xxdarby31xx-blog · 6 years
Ray Lewis is a Murderer
If you didn't know by now, Ray Lewis is a murderer. So when I see that mother fucker on television preaching about "Jesus This and Jesus That" it honestly makes me wanna fucking puke.
Someone needs to give that fucking clown an serious reality check.....
Just once I wanna turn on ESPN and witness Steve Young or whoever just call him out on his utterly insane bullshit.  
Steve Young:
Ummmm Ray just because you won a Super Bowl and said Jesus' name on television over 8000 times doesn't mean he's suddenly just gonna forget about that murder you were involved with and welcome you're ass into heaven.
Fuck Ray I mean you must of suffered some really brutal concussions in your playing days if you truly believe that's how it works buddy.
Seriously... forget about the whole preaching about God and Jesus thing.
What you should be focused on is preaching the importance of player safety and concussion protocol, because obviously your brain is totally fucked up.
You most definitely have an very important message to share with the current NFL Players.
"Protect your head so you don't end up mentally retarded like me Ray Lewis."
I mean there's a reason why all the boys call you "Retard Ray" behind your back. 
Well actually there's two reasons:
1. You come off as really retarded a lot if not 100 percent of the time.
2. We don't want you to murder us.
So yeah anyways were still cool right?
-End of Rant-
Bearing witness to such an incredible miracle would no doubt be an Cleveland Browns' fan wet dream, and dare I say maybe even better than going to the Super Bowl.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 6 years
A question for all my fellow restaurant servers:
Have you recently been experiencing a slew of annoying situations involving your customers and plastic straws???
If you answered yes.. this uncensored tiride might be right up your alley.
Turtles, Straws, and The Sheep
The next customer that reacts as if they are disgusted and or insulted because I brought them a fucking straw with their beverage is going to get bitch slapped. It's a fucking straw, and the only reason you are suddenly "anti-straw" is because some article on the internet managed to convince you that all straws are the devil and therefore if you use a straw you must obviously hate turtles and the entire enviroment. THAT'S IT.
Don't fucking act like this was some sort of selfless, original idea that you conceived all on ur own.
The Social Media Machine put this entire notion in ur head and now all of a sudden you think you're Captain Planet because you didn't drink out of a plastic straw????
Give me a break dude.....
I mean Jesus Christ this entire group think bullshit is getting completely out of control at this point.
Can anyone think for themselves anymore?
We will save the environment and the turtles and let all those disabled, handicap and elderly human beings, who actually need a straw in order to just drink something and survive.... fucking die.
"What's that Grandpa ur thirsty???? Well that's just too bad because the turtles actually matter to me bitch."
Yeahhhhh you people are sooo progressive, appears more like completely fucking manipulated to me.
We still haven't managed to figure out how to truly love and care for one another, yet we're gonna save the entire planet by boycotting plastic straws from our society???
Read that last part again, and honestly try and tell me it doesn't sound utterly insane.
Plastic Straws, Individualism, Guns, Offensive Words, Genders, Privacy, Free Speech
Lets just get rid of all of these things.
According to my Smart Phone that's what's called being progressive and that's how you make the world a better place for everyone!
Big Brother has seriously got some of you fools by fucking the balls.
I feel like I'm living in fucking the twilight zone.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 6 years
Let The Aliens Keep Tom Delonge Forever.
Blink 182 has suddenly been resurrected from the ashes and it's no doubt all due to the departure of Tom Delonge and the addition of Matt Skiba. The Alkaline Trio frontman has long time been regarded as a legend in the punk rock community and now quite possibly a pop punk messiah or savior after performing such a miracle.
What miracle you ask?
How about miraculously filling the shoes and replacing the band member of the second most popular and beloved pop punk group of all time by scoring a number one record in the U.S. along with 27 other countries in his band debut, and ultimately catapulting the band into the mainstream music scene once again .
As a result blink-182 dominated the radio airwaves in the year 2016, (not 2003) and earned their first Grammy nomination in the bands illustrious 20+ year career.  
A Grammy nominated record and a completely revamped live show has put fans in a state of pop punk amnesia, causing even the most die hard blink fans to all wonder and collectively ask the same exact question....."Tom who?" 
The fact that Skiba was able to achieve all of this is nothing short of a miracle. If the music industry held its own olympics, you can be certain this man would be taking home all of the gold. 
Blink 182's completely unpredictable success in 2016 has put a shot in the arm for the band and the pop punk genre itself. 
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 6 years
You know you're 26 years old when...
Listening to the radio and the dj enthusiastically announces "And here comes some Justin!!"
Your brain immediately assumes that its about to be Justin Timberlake time.
Then either "Despacito" or "I'm the One" begins playing and suddenly you become totally devasted.
All due to the realization that your body won't be get getting rocked by J.T. after all.
As well as the dissapointing realization that sexy isn't going to be making a comeback either.
At this point there's nothing left to do but cry yourself a river.
Talk about a serious nostalgia tease.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
Wait is This Phenomenal Music Indeed the Source of the Radio or my IPod Shuffle Train? 🎧
Taking the time now to praise and thank the all powerful Radio Gods responsible for the awe inspiring miracle of cueing up a brand new song by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (Fire Escape), immediately followed by the most recent singles from Blink-182 (She's Outta Her Mind) and Green Day. (Still Breathing) It's always promising when you need to double check in order to make sure that you are indeed listening to the radio and not your shuffle playlist. One simply cannot describe the incredibly intoxicating feeling a music junkie experiences when their personal top 3 leads of ALL TIME receive radio airplay back to back to back. 📻 This is the FIRST TIME EVER in human history that music written and performed by Matt Skiba, Billie Joe Armstrong and Andrew McMahon exist not only in just my ITunes library, but also in heavy rotation on modern alternative radio. Somebody pinch me. 👌 I refuse to believe this is real life. Forget whatever stupid random holiday social media recognizes and celebrates today, this awesome display of an musical higher power in the works is truly the stuff worthy of celebration and holiday status. An early Christmas present has never rocked so hard or pleased my ears more. 🎄🤘😌 And yes I'm a total pop punk nerd. 🤓 Fan Boy Out ✌️️
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
The Great, Great Northern Mall Trolling
The comedic genius responsible for opening up the BJ's brew house right next door to Dicks sporting goods at Great Northern Mall is my hero. Anyone that manages to make just the act of driving past the mall somewhat amusing or funny is doing Gods work, and therefore must possess a sort of next level super human sense of humor. I now can't help to feel like I'm a victim of some type of insanely clever and calculated trolling every time I drive past the mall. Get this person a freaking trophy they are most certainly winning at life. 😛🏆
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
My Problems With Political Correctness and Social Justice Part One:
The most fucked up result from this whole PC movement is the common occurrence of individuals being wrongfully judged and labeled for beholding a certain opinion or belief. This needs to stop now it's a cancer to our society. It is creating a false narrative for another individual. That's fucking wrong, that's so fucking wrong. Instantly judging and treating someone as an awful person just because they have a contrary opinion is absurd and extremely closed minded. Is it any wonder we are a nation "divided" as the media would claim. This agenda is creating ugly preconceptions that ultimately are destroying human connection. Discourse should exist between the two parties with opposing views, in order to gain insight on new and different ideas. Instead, regressive antics such as name calling and the censorship of an individual's opinion is the most common plan of action practiced today. Are you that ignorant to believe that all Trump supporters are Nazis or White Supremacists? Or perhaps did your smart phone provide yourself with that tidbit of information? Are you that brainwashed that you believe holding the door for a woman is sexist as opposed to simply a nice gesture and display of good manners? Let me guess, instead of doing any sort of extensive research for yourself, you formed this belief through the influence of social media, The Bible of this generation. Social Justice uses tactics such as shaming and slandering in order to ultimately silence those with an contrary opinion or belief system. How the fucking fuck are people expected to ever to coexist behaving and living like that?? This toxic behavior is a direct product of the efficacious Social Justice brainwashing that has consumed our nation. All of this made possible due to the most powerful invention ever created, the Internet. Shortly after its inception the internet was rendered obsolete and made accessible at anytime and everywhere, fully taking advantage and exploiting our inability to use such incredible technology responsibly. So far it appears to be the perfect platform to manipulate vast majorities of humanity. Truly epitomizes how vulnerable and impressionable the human condition is.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
2016 or George Orwell's 1985?
In the midst of the social media age, 2016 is beginning to resemble a lot like the society depicted in George Orwell's novel 1985. I'm starting to believe this is all some sort of social experiment. Get people to spend more time with an mind blowing incredible piece of technology than with other humans, and we can get inside the mind of the people more efficiently and successfully than ever before . Never in my life have I heard so many news reports that revolve around our differences and Identity politics in general. Race, Gender, Culture, Sexual Orientation all of these things that separate us, why is all of it so relevant now? Do people forget that we are the most culturally diverse area in all of the world? This notion that bigotry is the most serious and prevelant problem our society faces is absurd. In America cultural diversity has long time been celebrated and achieved, along with each generation being less racist then the one before it. So why is it impossible to escape these topics? We have our smart phones to blame, providing us with 24/7 accessibility to "news outlets" that recycle and report news stories that always revolve around an act of social intolerance, adding a few nuisances along the way in order to keep the next report with the same agenda seem somewhat fresh. Less news and more propaganda. Unlike fellow human beings our smart phones seemingly have no problem whatsoever in obtaining our undivided attention. The media certainly exploits this when deciding on what qualifies as a "newsworthy" story. It's pretty easy to brainwash and manipulate an individuals views and opinions on particular matters when you provide relentless exposure exclusive to issues such as intolerance, discrimination and bigotry. It's always an one sided hate filled portrayal that leads you to believe that most members of society are evil. The best part is it's literally the norm now a days that every news story involves a form of bigotry. I think it's obvious we could use more variety. If we as humans do not question this possible abuse of the media's power then we are indeed hopeless and lacking serious intellect. Everyday it's the same narrative played out, except involving different areas, different people and a different hate crime. I'm certain news worthy events occurred that didn't involve hate or bigotry. I'd be willing to bet that such news is occurring everywhere. It is the media's duty to keep us honestly informed and educated about what is occurring within our society. Not operating in such a manner is extremely irresponsible and deceitful. The consequences are being played out right before our eyes. Seriously sports was the only news that didn't involve politics until fucking now. One simply cannot escape it. It's obvious that the media wants these issues to remain on everyone's mind.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
The Smart Phone Addicted Sleep Walkers and the Revelation That Changed it all for Me
It is my personal opinion that in the year 2016, many human beings are incapable of responsibly owning and operating a smart phone. It has totally changed the world and altered human behavior and psychology. This has never been more obvious to me until just recently when me and my best friend Dave, accidentally locked ourselves out of his girlfriends' house. Unfortunately, we were house sitting during one of the coldest days of the year. Our phones both dead, this was the first in the longest time that I can remember spending time with another human being without any distractions whatsoever. No television, no internet, and no radio. We've literally been best friends since kindergarten but that still didn't prevent an instant feeling of dread and panic to consume my body. To not have any control over such an overwhelming feeling is extremely frightening.😧 So with 5 hours to spare we plan to sit in the patio in the freezing cold, with nothing but each other's company and some random throwback magazine all about legendary music entourage "The Rat Pack". Fuck ha..... Oddly enough, I can honestly say except for the brutal cold, that I had a great fucking time. 5 hours has never flown by faster in my entire life. Completely cut off from all entertainment and distractions we had each other's full attention and were in total control of the source and direction of all our conversations. In just those few hours I began to realize that I've actually somewhat prevented myself from allowing all of these intuitive thoughts and ideas to resonate. It's difficult to explain the feeling after such an realization. 5 hours of engaged conversations took place. Not one of them revolved around what was trending or what happened on the television. Every thought that was incepted by each of us was entirely organic. It was an awesome time and extremely therapeutic. I suddenly felt wide awake. I had to think way back to high school, as being the last time I spent multiple hours with a friend without any sort of entertainment. Quite frequently I hear various people converse about the same subject matter multiple times a day, everywhere I go. All different individuals, all in different locations, all discussing the same exact story or topic. It's funny how much you notice it once you separate yourself from social media, radio, and television programming. It really doesn't require a detective in order to recognize the manipulation occurring. In 2016, many people spend more time on and with their phones then they do with a fellow human being. Once we began routinely becoming inseparable with our phones, the act of being alone with just ones' thoughts has slowly become an outdated or extinct human behavior. Once the ability to free think is compromised, are you truly an individual?🙄
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
We are just these people collectively tangled in each other's lives. 🙅🏻‍♂️
Today a fellow coworker and now friend randomly came up to me, looked me in the eyes to genuinely tell me that he thought I was a really good dude and can feel the "good vibes" that I give off. He continued on to reveal that he has just recently moved here from New Mexico and that it's a rarity to meet someone who isn't unpleasant, selfish, and judgmental. It was extremely flattering to say the least. Most people would be embarrassed or afraid to share such information with another adult let alone human being. The fact that he went out of his way during a casual smoke break to tell me this really got to me. It made me feel like I really make a difference in this crazy existence. These are the only two certainties of life that are true for every single human being in existence and these facts are responsible in making me into the individual I am today. Fact One: We all identify as human beings. We are the most evolved creatures in existence. Our ability to communicate, create, think and love all encompasses the beauty of being a human. Fact Two: All of us humans have absolutely no fucking idea what this phenomenon that we currently exist in actually is for certain. What we do know is that whatever it is that's occurring as you read this, we are all collectively experiencing it together as one common evolved race. That being said, everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinion on what they believe this state of existence to be, but unless it can legitimately be proven with cold hard facts, it shall forever remain a mystery. The wonderment and awe in all of this resulted into me being a very introspective person who is utterly fascinated and intrigued by people. Always eager to hear other people's thoughts, feelings, and input on anything pertaining to life. I have spent most of my life interacting and communicating with people, deeply valuing my relationships with others. Years later and I have gained an great amount of knowledge and wisdom in regards to how we inherently think and behave as humans. The connections I've made have provided me with both unforgettable memories and an enlightened perspective on life itself. I not only became a people person, but also enjoyed and took pride in doing so. Every single relationship experienced and had made me a better person. In today's world its quite easy for people to lose sight in the pure beauty that is life. I learned very quickly the small act of being caring or humorous can serve as a simple reminder that life is indeed wonderful and have a positive impact on people's lives. It really does makes a difference. Human beings are the entity that makes life worth living. It was the very people in my life that made me realize how special the privilege of living as a human truly is. These same human beings inspired these so called "positive vibes" to resonate and ultimately be shared with the rest of the clueless majority, who are also attempting to make sense of this incredible phenomenon we refer to as life.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
Entertaining the Idea of the Present Ska Scene if Bradley Nowell Didn't Tragically pass and Sublime was Still Active Today.
Just imagine if Bradley didn't overdose and Sublime remained relatively active all the way up until this year. How different and possibly bigger the ska scene following could be today? Not to say, the scene is dead. I can attest that certainly isn't the case after seeing Streetlight Manifesto last night. Rather insisting that the genres following could possibly be just a bit larger. Bands such as Blink 182 and Green Day are still releasing albums and selling out arenas in the year 2016. Regardless of the fact that both bands have created their share of lack luster material in the past. I have to believe Sublime would also be doing the same, if presently active. (Except of course, the whole making subpar music thing.😝) Sublime undoubtably crossed over to mainstream music on a much higher level of popularity, in comparison to any other band of the same genre. Many ska/punk bands had brief moments, but that was obviously due to popularity of the genre during the 90s. One could argue Sublime was the band solely responsible of the boom that indeed was the third wave ska movement. 40 oz freedom was released way back in 1992! That's three years before the release of No Doubt's classic Tragic Kingdom. None the less, fast forward to the year 2016 and I still hear Sublime in heavy rotations on radio and pandora stations. Some of these stations are not even associated with alternative, ska, punk or even the "basic" rock music genre. In my opinion Sublime's music sounds even bigger and vastly original then I can even remember. 20 years later and the songs still do not come off as cliche or trite. Pretty impressive stuff. I mean cmon, Who doesn't recite every lyric to "What I Got", when it suddenly pops on while driving? It's almost impossible to resist. Surely an alternate universe must exist where Sublime is still present and active. (Don't try and tell me SWR is the same band, it's not and you're stupid.) A universe existing with many more records, tours and radio play would ultimately lead to more exposure and fans. All of this would open the door for many other bands to receive a influx of opportunities and chances at success. It'd be naive to think that they wouldn't of elevated the careers of other ska acts along with the genre itself. Ultimately altering and making the scene grow stronger. That's not to say Sublime didn't succeed in doing that to a certain extent. I'm just suggesting that with a thicker discography and longer shelf life, the band could of accomplished a lot more for the genre of ska. Here's a few hypothetical examples of how things might of played out a little differently if Sublime never ended. - Bands such as No Doubt and The Aquabats may never of departed from their early ska sound. Or at least do so quickly. Today, both of the bands discographies majorly consist of non ska tracks. Just the sheer idea of one more ska/punk record from each band is intriguing. - John Feldmann's legacy might of been associated more so with his ska/punk outfit Goldfinger and their music. Rather than his ability and success with producing records. (Notably influential in the pop punk boom in the 2000s, producing records for bands the likes of Good Charlotte, The Used, Mest and Story of the Year.) - Record labels in the early to mid 00s may not of developed the mindset of pressuring ska bands to lose their horn section, in order to sound more like a pop punk band. Take for example Less Than Jake. The ska/punk mainstays from Gainesville, FL. LTJ provided alternate versions of tracks off their ska/punk magnum opus "Anthem". Singles include "She's Gonna Break Soon" and "The Science of Selling Yourself Short" both have alternate versions involving far less horn arrangements. Perhaps the follow up record, "In With The Out Crowd" wouldn't be regarded as the unanimous sell out record among dire hard fans. 💲💲💲 IWTOC had a noticeably drastic change in sound. Songs included a seldom amount of brass instruments and much more pop orientated tracks. - I just might not have to travel to fucking Canada...In order to skank and enjoy live music performed by The Planet Smashers. Or travel to Boston, MA to finally cross The Mighty Mighty Bosstones off my bucket list. Perhaps, Suburban Legends wouldn't be stuck performing exclusively in Disney Land, and I wouldn't be forced to have to wait an eternity for a return to Ohio. Same exact thing goes double for the Mad Caddies. Dirty Rice was so awesome and it's been way too fucking long. 🤘 - Lastly, the forth wave ska conversation might not have to start and end with just one band known as Streetlight Manifesto. Speculation aside, it is undeniable and foolish to deny the notion that the scene would of greatly benefited and expanded if Sublime hadn't tragically lost the insanely talented Bradley Nowell all those years ago. 🎤🎷🎸🎺
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
An Evening of Assault and Andrew McMahon 👊🎹
To be honest, tonight was the not the first time that I have been punched in the face by a female. Although I was certainly caught off guard since I wasn't at Chris Brown's domicile nor Ray Rice's but rather an ANDREW FUCKING MCMAHON show. The dude plays piano for fucks sake. So a very special thank you goes out to the crazy bitch that tried fighting her way to the front, but after being rejected by the masses she began swinging at some poor random guy in the crowd. I completely regret being the "peacemaker" and getting in between your 5 foot rollie pollie olliee self and that dude. Instead of going your separate way, you decide that punching me in the face is a much better decision b4 you scurry out of the crowd. You made such a scene that I was brought to the back for questioning and got to miss one of my favorite songs. It's nothing short of a miracle that I managed to somehow find my glasses on the floor, before they were stomped to pieces. Anyone who starts a fight at a show is a terrible person. Anyone who starts a fight at an Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness show deserves to get AIDS.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
I Didn't Cry at my Grandmother's Funeral so why the Fuck Would I Cry Because Trump won the Presidency??🙄🙄🙄
If listening to your favorite bands songs that happen to demonstrate an strong opposing political view to that of your own isn't considered an instant indication of being an open minded individual. Then Idk what the fuck anything is anymore. Singing lyrics to an chorus that you completely disagree with is basically taking the time to enjoy and celebrate another's personal opinion or belief. People now a days automatically assume that if you possess strong political views that you are instantly closed minded. This is not the case at all. The worst kind of person is one that wants to hurt you and treat you as if were you an evil child rapist, just because you don't agree with them on politics. Such immoral and destructive behavior demands an explanation, as well as an strong argument to support ones personal opinion. It's twats like this who seemingly always struggle to provide any sort of insight or understanding behind their contrary ideals. This is beyond frustrating to say the least. Treating another person like total shit over politics is fucked, but the inability to produce facts that support your political disposition and evil behavior is super fucked. I can attest that these soulless entities do in fact currently exist and by the masses. Thank you internet!!!! It appears we somehow managed to willingly surrender all of our privacy and complete attention span over to you for the rest of eternity. Leaving many to coexist with grown adults who suffer mental and emotional breakdowns just because of the result of an presidential election.🙎🏻‍♂️ I didn't cry at my grandmother's funeral, so why the fuck would I cry because Trump won the presidency? My parents would be so fucking ashamed of me if I reacted in such away. The president never once drove me to school, and he certainly didn't work two jobs and go to night school just to provide me with an blessed quality of life. As far as I know, my parents did not happen to have a threeway with president George H. W. Bush in the year of 1991. So I'm pretty confident in assuming that he had no direct influence on my existence period whatsoever. 💯 This outrage and hysteria that has materialized post election seems rather undignified and manufactured. Fucking Basics. These candid immature emotional breakdowns almost give you the impression and suggest that perhaps at just 5 years of age these sore losers began to pray every night before bed to Jesus, and pray that one day Hillary Clinton would be the president of the U.S.A. 🙏 It's pretty alarming knowing that these people are capable of becoming emotionally disturbed over an political race that they most likely began caring about only a year and a half ago. Not just any presidential race mind you, but a spectacle no doubt worthy of being made into a motion picture adaptation with an DVD backcase description that reads: "an historical event comparable to a movie scene straight out of Jumanji, a complete circus disaster and huge fuck you to all U.S. citizens as a whole." - Robert Ebert 📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀 Ladies and Gentlemen the election is over, it's really not a big deal and it's time to move on. Take a giant step away from social media and direct your attention and energy towards someone or something actually deserving of it.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
It Truly is a Wonderful Life
Nearly died moments ago, due to one of those brainless idiots who inexplicably seem to enter grand theft auto mode when driving, once the winter weather arrives in Cleveland, Ohio!!!🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm sure you know the type of retards. In this instance, it was of course a semi "truck-tard" who ultimately put my life into jeopardy. It's now my personal opinion that semi truck drivers during the winter make all of the elderly and perhaps even senile drivers appear as masters of the roadway. It's not everyday you are faced with a situation that leaves the entirety of your fate in your own two hands. It was certainly a surreal moment instinctively swerving and avoiding the incoming backend of that semi. Everything seemed to happen so fast and executed in such style that I swear, would make even James Bond envious.😎 Shockingly, I didn't feel any anxiety whatsoever from this near death experience. In all honesty, experiencing such a moment that completely epitomizes being in total control of my life was rather euphoric and calming. Unperturbed, I lit up a cigarette and suddenly began to hear the unmistakeable opening riffs to ACDC's Highway to Hell blaring out of my car stereo. In that exact moment, it felt like I was starring in my own movie, driving in the midst of a Cleveland's winter evening and thinking to myself "this is life." 🙂
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
The Incarnation of Reptar of the Right
Before anyone reads this next mischievous entry of creative literature, a little background information is necessary in order to shed some light and provide insight behind a piece of satire that may possibly trigger some internet users. I wrote this months back and for awhile was trying to figure out when to allow other sets of eyes to read the piece for themselves. Now is that time. 💁🏻‍♂️ Here's the reason why: 🇨🇦In Canada, there is a law in legislation that if passed would require citizens to use the specific personal preferred pronoun of those who identify beyond the traditional gender groups. These individuals fall between the other "totally real" 76 gender types or either as an breathing entity that does not identify as a human being but rather an entirely separate species all together. Yes, for those uninformed Trans-Species is actually now being considered as an real fucking thing. 🤦🏻‍♂️ If one decides to not comply with this proposed mandate they will be instantly susceptible to legal action and be punished for beholding a different opinion and using such "reckless and hateful" rhetoric 😔. This has to be the most ridiculous attack on free speech ever derived. I am fucking appalled and ashamed that we live during a time where society deems such importance on such idiotic madness. 😤 Now I want you to imagine working overseas and living life as a child labor victim, forced to endure 16 hour workdays. These slave shifts only consist of putting together iPhones and perhaps stitching up Nike footwear. Even worse, this form of torture is implemented simply for the purpose of American consumption. A country whose many inhabitants are in fact intelligent human beings, along with the total retards that perpetuate the insane bullshit of identity politics. It must be devastating and depressing having to experience and survive everyday life that is comparable to Hell. Can you honestly say that you would be able to gain any sort of understanding or feel remotely compassionate towards these first world gender identity "victims", if you were the one forced into child labor? 🤔Or would you not even have the time, because of the U.S.'s high demand for I Phones? 📱. Wrap your mind around the fact it's 2016 and our society is still arguing about race, gender, and now fucking pronouns. All while some hopeless kid somewhere is being victimized by an incredibly evil form of abuse. A hideous and immoral instance of abuse that occupies, infects, and ultimately wastes away the constantly fleeing moments of an temporary existence, that we call life. Hopefully now you can see the point I'm trying to make and somewhat understand my point of view when I wrote this piece. I personally believe whole heartedly it's extremely wrong that such absurdity now trumps imminent world problems that knowingly exist. Child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, world hunger, cancer, sex trafficking and drug abuse just to name a few examples. I don't care what you do or identify as. Just don't let such actions infringe on my right to exercise free speech and behold a different set of beliefs. Okay enough with all the seriousness and now onto a direct product of being an individual, and exercising my right of free speech. A creative, outrageous, and silly piece of satire.😝😝😝 The Incarnation of Reptar of the Right Today I go to social media in order to confess something very personal and intimate. Truth be told my whole life I have always felt so incredibly uncomfortable and empty inside. I simply cannot deny it any longer! I will no longer identify myself as a human being. Truth be told I have always known deep down in that I am in fact actually a vicious, blood thirsty Tyrannosaurs Rex. (Unfortunately trapped in a human body 😔) I'm completely serious, so If anyone beholds any insensitive opinions or comments please refrain due to the fact my regular safe space location has unfortunately already reached maximum capacity. I can't put into words the joy of this weight being lifted off my shoulders. I thought I was possibly mentally ill and alone most of my life. That all changed once I saw the comedy classic Step Brothers. This movie is where I witnessed a scene where the father character openly discussed his want and burning passion to be a T Rex Dinosaur with his son. I was instantly inspired by such bravery. I was also extremely overjoyed to finally discover that I wasn't totally alone in the universe. SPOILER ALERT.....the prehistoric identity struggle is very real people. Can you even imagine the struggle? Me as a juvenile forced to engage in school and even partake in athletics daily with an entirely separate species. All the while, possessing a constant want and ambition to roam around the backyard with my arms all scrunched up T Rex style, wreaking havoc with each and every emphatic dino stomp and scream. I began to realize very quickly that you humans consider that'd to be an unhealthy and abnormal lifestyle, but for us dinos it's a way of life. I was destined to spend the rest of my days terrorizing backyards just like my ancestors before me. We have come an extremely long way and as a result really progressed dramatically as society. Now is the first time in history that I no longer have to be ashamed to admit that I've watched Jurassic Park a billion times and admittedly reenacted every T Rex scene alone in front of my mirror for hours at a time. (I'm not gonna lie either, I'm a pretty good actor.) So good in fact that when my private bedroom auditions take place, my roommates totally think I'm just watching the J Park films in my room. Just saying 😎 Do human beings partake in such activities? I think not, but then again I cannot be certain because I am only capable of having T Rex thoughts. 😐 Furthermore, I personally don't feel like the name "Gregg" is suitable for a T Rex such as myself. So I've decided that I will now only respond and answer to the name "Reptar". It's very fitting don't you think? As a T Rex it just came to be inherently natural I suppose. Referring to me as anything other than "Reptar" would highly offend me and not to mention hateful. Reptar is and always has been my one true identity. Don't get it twisted 🙅🏻‍♂️. It's simply amazing this ignored and incredibly courageous community, is now responsible for the most important movement occurring in the U.S. 🇺🇸and other areas of the world. My hope is that this will inspire more individuals who identify as a dinosaur to open up and come out from hiding. Whether you refer to oneself as Barney the Dinosaur or perhaps Bosh the Raptor, it makes no difference. You are not alone!!! Let's turn this place into our own Jurassic World. Sincerely, Reptar of the Right Update: I am happy to share that I will be pursuing an opportunity to ensure my physical appearance resembles that of which is my true identity. While it's not as intricate or expensive as medical procedures, it is still a gallant decision to make. Let me clarify, I'm totally not calling myself a hero or anything. Just that if one thing leads to another and you do decide to label and portray me as one, I won't fight it. That'd be lame and total dick move. 😝 Anyways, turns out my uncle knows this guy who works with this other guy, and this other guy has a brother. A dude named Stevie, who (GET THIS) works on the set of the upcoming motion picture Jurassic World!!!! My boy Stevie has received word of my courageous journey, and has since reached out and offered to aide me in my time of transitioning.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
Reflecting on the Unforgettable Memory of Becoming the Recipient of an Meaningless Participitory Style Trophy for the First Time.🏆🏆🏆
Trophies were created to celebrate and recognize achievement. Like anything in life they must be earned. That's what in turn makes them so desirable. Trophies used to be defined by this logic. That was up until society became totally obsessed and fixated on people's "feelings". Trophies much like the facts of life, do not care about your feelings. They serve the purpose of recognizing greatness, not boosting self esteems. To this day I am still unable to erase my first encounter with such nonsense from my brain. Growing up I had the privilege to partake in many athletics. Each year I'd play football in the fall, followed by basketball in the winter and lastly baseball during the spring/summer. Despite being a decent athlete I can honestly say basketball was not my strongest sport. I sucked, especially when I was younger. I played my first year of CYO basketball in the 4th grade. My memories of that first year consists of many missed baskets and many minutes being spent on the bench. I remember numerous occasions where I felt very upset with myself, due to my underwhelming performances. I also vividly remember the rides home spent listening to my father, while he boisterously vented and expressed his frustration towards my pedestrian level of play and lack of minutes I received. It was obvious that I just wasn't very good. So at the end of the year, I was blindsided and presented with the "Most Improved Player" award. I remember the exact moment I was told this and instantly remember thinking to myself "why the fuck am I getting an award I averaged 2 points a game." I couldn't grasp it. I didn't feel like I achieved or accomplished anything. I knew even as a 12 year old kid that there was no logical reasoning that could support this nomination. Instead of being happy to receive an "award" I became confused, after feeling confused I would eventually become upset. I felt like I was being insulted in a way. Me being just a kid, I could never question this decision or turn down the meaningless award. I was stuck. Furthermore, I was then forced to go up before an auditorium of people and pretend I was ecstatic and grateful for such an honor. I hated every second of that haunting moment. It was humiliating to me to receive applause and praise for an award, that's sole purpose is to make the worst player on the team feel better about themselves. Why would anyone in their right mind desire to be awarded with something so pathetic? The next year just as I suspected the worst player on the team was again presented with this award. (This time it wasn't me!😝) Confirming everything I thought about the "Most Improved Player" award. It's remarkable how impactful just one fake award, masquerading as an symbol of achievement, can be on an competitive individual.
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
Failed Attempts at Using Hints and Polite Social Cues, and the Imminent Dilemma That Shortly Ensues After
Grown ass adults who are unable to take a hint or get a clue are a special kind of stupid. Not having to spell things out in order to communicate something to a fellow adult is fucking amazing. It's an underrated privilege of adulthood. As I just previously mentioned, some of these self proclaimed "grown adults" are incapable of comprehending these hints. The worst part is they never will, and so far it appears to be a permanent condition. Get a freaking clue If I never bother to start a conversation with you, its because I'd rather fellate a hot curling iron then hear your mouth make noise. Now that might sound pretty extreme, but once you experience such agony as a result of listening to certain people speak, you will completely understand my savagery. For long periods of time I can stare at my phone or at the ground and proceed in the use of one word responses, unenthusiastic one word responses and a fuck load of half word-half groan responses, and still somehow remain trapped and imprisoned in your unwarranted verbal warfare. Here are some are conversational topics that are guaranteed to waste valuable moments of your life and reduce your general IQ. 🗣🗣🗣 - Bono (Some of you reading this are like what or who the fuck is that?) -Exactly my point - The personality of an owners cat.😹 - Any conversation that begins with a question such as "Hey did you have any idea today we celebrate national birth control day?" 😑 - Tales of personal real life Ghost Hunting expeditions 👻 - Buzzfeed articles that's only purpose is to agitate one race against another, along with one gender against the other. (In other words turning all of society against each other) 😤 - An synopsis of the most recent episode of Spike TV's Ink Wars with Dave Navarro 📺 - How many push-ups your coworker accomplished this morning 💪 - How many more push-ups your coworker could of accomplished this morning if they actually tried 🙄 - The INSANE amount of alcohol he and his bros consumed last night 🍻 - The INSANE amount of phone numbers he and his bros almost got last night 📵 - Any extensive story revolving around the activity of zip lining 😴 - Conspiracy theories that consist of demon lizard people 🐲 - How awesome that trailer for that new Vin Diesel movie looked. 🖕 - That one time they just nearly missed giving MGK a high five by a mere few inches. 🖐 - One's personal orgin story of becoming a Juggalo for the Insane Clown Posse 👺 The terrifying underlying truth is without the ability to insinuate and politely communicate a lack of interest along with no where to run, you are stuck with only two remaining options. You can be a total dick and tell them to fuck off, or remain susceptible to losing massive amounts of brain cells due to overexposing oneself to such mindless bullshit. It's irrefutable and alarming that just enduring an conversation can be considered a heath liability. Being held verbally hostage is the sort of Catch 22 that unfortunately makes a lot of decent people out to be assholes. We live during a strange time where playing the victim is trendy and the norm. Therefore, I figure this is a perfect time than ever to claim victimization for myself for the first time in my life, as a result of being tortured in constant verbal hostage situations incited by oblivious adults for far too long. I can totally do without these people's brainless banter. Frankly you aren't doing me any favors by making me dumber or in my case making me appear to be a bigger asshole than usual. Get a clue people, you are indeed the ones who are assholes.
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