xrated-sel 7 years
this feeling just isn鈥檛 going to go away is it?
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xrated-sel 7 years
you don't remember a thing. a single thing. it's like everything we talked about meant nothing. and nothing is going to change.
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xrated-sel 7 years
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xrated-sel 7 years
things feel so weird right now
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xrated-sel 7 years
goin home to be ugly in peace is one of my fav things to do
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xrated-sel 7 years
i鈥檓 .... i don鈥檛 even know right now.
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xrated-sel 7 years
i can鈥檛 even express how happy i am right now. i know that me and matty have been super busy lately, but i can鈥檛 believe this is our first christmas together. we鈥檝e come such a long way, even as a whole family. i can鈥檛 believe that all of our families are going to be together in the home that we made ours. sometimes i just can鈥檛 believe how lucky i am to have him. we met almost a year ago (granted 10 or so days) but with this being our first christmas together, i just hope it goes perfectly - well, i know it will. i love him more than anything.
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xrated-sel 7 years
give each other head and chill
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xrated-sel 8 years
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xrated-sel 8 years
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Nerve (2016)聽dir. Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
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xrated-sel 8 years
I love you. I think I鈥檝e loved you since the moment we met, I was just too afraid to admit it. Because how you can you possibly love someone when all you know is that their laugh sounds like old records on a Sunday and their favourite colour is blue? But damn, do I ever love you. I love the way your voice changes when you talk about your passions. I love that you鈥檙e passionate about everything from ankle socks to global warming. I love that life is simple with you. Ever since I met you, there have been no questions. The answer is always there. It鈥檚 you.
(via ifthenightcouldtalk)
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xrated-sel 8 years
you make me happy every single moment of the day, even if the day ends up being shitty and I hardly see you. but at least i'm always comforted with the fact that i get to sleep next to you every night.
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xrated-sel 8 years
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xrated-sel 8 years
Sex and art are the same thing.
Pablo Picasso (via thelovejournals)
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xrated-sel 8 years
i'm so stupid in love with him
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xrated-sel 8 years
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The brown bunny (2003), Vincent Gallo
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xrated-sel 8 years
You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.
Amie Kaufman, Illuminae (via wordsnquotes)
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