xxsheey-blog · 6 years
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via @rupikaurpoems
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xxsheey-blog · 6 years
Our relationship might be dead, but I still get a thrill in my stomach when I think I might see you again. Your eyes haunt me like a tune that’s stuck in my head. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to put these feelings to bed. I try to remember you took razor blades to my heart many times…leaving me broken and bleeding inside. But, I see ghosts of you in the faces of people I pass by; I’m jonesing hard to have you by my side. Maybe someday I’ll let the memories of you die, and I’ll undo the knot that has our souls tied. Until then, I’m linked to you across oceans and between skies…I’ll never forget you were the first to bring my heart to life.
Ghost Feelings (via wnq-writers)
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xxsheey-blog · 6 years
“I will remember the kisses our lips raw with love and how you gave me everything you had and how i offered you what was left of me.” - Charles Bukowski (via quotemadness)
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xxsheey-blog · 7 years
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xxsheey-blog · 7 years
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
Fall madly in love with someone, who makes you do all the wonderful things you said you’d never do.
Treka L. House (via thelovejournals)
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
‘do you want to know the worst part about walking away?’ she asks him. 'it’s hoping that they’ll run after you. that they’ll stop you and tell you not to leave. that they’ll beg you to stay. that they’ll tell you they need you,’ she says. 'but they never do. you never did.’
unwrittenphrases (via wnq-writers)
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
It’s a bad habit of mine to say “I’m sorry” as a reaction to everything. It comes out whenever I’m sad, scared, or confused, even when I’m the one getting hurt.
howtoevaporate  (via wnq-writers)
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.
Lisa Kleypas, Blue-Eyed Devil (via psych-facts)
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
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I would like to clarify something about the trophy the athletes are receiving, because I have read things that are not worthy of mention.
The trophy given to athletes is the 3D Olympic logo of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The logo was inspired by the Sugarloaf Mountain curves and the Brazilian & Olympic spirit.
As you can see in the picture the logo ‘fits’ perfectly in the shape of the mountain and looks like it’s being embraced by the three athletes featured on it (yes, each color is the representation of a person): a goal keeper, a rower and a volleyball player.
Not only they embrace the mountain, but each other representing the welcoming spirit of the Brazilian people but also conveys the ideal Olympic spirit.
While for several people is a ‘multicolored mess made by children in crafts’, the logo colors are the ones in the Brazilian flag: yellow, blue and green. 
In the logo you can read the word ‘Rio’ (green forms the letter ‘R’, the yellow forms the letter ‘I’ and the union of the yellow and blue you can see the ‘O’, pretty fucking cool if you ask me).
The trophy can also be used as a medal holder. 
The logo is a complex visual identity that represents Rio and was created to be universally understood.
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
“Who’s your best friend?” (sound on)
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
it excites me wanting to write about her i mean when my pen hits the paper or my fingers tap the letters its like my love pours into them my love for her possesses my fingers and i can’t stop it just like my love for her she reminds me of the sun sometimes she’s too bright to look at sometimes it hurts looking at her but it’s always worth it i’d always look again the pain doesn’t matter maybe she’s from a past life or maybe she’s an alien i can’t say i’d be surprised she has a beauty about her that i just can’t describe i want her to hold me but i’m too scared i’ll turn into nothing someone that powerful and beautiful just like the sun isn’t made to love me back
k.f (via wlwpoems)
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
To my other half;
I hope to god you’re reading this But when you do I wish you didn’t say sorry I wish I can unsee what I’ve read That your dad hates me. I can’t sleep at night Thinking someone loathes me I wish you find a way to see me Get out of your comfort zone
But the last night I saw you, You were crying then And I realized, you’re so vulnerable So young and too scared To even break a rule. I was wrong about you, I thought you were more than that
You even said, “see you in the next life” How sure are you that there’s a life after death? How sure are you that it was okay for me? Why wait in the next life When there are too many ways to see each other
At least try.
—letters from my heart; august2016, j.s.
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
"I choose to love you in my own world where there is no rejection. I love you, you love me and my loneliness lessens. Maybe in my world, happiness exists."
journal entry, march2016, j.s.
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
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"Save me from this heartache But reaching out to you is impossible, Oh darling, you won't even notice my existence I wish I was prettier for your taste. I'm a damsel in distress That only craves for your attention." — collection of poems; j.s.
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xxsheey-blog · 8 years
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— for my sister
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