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Hello everyone! I am a very intuitive person who loves to read tarot. I am offering paid tarot, oracle and pendulum readings for extremely cheap! If you are interested, continue reading for more information!
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3 card readings for $3
6 card readings for $6
Yes/No pendulum questions are .50¢ per question
My readings are $1 per card, you can have a reading with as little or as many cards as you wish.
If you wish to pull additional cards for clarification, each additional card pulled will also be $1 per card.
Payments can be made through cash app or paypal.
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These are some categories of readings you can choose from, and decide how many cards you would like to be pulled in the reading.
Spiritual Advice
Past, Present, Future (3 cards)
Mind, Body, Spirit (3 cards)
Situation, Action, Outcome (3 cards)
Strength, Weakness, Advice (3 cards)
Compatibility Spread (6 cards)
Your question doesn’t have to be one of these, it can be anything you want. However, please look at the rules below to see the questions i do not read for.
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I will not do readings for any question of the following topics:
Past Lives
Connecting with your spirit guides or ancestors
Twin flames
Time-related questions (such as when will … happen?)
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I would also like to say that I am a college student, I will try my best to ensure you will receive your reading within 3 days. Please do not be rude towards me. My process of reading tarot can take a while, and can be time-consuming and energy draining.
With everything said, if you are interested in a reading, contact me!
Happy spooky season friends!
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Astro Observations
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Pisces placements are very artistically inclined. Whether it’s music or drawing/painting, they are always interested in something art related. 
Multiple Capricorn, Sagittarius, and Aries placements (especially Sun/Moon/Rising/Mercury) often times can be very blunt and tell you exactly what they’re thinking unless there is also a prominent Libra placement. 
A lot of Virgo suns have such curated aesthetics. I’m always so mesmerized when scrolling through a Virgo’s social media because of how consistent they are with their aesthetic.
Taurus sun/moons are very hard to influence. They are so unbothered by what everyone else around them is doing. 
Heavy mercurial placements in a chart (Gemini/Virgo) do well academically. 
Many people say that earth signs are the most skeptical about astrology, however, the people in my life who are the most interested in astrology are all earth signs with multiple other earth placements (including my father and me). 
Venus in 9th house tend to be attracted to foreigners.
Prominent 11th house placements or Leo in the 11th house can indicate somebody who is very popular on Social Media. When I say this, I don’t mean a social media influencer with thousands of followers. I mean that these people have many friends who they are always communicating with through social media. 
Significant 8th/12th house placements and water moons are introspective.
Sagittarius placements are spontaneous and fun to be around. They’re always doing something different and unexpected.
Pisces Mercuries do well and/or enjoy Literature based classes
Everyone I know who has dyed their hair bright red has a Fire sign in their big 3. 
Other than the rising sign, the ruler of the planets in your first house can also affect your appearance. For example, an Aquarius Rising with Neptune in their first house can have the traits of an Aquarius Rising and Pisces Rising (since Neptune rules Pisces). 
1st House Neptunes have a blurred perception of their own appearance. 
Air/Fire mercuries are the masters of ghosting people. They usually don’t do so on purpose, they just find it tiresome to constantly talk to people they aren’t close to. They probably won’t even care if they’re being ghosted.
On the other hand, Water/Earth mercuries hate being ghosted and they will try to respond to every text/dm/email (unless it starts getting annoying). 
Scorpio, Virgo, and Pisces placements are meticulous and will read into everything. They tend to take things personally even when it wasn’t meant to be personal. 
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Hello everyone! I am a very intuitive person who loves to read tarot. I am offering paid tarot, oracle and pendulum readings for extremely cheap! If you are interested, continue reading for more information!
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3 card readings for $3
6 card readings for $6
Yes/No pendulum questions are .50¢ per question
My readings are $1 per card, you can have a reading with as little or as many cards as you wish.
If you wish to pull additional cards for clarification, each additional card pulled will also be $1 per card.
Payments can be made through cash app or paypal.
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These are some categories of readings you can choose from, and decide how many cards you would like to be pulled in the reading.
Spiritual Advice
Past, Present, Future (3 cards)
Mind, Body, Spirit (3 cards)
Situation, Action, Outcome (3 cards)
Strength, Weakness, Advice (3 cards)
Compatibility Spread (6 cards)
Your question doesn’t have to be one of these, it can be anything you want. However, please look at the rules below to see the questions i do not read for.
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I will not do readings for any question of the following topics:
Past Lives
Connecting with your spirit guides or ancestors
Twin flames
Time-related questions (such as when will … happen?)
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I would also like to say that I am a college student, I will try my best to ensure you will receive your reading within 3 days. Please do not be rude towards me. My process of reading tarot can take a while, and can be time-consuming and energy draining.
With everything said, if you are interested in a reading, contact me!
Happy spooky season friends!
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pick a pile reading:
what do you need to hear right now
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take a moment and choose the pile you feel most drawn to
for personal readings message me
my prices for readings are 1$ per tarot/oracle card and 50¢ per yes/no pendulum question.
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pile 1 on the left, 2 on the middle, 3 on the right
pile 1
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part of fortune - increase
the part of fortune card when pulled can indicate a time in your life where more abundance will flow into your life. part of fortune can symbolize good luck, things coming easily to you, happiness and having your needs met. it can also symbolize, fate, or karma, and serve as a reminder to be generous and kind to others. there is going to be a period of time where things will begin to fall into place for you. new opportunities will be coming your way as well.
3 of wands reversed
this card shows that you may have been working towards a goal, or just trying to move forward in your life, however you’ve been dealing with obstacles and delays that keep getting in your way that seem to be slowing you down instead of helping you move forward. don't rush yourself to overcome the roadblocks in your way and take of advantage of the time you have to start thinking about want you want to do and how you will achieve it, also planning ahead for these goals. change will be coming, but there still has to be work done before that happens.
king of cups
the king of cups represents having a balance of your heart and mind, being diplomatic, compassionate and having and sharing your wisdom with others. the king of cups can also show someone who is artistic and creatively gifted. go with your heart, and gut, but also be logical and smart when making your decisions.
death card
the death card is the end of a cycle. there may be a change coming, bringing new beginnings and a transformation in your life in someway. you can’t cling to the past and the things that are stopping you. this is a major transition that will happen, you might be worried or afraid of what’s to come, but let go of the past in order to fully focus on the present and future changes to come.
overall message
you probably have been struggling with things not going your way, and obstacles in your path, slowing you down from doing what you need to do and reaching your goals. take advantage of the time you have to work on yourself and your situation, to be able think about what you want. with hard work, and perseverance you will get through this situation. with the king of cups, try to balance your emotions and logic. sometimes we can tend to react emotionally to situations without thinking about it and analyzing it before making a decision, be mindful of keeping balance of both.
with the death card and the part of fortune card, a positive change is coming, possibly a karmic change. however, with the 3 of wands reversed, there is work that has to be put in, and it's important to plan and think ahead for what you want. you may also have to leave behind the things in your life that doesn't benefit you or is holding you back. the king of cups can signify that some emotional growth, learning to have balance of mind and heart is needed in order to move forward, as well as a symbol to be compassionate and kind. this change will be end of a phase or era in your life, and its going to be for your benefit and bring positive changes, good fortune, joy, and wellbeing.
pile 2
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air element - communicating
the air element signs are analytical, intelligent, at times detached, but they love to be informed about the world around and them and the things they enjoy. being analytical and a thinker can lead to overthinking, and anxiety. when the air element card is pulled in a reading, this can be a sign that its time to communicate what you want, and go for it.
the hermit card
this card shows a time of isolation in a way where you withdraw yourself from your current situation in order to self reflect, find yourself, or looking for guidance. this time is important for you to look back and reflect on what it is that has been bothering you, or something you want to change in your life. you might feel like you need space to get away from the world around you, to have alone time to think and do soul searching. look within yourself for inner guidance and take time for yourself.
2 of pentacles reversed
when 2 of pentacles are reversed it can show an imbalance, especially financially. things may have been disorganized and chaotic for you, you might be overworking yourself, and overextending yourself. this leaves you feel overwhelmed and stressed. you feel like your hands are full, there’s not much more you can handle at times. the two of pentacles encourages you to reevaluate your priorities, what your goals are, what do you want to do, and to make sure you are taking care of your self (mentally, physically, emotionally)
the strength card
this card shows strength, determination, bravery, and is a powerful card. someone who is strong and has gotten their strength from dealing with past experiences. this card is a reminder that you have the strength to overcome any challenges in your way. you are a determined and strong person inside, don't let others try to stop you or diminish that.
overall message
you might be struggling and feeling spread thin, overextending yourself, always helping others even when you know you don't want to or cant. you might be financially struggling or having an imbalance in that aspect of your life. with the air element card pulled, you may need to try to better communicate with others, when you are overwhelmed, feeling stressed and your needs too. its okay to reach out and ask for help from others.
with the hermit card, you need to take some alone time and reflect and think about your needs and what you want to do. really analyze your situation and what you want to do to overcome it. look within yourself for inner guidance and your inner strength. the strength card shows you have that inner strength, power, confidence and determination to overcome this challenge and any challenge you face. look within yourself and take care if yourself. you are a strong person, even if you don't feel like it sometimes.
pile 3
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12th house - escape
this card suggests you might be healing from pain from your past, working past that and trying to heal. when this card appears in a reading, it’s can signify that something is off, if you feel vibes that don’t feel right, trust your intuition. this can also be a warning of secret enemies in your life. they will smile in your face, but wish bad on you behind your back. be careful of who you surround yourself with, not everyone has the best intentions. take this as a time to heal and work on building yourself up.
6 of cups reversed
when this card is reversed is can show that you are stuck in the past, not fully moved on and in the present. this card can also symbolize sometimes having a bad childhood, or bad relationships in the past. also leaving home, growing up/maturing and moving forward, and having gained emotional growth and strength from past experiences. despite this, you might still be stuck in the past, reminiscing or maybe even romanticizing certain memories or people from your past. don’t let put all your energy in the past thinking about changes you can’t change, when the present is now.
10 of wands
you’ve been working hard, with big responsibilities, maybe a burden, you have alot on your shoulders, you're tired, burnt out, overworking yourself. this has been going on for a while. don’t give too much of yourself to others when you have a lot going on with yourself. it’s okay to say no sometimes and take time for yourself. think about what’s really important especially in the long term. the ten of wands shows that the cycle of carrying a burden and responsibility is coming to an end, you put in so much work and effort, that when the cycle finally ends, you’ll feel the relief and it will be worth it and deserved
2 of swords reversed
you might be feeling hesitant to go through with something , or make a decision in your life feeling like both outcomes will be negative, or maybe having an inner conflict or one with others, whatever it is is leaving you feeling confused and hesitant on what to do. you’re overanalyzing the situation. don’t continue to stress and be anxious over it and do what you feel is right for you. don’t listen to what other want you to do and go with your intuition.
overall message & interpretation
you’ve been through some difficult times in your past, and have been holding on to it, not fully letting go of the hard times, and moving forward. you might be carrying a lot of emotional baggage with the 10 of wands, showing you are carrying a burden, along with a lot of responsibilities on your back, and despite this weighing you down, you’ve still made progress and things will be getting better soon. don’t let your past hold you back in life.
you’re ready to move forward and move on with your life but you find yourself stuck, the 2 of swords reversed is showing that you are hesitant in making this choice or moving forward. you need to make the decision or choice you want to make. don’t continue to be anxious and unsure about the outcome, with the 10 of wands you’ve likely been carrying this burden for a while, and once you make the choices you need to make, or do the things you need to do, the cycle of carrying the burden on your shoulders will be over. it won’t be a quick fresh start, but a relief off your shoulders, and because you made it.
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if this reading resonates with you, this is a message you needed to hear. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
for personal readings, please message me :)
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Hello everyone! I am a very intuitive person who loves to read tarot. I am offering paid tarot, oracle and pendulum readings for extremely cheap! If you are interested, continue reading for more information!
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3 card readings for $3
6 card readings for $6
Yes/No pendulum questions are .50¢ per question
My readings are $1 per card, you can have a reading with as little or as many cards as you wish.
If you wish to pull additional cards for clarification, each additional card pulled will also be $1 per card.
Payments can be made through cash app or paypal.
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These are some categories of readings you can choose from, and decide how many cards you would like to be pulled in the reading.
Spiritual Advice
Past, Present, Future (3 cards)
Mind, Body, Spirit (3 cards)
Situation, Action, Outcome (3 cards)
Strength, Weakness, Advice (3 cards)
Compatibility Spread (6 cards)
Your question doesn’t have to be one of these, it can be anything you want. However, please look at the rules below to see the questions i do not read for.
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I will not do readings for any question of the following topics:
Past Lives
Connecting with your spirit guides or ancestors
Twin flames
Time-related questions (such as when will … happen?)
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I would also like to say that I am a college student, I will try my best to ensure you will receive your reading within 3 days. Please do not be rude towards me. My process of reading tarot can take a while, and can be time-consuming and energy draining.
With everything said, if you are interested in a reading, contact me!
Happy spooky season friends!
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