xvinushka · 4 years
I think multimuse is getting to be too much of a mess for me in the end lmfao
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xvinushka · 4 years
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xvinushka · 4 years
Honestly I kinda just wanna erase everything here and revamp or make a whole new blog bc this is a mess
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xvinushka · 4 years
so I forgot my password lmao
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xvinushka · 4 years
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Seemed like his type of place then. He half wondered why he hadn’t been told about this from Saeyoung or the others - then again his brother was a tad too much on the protective side of the scale. “Well, if we go I can act as your tour guide!”, he smiled lightly. Sometimes he’d feel a little bad for getting him caught up in everything that he did…but if it hadn’t been for Magenta, they would never have met either. Funny how the world worked sometimes.
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“Works for me,” he smiles. That did bring back memories, as a long time ago he had been a tour guide for him in a far less nice place. Even the flowers he tended to had that unnatural feel to them, or maybe that was because Irving had been in such an extreme mental state himself in the moment ?
It hadn’t been a good time, but who would he be if that had never happened ? Would he even be alive ? He had followed Saeran because he didn’t even care anymore what happened to him, he was that apathetic. Until a certain blue-haired man had come along... Or was it before, because he wanted to help ?
“I’m glad we can do things like this together. I hope we can keep having a lot of fun,” he said lightly as the garden gates loomed ahead of them. 
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xvinushka · 4 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ THINGS SAID BETWEEN ME & MY PARTNER / PART SIX always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
“That cat is so long.”
“Let that cat do whatever she likes.”
“Cats are prickly fucks.”
“That looks like someone’s fursona.”
“I love one specific weirdo the most. It’s you.”
“Me, the absolute worst enabler? Yeah.”
“I’m demonic. Got that big demon energy.”
“Your body is dumb and should be disposed of.”
“She had one orgy and was part of several threesomes.”
“You are not your traumas.”
“I’m holding you hostage.”
“You’ll be cold when you’re dead, so might as well get used to it now.”
“Congrats, you’re one year close to your grave.”
“I genuinely believe that some children deserve to be dropkicked into a wall.”
“Can I please not be possessed again?”
“You’re my favorite horror baby.”
“He’s a font now!”
“I’m going to rub my cold hands all over your soft bits.”
“[Name] has left the chat.”
“I literally can’t wait to see you again.”
“Demons are so hard to kill. Is that why you’re not dead yet?”
“We’ve been together almost two years already!”
“We refused to acknowledge that we were actually dating for almost three months.”
“Imagine existing together.”
“That’s my favorite thing to do.”
“Bitch brain strikes again.”
“I love the dumb brain.”
“I’ll fucking eat you.”
“Secretly, everything I do is for you.”
“What the fuck is that?”
“I’ll fight one.”
“That is not how you treat robots.”
“What if it wants to fight me.”
“As if you wouldn’t drink straight out of the pot.”
“Why must you call me out like this?”
“My main purpose in life is to call you out, so.”
“Cats are way too inventive for their own good.”
“You’re a gender reveal party of two.”
“I love her, she’s so vicious.”
“That’s so cool, what the fuck.”
“Of course you’d be into it.”
“Why must people make such cool shit?”
“You’re a bastard artist.”
“I have said the phrase ‘his balls are chapped’ about eight times today.”
“This is the problem with having a Victorian bath.”
“Then he said that and I didn’t know what to say so I left him on read.”
“It’s not possible to be as stupid as he looks on a daily basis.”
“I legit had to make a form for the dog like I do for the humans.”
“How can a dog be this complicated?”
“I’ll even let you bite me on the face like a huge weirdo.”
“You’re just a dream, okay?”
“I love you and all your weirdness and intense game opinions.”
“You’re simply the best.”
“I can’t wait to just exist with you again instead of through a tiny screen.”
“I had a dream that you were asking me about med shit because that’s what I do at work, but then you kept getting mad at me when I told you what was meant to be done.”
“Once again, why does your brain think I’m such a dick?”
“Your dream brain is a bitch.”
“If you refuse to eat it, I’m going to threaten to crash the car.”
“I was woken up by hammering next door.”
“So now I have to use my computer like an animal.”
“In that case, no solution for you.”
“Life with cheese, what sort of existence would that be?”
“It’s illegal to not give you cheese every day.”
“Does this mean we’re adults?”
“We’re talking about bread, I’m excited about a freezer, so definitely adults.”
“All of my deadlines are on Friday the 13th, because the department wants to curse everyone.”
“You are once again cursed by yourself.”
“It’s a good time to be alive and gaming.”
“I wonder if I send a scathing comment to them if anything would be done.”
“Our date night consisted of driving around, hitting up pokestops, and taking over gyms.”
“There’s a man with a Switch. Shall I rob him?”
“You don’t even have hands.”
“I can’t breathe in this stupid plane.”
“Driving home without your little hand and cute face and stupid singing was the worst.”
“Driving back was very sad.”
“I napped but I had stressful nap dreams.”
“I will fight you with my face.”
“Come have orange juice, it fixes depression.”
“I’m very lonely already.”
“We’re terrible, but we do not deserve this.”
“I just wish I could actually do something helpful.”
“You’ll grow a dog in there.”
“I don’t want a dog in my lung.”
“That’s how dogs are born, coughed up like a hairball.”
“That’s as horrifying as I could have hoped.”
“I need clothes but I have been trapped in this room.”
“I escaped but at what cost.”
“I was so close to winning that time!”
“You’re a good complaint support bean.”
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xvinushka · 4 years
* emotional starters
a collection of tv, movie and book quotes to kick you in the heart.
‘ i’m sorry for not telling you everything, but i needed this in order to get better. ’
‘ you can’t be sleeping already. it’s only seven. ’
‘ it was a mistake. ’
‘ not even a little visit? ’
‘ please smile. ’
‘ i’ll stop crying in a minute. ’
‘ you wanna hurt me? go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. i’m an easy target. ’
‘ i’m leaving you behind, too. i don’t feel very good about that. ’
‘ look, i don’t wanna hassle you, okay? i love you and i’ll see you soon. ’
‘ it sort of makes me happy to be sad. ’
‘ we’re safe, aren’t we? ’
‘ i don’t give a fuck what they say about me. ’
‘ you’re afraid that i might find the happiness you never had. ’
‘ i need to ask you a question. where do you think are right now? ’
‘ wanna be able to sleep, not worry about what’s gonna happen or who’s coming in. if i can get that, i’d be in heaven. or close to it. ’
‘ that supposed to scare me? ’
‘ well, this is your home now. you’re going to like it here. you’ll see. ’
‘ you’d like that, wouldn’t you? you’d like me just to get out. ’
‘ no, you hate the whole world. ’
‘ you’ve been – you’ve been manipulating me. ’
‘ little things. you let little things get to you. ’
‘ no, no, sweetheart. i believe you. with all my heart i believe you. ’
‘ how much do you value your life? ’
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xvinushka · 4 years
I got a tablet, hopefully with a keyboard i might come a lot more in here ? My laptop is super old i'm trying to save it for drawing. Oop.
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xvinushka · 5 years
Friends who get into trouble sentence starters
“I called someone to bail us out last time. It’s your turn.”
“We probably shouldn’t do this.”
“See you say it’ll be fine? But, something tells me it won’t be.”
“Okay, but they are gonna be so pissed when they see what we did to this place.”
“We probably shouldn’t have tried to surf on the mattress down the stairs..”
“I can’t believe we just prank called him/her. What are we like twelve?”
“Let’s just tell them that the dog did it.”
“I’m picking the lock. But, I just realized that I’m not a detective and this is a hair pin I found in my glovebox.”
“Do you think that alarm means that we’re caught?”
“I’ll fill the bucket with water and you distract him/her while I dump it on their head.”
“This is exactly what we need–a  night out. Let’s go crazy!!”
“Honestly, I think the car looks better after we crashed it.”
“I rang this guy/girls doorbell and ran away really fast??? And they found me.”
“Why is there a giant teddy bear wearing lingerie in my bath tub?”
“Oh my god, why is there an unconscious man/woman on the floor?!”
“We were supposed to be cooking. But, it looks like a murder occurred in here.”
“We broke the window. I think someone is going to notice.”
“I can’t believe we’re trying to climb through a window to get back a pair of your panties/underwear.”
“Shh, they’ll hear us. This is a terrible idea. You are lucky I love you.”
“That cop did not find it as funny as we did.”
“I told you not to hum the law and order theme song while we were being given a speeding ticket!!”
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xvinushka · 5 years
❝30 more texts to send to my muse:❞ | Sentence Starter
Warning(s): Alcohol, Strong Language, Blood
[ text ]: Want a big bowl of frosted angst with that orange juice, sunshine?
[ text ]: How illegal is it to steal someone’s dog while they’re out walking it?
[ text ]: Claaaaaaaaasic me. I fucked up. Like massively.
[ text ]: I’m sorry, my trainer said if I wanted the Olympic gold in competitive sleeping that I need to avoid all social activities.
[ text ]: I can hear you singing in the shower. A solid 11/10. You should audition for TV.
[ text ]: I’m all for drinking but no more 4am risky ‘White Russians’. It was 90% vodka.
[ text ]: It’s not even 9am and I’ve already had an argument about whether you can burn water.
[ text ]: Flash some leg. But not above the knee, you’re not looking for marriage.
[ text ]: Jesus Christ on a unicycle, what happened this time?
[ text ]: I’m going to be late. But I made a friend. His name is ‘Train Boy’ and he was shadily explaining how to get train discounts.
[ text ]: Who let me out the house?
[ text ]: It’s really depressing that I’m an adult and I just threw up on myself because I was too warm. I’m not even drunk.
[ text ]: I’d be the worst werewolf. …And yet, I still want to be one.
[ text ]: They switched the water for vodka. I didn’t realise until I was three sips in.
[ text ]: We were told to be civil. You dialled it down by aggressively whispering ‘chug chug’ under your breath.
[ text ]: Can you imagine if a man was living in our roof and we didn’t know?
[ text ]: What is my life? I’m dancing on a sticky patch on the dancefloor.
[ text ]: Fuck it, I’m gonna order a large. I will regret every moment but this does not change my mind.
[ text ]: I feel like I was in a fist fight with a bear. I’ve yet to decide whether I feel like I’ve won.
[ text ]: I just tried to high-kick the fridge and pulled a muscle.
[ text ]: I realise you just mopped up but I managed to get blood everywhere.
[ text ]: Brought matching margarita glasses. I was told by the cashier I was making good life choices.
[ text ]: I know we have a paper to finish writing but I really need you to come and watch this video. It contains puppies.
[ text ]: I can’t tell if I’m tired or still drunk from last night.
[ text ]: Why did I let you get a beaded curtain? …Also, my hair is stuck in the beaded curtain.
[ text ]: I’m sorry but it’s always an appropriate time for a crisis snack.
[ text ]: I just found my boss asleep in the shed. I’m running this place on my own.
[ text ]: Why do I keep getting asked if I have the ping pong balls? And why do people need ping pong balls suddenly?
[ text ]: I’m being harassed by geese again.
[ text ]: It’s diamond nips weather. Dress warm.
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xvinushka · 5 years
"Happy birthday!", a big grin was painted on Sehun's face, while he reached a birthday cake to the blond woman. "I didn't know what you want. But everyone should have a cake for their birthday! Without candles though, so you don't feel old... it's also not self made, I'm horrible at baking." { Sehun to Rika! \ O \ }
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Surprised, but grateful smile. Most of the believers didn't know about her birthday, except the ones she was really close to. That meant Saeran, and Sehun, and that was pretty much all. Rika even laughed at the further remark, Sehun even going as far as to not include candles. 
“I didn’t think I’d even get a cake, don’t worry about the baking. Thank you !”
It was sweet, and intimate enough that she didn’t have to worry about the other believers making a big thing out of it. It was what she had been avoiding, but still, a little celebration wasn’t bad.
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xvinushka · 5 years
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xvinushka · 5 years
"Happy brithday Rika". As always he's a little hesitant around her but he hands over a box of chocolates and a small bunch of flowers, "...I hope you've been doing well". And he did. He maybe shouldn't but he couldn't place all the blame on her shoulders alone. - Saeran
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“Saeran --”
And oh she knows he chose those flowers carefully. And she would ask him about their meaning, but maybe there is a reason why he told her through flowers. She knows some of them from him... shall research the rest. 
“Thank you. You. ... You’re very sweet.”
You didn’t have to, she thinks, again, but maybe it’s time to leave that kind of talk and just accept the things the way they are now. Despite everything, she loves him. She cares about him. It feels hypocritical, but it’s true.
“I hope you’re well too.”
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xvinushka · 5 years
“Sounds like a pretty good plan to me”, he smiled as he moved to his feet to follow after him, glad for the excuse to get outside and away from his brother for a good few hours. “…wait there’s a botanical garden there? I didn’t know there was one so close…”
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“Yeah I visited when I moved here a long time ago, it’s pretty. But I don’t know flowers very well. I thought you could help with that.” he bounced on his feet as he felt the outside air. A little fresh, but not cold. 
Walking was nice. Walking with  a good friend, nicer. Definitely enough to bring a smile on his face and a bounce in his step./
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xvinushka · 5 years
Like for a starter from Rika or to plot one with me 
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xvinushka · 5 years
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Anyway. Happy birthday Rika ♥
Daffodils and autumn is a concept that suits her.
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xvinushka · 5 years
Is anyone going to wish me a Happy Birthday ? 
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