xweaponx · 9 months
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XweAponX turned 11 today!
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xweaponx · 1 year
Thank you CS for your genius these last 13 years! I’m on 16.3.1 myself. Only ever JBd for iFile and later Filza. Don’t need em anymore. But my craziest set-ups were always those using your tweaks! I would show em off at bars, my friends jaws would drop. Haha! I’ll miss THAT…
Leaving the jailbreak community
Around this time last year (in March 2022) I had updated my main iPhone to iOS 15.1, hoping to make a jailbreak for it. I fully expected to be gone from the scene after iOS 15.1, but knew full well that with all the mitigations of iOS 15.0 - 15.1 alone, it may already have been out of my means to make a jailbreak, so there was a risk.
By that time, I had already cut down the tweaks I used to just 2 – iPad dock for iPhone, and enabling battery percentage for notched iPhones.
Fast forward to June, and iOS 16 had natively introduced battery percentage for iPhones that have the notch – cutting down the number of tweaks I’d want (compared to stock) from 2 to 1. But no matter, I was still on iOS 15.1, and still hoping to make a jailbreak, since I had a working terminal at that point.
However, the months progressed – June became July, and iOS 16 betas were coming. Thanks to a donation from someone, I got an M1 Macbook Air to accelerate jailbreak development, and had gotten libhooker with tweaks running a couple weeks later, including on A12 and A13. The jailbreak at this point was in an extremely buggy, albeit functional state and hope was up.
Then the jailbreak community happened – without a PAC / PPL bypass at the time, libhooker would be forced to sign code pages – which was only really doable with the libhooker API (unless a ton of effort was spent on potential workarounds). But tweak developers largely refused to consider using the libhooker API for batching hooks, and I was quickly getting frustrated. And a lot of others from the community weren’t helping either – I had gotten harassed by many jailbreak users on twitter and reddit over this, especially since it had recently come to light that Cheyote was broken on A15. And of course, with it being August 2022, it was unlikely any donations at this point would even get an A15 device on early iOS 15.
At the same time, I had other interests popping up with porting Windows to various chromebooks – my port to AMD Ryzen was going well enough to be a daily driver, and I had just gotten audio working on the Pixel 2 chromebook (which I previously abandoned in 2017 but then picked up in 2022 with my new experience).
So I snapped – I realized how much better the community is on the chromebook side and that I simply didn’t need to put up with the jailbreak community. And I put Cheyote on the backburner to focus on developing Windows drivers for chromebooks.
Then August became September, November, December. Progress was being made on the chromebook scene, but every time I considered returning to doing iOS jailbreaking, I shuddered from remembering the harassment.
In December 2022, I returned the money donated towards the macbook to the person who donated it. Since I realized Cheyote was well beyond schedule, even if it ever came to happen. Meanwhile in the chromebook scene, I was getting Intel 12th gen audio working.
Then the months passed, and in March 2023 I realized it had been a full year. And I was still on iOS 15.1 for seemingly no reason other than to tease myself and miss out on the battery percentage and widgets – so I updated my main iPhone to iOS 16.3.1 (and now iOS 16.4), knowing that there was no turning back and that I would no longer be jailbroken on my main device for a long time, if ever.
That brings us to today. Even though I’ve been in denial about it for several months now, it clearly has made me feel a lot better to stay away from the jailbreak community, and I have found new interests that make me happier. So it’s time to say farewell. It’s been a good run overall since I started developing tweaks for iOS 5 (in 2012) and jailbreaks since iOS 11 (in 2017) – a 10 year run isn’t too bad after all. 
For those who are still waiting on Cheyote, unfortunately I wouldn’t hold my breath anymore. I’ve clearly moved on months ago, even though it’s taken me until now to fully realize it. I appreciate those who have supported me in the past and thank you for your support on my tweaks, Electra, Chimera, Odyssey and Taurine. If you’re still running one of the jailbreaks I’ve made – you’re a real one. libhooker and my repos will still be up and running for those on iOS 11 to iOS 14, and Sileo has been maintained by Amy for over a year now. I expect Odyssey and Taurine won’t need any more updates considering they’ve been running stable for a long time, and libhooker 1.6.9 will continue to be hosted on my repo since it is the last version to be fully validated up to iOS 14.8.1 (on checkm8) and up to iOS 14.3 (on Chimera -> Taurine).
If you were interested in what I’m up to these days, feel free to grab almost any Intel chromebook (or one of the 3 supported Ryzen 3000 chromebooks) from the last decade and put Windows on it! (Except the original Pixel 1 [no trackpad / touch screen] or Samsung Chromebook 3 – that one is garbage, sorry if you have it)
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xweaponx · 2 years
A new song by Negative  Tendencies and The Pex Sistols!
God save America
not the country we inherited
one party full of morons
made Tucker Motherfucker Cronkite
God save America
It's gettin' so embarrassing
there is no justice
as Garland slowwalks
Don't matter how bad they gonna fuck us up
Don't matter what's real, they got their own version
There's no justice, no justice, no justice for Orange Hitler
God Save America
We mean it, man
We love our democracy
God saves
God save America
the big lie is money
our checks and balances
are not what they seem don't seem to help squat
God save history
They wanna rewrite it
There was no slavery
No racist anything
When there's no justice
How can you call it government
We'll be the last ones to remember what we had
MAGAs the poison in the forefathers dream
Where's the justice, no justice
God Save America
We mean it, man
there is no justice
in Mitch's Rightland
God Save America
We mean it, man
We're a country of immigrants
God saves
No Justice No Justice No Justice No Justice for the freakin' kingpins
No Justice No Justice No Justice No Justice for that fuckface Mark Meadows
No Justice No Justice No Justice No Justice
for the wacko redstates for Rupert Murdoch
No Justice for Us!
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xweaponx · 2 years
The X-Files always had this alien conspiracy running in the background. But we never really got to see the size of it, oh, once Mulder almost got chopped in half by a descending submarine… and in the 1st (non pilot) episode “Deep Throat” he gets to see an American made UFO, but they put drops in his eyes and made him forget he saw it. We never got to see the actual scope of the “cornspiracy” (lol, remember, the bees were carrying a virus that was dissolving people and changing them into “Long-Clawed Spacelings” that they got from mutated corn?) - until they made the 1st X-Files movie in 1998. As a movie, it was well done, this was before CGI. It was very old school Hollywood, they used the Hunter-Gratzner company to create “real” miniatures of an exploded Fed building and of the spaceship interiors we see in this video. When you have that level of practicality, you end up with things that look very real. Here, we finally got to see the immensity of the work that the cigarette smoking man’s “Syndicate” was doing. It made the show so much better when they got back into season 6, and they have aliens bursting out of people’s chests very alien-like, on TV. Remember, this was a show that had very primitive special effects for the 1st 2 years… until “Soft Light”, and we had Tony Shalhoub’s shadow gobbling up people into a portable black hole… that was the point when things started getting very good…
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xweaponx · 2 years
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My two weird lookin guitars
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xweaponx · 3 years
The broke bastards, Tower Bar, December 18 2021
#VideoShop app on iOS (And Android)
#TheBrokeBastards #SocialSpit #CYKAsd #NegTen
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xweaponx · 3 years
Lol, best “Waporization” ever… plus, that was Q’s real life wife that got Waporized! I never knew that until I watched some doc on seasons 1-2.
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How to Waporize some Aliens!
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xweaponx · 3 years
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XweAponX turned 9 today! Happy Birthday to me!
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xweaponx · 3 years
From “vIa nEgAtIvA”
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xweaponx · 4 years
Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead!
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xweaponx · 7 years
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Inciting Riots
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xweaponx · 9 years
Cuzin b0b - A Different Feeling
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xweaponx · 9 years
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Unfortunately, it guzzles my battery like tree-frog beer! But its faster that sheeite.
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xweaponx · 10 years
Hah now I wish I had it BACK! iOS 7 sux
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The first time i Jailbroke, I used “Jailbreakme.com” which exploited a hole in the iPhone’s ability to read PDF files. This was the easiest JB and it exposed millions of people to the concept of Jailbreaking. Including one yours truly.
This was on iOS 4.3.3- Back then I didn’t understand the nature of Jailbreaking so I tried to do an OTA update to iOS 5.1 and I was left with a glorified iPod.
Apple was nice enough to grant me a new iPhone, and for a while I just left it stock. I updated to 5.1.1 and finally, in the summer of 2012, dev-team “0wned” iOS 5.x and came out with Absinthe 2.0.4, so I chanced it, and BOOM, that phone still has that iOS and all the stuff I put on it.
But in December ‘12 I had to get my own service so I had to go with a different carrier, so rather than get an iPhone 5 and wait for a JB, I got the last iPhone 4S 64 gig that Radio Shack could get me.
Naturally it had 5.0.1 on it, and I did not know that I was stuck with it, I could not put 5.1.1 back in. But I just used the original Absinthe package which used the Corona Untether instead of the newer “rocky raccoon” jailbreak in 5.1.1.
And finally eVasi0n came out. The day before, I thought my cydia had broken, I could not get it to the big boss repo, even after removing it and putting it back in. So, I finally put iOS 6.1 in and eVad3d.
For a whole week it was hit and miss with big boss packages, but I finally got it all in- and then a week ago I started getting Ghost Icons on my Springboard. So, wipe and restore again, in went 6.1.1 and eVasi0n 1.3. BOOM, and this time, it did not take 15 minutes for my carrier signal to pop up.
I guess that makes 5 Jailbreaks. In that short time frame, we lost some of the tools many of us use. Even now, my Theme is not totally migrated through the iOS.
But if there is any repeating of events, 6.1.1 will be as stable as 5.1.1 always had been for me.
Weather app crashing- ghost icons that say “waiting” - iOS 6 is chock full O’ little irritating program errors.
It’s just a bad iOS.
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xweaponx · 11 years
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A few photon torpedoes ought to fix everything
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xweaponx · 11 years
I LovOlivia! er, I mean Fauxlivua!!
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Alt- Olivia Dunham
The Consultant
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xweaponx · 11 years
Walter and Olive
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