xxhoneylove · 6 years
a gentle reminder that you did well this year. you met new people, learned new things and felt new feelings. you did so many things that made you scared. you picked yourself up off the floor after feeling completely defeated or heartbroken. there were some really tough nights but you survived them all. you made people happy just by existing. you accepted many goodbyes but the serendipitous meetings made up for them. it was your own hard work that paid off but you always downplay it or compare yourself to others. that’s not fair on yourself. you’ve come so far from the first day of this year. you have more wisdom and strength now. yes, other people seem more “successful” but does that even matter? please don’t think so lowly of yourself to only think about your failures. 2018 was your year of growth. I hope you take a moment to be kind to yourself, and believe that 2019 will be even better.
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
okay but when girls do literally anything reblog if you agree
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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Everytime I come back to tumblr 🙃🙃
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
men will PURPOSELY ask you things in a condescending tone and then act surprised when you get an attitude like “i wasn’t trying to start an argument” yes you were travis shut the fuck up
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
Tips for the “Log Off” Protest
So December 17th is the “Log Off” Protest, to protest Tumblr’s new ban on nsfw content, and the horribly incompetent way they’ve attempted to implement this new ban. But many of us have the tumblr app, and mindlessly open it without thinking. Others have queues going and cannot pause them (which would be a cool xkit feature, hint hint), so here’s some tips I’ve gathered to help make this protest as effective as we can!
don’t actually delete the app from your devices. since it isn’t on the app store, it will be extremely difficult to get back (if you so choose)
you don’t have to actually physically log off, just as long as you don’t visit the site or the app. if logging off makes it easier to avoid tumblr then, like. go for it lmao
if you mindlessly click on the tumblr app (or are worried you will), then move the app somewhere where it isn’t easily accessible, like the second page of a folder. out of sight, out of site, right?? ahahaha… ahem, sorry
if you are like me and continuously fill up your queue to it’s max amount, you have limited options and none of them are great. 
you can delete every post from your queue, which sucks. especially if you are like me and keep your queue filled, because I have 279 posts in my queue and deleting them all just to retag them and draft them would be Hell
OR, if your queue auto-posts more than once a day, you can change it to once a day. maybe even set it to post at like? 1am or something? which still sucks but it’s less of a hassle and more effective than doing nothing, right? right.
don’t just go dark on all social media! posting on other websites show tumblr and the company that owns it (Verizon, I think??) that what they are implementing is Extremely Not Good, and that the decrease of activity is ONLY on tumblr, so it’s clear what is the cause of the decrease. If you can, make sure to mention anywhere else you post that you are posting there instead of tumblr because of the protest, like using the twitter hashtag #logoffprotest, or something idk
the protest starts at 12am EST, which means 9pm PST. (If you don’t know what time that means for you, or what timezone you are in, google it to be sure). That means me in California, for instance, will actually begin the protest at 9pm on the 16th. This also means that the protest ends at 9pm on the 17th, but just because I’m weird and petty, I’m not going to log in again until 9am on the 18th
that’s all the tips I have for y’all, so good luck protesting and let’s cross our fingers for tumblr changing their mind! Otherwise, I’ll hopefully see everyone again, on some better, maybe even bluer, website…… lmao
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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dawn of the final day 24 hours remain
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
Creators: INTRODUCING A BRAND NEW FANTASY WORLD The world: [Medieval European setting with knights and castles. Elves live in the forest. Dwarves yelling and drinking. Orcs just green and angry. Dragons. Boob armour.]
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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Same sis, same
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
Soon as a grown black woman says “lemme explain something to you” very calmly, just shut up because you already lost that fight and she about to rip you a whole new asshole
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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this is adorable im jealous
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
every fall teenage girls are like.. “oh , im gonna enter a place of business and order a product which is offered by that place of business because i like the flavor of it” and honestly? how dare they. that’s so annoying. why can’t they buy the beverage that i, a smart man, would prefer to drink
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
And now I’m dreaming of us on road trips. Packing into my car and taking off for the coast in the middle of the night. Listening to your favourite songs and being silly when we sing along. Camping on the coast and listening to the ocean with your head on my shoulders and my heart in your hands.
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xxhoneylove · 6 years
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