xxrain05 · 8 hours
Silja: He died of natural causes.
Jonas: You pushed him off a cliff.
Silja: Gravity’s natural.
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xxrain05 · 9 hours
Silja: Let’s slow dance.
Bartosz: [does the macarena at ¼ speed]
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xxrain05 · 9 hours
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Sorry if you got your hopes up when you saw the nuclear fallout.
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xxrain05 · 9 hours
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Kahnwald family photos
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xxrain05 · 4 days
Dark Youtube AU because why not:
Jonas makes nature & city videos. He never talks in them. He never says his name. Nobody really knows who he is when he starts out. He’s Instagram famous. It takes him two years to finally talk in a video. When he does a face reveal, he almost regrets it because all the comments are about how hot he is.
Martha makes those ‘I’m going vegan!!’ & ‘5 reasons to try natural products’ and rents kind of videos. They’re kind of boring but she’s somehow popular.
Bartosz is a gamer. He vlogs when he’s stoned. Extremely popular.
Magnus only films when he’s stoned or angry. It’s really weird dark shit Youtube keeps demonetizing. Also bad meme compilations. He used to be a Viner. He had five followers.
Franziska makes studying videos where she’s smoking during half of them. ‘Don’t do drugs, kids’ she says holding a joint while studying for 12 hours straight. She once did a study with me livestream with the camera facing her door and Magnus barged in shirtless and the camera started to shake and the screen went black for 30 mins. She’s a meme lord.
Elizabeth makes sign language learning videos with Charlotte’s help. She’s actually really popular. She posted videos behind Charlotte’s back called ‘I really hate my sister’s boyfriend’s brother’ and ‘Makeup tutorial using stolen sister’s makeup’. People loved it. Savage as fuck.
Mikkel sometimes posts magic tricks but it’s mostly speed painting videos. He makes cool edits and effects. He disappears for a week and comes back with a video called ‘I accidentally vanished: magic trick gone wrong’
Mikkel and Michael make a collab video. They followed a Bob Ross video. It’s the most popular video on his channel. Half of the comments on it are ‘r u guys related’.
One time Jonas posted a video with pretty shots of Martha and a few hours later Bartosz posts a vlog where he’s being passive-aggressive about him and their fans got so into the beef that Martha had to make a video she titled ‘I got stalked by my ex’ but she ends up talking about how she cheated on both of them and it somehow makes her gain 10k followers.
Hannah has a channel with one video titled ‘My husband caught me cheating’ and it’s her bitching in her kitchen for 40 mins straight. It became a meme.
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xxrain05 · 4 days
Basically every character in Dark running into their past/future self: 
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xxrain05 · 4 days
I know nothing but that Max liked this post☺☺☺
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xxrain05 · 4 days
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bo and jantje, you will be hearing from my lawyer
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xxrain05 · 5 days
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Dark + Tumblr text posts, 2/?
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xxrain05 · 5 days
Why you should watch DARK
Guess who’s back to making a funky little ppt to convince you all to watch this show I’ve been obsessed with ever since it finished airing in 2020? 
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xxrain05 · 5 days
I love how DARK's whole story can be summarized into this:
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xxrain05 · 5 days
You know a series has a successful finale when even though almost none of the main characters have a conventional happy ending, none of the main ships (Jonas and Martha, Regina and Aleksander, Noah and Elisabeth) end up together happily ever after, characters cease to exist and are erased from the universe with no one remembering them, and one of the most disliked characters actually has a happy ending and it is still a very satisfying ending that it is beautifully written, acted and edited.
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xxrain05 · 15 days
Dark (2017-2020, Netflix)
Just rewatched Dark and I`m in love and in pain, pain, PAIN...
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Beware of being heavily spoiled ahead.
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The first painful question: would you save your father from sufferings, if it would mean for you to be erased from existence for good? (From this question on started my love for this show).
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The second question: is it really wrong, to love someone you shouldn`t love? Will it cause the end of the world?
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The desperate abduction. Oh, it was so beautiful!
The third question: will you really be happy with the truth about a time loop that you helped to build with your own hands, when you are able to see the whole picture?
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At the end I felt sorry even for him. The fourth question: how does it feel, to try so hard to change your doom and save your loved ones, only to find out that you are the source of their most unbearable pain?
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"You are too good man. Always was. This world didn't deserve you." It's a story about an infinite pain of each and every character: Katharina, Ulrich, Claudia and H.G. Tannhaus, who loved their relatives too much; Hannah, who loved herself too much; Jonas, Mikkel, Martha, Hanno, Charlotte, Elisabeth, Peter, Egon and Helge, who fell victims of the time-travel paradox. It's funny that an insane love for a child launched this glitch in a matrix and another insane love for a child put it all to the end. A circle closed. Poetic.
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The fifth question: would you fix the error in a matrix by self-sacrifice, if it would delete you and half of your nearest and dearest from existence but ends the never-ending circle of pain for others?
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"We match perfectly. Never believe in anything else."
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"The light glitched, there was a loud crack and then everything went dark. And somehow the world came to an end. There was dark and the light never came again. I had such a peculiar feeling like it was for the best. Like it was finally over. Like one was finally free from everything. Nothing to wish. Nothing to be obliged to do. An eternal dark. No yesterday. No now. No tomorrow. Nothing."
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Finally, I should say that I'm very grateful to Germans for this series. I watched it in original in order to train my German AND because it was a very-very interesting show. Even when I watched it for the second time. One time is surely not enough for understanding of the plot, trust me.
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xxrain05 · 19 days
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alt nielsen shenanigans
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xxrain05 · 26 days
Doris: of course I wouldn’t cheat! I love my daughter and husband! (The first part is true)
Agnes: *standing in front of her, silently looking at her with her enchanting blue eyes filled with love*
Doris: I mean… would I?
Agnes: *boldly holds her hand while Egon isn’t looking*
Doris: ?!
Agnes: *winks at her*
Doris: ok I’m gay bye Egon
Egon: ???
Claudia: *to Agnes* my mother loved you, you know?
Agnes: *touched*
Egon: (his soul following Claudia) but what about me———
*sees Noah kill Claudia then sees Agnes kill Noah*
Egon: Oh.
Egon: Ok.
Egon: That’s brutal.😟
Me: Cheating is wrong, why would anyone cheat
Egon: ~exists~
Me: You know what? Nevermind... My girl Doris did nothing wrong! Also, it's Agnes Nielsen how could she resist? I don't even like women but would still file for a divorce if she looked at me that way.
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xxrain05 · 29 days
I seriously wanna see those two fuck though😜
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robbed of the Strangers ever meeting
(because they'd fuck things up)
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xxrain05 · 1 month
Gosh this Martha is a real badass! I really love her new look, she just instantly look way fiercer.
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This martha changed lives (mine)
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