xxriverstyxxx · 21 hours
Hey peeps, to everyone who's requested something; no I'm not ignoring your requests I promise! I just don't have my iPad that I make my mood boards on but I will get them done as soon as I have it again. I love you all so so soooo much, and I can't wait to bring more content to a fandom I don't see represented much in the agere community
Xoxo, River
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xxriverstyxxx · 1 month
Goin on an adventure!!!!
Not sure where to quite yet but it's a nice day, I got a bucket hat wif giraffes on it that I gonna wear too!!
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xxriverstyxxx · 3 months
May I request a Mjf moodboard? Have a nice day :D
MJF Themed Age Regression Moodboard
OMG OMG YES OF COURSE YOU CAN TYSM FOR THE REQUEST!!!! I hope this is what you were looking for I‘m super excited
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First request ever, check! I had so much fun making this, I hope you enjoy!
~ Rivvy
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xxriverstyxxx · 3 months
CM Punk Themed Age Regression Moodboard
Until I get requests I’m just making moodboards for my favorite things! Not to mention I’ve never met another age regressor who likes WWE or AEW and I don’t see much stuff for it here either so I figured I’d make some! :]
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So yay there’s that I really love CM Punk so this is suuupperrrr self-indulgent!
~ Rivvy
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xxriverstyxxx · 3 months
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xxriverstyxxx · 3 months
I have some stuff my friend requested that's coming out soon but I'm always around liking stuff and I'd love to make more friends:]
Please reblog if you're an active age regression or age dreaming account that is SFW!
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xxriverstyxxx · 4 months
I feel that, my poor cg lol, he loves to help me though so I'm sure he doesn't mind 🩷💜
Shout out to littles/regressors who have chronic pain or are always sick and get worse when little/regressed
Another shout out to littles/regressors whose bodies are a lot more sensitive to stress when little/regressed and end up hurting or feeling sick because of it
Whenever I regress, my body + mind keeps all the stress from when big, and it ends up hurting me a lot more than it normally would (which ends up with either my stomach hurting or all of my existence hurting, no between, for the entire time I'm little :[ )
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xxriverstyxxx · 7 months
This is the first moodboard I’ve ever made! My cg recommended I do it off of things I like and I came up with this!
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Please be kind, I hope you all have a lovely day! 💜
~ Rivvy
(All images are from Pinterest, credit goes to their original owners!)
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xxriverstyxxx · 7 months
I agree with them 100% 💜
I wish it was more socially acceptable to like “childish” things as you get older. So many of my classmates grew up way too quickly, whether they want to admit it or not. It’s okay to be a kid. Why is it “cringe” to like kids shows/games as a teenager?? Or “cringe” if someone overhears you talking about your special interests with your friends?? This used to really bother me when I was younger, but I’m almost to the point now where I’m not scared to bring a stuffie to class >:)
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