xsurekax · 10 months
The Frontier Post created the image and it was published in 2013. An element of art in this image is texture , you can see the background has some grainy texture and the keys also look 3D. The image is analogical because it is one thing but seems like something else.In the picture it is car keys that are placed to make it seem like it is a gun. There is a sentence underneath the car keys that says “Takes one life every 25 seconds” which is basically implying that driving can kill someone if you do not drive properly. The key sign in the picture is the keys for the car , that is the subject. The signifier is the car keys and the signified is a gun. The sign's objective is a regular car key but the sign's subjective is a gun since it is implying driving unsafely can cause death. I believe the sign is communicating its message effectively since it the car keys are placed like a gun .
Post, Frontier. 2013, Photograph.
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xsurekax · 1 year
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The photo I found the most interesting was from the photo exhibition called The Siege of Mariupol and it was taken by Evgeniy Maloteka. This piece was more serious and sad than some of the other pictures where people seemed happy or it was a nice view. Most of the time I do like pictures that seem positive but we cannot forget that there are also negative things in the world and that we have to take pictures of that side too to show people that not everything out in the world is all “sunshines and rainbows' ''. This piece was a war photograph which is also the style of this photograph meaning that you cannot ask peoples permission for taking these pictures since they would not want to and you have to be subtle in taking the picture. Some people would see a camera and then hide their true emotions since a camera is in front of their face. The work was created in 2022 while the war between Russia and Ukraine was occurring. The photograph was taken in Ukraine while they were being invaded by Russia. After reading the description that was written alongside the photograph , my initial view does not change. I feel the same way as i did before reading the description , I knew something bad had happened like for example some type of war or a death in the family. I believe anyone would be able to tell due to the people's expressions in the photograph.
The photograph does have some kind of ethnic importance since the photo was taken during the time Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. I do not think the photos were taken in  a way to convey this message since by looking at the photograph you cannot tell what ethnicity are the people in the picture. An element of art in this photograph is colour , where the fire is a warm tone the colours near it are saturated while the colours far from the fire are dull. There is also texture in the photograph , in the background you can see that the walls are falling apart , have been burnt. In addition , a principle of design they used was emphasis , I find the emphasis was used on the fire since it brightens up the place.
I believe the target audience would be adults not living in Ukraine so we could all see what was really going on there . My personal reaction I get from this is that it seems sad but the people in the picture think they have to get through it , they have kids with them so they do have to think about them.
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xsurekax · 1 year
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This print ad is for the company Febreze which is a company know for making odour eliminating products. The subject here is the air freshner bottle over the moldy cheese which is implying that to get ride of the moldy cheese smell , they spray febreze . The ad is to show anything that smells bad , you can spray febreze and it will get rid of the smell.
An element of art that was used in this print ad was form . The moldy cheese in the background is in the shape of a circle but there is a piece taken out of the circle so it seems like a triangle taken out of the circle. Another element of art is colour , you can see how the background is a pastel type of blue which the people who created this print ad did to make it seem like febreze is like clear and misty and therefore it is light blue because when you think of smelling clean usually blue appears in people's minds. The moldy cheese in the background is a darker type of yellow to emphasize so it can grab the viewers attention. A principle of design used in this is emphasis due to the colours and the creators are trying to emphasize the cheese by putting a darker colour meanwhile everything else is bright.
I believe anybody looking at this print ad would get the message right away. There is expired moldy cheese in the background and infront there is a bottle which I would assume people would think is to get rid of the odour. I would say this print ad is a negotiated reading , anyone can take it negative or positive depending how they think but I think more people would take this ad more positively. I believe the targed audience is for people who clean usually for example , parents or grown ups
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xsurekax · 1 year
Formal Analysis
The painting above was created by Childe Hassam in 1910. Hassam has named this painting “Lilies” . If you look at most of Hassam’s paintings , he used the style of impressionism. He would paint his paintings based on his impression of it.  You can tell that all his paintings look like his brush strokes were soft and not harsh making the colours all blend together a little bit giving the effect that it is a painting and looks like a painting. In the painting “Lilies” , there is a woman by herself laying down by a pond and she is surrounded by a bunch of lilies. People can interpret this painting anyway , most would think she is trying to get her mind off something or trying to relax by the pond since there are no interruptions and all you hear is nature. Most people would be able to relate to this painting which is why it attracts the audience. The colour scheme would be another factor as to why it would attract the audience. What inspires me about this painting is how well it is painted.It looks like a moment that someone has captured and looks very realistic. The way the lily petals are painted is what amazes me the most . You can tell how fragile they are.
An element of art that Childe Hassam used was colour. By looking at the painting you can tell that there are many colours being used . When the style of impressionism is being used , it is known that bright and bold colours are being used to give off the effect of light and atmosphere meaning that the colours change depending on the time and the quality of light. Also a reason why artists that used the style of impressionism used bright colours was because during that time it was known for people to paint with dull and subtle colours . These painters wanted to break that norm and be different. Another element of art that Hassam used was texture. The texture in “Lilies” is really shown from the lily petals. The lily petals look very soft and fragile which is why the painting has texture. Also , the stem of the lilies in the background look very rough. To notice the softness or hardness of an object in a painting , there has to be texture.
A principle of design that was used in this painting was movement. You can tell there is some movement going on by looking at the water. The water has ripples , the lilies in the back look like they are being moved around due to the wind.Since the audience can see these effects through the painting there is movement being used.Another principle of design Hassam used was balance. Balance was used by the colours he used , there is no specific colour that is being drawn out . All the colours are all slightly blending together. Hassam also used balance by being asymmetrical , nothing is identical in this painting but it is still balanced since the difference is not big.
Hassam was trying to make everything in the painting realistic. The way he painted everything looks as if someone has seen this exact scenario in person due to the details for example , texture and the colours. The colours that have been used are colours people see to their day to day .  The texture is what makes it really realistic because if there was none it would not look like something someone has seen in real life. It is obvious the way Hassam paints is to make it look like something you have seen , a moment you have captured in your life.
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xsurekax · 1 year
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I chose this picture because I am a type of person of who loves views like these. I am more of an adventurous person than a person who likes to relax. This picture is important to me because one day in the future , I'd love to have a condo with this view over a house with a view not like this. I can stare out the window for hours and be admiring the city , how the building looks like , how the lights are shining and how the cars are moving along the streets.
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