xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Seeing how Harper’s eyes widened at the sight of him sent Kilo’s heart racing as he smiled behind his protective mask. “That’s because I’m certain you might try.” He said teasingly as he listened to her go on about creeps in vans. 
Soon her eyes lit up as he put the bag down and he watched her pull the books out, he knew he’d made the right choice as he saw her reaction. Chuckling as he ventured just a bit closer. He knew he couldn’t touch her, could never reach out and stroke her face as much as he wished he could. 
He had to keep her safe, he had to make sure nothing made her sick.
At her question he smiled again before answering with a shake of his head, “No, I’m all yours.” He said softly, his voice lowered just enough for her ears to hear. 
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Harper rolls her eyes playfully, “Oh I see.” She nods her head and clears her throat putting on a voice, “All the better to see you with my dear.” She mockingly pretends to be the big bad wolf, waiting to gobble up Little Red. Which was ironic in itself since she was sure the meal would end up only making her sick. 
Books were Harper’s escape from the walls of the hospital, with a good book in her hands she was miles and miles away, living through the lives of the many characters. It was far more interesting to be learning magic, fighting dragons, or traveling through space and time than it was being poked with needles and surrounded by masked doctors. 
“Music to my ears.” She mutters softly back with a smile on her face before getting back on to her bed and gesturing to the chair for him to sit. “You can help keep me entertained, while my dad is working. You’re my life time to the actual world, so spill.”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Her words caused him to smile, but his gaze betrayed him and showed a glimpse of nervousness. Reluctantly, his gaze followed to where she pointed–he was suddenly afraid of taking his eyes off her. Still, he followed her directions, but paused as she explained the box. “… Are you serious or are you messing with me?” he questioned, leaning in towards the plastic that separated them. She wasn’t 7 feet tall, but the material didn’t seem strong enough to keep a motivated psycho from doing as they pleased. “You kinda got the Red Rum girl look down, so… you see where the fear comes from?”
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Harper gives him an innocent look before giving a light shrug of her shoulders, “Only when they forget to feed me on time.” She answers with a few blinks of her eyes but other than that no tell on her face. Enjoying messing with those that didn’t know any better about her or the isolation she needed to be in to stay alive till she got her lungs. “I think those were twins...” She muses thinking back at the old horror film, movies were a second best to her books but she didn’t have much else to do locked in a room all day. “But I could have eaten mine in the womb, you’d have to ask my father.”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Isabelle had been walking past when the ball rolled out into the hall from the room with the open door. Picking it up and walking into the room, instantly recognizing the patient just because of the plastic that wrapped around half way through it. “You know, if Nurse Edna had picked up this little red ball instead of me, we would have all never heard the end of it.” she said, smiling at Harper and disinfecting the ball before she popped it back into her side of the room. “How are you doing today, Harper?” she wasn’t her patient but Isabelle was on the peds floor for consults pretty often so they’d met in the past. 
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Harper gives a little shrug of her shoulders, “Nurse Edna complains about everything, a little red ball would be the highlight of her day.” She answers not fazed by it, after all if the nurse wasn’t used to her by now that was her own hard up. “Besides she always ends up feeling guilty about it and giving me pudding.” She shrugs her shoulders, “Its a good day, they lowered my oxygen level but its usually a good day followed by three bad. Maybe the bad will put me higher on the list, get me some fresh lungs.” She smiles giving a wiggle of her brow.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Josie was emerging from the supply closet that also doubled up as her top crying space, inhaling a deep shuddering breath to regain her composure, before the little red ball rolled into her foot. She didn’t have to be a detective to know where the ball had come from, before bending down to pick it up. “Harper” she sighed softly, “you know your dad’s gonna flip if he finds out you’re trying to make friends in the hallways again.” The young girl was well known throughout the hospital, having been in and out for her entire life given the complexities of her illness. With the ball now secured within her grasp, Josie’s brow creased sympathetically as she stood the other side of Harper’s protective bubble. “You know I can’t break the sterile field.” 
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Seeing Josie brought a smile to Harper’s face it was the one doctor she seemed to have the best time convincing to stay around her room for a long while, save for Kilo that was. “Dr. Saltzman, my favorite lady in scrubs.” She greets the other with a smile on her face to butter the other up. “My dad flips when I get a runny nose too, if I base everything I do on him I would have an even less eventful life as the bubble reject.” She points out to her before taking a seat on the end of her bed. “No but they installed a little cubby thing, just sterilize the ball and place it in there. Shouldn’t be a big deal and you can catch me up on the going ons while you do.” 
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Hope wouldn’t normally have stopped, but her next destination was her least favorite of the day and she didn’t mind a short distraction.  Scooping up the ball with one hand, she followed its path back to Harper’s room and smiled at the young woman through the plastic.  “Now how did that happen, hmm?  This ball just up and escaped from your room?  We’ll have to keep an eye on this if it’s going to become an issue going forward.”  The smile on her face belied any scolding in her words.  “How are you today, Harper?”
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Having someone close to her age in the room was always a treat for Harper, normally having all these old and sour doctors around was no fun in the slightest at least Hope Mikaelson had the name that stirred up drama around here. “Its a real medical mystery, Doc.” She answers with a nod of her head, “Honestly, being trapped in this little bubble, I was helpless to stop it.” She offers the other an innocent and sweet smile. “Breathing easy, well easier than last week but I’m more interested in you telling me something. Come on, you got something juicy for this poor bubble girl to chew for awhile?” Anything in the way of rumors going around the hospital was interesting to Harper when she ran out of books to read or daytime T.V only had reruns she had seen over and over playing. “I heard two interns got into a fight and a nose was broken, was it the tall skinny one with the unibrow? He looks kind of punchable, you know with the sour look always there.”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Levi was wandering the hospital halls with the drip stand making the rattling noise from the wheels. He slamed it down a few times against the floor, trying to do anything to stop the noise. “These damn wheels are so annoying..” he muttered to himself before stopping as a ball rolled out in front of him. Levi stopped looking to the ball before glancing into the room. After the words were spoken, Levi bent down to pick the ball up and headed into the room, and placed the ball on the counter. “Hey… everything okay?” he questioned to the other.
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Hearing the one outside her room complaining about his wheels and honestly the whole rest of the floor was likely silently hating him as well for the noise. She pops on her tip toes, “You should call Bernie for that.” She offers out knowing that he was the most helpful of the custodial staff. “Depends on your definition of ‘okay’ I’m alive and not on oxygen so that’s always a plus. Though I am a prisoner in cased in plastic, which is like the worst form of encasement as far as deterring someone from busting out. So glass half full or half empty?” She hold two hands out like scales and tips them back and forth. “Which are you?”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Having found some scrubs unattended, Garrett had quickly sneaked into a room to change. The pants were a little tight on him, but at least he could blend with the crowd now. Walking towards where he believed the nearest elevator was, a ball cut his path. Doing as the voice directed, Garrett had to pause once he walked into the room. “… Wow,” he said, although a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Nice set up,” the felon pointed out. “You dangerous or something?” he questioned, stretching the hand that held the ball out in silent question as what he should do with it.
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Seeing the stranger walking up Harper tilted her head slightly, not only had her father worked here her whole life, with her walking the halls but she had been in and out of the place. There weren’t many doctors or staff she didn’t know but this one...he was new and he clearly wasn’t offered his size in scrubs, she wondered if that was Linder in laundry just getting herself a little eye candy for the day. Claiming the old ‘They’re on back order’ trick. “Oh yeah, deadly.” Harper replies with a nod of her head. Before pointing to the bottle of disinfectant, “Spray it and place it in the box.” She points to a square box that fixed into the wall of the plastic with one door on his side and another on her own. “Fear of fingers getting lost.” She explained the box with a smile on her face, teasing the man.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Being called away from the Peds floor to do a consult on a patient a couple floors down was the only reason he had even found himself on his daughter’s floor, opting to stop in on his breaks and before and after work rather than constantly driving himself crazy checking in on her 24/7, knowing that spending time with her old man was probably not the most exciting thing for her even being trapped in a plastic bubble but when the red ball came tumbling out of her room, a soft sigh left his lips, crouching to pick the ball up in one hand as his gaze turned to fall on the petite blonde before moving into her room. “We’ve talked about this, Harper,” Chris spoke, tossing the ball into a nearby chair. “You can’t keep kicking the ball out into the hallway any time you want company. Not only could someone get hurt but strangers don’t need to be coming in and out of here.”
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Finding her dad out in the hall with the ball caused the blonde to huff a little knowing this was gonna lead to a lecture about the dangers of strangers and germs. Or of course the dangers of throwing toys in the hall for people to trip on, it happened one time and people can’t let it go. She apologized, the woman had a little bruise but honestly who could remain mad at the girl in the bubble? A monster maybe.
“But it works so well, dad.” She answers giving him wide blue puppy eyes and a small curl of her bottom lip. “Its boring, at least strangers are usually interesting. As long as the bubble remains, its all good. Dying of boredom is on the rise within teens you know, you might have missed that medical journal, I’ll email it to you.”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
When Kilo saw the ball rolling in the hall he stopped just outside of Harper’s room and listened to her call out and plead for someone to bring the ball back. Chuckling he leaned down and grabbed it before tossing it to a nurse and asking her to sterilize it before he headed inside and put on his protective gear before he entered the more sterile part of Harper’s room.
“Harper, are you trying to lure strangers into your room?” He asked with a raised brow and soft smile on his face. “You know I can’t give the ball back to you until its been sterilized right? Hospital floors? Gross.” 
Shaking his head he put a special bag on the bed, “This is for you, open it.” He said with a grin. 
Stacked inside neatly and with pretty paper surrounding it was an entire thing of fantasy books, something he knew she’d like. “I saw these at a bookstore on my way home from work and thought you’d like them.” He said softly, watching for her reaction carefully. 
He loved her, he loved her more than he’d ever loved anyone else before and he needed it to remain a secret. Of course she knew, how could she not? The way he’d talked to her, the way they looked at each other when no one else was in the room? It was obvious and natural in the same way that breathing was. 
But no one else could find out, not her father, not any of the other doctors, other residents. None of them. If anyone else found out he’d be removed from her case and likely never see her again and he needed to be on her case, he needed to be there every step of the way. He had to try and save her. He had to be there in case she didn’t make it. 
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Harper couldn’t help the little widening of her eyes as Kilo came into view, the boredom was easier to melt away when he was around at least, not that she could admit that to anyone save for him. “You say it like that and it sounds like I’m going to eat them when they set foot in.” She answers, which she already had enough people thinking she was dangerous or scary because of the bubbled room. “Though I can see why you might use that given I am using a ball to bring people in like a creep with a white van but I’m far cuter than those creeps in the van.” She wasn’t interested in the ball, just merely that it could bring people in, people meant talking, which meant entertainment and in her world that was everything. 
Her eyes lit up as the bag was placed down on her bed and she gave the doctor a wide bright smile, “For me? And its not even my birthday.” She jokes opening the bag to pull out the books that were within. 
“Oh gosh, you’re amazing.” She gushed looking the books over, they were titles she hadn’t read before but even if she had it wouldn’t have mattered. A reread would have worked just as well for her anything with magic, dragons, immortals, and magical healing flowers she was interested in. It took her from the harsh reality of her own world for a bit. 
“Do you have rounds to go on?” She asks hoping that the answer would be no, it wasn’t often that she got time alone with him and lord knows the time was merely spent talking, smiling and laughing. Touching was dangerous, deadly even if skin to skin, her own father could barely make contact with her, not even so much as a squeeze to the hand for comfort, much less her getting a kiss from a man.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Life was boring, no correction, life in a bubble was freaking boring and Harper couldn’t stand the mere fact that many others got to run around the halls (granted yes they usually weren’t running) while she was stuck in her room surrounded by plastic. The only touch she got was gloved and usually was because she was getting blood drawn for some test or another while waiting for new lungs. The one daring thing she tried was gaining attention by kicking her plastic prison to push a ball out to the hall, hoping that rather than kill anyone it would draw them in. Watching the small red ball roll out into the hall she saw a shadowy figure walking by as well, “Hey! Hey please! Can you grab that ball, just bring it in here!” She called out with her hand pressed against the plastic that isolated her from the world.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
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Harper Edelman AU bio Task004
Harper Edelman was a healthy little girl, bright smile and full of giggles, that was until she reached the age of six. She was diagnosed with interstitial lung disease and with it she was auto immune. For most of her life, Harper spent her time either isolated at home, kept away from germs and physical contact, two things that any little girl would crave. If she wasn’t at home she was sick in the hospital, put into a bubble room, no one allowed in unless covered head to toe in a hazmat, not for their protection but for her own.
Its a easily isolated and lonely life but that didn’t wipe the smile off Harper’s face, she kept her bright and bubbly demeanor even in the face of death. The odds weren’t in her favor, she needed new lungs, which was hard enough to get in general, getting a match to her was even worse odds but she kept the faith. That one day she would get her lungs be able to walk outside and just take a deep breath before being pulled into a bear hug.
Because Harper is often at the hospital, for years of her life she has gained a rather strange relationship with those who work there. She was in on more of the drama going on in the place, after all there was only so much daytime T.V a girl could take and living through the lives of those around her was the best way for her to have any life. Her biggest thrill was when a new young promising doctor was placed on her case.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Kilo couldn’t help the desperate sort of laugh that bubbled in his chest as he pulled away slightly as she stroked his back, “That ugly thing was quickly dispatched I promise you.” He whispered, brushing a thumb along her cheek before stopping at her mouth. His thumb dragged down her lower lip to caress her chin. 
As she spoke about the New Orleans coven bringing back the dead he swallowed hard, “Back from the dead…” He whispered, licking his lips as he studied her. “How long? How long have you been back?” 
He wonders if she had been here the entire time, wonders if he’d missed her, blind with his grief. Anything was possible. 
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She wasn’t sure if the fact the monster died shortly after offered any comfort to her but as long as it helped him feel a little better she wasn’t going to say anything. She stayed still at the other seemed to be studying her face with his hands, as if his eyes weren’t to be trusted and given his current state she couldn’t blame him for it. She smiled softly as his thumb ran over her lip, “Big bad wolf.”
The answer would cause pain, likely as much as her loss had caused him but there was little reason to lie, he wasn’t stupid and someone, anyone, could give away the truth making it sting all the more. “Eight months, roughly.” She answers softly scanning his face over, perhaps it would feel like a slap to the face. She had the means to take away his guilt sooner and yet simply hadn’t, was it selfish? Perhaps on some level yes but it was something she needed to handle herself, she hadn’t even contacted her father or mother. 
“I had thought about contacting you, someone but there...I wasn’t the same.” She likely still wasn’t the same as she once was but she had gotten better in the last eight months. “I needed the time.”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
When Harper’s hand touched his own it made his eyes close a bit, feeling the warmth it brings to his hand. “I…” He had always loved the way she said his name, it made his stomach twist in a good way, warm and fluttering. 
“I saw you die…” He whispered brokenly, another hand lifting to card fingers through her hair. “I killed you.. I..” 
Kilo’s words choke off as tears begin to fall, making him shift even closer to Harper as he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her familiar scent. As if he still had to prove she was real and not some hallucination, something he wasn’t even sure of. 
Could his brain come up with something so vivid? Were these just brought on by the alcohol and grief?
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Harper gives a nod of her head, she was too logical to lie about the fact, it was his action that snowballed to her death but in all honesty she couldn’t really blame him for it. Good intentions and all. “Better you than that ugly thing.” She finally says offering him a hint of a smile.
She could only feel the heart break as Kilo wrapped himself closer to her and she stroked his back trying to offer what little comfort she could. Seeing ghosts had to be difficult, especially one you felt responsible for. Though she was no ghost, full bone and blood in this aspect. “The New Orleans coven is kind of known for its drama, bringing back the dead...is a bit up their alley.” She wasn’t raised among this coven in fact she only found out about her ability to use magic later into her pre-teens. Though her mother told her enough about it being a wolf from the Crescent pack.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Kilo knew he was drunk, but he didn’t think he was seeing his dead girlfriend drunk. The hand on his back feels extremely real and it makes his head spin, “Harper…” He lifts a hand, fingers brushing against her cheek. 
He expects it to feel cold, to feel like the last time he’d touched it. Cold and rigid.  But it’s warm, warm and real. A shudder runs down his back and he looks a little scared. “I don’t understand… Harper, I don’t understand.” 
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The glaze over his eyes told Harper all she needed to know, he was toasted and likely wouldn’t be feeling to great in the morning if he ever remembered seeing her that was. She placed a hand over the one he laid on her cheek, she couldn’t lie and say she didn’t miss that touch. Even if this was one of the hands that led to her death, an accident she could recall.
Not that he would feel that way about it. “I know, Lo-lo.” She nods her head, it was a lot to take in, facing the girl whose life ended because of an action he had taken. To see anyone back from the dead was likely life changing she had to think. “You’re a bit of a mess right now, I don’t know to be concerned or flattered.”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
This wasn’t the first party Kilo had been to by far, but unlike all those other parties he found himself easily and far more distracted at this one. He was nursing a drink in his hand, staring out at the crowd. There was a faraway look to his eye, like he wasn’t really there. But that was just the norm for Kilo these days. 
He felt someone brush against his shoulder and it made him tense for a moment before he forced himself to relax. It was probably just someone trying to get past him, he was probably blocking some kind of entrance, an exit maybe to one of the cabins? Could have been someone trying to get to the bar area. 
Kilo pushes the drink in his hand into his mouth, coaxing the bitter liquid down his throat as it washed away the dryness that had settled there. 
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Seeing Kilo from across the crowded field Harper wasn’t sure if she cshould continue her hiding or finally muster up the courage to walk up to him. In the last eight months she had been struggling with her anger, with her withdrawal from the potion that she had been taking for years in school. She wasn’t sure if going right back to taking it would be helpful or not, she wouldn’t know what dose would be helpful or harmful at the moment.
“Lo, you’re looking a little over pickled.” She warns the other placing a hand on his back, knowing full well drunk wolves could cause some chaos.
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
“Oh no, sorry, I was totally lost in though,” Brooklyn spoke in response as the voice broke through her dazed thoughts, arm extending to offer the blunt that rested within her digits. “Pretty sure it’s still lit.”
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Harper raised a brow at the other, “Maybe you should take a break from this then.” She laughs taking the blunt from the other, “That’s okay if not, kinda helps being a witch, instant lighter whenever you need it.” Makes survival situations far less scary when you could make a fire with your mind, let alone throw around a bear if need be. “You okay?”
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xsciencevsmagicx · 2 years
Keziah strolled onto the scene with a bottle of wine in hand. Everyone seemed to be having a great time with all the game play, dancing, eating and drinking, but she didn’t know where to start. She wasn’t exactly the easiest person to make friends with, and despite that fact, she knew had to change that sometime if she wanted to make New Orleans an actual home instead of just another stepping stone.
She deeply inhaled, then released an annoyed huff and took a drink straight from the bottle. “I should have brought the whiskey”, she muttered to herself. “This is not going to be enough”.
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“Pretty sure there’s enough alcohol here to make a rather impressive explosive.” Harper points out though given the little bombs that had gone off in the city the comment might have been in poor taste. “Just saying that you could likely make due. Pretty sure the pack brought their best moonshine.”
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Keziah strolled onto the scene with a bottle of wine in hand. Everyone seemed to be having a great time with all the game play, dancing, eating and drinking, but she didn't know where to start. She wasn't exactly the easiest person to make friends with, and despite that fact, she knew had to change that sometime if she wanted to make New Orleans an actual home instead of just another stepping stone.
She deeply inhaled, then released an annoyed huff and took a drink straight from the bottle. "I should have brought the whiskey", she muttered to herself. "This is not going to be enough".
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