xsurvivalistx · 10 months
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Claudio Rivera. The Tinker. Survivalist through and through. 
name  Claudio Rivera
nicknames  hard-ass
age  forty-three
date of birth  January 8th 1977.
zodiac  capricorn
place of birth  new york
current residence  new york
gender  male
pronouns  he/him
sexuality  homosexual
occupation  ceo of Rivera corperations.
faceclaim  mark consuelos
height  5'8
tattoos  none
piercings  none
distinguishing features  the ever present cocky smirk on his lips.
positive traits  resourceful, witty
negative traits  rough, high-maintence
labels / tropes  the hbic
likes  when people do what he says, when he says it.
dislikes  when people don't listen to him.
fears  not being successful. being broke.
hobbies  reading, negotiating.
habits  smoking, drinking.
the questions here for each section are suggestions to get you thinking. as long as the section is appropriately elaborated upon, you’re fine!
near death experience…  one of the few times that Claudio agreed to team up with a coworker on a project, and they explode the building. Claudio found himself close to death. he tried her best to claw his way out of the rubble and inventions that he had made...but it was no use. thankfully, the rescue services managed to find him. otherwise he’s afraid he may not have ever gotten the chance to become as successful as she was.
power…  he can create anything he sets his mind to. he just needs access to the resources and equipment. 
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  he can't just magically make the thing appear. he has to get the supplies and actually create it. He doesn’t have telekinesis or anything like that to help him out unfortunately!
(if applicable)  cerberus corp…  after hearing of his company, they recruited his coorperation to help them with testing. the company has a great track record in both inventing and science, and he doesn't plan on stopping now.
codename… tinker. it's what the news gave him when they caught the man playing with some electral wiring while trying to steal some supplies. Personally? he hates the name, but he's not going to waste precious time trying to think of some silly name.
003.  EXTRA
an optional section where you can give a bio / stats / pinterest / spotify / connections you’re looking for.
Even at a young age, if you asked Claudio Rivera what his biggest fear was? The young boy would say that it was to be unsuccessful. Poor. His parents struggled to keep a job. And he saw the struggles they put up with, especially his mother. Granted, the alcohol and drugs definitely didn't help. His mother was a stripper while her husband bummed off of her. Sometimes he would try to keep a job, although most of the time? He didn't. But Claudio’s mother loved him regardless, which Claudio thought she was crazy for doing so. He wasn't contributing around the house...He wasn't making money...He was useless. And as they got behind on bills more and more? He got more unbearable as the stress mounted. It wasn’t exactly uncommon to hear a cry of pain from either a young Claudio or his mother around the house.
Which is why Claudio couldn't wait to leave. He had been saving up for years. Money that he’s hid most of his life. And while his father had taken some of it here and there when he came across it? He’s been better at hiding it. And when he finally had enough money? Claudio decided to go to college. He wanted to be a inventor. So he got a degree in engineering and a science degree. Although he focused on the engineering, and his partner focused more on the science and medical. The two worked hard. And sure...Some of the stuff they did? Wasn't exactly legal. 
He created stuff for companies. Great inventions that anyone would be happy to have. Although his favorite things to create was definitely weaponry. His partner and himself also dabbled in medical studies as well. One day, his partner had taken it a step too far. Testing on a human when they clearly weren't ready. It caused a series of events, and led to the entire building blowing up while Claudio had been working on one of his inventions. He ended up burried underneath. He pushed, clawed, squirmed...Even while impaled. He wasn't going to die here...Claudio COULDN'T die here. There was still so much shit he had left to do. And he wasn't going to let his partner's mistake cost him his life. 
And it didn't. What it did do, however? Was open another door to him. Omnifabrication. He could think of what he wanted to build, and know just how exactly to do it. What materials Claudio would need. And sure, some of those things take time to acquire and what not. But now that he could craft things that were breakthroughs and thought to be merely fictional before? He was a resource that many people clamored for. And his company? Absolutely flourished. Claudio quickly became rich, and one of the most powerful men in the world. And he acted like it. He took care of his mother, although made sure his father didn't get a penny after he left Claudio’s mother for some other woman. 
Cerberus approached him and made Claudio a deal though. All of this money for some inventions. And how could he say no? At first, he just created weapons and other items for them. But then he began testing things for them and allowing them to test at a safe place in his building. And then Claudio began dabbling in researching their people for them. All in all? He may not be a agent. But he definitely has agency within cerberus. And that's perfectly okay with him.
Claudio became a anti-hero over time. At first? He was simply a villain. Stealing supplies when he needed them before his business went off and became as successful and powerful as it did. Hell, he even stole from Cerberus a time or two and was never caught. However, now? He’s a anti-hero. Using his inventions and his skills to protect people through his rough way. Although he’s definitely not a full fledged hero. He still uses his powers selfishly and isn’t afraid to work against some heroes to put himself in a better position, or even to work with some villains if he thinks it’s best. He’s trained in many forms of combat, and he is a perfect shot. Often times using guns, knives, and staffs more than actual hand to hand combat. He goes by the name Tinker, although personally? He despises the name. But he has things to do, and making some silly alias? Wasn't anywhere near the top of his list.
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xsurvivalistx · 10 months
Claudio was definitely less than amused. There were times where he felt like his people didn't understand the difference between a screw driver a syringe. Rivera Enterprises has a close partnership with Cerberus...They want the latest tech and help with their screening and ability processes, and Claudio offers that...With a pretty hefty fee, of course. But...Hey? If you want the best quality, you have to be prepared to offer the best bucks.
"If you're with Cerberus, you better have a appointment or something. If you're one of those annoying heroes or villains? Then fuck off." Claudio could tell the moment someone else was in his lab, even while he was working on combining the materials for the latest weapon. "Unless you want to be my latest test subject, anyways."
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