xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
“Why are you apologising to me? I don’t care.” Marcus shook his head then turned away a bit. 
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“Always a treat, Marcus. Can I get you another drink or are you good?”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
She smiled, “of course,” Xian Li said, scooting the glass closer to the other side of the bar. “So besides beating up your customers, what else do you do?”
She smirked, pouring the drink. “Well, I enjoy horror films, going on long runs, knitting, and general demonic spooky shit.” She smirked. “Whats your name? Sorry.”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
“Work has been crazy. Also I’ve been a hermit. I’m really sorry, honestly I’ve just been feeling off.”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
He turned and moved toward the door they’d exited the bar from. He held it open for Maggie and bowed for dramatic effect. “After you, Our Lady of Darkness,” he teased. “Are you okay?”
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She smirked, nodding. “I’m alright. Just a little sore which is common right after a change. You alright? Still not freaked out?”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Rudy turned around when she announced that she was changing back and would reappear naked. Obediently, he searched for her clothes and then held them out behind him, doing his level best not to get an accidental eyeful. “Neat trick. I’ve never met a witch I didn’t like,” his tone was ambiguous as if he couldn’t settle on the sentiment appearing as a joke, a jab, or genuine.
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“Thank you, dear.” She smirked, changing back, the cracks of her bones ringing out into the night once more. She whined in pain but not as much as one would think. She was mostly used to changing by now. Once she was done and back to her vessel’s form, she grabbed her clothes and dressed quickly. When she was fully dressed, she sighed. “Alright. All set. You can turn around.”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Rudi clapped when she came back down because that was a spectacle worthy of applause. “Shit, you’re cool,” he said, still in awe. It was one thing to see it, and another to experience it. “You can go ahead and turn back. I wish I had some dubstep on my phone,” he added laughing, “or classical. Anime transformations are always better with a soundtrack.”
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She smiled, shaking her head. “You’re a sweet kid. I’m gonna change back now if you don’t mind grabbing my clothes. I’ll be naked once I change back. A witch back in the 80′s taught me a very quick clothing storage spell so that when I change, all I have to do is think of my clothes as folded and they’ll end up folded as long as i want it and use some of my demonic energy. They’re by the brick wall behind you.”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Rudi made a point of remembering this new information about demons. “That’s wild, dude. Nah, you’re g–” he hesitated, then changed his answer. “Actually… can you fly? Of course, you can, right?”
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“Fly? Of course I can.” With that, she flew straight up into the air, a dark, charcoal smoke following her. She soared around and then flew a circle around his body and then landed in front of him.
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Xian Li listened to Maggie talk about her job, she did enjoy listening to her stories, they always had some form of violence in them. She didn’t get that violence at her job, with it being such a delicate profession. “Your job is much more fun than mine Maggie.” She said with a laugh.
“It can be a hoot sometimes, that’s for sure.” She smirked, looking at Xian’s close to empty glass. “Can I top you off on that drink of yours?” she asked, smirking.
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Rudi watched the spectacle in plain amazement. She didn’t even need to bow for him to start clapping when she was finished. “Holy shit,” he whooped, “That was awesome. God, magic is cool. You can’t stay like this all the time?”
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“Well, I can stay in this form longer than lower tier demons. I’m a tier three. But after a few hours, my body gets tired and that usually means I need to turn back into my vessel.” She smirked, lowering down so that she could begin changing back. “Want to see anything else before I change back?”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
He walked around her to get a better look at her wings and horns. Heat poured off of her in waves; she really did look stunning. And horrifying. Believing and seeing were two separate things, and though he wasn’t frightened, he was definitely impressed. Rudi answered her question with another question: “In what universe would I say no to that?” 
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She smiled, her fanged teeth showing through. She didn’t say anything further and finally, began to focus as she held up her hand, her palm facing the sky as she began cultivating a little fire ball. She then added her other hand, circling her hands around the fire orb until it grew in size and finally, she raised her hand in the sky, a jet of fire coming from her hand and shooting into the air. When she finished, she smiled, bowing slightly.
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Rudi stood back but didn’t shy from her. He wasn’t squeamish when it came to gore or magic, and her re-skinning seemed to be a little of both. “Hot,” he said, “You’ve got your very own goth anime transformation sequence, that’s dope as hell.” He moved closer to her. The steam billowing off of her smelled like a forest fire. He breathed it in; far from frightening him, it was actually one of his comfort smells. “I believe you when you say that idiot you knocked out soiled himself. You’re pretty damn scary.” Although, he wasn’t the least bit afraid.
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Mila smiled, the fire running through her veins burning in the best way possible. It was comfortable now. She pushed a piece of hair behind her ear when he told her she was scary. “Thank you,” she blushed, the fire lines on her cheeks lighting up brighter. Her black locks wafted in the wind as she floated in front of him. “You wanna see a trick?” she asked, smirking.
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
“You definitely have a power advantage over him if he doesn’t. You can just make him,” Jace laughed, thanking the new waiter that came back with Maggie’s plate of tacos.
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She giggled. “Hopefully it won’t come to that.” She smirked. When she saw her food, she asked the waiter for hot sauce and they brought back her favorite; jalapeno flavored Tabasco. She doused her taco with it and began eating. “God, I love tacos.”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
“Born ready,” Rudi said, clapping his hands and rubbing them together. He had encountered demons before, but they always fought him in human form for some reason. He burned with curiosity, but curiosity had a penchant for killing cats like him. “Flame on?”
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Maggie smirked, rolling her eyes. “Alright, let’s get weird.” She smiled and began to change, her bones cracking her skin turning dark ashen gray. Her horns began puncturing through her skull. She growled in pain but it wasn’t anything she could take. She felt her wings sprout and the ember and fire coursing through her veins. Her eyes went jet black and where her legs were, just a misty smoke now resided. Once she was done, she smirked, her voice lower but still sounding like her own. “What do you think?”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
Jace turned to her, pretending to be shocked. They slapped the bar and snapped their fingers. “Damn it, fate! So we’re destined to be apart. I hope your witch knows how lucky he is.”
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“I think so, my love. Oh well, Dez knows exactly how lucky he is. Or at least, he better.” She smirked.
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
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“Never going to get enough of that comment, am I?” Emery said with a low sigh before shaking her head. “-Just a glass a red.” The wolf gave, shaking her head some. If she dipped into hard liquor right now, she was afraid she wouldn’t stop.
“Alright,” she went and got a bottle of Merlot, a wine glass, and a napkin. She set the glass in front of the blonde and began pouring. “$10.”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
“Is that a genuine offer? I’m so game. I’m a little terrified, but that just means I’m smarter than the average human, right?” He chuckled.
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“Of course it is, let’s go.” She smirked at her manager, him having heard the discussion. She took him into the back ally and shut the door behind them. “Or, it makes you dumber than the average human.” She smirked. “You ready?”
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xxmaggie-fowlerxx · 6 years
“I’m a twenty-six-year-old fun witch,” Jace said, scandalized. They dropped their mock incredulity and started to laugh. “Actually I’m twenty-four, but that’s close enough. You tellin’ me I don’t stand a chance?” More joking and teasing. Jace hailed a waitress over and ordered a plate for Mags.
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Maggie giggled, rolling her eyes. “But I don’t have a penis. I feel like you’d have a problem with that. Also I’m a cis-female. Not your type, silly!” She giggled, shaking her head. 
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