moves and it made me nervous that we would fail in in the being try hard like the rest of the posers and emo kids at our school that we totally ignored.
But that totally didn't bother me the one thing that bothered me was the head emo girl that everybody knew that I hated in everybody knew that she hated me in hunting with Deondra. The head of the Emo's.
My biggest part of the plan was I was gonna ruin her life first standing up against me and for being an emo golf girl because she wasn't even smart enough to be a god so I was gonna ruin her like and make sure that she was never popular we can and even make some of the emo kids turn off so they could be our followers and then get a god boyfriend because everybody on the internet was always talking about how golf girls need a golf boyfriend and now super hot guys love to listen to Marilyn Manson and we're gonna sneak into the mail and maintain concert below did my friends know that I was gonna try to get them backstage so we can meet me on the mountain in all his hard friends and I could have sex with their base player Twiggy Ramirez.
The next day I will excited to talk to my friends because I think that I was never going to tell them even though my friends were pillar than me and were doctor closed and me and had more spiked changes and beautiful outfits that I secretly couldn't afford because my mom was a hater never took me to hot topic I had a plan to become a more extreme goth girl than they ever could have been. I was gonna become a witch first and learn all the magic spells I the bible of Other and become the strongest goth witch ever.
Thank you so much for reading another Chapter, I'd you are really a fan of this book you can show me love by Sharing this book with all your friends. And NO I don't hate emo kids,I was emo once but then I grew up and became the awesome goth I was destined to be so thank you very much.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Lacey, Etheria, and Halo are the three weird goth girls, that nobody understands. But when they find a book called the bible of Other, their whole lives change.With secrets, Dark intentions, and decietful actions keep promising, they set out to face and battle the Gods for their own worse enemy.A VAMPIRE'S LUST is Available to stream online for free on its own website written by @XDaZomboyOfficial or @Xoutmysoul...
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Lacey Moth is a goth vampire girl like no other. She holds her secret the best she could freshman year as she faces battling the Gods and every evil spirit and demon possible, to save her best friends worst enemy. But you know what they say? A enemy of my friend is a enemy of mine too. But as Lacey, Etheria, and Halo all seek to save Deondra from the evil debt she owed to Hades for their own selfish reasons, when they face the Gods? No one expected the final plot twist after many turns.With deep topics such a dealing with depression, social anxiety awareness, and self care, you learn a lot in the pages of this book, and it's guaranteed that you will fly through this novel, because it's a real page turner!!
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter THREE.
We started passing the book after I had three days to read as far as I could into the book.
And so far I had to admit that the Bible was changing my life forever I was a vampire no one knew I was a golf girl and everybody thought that I was incredible and awesome and totally talented in amazing in unlike any other golf girl that had ever existed before me and I was gonna totally transcend time and space and beat every goth girl that was after me.
So I seriously read the book every night for the next three days and it totally consumed me.
I was writing down everything I learned in sticky notes and made a map on my way that was color coronated and didn't tell anyone but I was totally obsessing over how cool this book was. I was even feeling like the book was making me cooler by association and that played a big part of why I was so into reading it.
The three girls sit in a circle laughing and reading the bible. Etheria is showing off the scars on her wrist, Halo is talking about her obsession with Chris Motionless, and I am truly smiling at the memories being ade with my best friends before the world changed. In the next three days everything would change, and little did we know the prophecy would tell of a beginning, even a origin that we would clash into and nothing would be the same.
"Hey you guys I have a small question.." Etheria says quietly. "I was thinking and well, would you guys keep a secrete from the group if it was a secrete that could change our lives?"
And before Lacey could respond a wave of guilt washes over her.
"Well why?" Halo asks in return interrupting Lacey's guilt.
"Well I want for us to trust each other. You know we found the bible of Other an it could really change everything… But I don't want for us to keep secrets." Etheria says. "Like what if I was planning to do something without you and it could hurt the group? If it was you would you tell..??"
They said looks down at our hands guilty it says nothing for a moment that she looks Etheria in the eyes and for moment considers telling them she is a vampire.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter TWO.
School was totally boring and nothing really happened that was important So I waited after school at the bus stop for my friends to meet up with me and decided to tease them into going into an adventure after school and go into the forest.
At first they didn't want to do it but I convinced them to do it because I was the most popular and Of course Etheria Wanted to do it because she wanted to go on gothic Adventures and be the coolest girls in all of our school so we did it.
We found an opening in the trees and sat in a circle and pray to the Gods that we would have a good year living in black and white in that our misery and pain would adapt to a new level, and our torture would appeased to our normal lives.
As a goth I didn't really believe in God I believed in multiple gods like a pagan but I was God so I was a lot cooler when I did it and it made a lot of sense when you read about it. This made since to my friends, who didn't know I was a vampire and secretly hoped my friends would become vampires too so I could truly tell them my secrets. On the way home we passed an abandoned mansion and noticed something sitting on the doorstep it was a box Amazon and we jumped over the fence and grabbed the box and ran away laughing as we stole the box and didn't know what was in it little did we know this we change our fate and our destiny and the entire story of a vampire's lust began.
We got to my house and ran up to my room in the upstairs part of the house and we open the box finding that it was actually a book of shadows. A book of shadows is a magic witch book that witches used to write spells in but this book was completed and turned out to be a Bible. A Bible called the Bible of other.
We didn't know what that until we opened the book and read the first three pages the table of contents and the introduction it was a Bible of the underworld and a type of dictionary of all the different spirits, high priestesses, and Gods.
This really interested me because I was a vampire and didn't know much of the afterlife except for the fact that I believed in multiple Gods and that I knew that it interested Etheria and Halo because it was a super gothic looking book that was huge in the pages were double-sided and thick and had gothic text in it, and we had really hit the gold mine for our very first gothic adventure.
"This book is so cool." Etheria said. She got up and went over to my vinyl player and Put on my new Marilyn Manson vinyl called WE ARE CHAOS. I loved that Vinyl and listened to it every night since I bought it and it really comforted me, especially now that I was making memories with my friends.
Etheria sat back down and pointed out a part of the book we had missed. "It says that we can even become powerful spirits in the after life of we do this special spell."
"Too bad we can't do it and try it out." I tell her.
"Well maybe we should try it." She tells me and nudges me laughing and it made me laugh too.
I hope you like the story so far! I spoke with the creator of 9corpsestudioz, and he told me he is reading the book online and loves it so far. So I hope you guys like it too!! I will be updating this book every weekend on Friday or Saturday at midnight so keep looking for updates every weekend. Also I'm sorry the character development is going so slow I know you guys want to get into the story but it will all make since after the process is done.
I 💜 you all. Thnxs.
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter ONE.
In the beginning, there was three. There was a legend in the prophecy amongst the city. Of the one.
Known by many, the prophecy was that someone would one day be sacrificed and transformed into a goddess, a high priestess, and a very well known spirit of the after life also known as Legacy.
This begins the story as three girls find the bible of Other, and betray each other as they part ways each one deciding to use the bible of Other for different reasons.
This the story.
My name is Lacey. And I'm a natural born vampire apart of the GOTHOM bloodline.
I loved wearing black because it fits me, everyone at school called me a school shooter and said I dressed like a freak, and that I was weird because I was goth.
This was freshman year and A new beginning for me and my friends, Etheria and Halo, who are also goth. Together we shared our spiked chokers and laced black leggings and black Tim boots.
No one knew I was a vampire not even my friends and it has always been hard for me because I never wanted to fit in but it also made it harder for me.
I woke up in the morning and dreadfully had to get ready for school even when I didn't want too.
I decided to wear my My chemical romance shirt and some black skinny jeans, with my black suspenders and gold rings in my left hand and three wide band black bracelets from bring me the horizon and suicide silence and The devil wears Prada. I was goth but I really loved metalcore bands because it was so hardcore and it always reached my heart with the lyrics and changed me and made me think I could be happy in this sad cold dying world.
I left my house and met up with Etheria and Halo at the bus stop and for a while it was just us three, so we talked and laughed in the morning chill air about what the school year was going to be like.
Etheria, then changes the subject to how each of us were going to make the school year interesting because she was bored already. 
"Well I hope that we can go to the Marilyn Manson concert at the end of the school year because everyone has been talking about how big of a freak he is becoming and I hope to see it in a live performance." I said.
"I hope that we can make it to the famous senior party even though we are totally goth." Halo says. "But I think everyone wants a goth girlfriend, so we could go and be popular for once."
"Well for me I hope that we can go on adventures and be the total coolest goth girls to ever exist because we never even really try and we are the coolest girls that stick together and we are legends." Etheria says. "But we can change the subject because here comes the first person waiting for the bus so we don't have to talk about that anymore."
Eventually more students came to ride the bus and then bus came early in the morning and we went to school.
Today was the first day of school and little did I know our journey will begin as the most gothic adventure to ever exist in all of time in space would take place and we would fulfill that prophecy of the greatest three.
Specially thanks to 9corpseStudioz for helping me edit this story and giving me a venue to stream this book online.
I am goth.
Thank you so much for all the followers on this main page and if you want more of this story please like and leave a comment.
I ❤️ you all. 
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