xplosionheart · 4 years
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He’s out and about on his early morning jog.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
Shit I heard on Chopped - Starters Edition.
❝This gonna be good.❞
❝Butter fixes everything.❞
❝I miss being home.❞
❝When you know how to eat, you know how to cook.❞
❝I’m a badass.❞
❝That was kind of hot.❞
❝Are you calling me a weakling?❞
❝How do you feel?❞
❝Winning isn’t everything.❞
❝You’re too salty. Relax.❞
❝I’m gonna have to quiet the demons.❞
❝She’s having a meltdown. What a shame.❞
❝I like unicorns, and I like juggling.❞
❝I want to know what love is.❞
❝This is a second career for me.❞
❝I don’t understand it. I’m just baking it.❞
❝We don’t have time for this.❞
❝Mayonnaise can be a powerful force in the universe.❞
❝Oh my gosh, this is super stressful.❞
❝I crave attention.❞
❝Don’t tell my mom, but my dad has a crush on you.❞
❝I need a beer.❞
❝Can I give you a hug?!❞
❝My mother always told me, be a duck.❞
❝Dessert is my nemesis.❞
❝I’m glad to hear you say the truth.❞
❝You have to find confidence from within. Its not gonna come from anyone else.❞
❝Don’t talk over me.❞
❝I think you’re wrong.❞
❝It tastes like food.❞
❝I just want to do what I love.❞
❝I have no plan.❞
❝Does it really matter if you die young? If you’ve enjoyed yourself up to that point?❞
❝You went overboard.❞
❝My mouth is on fire.❞
❝I have to go.❞
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xplosionheart · 4 years
‘‘Ah, sorry.’‘
Slowly letting go, he settled for holding his hand instead. Just as dangerous really, but he wanted to stay near Bakugo just a bit longer. He was so warm, it was so comforting to him. But he had been his friend long enough to know when to expect an explosion, a soft smile still on his face.
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‘‘Thank you for putting up with me. I know you don’t really like me too much, but it’s nice of you to tolerate me. That’s why you’re my best friend, and why I love being with you~’‘
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A brief glare is given, but Katsuki allows his hand to be held onto for a bit. Deku’s words bring a scoff out of him, but he doesn’t retaliate with his verbal barbs or pulling away like he would have a year ago.
“Stop thanking me for dumb shit like this...” Is what he’s able to grumble out for the moment, as the blond himself really isn’t sure how he feels about Deku-No Izuku anymore. With how complex and intricate their relationship was...Could they be considered friends? Was he just tolerating Izuku?
Or was there something more. He was tired of the tears, that much was certain.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
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Mina’s concerned look turned upwards into a confident smile, Katsuki was hard to read sometimes given his scowl and rough tendencies. But seeing him content really made her the most happy, especially having him try her dad’s donuts for the first time! “I’m glad you like it! I love the pon de rings the most!”
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“...Whatever.” He grumbled, before taking another bite. At the very least he wasn’t snapping or walking off after having gotten what he wanted. Despite his rude rebuttals, he was at least decent enough to stand around and let Mina ramble about whatever she wanted, not that he had any particular interest in what it was. 
Although it did make him curious. 
Just slightly.
“You get your Quirk from him or something?” He blurted out, unabashed. She was the one who brought up her father.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
This seemed to really put a stop for the tears, Izuku instantly starting to snuggle closer. The warmth mixing with the caramel smell from his quirk, it really was all he needed to calm down. Relaxing more and more, Izuku soon leaned up to press a thankful kiss to his cheek. He was happy, he was calm, and he had his dearest friend. There was nothing more that the green boy needed.
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‘‘Thank you…this is why I love you~’‘
Of course Izuku had no idea there was a difference between platonic and romantic love. He just thought love was something for everyone, even if the statement could be taken as something else. But again, he had no idea what he really felt for the blond.
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Katsuki tensed at the soft pressure against his face, as well as the words that tumbled from Deku’s lips. It caused his hands to twitch for a moment, and he had to strongly fight the urge to push the other off of him. He grit his teeth and decided to bear with it for just a moment longer...
A sharp inhale, and Katsuki was releasing his breath slowly as he kept himself calm. Deku clinging to him the way he was felt a bit constricting after so long, and it started to remind the blond of an incident he’d rather forget. He couldn’t help but squirm a bit though, finding himself growing more and more uncomfortable.
“Are you done yet or what?” He finally snapped.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
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She jolted from his usual sharp tongue and handed him the last lemon donut from the bag. “I can ask my dad to bring some apple fritters next time!”
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Katsuki all but snatched the donut as it was handed to him, not even caring what type it was before bringing it to his mouth and tearing a bite out of it much more harsh than necessary. There was his usually pinched expression before he started chewing, and slowly it morphed into something more neutral.
“...It’s good.”
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xplosionheart · 4 years
‘‘A-ah…y-yeah…sorry…uhm, c-can I just…h-have a hug first? Please? You’re always so warm so…y-your hugs would be nice right now…’‘
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Not to mention he finally didn’t risk getting his face exploded off, Izuku loving the softer side that his childhood friend had to him. It was the only thing that kept him believing that Bakugo didn’t mean to be so cruel to him for all those years, that he maybe just couldn’t help it. He always believed in the best in people, even when it came to the person who had broken him down time and time again.
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Katsuki inhaled sharply, holding his breath for a moment to keep from making a cruel remark or answering in a demeaning manner, before he slowly released it through his teeth. It wasn’t a completely unreasonable request, and he could faintly recall them being small toddler clambering over each other in messy rough housing embraces before.
With a hefty sigh as if he was set upon doing a difficult request, one arm came to loop around Deku’s neck, yanking the nerd as close to him as possible and tightening his arm, making the hold definite. He kept the other hanging by his side, and pointedly looked anywhere but down.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
‘‘Th-that’s…y-you’re right…I’m s-sorry Kacchan…I’m sorry. I’ll try harder now, and…I’m sorry for getting tears all over you. And I’m sorry for being such a crybaby…I know it annoys you.’‘
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At least he had calmed some, but at the same time it meant he’d spend the next few minutes apologizing for absolutely everything while also being stuck to Bakugo. He needed hugs right now, and as no one else was around the blond bomb just had to endure it for now. Though at least it would result in a present of spicy food, as Izuku would feel bad if he didn’t make up for it somehow.
Katsuki grit his teeth as apology after apology spilled from Deku’s mouth, the only thing holding him back was the fact that the waterworks had at least slowed. Now the nerd was just overreacting and out shitty apologies. Didn’t he understand by now that if something was a bother to Katsuki he straight up wouldn’t deal with it. And who was he to determine what did and didn’t annoy him.
A grumble, and the blond quickly reached up to dig him fingers into Deku’s cheeks, although he makes an effort not to pinch him too much. It effectively stopped the ramblings pouring out of his mouth, and Katsuki peeled his face upwards to force him to smile. 
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“Deku, again, shut the fuck up. Stop apologizing and just do it. You’re gonna try harder? Fine, fucking good for you. Gonna cry about being a literal crybaby? Fuck it’s a part of your personality. But stop apologizing, especially for shit that ain’t your fault or that you can’t fix.” Well, that was as nice as he could get for the moment, but at least he had held the insults back. Besides, he did not want Deku to return to the way he had been....In their middle school years.
“You fucking done now?”
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xplosionheart · 4 years
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He’s trying to hide from his self proclaimed ‘Bakusquad’. They’re trying to force him into a horrendous Christmas sweater.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
Hmm... Starters
“Well that’s an interesting predicament…”
“How did you get yourself there?”
“Care to share how you wound up in this situation?”
“I don’t want to talk about how or why I’m here, just help.”
“You have a thoughtful look on your face.”
“You’re looking a little spacey.”
“I could elaborate, but I won’t.”
“Can you explain this to me one more time?”
“I have questions, and I doubt you have answers to them.”
“I don’t think any amount of explanation is going to save whatever headache this is giving me.”
“I don’t need to explain anything.”
“I could tell you what happened, but you will not believe me.”
“I would like to claim plausible deniability.”
“Nothing you say is going to make this any better.”
“I put a lot of thought into this.”
“I didn’t think this through.”
“I thought about this a lot and it still came out like this.”
“Sometimes I just need a quiet place to think.”
“You really thought this all out?”
“It’s difficult to have a spare moment to myself these days.”
“You look suspicious.”
“I have no idea what you’re referring to.”
“Do you just stare while you think?”
“You have a thoughtful look about you, something up?”
“Hmm… oh what? Sorry, it’s nothing. Don’t worry.”
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xplosionheart · 4 years
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With a triumphant huff, Mina opened the small bag of donuts rummaging them to show “Do you want a regular one or maple glazed? I think there’s a lemon in here too!”
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“Doesn’t matter to me Raccoon eyes, just gimme one.” He huffs, his already thin patience dwindling. She should be happy he was even accepting one. But food was food, and he was a bit hungry.
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xplosionheart · 4 years
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“And then All Might swooped down and punched the villain’s head off.”
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xplosionheart · 4 years
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“Eh?” Mina blinked quickly in confusion only to grab a donut from the bag. “I just had extra from my dad and I can’t eat them all myself.”
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He gives her another once over, eyes narrowed before he finally releases a huff of air and hold out a hand expectantly. “Gimme.”
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xplosionheart · 5 years
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“You wanna donut? I have some to share.”
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Katsuki just kinda stares for a moment, eyes squinting. What does she want in return for offering him a donut?
“What’s the catch Raccoon Eyes?”
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xplosionheart · 5 years
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He hungry...
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xplosionheart · 5 years
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“Why do I have to dress up for this shitty season! Must be Deku’s fault!”
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xplosionheart · 5 years
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“I could say the same for you, little one. I hope you’re behaving yourself and taking care of your big brother.”
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“Of course I am!” He quips, sparing a smile as he thinks about his silly brother and the plans for Halloween. “I already got my costume together for Halloween. He’s been complaining about having to dress up.”
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