xxx2732772 · 4 years
Worm off the string
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Worm on some legs
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius smiled slightly, though it was weak and unconvincing. He could see the pain in Fay's eyes, and he felt it in his own chest. Seppius took a deep breath, a shaky breath that rattled his insides. He felt hollow, full of holes and insecuirites. Like one strong blow of wind and he would break into a million pieces. Seppius watched in silence for a few moments, before flicking his gaze over to Eve, who stood in the corner of the room near the magazines.
"And I thought I said off to bed with these two, didn't I?" Seppius watched Eve with a stern gaze, to which she returned a sheepish smile.
"They really wanted to meet Fay! And I mean..who can blame them? They act like they've known one another all their lives!" Eve observed with a small grin. And Seppius knew it was true. All those blondes had the same aura about them- they could read each other, feel one another's sadness. Feel one another's heartbreak. And Seppius felt it too, even if in a different way. Sometimes being different can be so lonely, and having someone similar to you is always more comforting. Perhaps Fay would be able to take comfort in knowing that.
Demon Hunt RP
Oh so that’s how he wanted to play, hun? - Youou smirked to himself. Well, no more Mr Nice Guy for him then. ‘‘You know, I was trying to be nice and give you some advantage, but you know what? I’m now more willing to give you a well deserved spanking.’‘ He spun his sword expertly, positioning himself back on his feet. He didn’t mean any of that tho, no matter how cocky Seppius got, Youou wouldn’t even dare to think about being too harsh on him. Heck, if he wanted he could have easily caught Seppius by the back of his shirt and hung him on a coat-hanger until he learned his lesson, he pretty much practiced with weights heavier than Seppius, doing that wouldn’t even pull a muscle on his arms. But he wouldn’t do it tho, because this wasn’t a real fight, this was them just ‘playing swords’ to release their accumulated stress, Seppius had no idea what his real sparring session were like, otherwise he wouldn’t have even agreed to accompany him to the gym in the first place.  There were mornings where he arrived later to their dorm because he had to accompany his sparring partners to the nurse office, there were guys who avoided even crossing paths with him after sparring with him just one time, and he broke far more arms - all on accident - than he would like to admit. The truth is that no matter how ‘free’ he was now, how different he was from ‘Kurogane’, that part of him was still there, he couldn’t erase the last 9 years of intense training,  the war machine that he had been carved to be, his instincts still threatened to snap people’s necks even during the most simple and playful of spars, and the scary part is that Seppius wasn’t even aware of how much self-control he had to have over his own body and strength just to not accidentally hurt him, or worst. Every move had to be properly calculated, not too strong, but not too weak that Seppius would notice him holding back and get offended that he was going easy on him. This wasn’t just about stress release tho, there was a specific reason why Youou, although knowing the dangers of sparring against someone weaker than him, still insisted on sparring against Seppius. The curly head probably didn’t even remembered anymore, but he too, along with Fay, had promised months ago to help him with his self-esteem and with growing some self-love in that stupid, bitter, sarcastic and salty head of his. Fay took care of his meals and bought him less depressing clothes, well, Youou supposed it wouldn’t hurt to let Seppius land a few hits on him as well, if it meant that he would leave this gym with a proud smile on his face, after ‘kicking big bad Youou’s ass’. Youou could deal with a wounded ego just fine, it was a small sacrifice to make if it helped Seppius.
‘‘Well? Are you going to attack or not?’‘ Youou raised his brows at him, mimicking his previous expression of boredom. ‘‘Why, you seemed bored of me going easy on you, yet you still want me to be the one to always initiate the fight? That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?’‘ He was all smirks and taunts, but internally kept a firm hold on himself, reminding his body to not be too harsh or hard on him.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius's eyes widened, his gaze flicking to Youou. He turned back to DD, his eyes turning to confused to immediately annoyed. He rubbed the back of his shoulder absent mindedly, his eyebrow twitching as he slowly stood up. "You know, you talk pretty loud for a guy in an empty gym." Seppius said in annoyance, though was pretty much drowned out by DD's loud laughter as he continued to talk.
He couldn't believe that Youou fought with this guy. Or maybe he did understand it- out of all the people, DD seems like someone Seppius would want to beat up. The thought made him laugh to himself as he stretched out his now slightly sore back, his gaze turning to Youou with a slightly forced grin. "So..should we get going? Fay is probably awake by now and.." Seppius's voice trailed off, watching DD out of the corner of his eyes with complete annoyance. Seppius groaned loudly, and shook his head. "He's like an overexcited puppy, isn't he?" Seppius muttered to Youou.
Demon Hunt RP
Oh so that’s how he wanted to play, hun? - Youou smirked to himself. Well, no more Mr Nice Guy for him then. ‘‘You know, I was trying to be nice and give you some advantage, but you know what? I’m now more willing to give you a well deserved spanking.’‘ He spun his sword expertly, positioning himself back on his feet. He didn’t mean any of that tho, no matter how cocky Seppius got, Youou wouldn’t even dare to think about being too harsh on him. Heck, if he wanted he could have easily caught Seppius by the back of his shirt and hung him on a coat-hanger until he learned his lesson, he pretty much practiced with weights heavier than Seppius, doing that wouldn’t even pull a muscle on his arms. But he wouldn’t do it tho, because this wasn’t a real fight, this was them just ‘playing swords’ to release their accumulated stress, Seppius had no idea what his real sparring session were like, otherwise he wouldn’t have even agreed to accompany him to the gym in the first place.  There were mornings where he arrived later to their dorm because he had to accompany his sparring partners to the nurse office, there were guys who avoided even crossing paths with him after sparring with him just one time, and he broke far more arms - all on accident - than he would like to admit. The truth is that no matter how ‘free’ he was now, how different he was from ‘Kurogane’, that part of him was still there, he couldn’t erase the last 9 years of intense training,  the war machine that he had been carved to be, his instincts still threatened to snap people’s necks even during the most simple and playful of spars, and the scary part is that Seppius wasn’t even aware of how much self-control he had to have over his own body and strength just to not accidentally hurt him, or worst. Every move had to be properly calculated, not too strong, but not too weak that Seppius would notice him holding back and get offended that he was going easy on him. This wasn’t just about stress release tho, there was a specific reason why Youou, although knowing the dangers of sparring against someone weaker than him, still insisted on sparring against Seppius. The curly head probably didn’t even remembered anymore, but he too, along with Fay, had promised months ago to help him with his self-esteem and with growing some self-love in that stupid, bitter, sarcastic and salty head of his. Fay took care of his meals and bought him less depressing clothes, well, Youou supposed it wouldn’t hurt to let Seppius land a few hits on him as well, if it meant that he would leave this gym with a proud smile on his face, after ‘kicking big bad Youou’s ass’. Youou could deal with a wounded ego just fine, it was a small sacrifice to make if it helped Seppius.
‘‘Well? Are you going to attack or not?’‘ Youou raised his brows at him, mimicking his previous expression of boredom. ‘‘Why, you seemed bored of me going easy on you, yet you still want me to be the one to always initiate the fight? That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?’‘ He was all smirks and taunts, but internally kept a firm hold on himself, reminding his body to not be too harsh or hard on him.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius eyes widened, watching as the boy exited the gym. Suddenly, he realized what it really looked like they were doing. His face reddened, as he turned back to meet Youou's gaze, which was only inches away from his face. Seppius stood silent for a brief moment, before smirking.
"Lets give everyone a show to watch then, right?" Seppius said with a grin, and he swiftly returned the favor by grabbing Youou's wrist. He twisted Youou's arm around his back, holding him there tightly. Seppius pushed his chin into the crook of Youou's neck to hold his position, his grin still slight as he tightened his grip on Youou.
"You know, you don't have to go easy on me. I can handle it-" Seppius suddenly was flipped over Youou's shoulder, landing flat on his back. He coughed loudly, the wind getting knocked out of him as he stared up at Youou with a wide grin. "You got me there." He said raspily, though he was still smiling wide.
Demon Hunt RP
Oh so that’s how he wanted to play, hun? - Youou smirked to himself. Well, no more Mr Nice Guy for him then. ‘‘You know, I was trying to be nice and give you some advantage, but you know what? I’m now more willing to give you a well deserved spanking.’‘ He spun his sword expertly, positioning himself back on his feet. He didn’t mean any of that tho, no matter how cocky Seppius got, Youou wouldn’t even dare to think about being too harsh on him. Heck, if he wanted he could have easily caught Seppius by the back of his shirt and hung him on a coat-hanger until he learned his lesson, he pretty much practiced with weights heavier than Seppius, doing that wouldn’t even pull a muscle on his arms. But he wouldn’t do it tho, because this wasn’t a real fight, this was them just ‘playing swords’ to release their accumulated stress, Seppius had no idea what his real sparring session were like, otherwise he wouldn’t have even agreed to accompany him to the gym in the first place.  There were mornings where he arrived later to their dorm because he had to accompany his sparring partners to the nurse office, there were guys who avoided even crossing paths with him after sparring with him just one time, and he broke far more arms - all on accident - than he would like to admit. The truth is that no matter how ‘free’ he was now, how different he was from ‘Kurogane’, that part of him was still there, he couldn’t erase the last 9 years of intense training,  the war machine that he had been carved to be, his instincts still threatened to snap people’s necks even during the most simple and playful of spars, and the scary part is that Seppius wasn’t even aware of how much self-control he had to have over his own body and strength just to not accidentally hurt him, or worst. Every move had to be properly calculated, not too strong, but not too weak that Seppius would notice him holding back and get offended that he was going easy on him. This wasn’t just about stress release tho, there was a specific reason why Youou, although knowing the dangers of sparring against someone weaker than him, still insisted on sparring against Seppius. The curly head probably didn’t even remembered anymore, but he too, along with Fay, had promised months ago to help him with his self-esteem and with growing some self-love in that stupid, bitter, sarcastic and salty head of his. Fay took care of his meals and bought him less depressing clothes, well, Youou supposed it wouldn’t hurt to let Seppius land a few hits on him as well, if it meant that he would leave this gym with a proud smile on his face, after ‘kicking big bad Youou’s ass’. Youou could deal with a wounded ego just fine, it was a small sacrifice to make if it helped Seppius.
‘‘Well? Are you going to attack or not?’‘ Youou raised his brows at him, mimicking his previous expression of boredom. ‘‘Why, you seemed bored of me going easy on you, yet you still want me to be the one to always initiate the fight? That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?’‘ He was all smirks and taunts, but internally kept a firm hold on himself, reminding his body to not be too harsh or hard on him.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius grinned, twirling the wooden sword around his fingers. He finally nodded, shrugging causally. "I suppose that's fair, right? A fair fights fair." He spoke so calmly and with ease that even was slightly taken aback by the tone. Seppius kicked at the ground, kicking up small clouds of dirt as he paced.
And suddenly, Seppius rushed towards Youou. His sword was high in the air, his eyes steady and swift. But Seppius stopped short, throwing the wooden sword at Youou. The sword sailed past Youou's head with a swift whistle, skimming the edge of Youou's face as it passed. Seppius stayed still, his eyes staying steady. He could already hear Youou's jeering- the boy with pinpoint accuracy missing such a big target.
"Just wait for it." Seppius said with a grin, holding up one finger. And as if on key, the wooden sword hit it's real target- a fence set up to hold a crate of barrels back. The wooden sword hit the fence post roughly, snapping it open and sending the barrels rolling at Youou like some type of video game. Barrels landed roughly around Youou, breaking on impact and exploring various grains and seasonings, some only missing Youou by inches. There was a tense still moment that hung in the air. Seppius picked up his sword carefully, wiggling his eyebrows in return as he watched Youou.
"Now don't go easy on me, Youou. That was just a warning." Seppius said with a grin, a glint finally shining in his eyes. Now, the real match had began.
Demon Hunt RP
Oh so that’s how he wanted to play, hun? - Youou smirked to himself. Well, no more Mr Nice Guy for him then. ‘‘You know, I was trying to be nice and give you some advantage, but you know what? I’m now more willing to give you a well deserved spanking.’‘ He spun his sword expertly, positioning himself back on his feet. He didn’t mean any of that tho, no matter how cocky Seppius got, Youou wouldn’t even dare to think about being too harsh on him. Heck, if he wanted he could have easily caught Seppius by the back of his shirt and hung him on a coat-hanger until he learned his lesson, he pretty much practiced with weights heavier than Seppius, doing that wouldn’t even pull a muscle on his arms. But he wouldn’t do it tho, because this wasn’t a real fight, this was them just ‘playing swords’ to release their accumulated stress, Seppius had no idea what his real sparring session were like, otherwise he wouldn’t have even agreed to accompany him to the gym in the first place.  There were mornings where he arrived later to their dorm because he had to accompany his sparring partners to the nurse office, there were guys who avoided even crossing paths with him after sparring with him just one time, and he broke far more arms - all on accident - than he would like to admit. The truth is that no matter how ‘free’ he was now, how different he was from ‘Kurogane’, that part of him was still there, he couldn’t erase the last 9 years of intense training,  the war machine that he had been carved to be, his instincts still threatened to snap people’s necks even during the most simple and playful of spars, and the scary part is that Seppius wasn’t even aware of how much self-control he had to have over his own body and strength just to not accidentally hurt him, or worst. Every move had to be properly calculated, not too strong, but not too weak that Seppius would notice him holding back and get offended that he was going easy on him. This wasn’t just about stress release tho, there was a specific reason why Youou, although knowing the dangers of sparring against someone weaker than him, still insisted on sparring against Seppius. The curly head probably didn’t even remembered anymore, but he too, along with Fay, had promised months ago to help him with his self-esteem and with growing some self-love in that stupid, bitter, sarcastic and salty head of his. Fay took care of his meals and bought him less depressing clothes, well, Youou supposed it wouldn’t hurt to let Seppius land a few hits on him as well, if it meant that he would leave this gym with a proud smile on his face, after ‘kicking big bad Youou’s ass’. Youou could deal with a wounded ego just fine, it was a small sacrifice to make if it helped Seppius.
‘‘Well? Are you going to attack or not?’‘ Youou raised his brows at him, mimicking his previous expression of boredom. ‘‘Why, you seemed bored of me going easy on you, yet you still want me to be the one to always initiate the fight? That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?’‘ He was all smirks and taunts, but internally kept a firm hold on himself, reminding his body to not be too harsh or hard on him.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius rolled his eyes, hugging as his gaze bored into Youou's. He yawned overdramtically, his lids heavy as he watched Youou. "So are we going to spar? Or..are you just going to educate me all day?" Seppius asked in a low, teasing voice. He smirked smugly, pulling his torso up and grabbing Youou's shoulders. In a swift and quick turn he pushed Youou back, causing them to both somersault together and switch their positions.
Now Seppius straddled on top of Youou, a grin still present in his face. "So, are we going to fight now? Or-" Seppius jumped up, picking up his own wooden sword and flipping it in the air. "Am I going to have to fight myself?" Seppius teased, his gaze point and ready. He was ready to stay steady and calm, and he already knew several strategies to attempt. Seppius knew he would at least have a fighting chance against big, muscly Youou.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘….Running away is never the solution.’‘ A tiny voice mumbled from the door. Youou tilted his head back, surprised to find only one of the twins at the entrance of the nurse office. Sam, he figured, if the mumbling and sad eyes was of any hint. ‘’We tried. Seven times….’’ He continued, hesitantly approaching them while constantly glancing over his shoulder, and only after he did it three times did Youou finally realize what he was doing. Sam wasn’t supposed to be doing this, Ed had made it clear when he tried to stop him from telling them his vision, that’s why there was only him here now. He was breaking a promise with his brother. ‘‘We went to the north, the east, the west, the south, and back to the center….mum and dad even changed our names when we were five, hoping it would be enough to erase our tracks.’‘ Sam continued, approaching Fay with such caution that one might have thought that he was scared of him. ‘‘They always find us tho…no matter where we are, no matter when, someone always finds out, and they come for us. But he…’‘ Nervously, he pointed a finger at Fay, and this time there was mistaking it,  his eyes were fearful. ‘‘He’s not like us. We look alike, but he’s different…. t-that thing-’‘ He pointed at Fay’s head, specifically, at his right eye. ‘‘I-it has the same aura as those mean things that were chasing us!’‘ He blurted out so quickly that Youou barely caught it, his tiny hands immediately clapping over his lips, regret in his eyes.
Youou’s head suddenly felt very cold, as the blood abruptly dropped from his head. His hands twitched, his grip tightening slightly around Fay’s wrist. ‘’….What did you say?’’ He whispered, staring wide eyed at the boy, who still refused to remove his hands from his mouth. ‘’What you mean ‘it has the same aura’?! What do you know?!’’ Youou growled, suddenly angry, frustrated by the lack of clarification, tired of not being able to understand this, understand Fay, specially the damn parasite. ‘‘I don’t know!’‘ Sam blurted out in a sob, his eyes becoming watery again, nearly shaking in place - guilt hit Youou harder than any arrow. ‘‘I see things but I don’t understand them! The light in his chest is pretty and bright, but the one on his head is black and red, like those evil monsters and- and-!’‘ Sam stammered nervously, nearly hyperventilating, and Youou gently placed a hand on top of his head, silencing him. His tearful, horrified and scared eyes did something to his chest that was so painful that Youou forgot that he was angry in the first place. What the hell was he doing, shouting at a child?! A scared child that had already gone through enough trauma in his very short life- He cursed himself, gently patting his blond hair in a soft apology. ‘‘Shh, it’s okay…I’m sorry I snapped, that was mean of me…’‘ Youou whispered, using that tone he always used when one of his nephews tripped and scratched their knees. ‘‘We’re just…tired. We don’t know what’s going on, we’re so lost right now and we don’t know what to do…’‘ He sighed, suddenly feeling absolutely drained, defeated even. He just wanted to go home, not the dorm, not Nihon, his homecountry, just home, the place they picked together, where they would start their new life, away from all of this, doing anything and everything to live on a normal life for once…
If such was possible, he added bitterly, throwing a side glance at Fay. As long as that eye was stuck in Fay’s body, their lives would never be normal… Sam watched him, a bit calmer now - or maybe he had seen his inner turmoil, but Youou couldn’t tell how strong his ‘soul detection skills’ were -, and for moments, Youou saw his eyes getting distant, glazed over, before the boy blinked and cleared his vision again. ‘’…Your life won’t always be like this.’’ He whispered softly, as if telling them a secret. ‘’There will always be danger but…it won’t always be bad. I see a lot of good things for your future…’’ He trailed off, suddenly reaching over to take Youou’s hand between his smaller hands, his eyes squinting slightly at him for a moment, and Youou was just about to ask what he was doing, when the boy continued. ‘‘I see you in a…uniform? It has a badge, but I don’t know what it means….you’re arriving late, it’s night outside, you look so tired but then, you walk into a house and you don’t look tired anymore. This boy is waiting for you in the kitchen, he looks sleepy as well but he’s cooking anyway…he too no longer looks tired when you walk in, and you fell on your butt when he tackled you to the floor.’’ A chuckle escaped Youou’s lips without him even meaning to, a weak but genuine smile breaching his lips as something inside his chest suddenly felt very warm and light. The blond turned to Seppius next, catching his thumb his thumb as well, watching him thoughtfully for a moment - as if searching for something on his face- , before finally speaking. ‘’I see you surrounded by books, lots of them, and a lot of textbooks. Something is stressing you, you almost look like you’re in a hurry but…you seem happy there. Specially when he-’’ He pointed at Fay again. ‘’-walks in carrying a mug of hot chocolate. He seems tired too…it looks like it’s very late but, you both seem happy anyway.’’ 
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius sighed, studying Youou for a moment in disbelief. He couldn't believe he was about to spar with a guy that gets up religiously every morning to beat other guys up, before Seppius was even awake. It was intimidating, of course. But Seppius knew he had accuracy on his side, where Youou excelled at strength. Seppius could dodge, but nothing compared to Fay. But one thing Seppius had that no one else had was strategy.
"Alright. I'm in." Seppius prepared his own, smiriking at the competitive light that sparked in Youou's eyes. You could take a warrior out of the battlefield, but never the warrior out of the man. Seppius's eyes scanned their current area for any possible obstacles, or items he could use against his opponents. Seppius grinned slyly, and prepared himself.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘….Running away is never the solution.’‘ A tiny voice mumbled from the door. Youou tilted his head back, surprised to find only one of the twins at the entrance of the nurse office. Sam, he figured, if the mumbling and sad eyes was of any hint. ‘’We tried. Seven times….’’ He continued, hesitantly approaching them while constantly glancing over his shoulder, and only after he did it three times did Youou finally realize what he was doing. Sam wasn’t supposed to be doing this, Ed had made it clear when he tried to stop him from telling them his vision, that’s why there was only him here now. He was breaking a promise with his brother. ‘‘We went to the north, the east, the west, the south, and back to the center….mum and dad even changed our names when we were five, hoping it would be enough to erase our tracks.’‘ Sam continued, approaching Fay with such caution that one might have thought that he was scared of him. ‘‘They always find us tho…no matter where we are, no matter when, someone always finds out, and they come for us. But he…’‘ Nervously, he pointed a finger at Fay, and this time there was mistaking it,  his eyes were fearful. ‘‘He’s not like us. We look alike, but he’s different…. t-that thing-’‘ He pointed at Fay’s head, specifically, at his right eye. ‘‘I-it has the same aura as those mean things that were chasing us!’‘ He blurted out so quickly that Youou barely caught it, his tiny hands immediately clapping over his lips, regret in his eyes.
Youou’s head suddenly felt very cold, as the blood abruptly dropped from his head. His hands twitched, his grip tightening slightly around Fay’s wrist. ‘’….What did you say?’’ He whispered, staring wide eyed at the boy, who still refused to remove his hands from his mouth. ‘’What you mean ‘it has the same aura’?! What do you know?!’’ Youou growled, suddenly angry, frustrated by the lack of clarification, tired of not being able to understand this, understand Fay, specially the damn parasite. ‘‘I don’t know!’‘ Sam blurted out in a sob, his eyes becoming watery again, nearly shaking in place - guilt hit Youou harder than any arrow. ‘‘I see things but I don’t understand them! The light in his chest is pretty and bright, but the one on his head is black and red, like those evil monsters and- and-!’‘ Sam stammered nervously, nearly hyperventilating, and Youou gently placed a hand on top of his head, silencing him. His tearful, horrified and scared eyes did something to his chest that was so painful that Youou forgot that he was angry in the first place. What the hell was he doing, shouting at a child?! A scared child that had already gone through enough trauma in his very short life- He cursed himself, gently patting his blond hair in a soft apology. ‘‘Shh, it’s okay…I’m sorry I snapped, that was mean of me…’‘ Youou whispered, using that tone he always used when one of his nephews tripped and scratched their knees. ‘‘We’re just…tired. We don’t know what’s going on, we’re so lost right now and we don’t know what to do…’‘ He sighed, suddenly feeling absolutely drained, defeated even. He just wanted to go home, not the dorm, not Nihon, his homecountry, just home, the place they picked together, where they would start their new life, away from all of this, doing anything and everything to live on a normal life for once…
If such was possible, he added bitterly, throwing a side glance at Fay. As long as that eye was stuck in Fay’s body, their lives would never be normal… Sam watched him, a bit calmer now - or maybe he had seen his inner turmoil, but Youou couldn’t tell how strong his ‘soul detection skills’ were -, and for moments, Youou saw his eyes getting distant, glazed over, before the boy blinked and cleared his vision again. ‘’…Your life won’t always be like this.’’ He whispered softly, as if telling them a secret. ‘’There will always be danger but…it won’t always be bad. I see a lot of good things for your future…’’ He trailed off, suddenly reaching over to take Youou’s hand between his smaller hands, his eyes squinting slightly at him for a moment, and Youou was just about to ask what he was doing, when the boy continued. ‘‘I see you in a…uniform? It has a badge, but I don’t know what it means….you’re arriving late, it’s night outside, you look so tired but then, you walk into a house and you don’t look tired anymore. This boy is waiting for you in the kitchen, he looks sleepy as well but he’s cooking anyway…he too no longer looks tired when you walk in, and you fell on your butt when he tackled you to the floor.’’ A chuckle escaped Youou’s lips without him even meaning to, a weak but genuine smile breaching his lips as something inside his chest suddenly felt very warm and light. The blond turned to Seppius next, catching his thumb his thumb as well, watching him thoughtfully for a moment - as if searching for something on his face- , before finally speaking. ‘’I see you surrounded by books, lots of them, and a lot of textbooks. Something is stressing you, you almost look like you’re in a hurry but…you seem happy there. Specially when he-’’ He pointed at Fay again. ‘’-walks in carrying a mug of hot chocolate. He seems tired too…it looks like it’s very late but, you both seem happy anyway.’’ 
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius watched Sam carefully, though no emotion gave way on his face. Even after all this time he was still skeptical of fortune tellers, he thought with a bitter laugh. Seppius wanted to believe he had a future after this, of course he did. But he couldn't picture himself being normal. Having an actual job, talking normally to others about normal subjects. Seppius produced a weak smile at Sam, though it didn't feel convincing.
"You two should really get some rest. It's been a long day." Seppius said with a small smile, ruffling Sam's hair and patting his back. "See eve over there? She can take you to the guest rooms here..nice comfy beds, probably some coloring books too." Seppius pointed to Eve, who was talking with a nurse through clear glass. She grinned and waved at the twins as she turned to them, and Seppius smiled gratefully. He sat back with a sigh in the visitor's chair, his gaze still steady on Fay.
"We're going the right thing, right?" Seppius asked softly, the mood in the room tense and quiet. Seppius wasn't sure what he was referring to- the house, the twins, the fire..
Maybe he meant all of it in one question.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘….Running away is never the solution.’‘ A tiny voice mumbled from the door. Youou tilted his head back, surprised to find only one of the twins at the entrance of the nurse office. Sam, he figured, if the mumbling and sad eyes was of any hint. ‘’We tried. Seven times….’’ He continued, hesitantly approaching them while constantly glancing over his shoulder, and only after he did it three times did Youou finally realize what he was doing. Sam wasn’t supposed to be doing this, Ed had made it clear when he tried to stop him from telling them his vision, that’s why there was only him here now. He was breaking a promise with his brother. ‘‘We went to the north, the east, the west, the south, and back to the center….mum and dad even changed our names when we were five, hoping it would be enough to erase our tracks.’‘ Sam continued, approaching Fay with such caution that one might have thought that he was scared of him. ‘‘They always find us tho…no matter where we are, no matter when, someone always finds out, and they come for us. But he…’‘ Nervously, he pointed a finger at Fay, and this time there was mistaking it,  his eyes were fearful. ‘‘He’s not like us. We look alike, but he’s different…. t-that thing-’‘ He pointed at Fay’s head, specifically, at his right eye. ‘‘I-it has the same aura as those mean things that were chasing us!’‘ He blurted out so quickly that Youou barely caught it, his tiny hands immediately clapping over his lips, regret in his eyes.
Youou’s head suddenly felt very cold, as the blood abruptly dropped from his head. His hands twitched, his grip tightening slightly around Fay’s wrist. ‘’….What did you say?’’ He whispered, staring wide eyed at the boy, who still refused to remove his hands from his mouth. ‘’What you mean ‘it has the same aura’?! What do you know?!’’ Youou growled, suddenly angry, frustrated by the lack of clarification, tired of not being able to understand this, understand Fay, specially the damn parasite. ‘‘I don’t know!’‘ Sam blurted out in a sob, his eyes becoming watery again, nearly shaking in place - guilt hit Youou harder than any arrow. ‘‘I see things but I don’t understand them! The light in his chest is pretty and bright, but the one on his head is black and red, like those evil monsters and- and-!’‘ Sam stammered nervously, nearly hyperventilating, and Youou gently placed a hand on top of his head, silencing him. His tearful, horrified and scared eyes did something to his chest that was so painful that Youou forgot that he was angry in the first place. What the hell was he doing, shouting at a child?! A scared child that had already gone through enough trauma in his very short life- He cursed himself, gently patting his blond hair in a soft apology. ‘‘Shh, it’s okay…I’m sorry I snapped, that was mean of me…’‘ Youou whispered, using that tone he always used when one of his nephews tripped and scratched their knees. ‘‘We’re just…tired. We don’t know what’s going on, we’re so lost right now and we don’t know what to do…’‘ He sighed, suddenly feeling absolutely drained, defeated even. He just wanted to go home, not the dorm, not Nihon, his homecountry, just home, the place they picked together, where they would start their new life, away from all of this, doing anything and everything to live on a normal life for once…
If such was possible, he added bitterly, throwing a side glance at Fay. As long as that eye was stuck in Fay’s body, their lives would never be normal… Sam watched him, a bit calmer now - or maybe he had seen his inner turmoil, but Youou couldn’t tell how strong his ‘soul detection skills’ were -, and for moments, Youou saw his eyes getting distant, glazed over, before the boy blinked and cleared his vision again. ‘’…Your life won’t always be like this.’’ He whispered softly, as if telling them a secret. ‘’There will always be danger but…it won’t always be bad. I see a lot of good things for your future…’’ He trailed off, suddenly reaching over to take Youou’s hand between his smaller hands, his eyes squinting slightly at him for a moment, and Youou was just about to ask what he was doing, when the boy continued. ‘‘I see you in a…uniform? It has a badge, but I don’t know what it means….you’re arriving late, it’s night outside, you look so tired but then, you walk into a house and you don’t look tired anymore. This boy is waiting for you in the kitchen, he looks sleepy as well but he’s cooking anyway…he too no longer looks tired when you walk in, and you fell on your butt when he tackled you to the floor.’’ A chuckle escaped Youou’s lips without him even meaning to, a weak but genuine smile breaching his lips as something inside his chest suddenly felt very warm and light. The blond turned to Seppius next, catching his thumb his thumb as well, watching him thoughtfully for a moment - as if searching for something on his face- , before finally speaking. ‘’I see you surrounded by books, lots of them, and a lot of textbooks. Something is stressing you, you almost look like you’re in a hurry but…you seem happy there. Specially when he-’’ He pointed at Fay again. ‘’-walks in carrying a mug of hot chocolate. He seems tired too…it looks like it’s very late but, you both seem happy anyway.’’ 
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
"I..I..think so." Seppius stammered, seeming just as lost as Youou. He knew what he saw, there was no trick lighting. His veins had been dark, reminding Seppius of his own blood. Seppius swallowed hard, sitting down again in the visitor's chair and putting his face in his hands. He groaned as he rubbed his temples for a moment, shaking his head in utter disbelief. "I think I'm going crazy." He admitted, glancing between parted fingers up at Youou. Things never seemed to slow down, and Seppius didn't think there had been a day where not at least one of them was injured. It was becoming exhausting.
"Maybe its for the best that we're getting out of here, you know?" Seppius finally said, an underlying frustration in his tone. He huffed, running a hand through his hair as he continued. "All this school has done is fuck us over again and again, and I don't think it's worth it anymore. It's only a matter of time before one of gets injured so bad that.."
His voice trailed off. It wasn't something they wanted to think about. One of them dying, like they had thought Youou had done. It was still a sensitive subject, one they wouldn't like to relive. Seppius dropped the frustration in his voice, his eyes softening.
"We just need to leave." He said softly, his voice sounding somber and sad as he watched Fay.
Demon Hunt RP
Youou went through several phases in the last ten minutes, first, a panic and fear so intense that he almost punched a fireman across the face when he tried to stop him from going any further into the building. Then, they were called outside, and Youou swore that for moments the floor sunk underneath his feet at the prospect of what they would find, and the one minute sprint that took them to reach the back of the academy was spent praying to all the gods, deities and earth spirits to please, don’t let him find him lifeless on the floor. His heart actually skipped a few beats when they spotted him on the ground, unmoving. He barely even registered himself dropping to his knees, one hand on Fay’s other cheek, the other holding his wrist, barely able to test his pulse properly when his own heartbeat was so loud that it muffled Seppius’s words. Youou couldn’t remember the last time he shook with fear, yet he only managed to stop doing it when Seppius’s words finally sunk in, Fay’s gentle heartbeat fluttering under his fingers. He was okay. He was alive. Had they not been surrounded by people, Youou would have fucking wept on the spot out of pure relief and happiness.
‘‘Where did you found him?’‘ He finally managed to ask, his voice strained with relief, and he couldn’t stop touching him, wiping the ash his face, so that he could stroke his cheeks more firmly, bringing his forehead to his lips to feel his skin, warm and alive, uncaring if people were watching, running a hand over his hair- Which…..was clean?  Youou’s motions on his hair stopped, his eyes squinting slightly at the unconscious blond as if seeing him for the first time. He hadn’t paid much attention at first, still too busy drowning in fear and panic, but now that his brain was finally starting to clear up, and he couldn’t help but stare at some odd details that stood out far too sharply. ‘‘He was already out here when we found him.’‘ One of the girls answered, her tone somewhat uneasy and hesitant. ‘‘It was…weird? We thought that maybe he had managed to crawl out of the building, because of the state of his clothes, but his body is clean of ash, there’s not a single scratch on his knees or hands that hinted crawling or-’‘
Youou muted everything else from then on, his attention 100% focused on the blond laid on their laps. It was like trying to do a puzzle with the wrong pieces, while upside down. Fay’s clothes were almost gone, and Youou was familiar enough with fire to know that for the fire to consume all that fabric, it must have stayed on his body for long enough, yet there was not a single burn on his body, not a single scratch marking- ‘’-there’s not a single scratch on his hands or knees-’’ the words echoed back inside of his head. His blood pressure was already increasing by the time he reached for Fay’s hands, those hands which had been terribly scarred months ago, a sacrifice to save Seppius’s life- And they were gone. Those ugly, thick, wide and disfigured lines that covered his hands, they were completely gone, leaving no trace behind to hint their existence. Youou had to stroke his hands trice just to make sure that he was seeing this right, that this was no trick of the lighting. It was not, Fay’s hands were soft like satin, like baby skin. Just like most of his body, Youou realized, suddenly hyperaware of the bare skin of Fay’s back, which he was currently supporting. There were spots were the skin felt ‘normal’, sticky with ash and dried out from the heat but then, there were random spots of skin that felt impossibly clean and soft, again, like baby skin, untouched by ash and dirt…just like his hair, his clean, strangely short and incredibly pale hair, that looked so thin and pale, like newly grown hair- Swallowing hard, Youou finally turned his gaze to meet Seppius’s, and then, carefully, held out Fay’s hand for him to see. It wasn’t just that tho, it was something else, something he had only noticed when he took his hand just now, and that had made him grow three shades paler. Fay’s veins, so visible on his thin pale wrists, they were grey.
Behind them, the twins stood a few feet away from the trio, blue eyes watching intensely, their intertwined fingers holding each other like a vice. They wondered if they should tell them what they saw, what they were seeing right now on the boy’s soul, but after a quick exchange of glances and another firm squeeze, they both silently agreed to keep that information to themselves for a bit longer…
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius stayed speechless, his gaze wide and unblinking as he stared at Fay's hands. It didn't make sense- God, why did nothing ever make sense? Seppius took Fay's hand in his own, running a light finger along the palm. There was nothing, it was completely smooth.
"It doesn't make sense.." Seppius said quietly, his gaze flicking back up to Youou. But he was just as confused as Seppius. It seemed like tragedies never happened normally with them, and Seppius wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing. Seppius swallowed hard, finally letting his hand drop as he got to his feet.
"Let's get him out of here and to a nurse." Seppius finally said, his throat feeling dry as he tried to comprehend what was happening.
Demon Hunt RP
Youou went through several phases in the last ten minutes, first, a panic and fear so intense that he almost punched a fireman across the face when he tried to stop him from going any further into the building. Then, they were called outside, and Youou swore that for moments the floor sunk underneath his feet at the prospect of what they would find, and the one minute sprint that took them to reach the back of the academy was spent praying to all the gods, deities and earth spirits to please, don’t let him find him lifeless on the floor. His heart actually skipped a few beats when they spotted him on the ground, unmoving. He barely even registered himself dropping to his knees, one hand on Fay’s other cheek, the other holding his wrist, barely able to test his pulse properly when his own heartbeat was so loud that it muffled Seppius’s words. Youou couldn’t remember the last time he shook with fear, yet he only managed to stop doing it when Seppius’s words finally sunk in, Fay’s gentle heartbeat fluttering under his fingers. He was okay. He was alive. Had they not been surrounded by people, Youou would have fucking wept on the spot out of pure relief and happiness.
‘‘Where did you found him?’‘ He finally managed to ask, his voice strained with relief, and he couldn’t stop touching him, wiping the ash his face, so that he could stroke his cheeks more firmly, bringing his forehead to his lips to feel his skin, warm and alive, uncaring if people were watching, running a hand over his hair- Which…..was clean?  Youou’s motions on his hair stopped, his eyes squinting slightly at the unconscious blond as if seeing him for the first time. He hadn’t paid much attention at first, still too busy drowning in fear and panic, but now that his brain was finally starting to clear up, and he couldn’t help but stare at some odd details that stood out far too sharply. ‘‘He was already out here when we found him.’‘ One of the girls answered, her tone somewhat uneasy and hesitant. ‘‘It was…weird? We thought that maybe he had managed to crawl out of the building, because of the state of his clothes, but his body is clean of ash, there’s not a single scratch on his knees or hands that hinted crawling or-’‘
Youou muted everything else from then on, his attention 100% focused on the blond laid on their laps. It was like trying to do a puzzle with the wrong pieces, while upside down. Fay’s clothes were almost gone, and Youou was familiar enough with fire to know that for the fire to consume all that fabric, it must have stayed on his body for long enough, yet there was not a single burn on his body, not a single scratch marking- ‘’-there’s not a single scratch on his hands or knees-’’ the words echoed back inside of his head. His blood pressure was already increasing by the time he reached for Fay’s hands, those hands which had been terribly scarred months ago, a sacrifice to save Seppius’s life- And they were gone. Those ugly, thick, wide and disfigured lines that covered his hands, they were completely gone, leaving no trace behind to hint their existence. Youou had to stroke his hands trice just to make sure that he was seeing this right, that this was no trick of the lighting. It was not, Fay’s hands were soft like satin, like baby skin. Just like most of his body, Youou realized, suddenly hyperaware of the bare skin of Fay’s back, which he was currently supporting. There were spots were the skin felt ‘normal’, sticky with ash and dried out from the heat but then, there were random spots of skin that felt impossibly clean and soft, again, like baby skin, untouched by ash and dirt…just like his hair, his clean, strangely short and incredibly pale hair, that looked so thin and pale, like newly grown hair- Swallowing hard, Youou finally turned his gaze to meet Seppius’s, and then, carefully, held out Fay’s hand for him to see. It wasn’t just that tho, it was something else, something he had only noticed when he took his hand just now, and that had made him grow three shades paler. Fay’s veins, so visible on his thin pale wrists, they were grey.
Behind them, the twins stood a few feet away from the trio, blue eyes watching intensely, their intertwined fingers holding each other like a vice. They wondered if they should tell them what they saw, what they were seeing right now on the boy’s soul, but after a quick exchange of glances and another firm squeeze, they both silently agreed to keep that information to themselves for a bit longer…
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius rushed over at the first sign of commotion at the other end of the hall. He dove to his knees in the grass, beside Fay with his face more urgent than it had ever been. He held the blonde up, a steady hand on his back to prop him up. Seppius searched Fay's face urgently, his other hand running a light hand along his cheekbone.
"Fay? Fay, are you there? Fay?"
Seppius immediately noticed that he was alright. No wounds, only ash covered his face. Which was odd, but wasn't these days? Seppius was just thankful that he was alive, and that he was here. Seppius smiled in a relief, glancing over at Youou on the opposite of the blonde.
"He's okay, he's okay." Seppius said softly, more to himself than anyone else. He laughed to himself, as if he could barely believe it. He stroked a light thumb along Fay's ash covered face, his eyes shining gently.
Demon Hunt RP
It was like a 3a.m fever dream, but worst. Because Fay was pretty sure that fever dreams weren’t actually supposed to hurt.
His head was a mess, he didn’t know where he was, and everytime he blinked in and out of consciousness he was on a different place. He didn’t even remembered blacking out, but suddenly he was jerked awake so abruptly that it took him a few seconds to register the scorching pain washing over his legs. He blinked, and suddenly he was on the hall, crawling, thoughts that weren’t his rushing through his head. He blinked again, and he was sitting against the wall, desperately trying to breath, he looked down at his hands, and all he saw was blood and burned flesh. He blinked again, and he was in another hall, his mouth moving on it’s own, curses he never dared to say suddenly spilling out of his mouth, and he realized that he was crawling because he couldn’t walk. His feet were burned. He blinked, and this time he blacked out for much longer, because when he finally opened his eyes, he was several halls away from where he had started, and this time he could hear the thoughts in his head more clearly. Lost. Where am I. Pain. Must heal. Focus. Think. Heal, recover, fix, patch up-  do something god-fucking-dammit!
Took Fay a few moments to realize who was thinking those thoughts, but he didn’t have much time to rationalize what he heard, because he couldn’t breath, and without oxygen his brain could not work properly. His lungs burned, his entire body was burning, he could feel new burns forming on his back, the flames licking his skin. Somehow, even with the lack of oxygen, Fay managed to think: how come he had walked so far, yet ended up back in the flames? And that’s when he realized, as he forced his body to cooperate just enough so that he could look around. This hall, it was what he saw after he blacked out in his own dorm.
He had been crawling in a circle.
He blinked, and suddenly he was on the floor, coughing without air to fill his lungs, unable to do anything but writhe in pain as his skin burned and peeled in disgusting layers- Something crashed behind him - a window, his brain weakly told him -, and he vaguely registered the sound of boots landing heavily next to his head. Something heavy and wet - a wet blanket? - landed on top of him, extinguishing the flames on his body, and a gloved hand patted his face, making him wince in response as he realized that his face was burned as well. A muffled curse was hissed over his head, and then something was pressed against his mouth, fresh air filling his lungs for the first time in so long - how long had it been? minutes? hours? days? The stranger was telling him something, the voice male and rough, the tone sounding encouraging yet frantic, but Fay couldn’t get a grip on his words, all he could focus on was on the pain, on his burned body, his bleeding feet, his head- And suddenly, he was being picked up, his head hanging limply and rocking back and forth as the stranger sprinted down the hall. Fay tried to look at him, but all he saw was a black coat, a mask, the kind that people wore while treading in toxic environment, and a hood.
Everything from then on, was a blur. He remembered hearing the man shouting something at him, remembered the sound of a door being slammed out of it’s hinges, and suddenly, the heat, the smoke and the walls were gone. He was staring up at the clear sky, stars peeking shyly on the pink sunset. Fresh, clean and wonderfully breathable air filled his lungs, and Fay wheezed, trying to breath it all in as if scared that someone would take it away from him. A gloved hand cupped his cheek again, a wet cloth was placed ver his forehead, and now that he could breath, his brain began to finally process the pain properly. His screams were muffled by another gloved hand, tears streaming down his face as his body shook, overwhelmed by pain. There wasn’t a single part of his body that wasn’t burned, feet - did he even have those anymore? -, legs, back, arms, even his face, he could no longer feel his cheek, only a mushy bloody and painful mess were it used to be - he fell head first into the flames, he vaguely recalled. The stranger shushed him gently, his voice more audible now, the rough yet warm voice of a man that was treading the ‘grandpa’ age. ‘’Shhhh it’s okay, breath, you’ll be okay.’’ It was hard to sound reassuring with a terrifying mask on, but the man still tried. It wasn’t working.  ‘’Listen.’’ The stranger caught Fay’s face between his hands, but Fay could barely hear him, almost blacking out again. ‘’You need to focus. You can fix this, just like you did years ago, back at the hospital!’’ The man hissed, covering his right eye with his glove. ‘’Focus on the pain, and then focus on fixing that. Think about it as an issue that needs to be solved, and focus only on that thought alone.’’  The man tried to brush his fringe away, but froze mid-stroke. He had a handful of loose, burned blond hair on his hand. ‘’You can’t give up now, you didn’t survive until now just to lose this battle! I didn’t spend all these years cleaning your tracks for nothing!’’ The man hissed firmly, placing Fay back down on the floor and carefully holding his burned hand, the other still covering his right eye. ‘’Focus. You can do this, I know you can…I saw you do it before.’’ He whispered, more gently this time, and Fay had no idea what he was talking about, his words echoing in his empty head without any order or context, yet he still found himself listening to him attentively. He focused on the pain, he counted every single wound that he could feel from the pain alone, and then he fervently wished for it to be over, his entire brain and body focused on that one single task.
And then, a pain, far greater than any other, started. It was the same as before, a needle going through his head starting by his right eye, and then spreading all across his brain, and then down his body. Except, it was ten times worst. Fay couldn’t even scream, he could only gasp for air, his entire body writhing  as if he was being ripped from the inside out, and suddenly, as if things couldn’t get even worst, his veins started to burn. It felt like literal fire running inside his body, in his blood, and all he could do was cry and bite down on the glove that covered his mouth, and pray that it would end already. Fay wanted to die, he wanted to beg to the man to kill him to stop the pain, it was too much, too painful, death would be a sweet merciful relief compared to this-! ‘’You’re doing so well.’’ The man whispered, gently stroking his hair, his tone  comforting, yet somehow fascinated, and Fay wanted to snap and scream at him, because what was so fascinating about a boy in excruciating pain?!  Fay never got to ask, and never got an answer, because as the pain eventually numbed his body out of pure exhaustion - an exhaustion so sudden and strong that his bones actually ached - the world began to darken again, his brain slowly shutting down. He felt the stranger still combing his hair, words reaching his ears yet sounding so distant. ‘’You’ll be okay. Your friends will be here soon enough, until then, rest. I’ll see you soon.’’
Ten minutes later, a group shouted for Seppius and Youou’s name from the back of the school. A blond boy was found laid on the grass, right in front of the backdoor, completely passed out and with ash in his mouth. His clothes were nearly burned to ash, and one of the members of the group quickly wrapped him up with a blanket, his shoes long gone, turned into ash along with the socks, yet, much to the growing confusion of the group, there wasn’t a single burn or scratch on the blond’s skin, his skin perfectly smooth and clear like a baby’s, not even dried out from the heat. Even his hair wasn’t the slightest bit singed, and even more confusingly, it was clean, not a single speckle of ash tainting his blond hair, even though he had clearly been near the fire. ‘‘…I know this is the last thing we should worry about but….wasn’t his hair longer and less…pale?’‘ One of the guys eventually blurted out one out of the many things that everybody else was thinking. No one had an answer tho, all they could do was look after the blond, and wait for his partners to arrive.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius's hearing seemed to be numbed out in the moment he saw the fire. The heat felt like it was overwhelming him, even with them so far away. The dizzying smell of smoke overwhelmed his senses, making his ears ring as he ran towards the academy dorms. He could feel Youou right on his heels, followed by Eve dragging the smaller twins along beside her. Seppius felt like he could barely catch his breath, stress constricting his lungs.
He dashed into the academy, the halls eeriely empty as he stared up at the entrance to the dorms. It had been taped off, firefighters and concerned students surrounding the entrance.
"Where's Fay? Where's Fay?" Seppius's voice was panicked as he grabbed the shoulder of the firefighter. The man stammered, Seppius's tone urgent and his eyes wide. He scanned the crowd, searching faces for any blonde hair. Seppius threw his gaze back at Youou, his gaze worried and twisted.
"He's not here." Seppius whispered.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘….He looks so much like Fay when he was younger.’‘ Eris muttered, after 10 minutes of total silence.  This time, the train was more packed and they got split up, Youou and Eve taking care of the twins a bit more far ahead, while Seppius and Eris sat a bit farther in the back, keeping an eye on them. Eris felt like she was slightly set up for this, when Youou carefully suggested that he could take care of them because he had the most experience dealing with children - a fact that confused the living hell out of Eris - and Eve cheerfully tagged along before she had the chance to volunteer to join him. It was like those soap operas that mother liked to watch, the new boyfriend sitting awkwardly with someone from his lover’s family, both still tense and stiff around each other - just because they saved each other’s necks an hour ago, doesn’t mean she’s still over the fact that this guy shares a dorm with Fay and is currently dating him. She tries to not think too much about that. Emphasis on try. Eris gaze was on Sam, who had finally cheered up a bit after Youou bought the twins a sugary treat - even Ed had to drop his serious and indifferent expression at the sight of candy. She still had no idea why they were bringing the twins alone, and she felt the awful prickling suspicion that they all knew something that she didn’t know, but to be honest, that wouldn’t be a first. Eris had long grown used to the bitter and lonely feeling of being left out of the circle. ‘‘Sam, he reminds me so much of Fay.’‘ She added, her eyes softening slightly as she watched the boy accidentally getting sugar powder on his hair. ‘‘When Fay was twelve, he was awfully shy. He cried a lot, nearly everyday….most of the time, we didn’t even know why he was even crying, and once he started it was nearly impossible to get him to stop. Then, at some point, he just stopped crying out of nowhere….suddenly he was all smiles and laughs. From then on, he always looked happy no matter what. ’‘ She frowned, as if that was somehow a bad thing. ‘‘You know what’s the worst part tho? I believed it. For years, I was truly convinced that Fay was happy, he had overcome his past, had found comfort on his own body and mind…then he met you two.’‘ Eris glanced at Seppius from the corner of her eyes, her expression unreadable but somber. ‘’For months, I couldn’t figure out what was different about him, but then, one day, I was just watching you three from afar at the cafeteria, and it hit me. ‘’ She took a deep breath, and slowly let it out, visibly uncomfortable with this topic, but still kept on pushing it. ‘’It was his smile, his laugh…it was different from all the laughs and smiles I had seen before, it was like spending years in a room illuminated only by light-bulbs, and then finally stepping out and facing the sun. His smile was wider, his laugh was not as loud but also more natural, his whole face seemed to lit up when he was around you two…’’ She bit hard on her lip, as if all of this was impossibly painful for her to admit, her nails digging hard on her knees. ‘’I thought I knew him better than anyone else, I thought I could read him like a book, memorized his every sign and body language to tell how he was feeling, but turns out that in the end, I was being sold a fake illusion that Fay set up for me and everybody else. The ugly truth is, Fay was never happy through all of these years,  it took him to leave the mansion, sign up for the most dangerous job in the world and find two boys, one even rougher than the other, for him to finally find true happiness.’’ She snorted, a short bitter yet sad laugh escaping her lips. ‘’Not sure why I’m surprised, Fay has a gift to shock people, to do exactly the opposite of what we expect. Of course he’d find happiness with the most unlikely of people, the two guys that nobody wanted to even talk to. That’s the just the Fay thing to do.’’ Eris crossed her arms, face turned away from him to glare out of the window, just to avoid crossing his gaze. ‘’…..I won’t pretend or lie and say that you have my approval or my blessing, to be honest, I have a ten feet long list of people I’d rather see Fay dating but…..’’ Her shoulders abated slightly, and she let out a long defeated sigh. ‘’None of them would make him as happy as you and Kuro do. And as long as Fay is happy, I’ll be happy for him as well.’’  Finally, she tilted her head back, giving him a pointed glare that lacked the usual angry hatred that normally was sharp enough to cut through the hardest of hearts. ‘’That said, make him cry again like you did when you left, and I’ll set up a bounty for your head. And, no children before he’s at the least 25!’’ She put her hand on the handle of her rapier for emphasis, the blade glinting in warning. ‘’Or you’ll be missing the necessary parts to have a second.’’
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius laughed between breaths, his eyes wide and shining as he glanced over his shoulder. "I forgot we hadn't told her!" Seppius said with a grin, his entire body buzzing with a sudden adrenaline. He glanced at the twins, and then back at Youou.
"We should've really told her.." Seppius finally said, feeling slightly guilty. They already kept Eris out of enough, they really owed her by letting her know. Seppius sighed, kicking the ground with his shoe. "Let's uh..let's just wait until she calms down to tell her. I don't want her ripping our heads off." He flashed a sideways smile at the twins, though still uneasy about the entire situation. The atmosphere was still tense, as Miss Marie returned into everyone's mind as the academy came into sight.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘….He looks so much like Fay when he was younger.’‘ Eris muttered, after 10 minutes of total silence.  This time, the train was more packed and they got split up, Youou and Eve taking care of the twins a bit more far ahead, while Seppius and Eris sat a bit farther in the back, keeping an eye on them. Eris felt like she was slightly set up for this, when Youou carefully suggested that he could take care of them because he had the most experience dealing with children - a fact that confused the living hell out of Eris - and Eve cheerfully tagged along before she had the chance to volunteer to join him. It was like those soap operas that mother liked to watch, the new boyfriend sitting awkwardly with someone from his lover’s family, both still tense and stiff around each other - just because they saved each other’s necks an hour ago, doesn’t mean she’s still over the fact that this guy shares a dorm with Fay and is currently dating him. She tries to not think too much about that. Emphasis on try. Eris gaze was on Sam, who had finally cheered up a bit after Youou bought the twins a sugary treat - even Ed had to drop his serious and indifferent expression at the sight of candy. She still had no idea why they were bringing the twins alone, and she felt the awful prickling suspicion that they all knew something that she didn’t know, but to be honest, that wouldn’t be a first. Eris had long grown used to the bitter and lonely feeling of being left out of the circle. ‘‘Sam, he reminds me so much of Fay.’‘ She added, her eyes softening slightly as she watched the boy accidentally getting sugar powder on his hair. ‘‘When Fay was twelve, he was awfully shy. He cried a lot, nearly everyday….most of the time, we didn’t even know why he was even crying, and once he started it was nearly impossible to get him to stop. Then, at some point, he just stopped crying out of nowhere….suddenly he was all smiles and laughs. From then on, he always looked happy no matter what. ’‘ She frowned, as if that was somehow a bad thing. ‘‘You know what’s the worst part tho? I believed it. For years, I was truly convinced that Fay was happy, he had overcome his past, had found comfort on his own body and mind…then he met you two.’‘ Eris glanced at Seppius from the corner of her eyes, her expression unreadable but somber. ‘’For months, I couldn’t figure out what was different about him, but then, one day, I was just watching you three from afar at the cafeteria, and it hit me. ‘’ She took a deep breath, and slowly let it out, visibly uncomfortable with this topic, but still kept on pushing it. ‘’It was his smile, his laugh…it was different from all the laughs and smiles I had seen before, it was like spending years in a room illuminated only by light-bulbs, and then finally stepping out and facing the sun. His smile was wider, his laugh was not as loud but also more natural, his whole face seemed to lit up when he was around you two…’’ She bit hard on her lip, as if all of this was impossibly painful for her to admit, her nails digging hard on her knees. ‘’I thought I knew him better than anyone else, I thought I could read him like a book, memorized his every sign and body language to tell how he was feeling, but turns out that in the end, I was being sold a fake illusion that Fay set up for me and everybody else. The ugly truth is, Fay was never happy through all of these years,  it took him to leave the mansion, sign up for the most dangerous job in the world and find two boys, one even rougher than the other, for him to finally find true happiness.’’ She snorted, a short bitter yet sad laugh escaping her lips. ‘’Not sure why I’m surprised, Fay has a gift to shock people, to do exactly the opposite of what we expect. Of course he’d find happiness with the most unlikely of people, the two guys that nobody wanted to even talk to. That’s the just the Fay thing to do.’’ Eris crossed her arms, face turned away from him to glare out of the window, just to avoid crossing his gaze. ‘’…..I won’t pretend or lie and say that you have my approval or my blessing, to be honest, I have a ten feet long list of people I’d rather see Fay dating but…..’’ Her shoulders abated slightly, and she let out a long defeated sigh. ‘’None of them would make him as happy as you and Kuro do. And as long as Fay is happy, I’ll be happy for him as well.’’  Finally, she tilted her head back, giving him a pointed glare that lacked the usual angry hatred that normally was sharp enough to cut through the hardest of hearts. ‘’That said, make him cry again like you did when you left, and I’ll set up a bounty for your head. And, no children before he’s at the least 25!’’ She put her hand on the handle of her rapier for emphasis, the blade glinting in warning. ‘’Or you’ll be missing the necessary parts to have a second.’’
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius rolled his eyes slightly, a scoff bubbling up from somewhere deep in his chest. He hadn't expected himself to be smiling and joking around Eris, but he supposed it was just one more odd occurrence to come out of the day. Seppius was silent for a minute as he thought about Eris's words, her meaning behind them. Even if still suspicious, it meant a lot from her to have even a slight sign of approval. Seppius would take what he could get.
"You know, Fay always talks about you." Seppius mentioned, a warm tone evident in his voice. "He always talks about how much you would like this and that, how he wished you could see it.." Seppius's voice trailed off, his eyes saddening as he watched Eris for a moment. "He misses you, Eris." He said quietly. And here they were, taking him even farther away from his sister. Seppius sighed, leaving a slightly guilt eating away at his insides.
"You're welcome to visit us anytime, you know. Whenever you feel like." Seppius mentioned quickly. His gaze stayed locked on the twins up ahead, and began to imagine Eris as one. A proud aunt, thought with her distaste to children still finding a special place in her heart for her own brother's children. This made Seppius feel slightly better, and found himself smiling to himself without really thinking.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘….He looks so much like Fay when he was younger.’‘ Eris muttered, after 10 minutes of total silence.  This time, the train was more packed and they got split up, Youou and Eve taking care of the twins a bit more far ahead, while Seppius and Eris sat a bit farther in the back, keeping an eye on them. Eris felt like she was slightly set up for this, when Youou carefully suggested that he could take care of them because he had the most experience dealing with children - a fact that confused the living hell out of Eris - and Eve cheerfully tagged along before she had the chance to volunteer to join him. It was like those soap operas that mother liked to watch, the new boyfriend sitting awkwardly with someone from his lover’s family, both still tense and stiff around each other - just because they saved each other’s necks an hour ago, doesn’t mean she’s still over the fact that this guy shares a dorm with Fay and is currently dating him. She tries to not think too much about that. Emphasis on try. Eris gaze was on Sam, who had finally cheered up a bit after Youou bought the twins a sugary treat - even Ed had to drop his serious and indifferent expression at the sight of candy. She still had no idea why they were bringing the twins alone, and she felt the awful prickling suspicion that they all knew something that she didn’t know, but to be honest, that wouldn’t be a first. Eris had long grown used to the bitter and lonely feeling of being left out of the circle. ‘‘Sam, he reminds me so much of Fay.’‘ She added, her eyes softening slightly as she watched the boy accidentally getting sugar powder on his hair. ‘‘When Fay was twelve, he was awfully shy. He cried a lot, nearly everyday….most of the time, we didn’t even know why he was even crying, and once he started it was nearly impossible to get him to stop. Then, at some point, he just stopped crying out of nowhere….suddenly he was all smiles and laughs. From then on, he always looked happy no matter what. ’‘ She frowned, as if that was somehow a bad thing. ‘‘You know what’s the worst part tho? I believed it. For years, I was truly convinced that Fay was happy, he had overcome his past, had found comfort on his own body and mind…then he met you two.’‘ Eris glanced at Seppius from the corner of her eyes, her expression unreadable but somber. ‘’For months, I couldn’t figure out what was different about him, but then, one day, I was just watching you three from afar at the cafeteria, and it hit me. ‘’ She took a deep breath, and slowly let it out, visibly uncomfortable with this topic, but still kept on pushing it. ‘’It was his smile, his laugh…it was different from all the laughs and smiles I had seen before, it was like spending years in a room illuminated only by light-bulbs, and then finally stepping out and facing the sun. His smile was wider, his laugh was not as loud but also more natural, his whole face seemed to lit up when he was around you two…’’ She bit hard on her lip, as if all of this was impossibly painful for her to admit, her nails digging hard on her knees. ‘’I thought I knew him better than anyone else, I thought I could read him like a book, memorized his every sign and body language to tell how he was feeling, but turns out that in the end, I was being sold a fake illusion that Fay set up for me and everybody else. The ugly truth is, Fay was never happy through all of these years,  it took him to leave the mansion, sign up for the most dangerous job in the world and find two boys, one even rougher than the other, for him to finally find true happiness.’’ She snorted, a short bitter yet sad laugh escaping her lips. ‘’Not sure why I’m surprised, Fay has a gift to shock people, to do exactly the opposite of what we expect. Of course he’d find happiness with the most unlikely of people, the two guys that nobody wanted to even talk to. That’s the just the Fay thing to do.’’ Eris crossed her arms, face turned away from him to glare out of the window, just to avoid crossing his gaze. ‘’…..I won’t pretend or lie and say that you have my approval or my blessing, to be honest, I have a ten feet long list of people I’d rather see Fay dating but…..’’ Her shoulders abated slightly, and she let out a long defeated sigh. ‘’None of them would make him as happy as you and Kuro do. And as long as Fay is happy, I’ll be happy for him as well.’’  Finally, she tilted her head back, giving him a pointed glare that lacked the usual angry hatred that normally was sharp enough to cut through the hardest of hearts. ‘’That said, make him cry again like you did when you left, and I’ll set up a bounty for your head. And, no children before he’s at the least 25!’’ She put her hand on the handle of her rapier for emphasis, the blade glinting in warning. ‘’Or you’ll be missing the necessary parts to have a second.’’
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius had never imagined himself in this type of situation. He had met more people running away from the government and having special disorders than he could imagine. Seppius shook his head, leaning his back against the train station pillar. He shut his eyes for a moment, before turning to Eve.
"How are you taking all this?" He asked with a sideways glance, his expression indifferent and steady. Eve shrugged, her eyes still slightly out of focus as she stared at the train station map. She shook her head, her eyes flicking over to Seppius.
"Isn't all sort of..odd to you?" Eve asked quietly. "Not the ghosts, not the twins.." her voice trailed off. Seppius watched her in a slight confusion, until she finished. "If the government really wanted them, why send demons? If they really wanted this boy, why didn't they just send people, not demons?"
They both knew the answer, which made Seppius even more uneasy. Demons kill, no matter how advanced they are. They had been sent there to kill those boys, or die trying. And that was disturbing enough to make Seppius angry all over again. The train pulled up before he could reply, and the thought disappeared like their faces among the crowd.
Demon Hunt RP
Youou raised his brows at him, visibly surprised as well, but then his face softened again, something like approval flashing past his eyes as he gave him a short nod before making his way towards the teachers. He felt bad for those people, whose job was to literally look after these children, yet were completely helpless in this kind of situation, unable to do anything other than run and hope that all the children made it out unharmed. And after what they went through, after despairing over the supposed loss of the twins, Youou isn’t surprised when they don’t take too well the news about them taking the twins. ‘‘Our academy is only a fifteen minutes train ride away from here.’’ Youou insisted, somehow looking more like the adult of the situation as he stood his ground calm and firmly. ‘’We need to take them so that they can testify what they saw, they might have witnessed a new type of demon and we need as much information about it as possible.’‘ It’s a lie, they had already met those demons before, and it was beyond awful to lie like that to those teachers, who already were emotional and physiologically drained, but what else could he say? I’m sorry but we need to take your boys to keep them safe, you see, there’s a bunch of scientists trying to capture blue eyed blondes and this whole attack was set up just to catch those two!? It doesn’t take much longer for the teachers to finally crack, and reluctantly, they give them authorization to take the twins. Youou gave them the academy’s number, the address and even indications on how take the quickest path to get there, and after letting them fuss over the twins one last time, the twins were finally delivered back to them. Now that the tension of the battle was gone, and his head had time to cool down from the whole ‘we were set up by the fucking lady who was supposed to help us’, Youou found himself looking at the twins on a different light. They looked a lot less threatening out of a battle, behaving just like normal children - with the occasional spur of the moment vision -, they were actually rather adorable, or maybe Youou was just far too soft on children because of how badly he missed his nephews.  Although they were twins, Ed acted as if he was the older brother, scolding Sam whenever he tried to let go of his hand to check something out, and pinching his arm when he got that dazed clouded look in his eyes that hinted an incoming vision. But although he sometimes gave him the rough treatment, it was obvious that Ed adored his brother, listening patiently as he babbled nonstop, fixing his hair for him, actually smiling at and holy shit that kid could actually smile! Sam, unlike his brother, was very talkative and bubbly yet incredibly shy, contrasting with his brother’s bluntness, apparently only actually able to speak directly to them when he had a vision that he absolutely has to share, because ever since he got scolded by Seppius, the kid could barely meet their eyes anymore. Youou had to admit, he felt kind of tempted to scoop the kid up and tickle him or something, because guilt was starting to feel rather unpleasant on his stomach.
They sat at the train station, waiting for the train to arrive in a somewhat awkward silence, until Sam quietly admits to his brother that he needs to go to the bathroom, who then more loudly announced that his brother needed to go pee. Eris immediately volunteered to take him to the bathroom, her expression soft in a way that usually only happens when she’s with her brother. ‘‘He can’t control it.’‘ Ed said, the moment the other two disappeared from view. For moments, Youou actually thought he was talking about the boy needing to pee, but the twin was quick to clarify. ‘‘Sam can’t stop when he has a vision. I can pick whether to share mine or not, but Sam doesn’t have that luxury. The other day, we walked past a pregnant lady and no one could get a grip on him until he found that lady and told her that she was having a girl. He needs to tell people when he has a vision about them, specially if it’s a strong one.’‘ There’s an edge of defensiveness in his tone, and it takes Youou a moment to realize that the boy was actually pouting - or at the least, his ‘boring and nearly expressionless’ version of a pout - , acting as if he was the one who got scolded earlier, not Sam. Just like Eris with Fay, you hurt him, you hurt her twice as hard, Youou thought amusedly. ‘‘If he told you the vision, it means that it’s an urgent one, it’s just his instinct desperately trying to stop what he saw from happening.’‘ The twin added, in a grumpy mumble, and Youou has to physically hold himself back from ruffling his bowl cut  into a fluffy fuzzy hair nest.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius glanced at Youou, then his eyes landed back down on the twins. The air around them was tensely still, a pin could be heard dropping. Seppius slowly lowered to his a crouching position, so he was eye to eye with the two boys. His voice was dangerously low and steady as he spoke, his gaze never breaking from the two boys.
"Soon you'll learn not to spill your guts to every single stranger you meet. Discretion is key when you're different. You're too innocent for that now, but you'll know. Speak too much, and you'll be killed." Seppius said quietly, his hair bristling up on the back of his neck. He wasn't sure if it was anger or uneasiness he felt towards the twin- he felt an odd protectiveness over them, yet he was mad at how ignorant they were to their gifts. They were children, he reminded himself. Don't be so hard on them. But scientists don't see age when they're experimenting. Kidnappers don't see a child.
Seppius swallowed hard, watching Sam for a long moment before pulling away. "Let's get out of here." He said, his voice raspy. He walked off back towards the train at a brisk pace, though was quickly slowed by the grip of someone on his shoulder.
Eve. She watched with those familiar innocent eyes, her face looking pained as she watched the twins. "Seppius, we can't just leave them here! They'll..they might.."
"That's why they're coming with." Seppius said softly, his gaze falling back on the boys. "It's far too dangerous for them here, this attack was obviously set up for them." Seppius nodded in understanding, throwing a small smile to Eve. "They'll be safe with us."
He could barely believe his own words.
Demon Hunt RP
‘‘I don’t think it has anything to do with honesty….’‘ Youou hissed, suddenly feeling the urgent need to go back to the academy as fast as possible. Fay was still there, wounded, defenseless, and with a woman who had access to all dorms, and wasn’t who they thought she was.
The twins glanced at each other, but obeyed to Eve’s command, tho they were both slightly more tense than before. It had nothing to do with the battle tho, and they gave each other  a tight encouraging squeeze. Only they knew what they had seen, only they understood it, no one ever even tried to begin to understand what they were, but it was okay. They were used to not being understood, to being feared, to being hated, as long as they had each other, they could bear with that. But as they were led out of the building, trailing behind the group, Ed felt Sam beginning to shake, his lip trembling slightly and his eyes watering. Ed gave him a sharp squeeze. ‘’Don’t.’’ He hissed, when he felt Sam try to let go.  He knew what he was trying to do, what he needed to do, but that would only make things worst and his twin knew that. Sam was always the emotional one, the one who cried at night when the other kids pushed ‘the creepy twins’ aside, when the adults stared at them weirdly and ‘politely’ asked their parents if they had a medical condition, when the scary men from the church glared at them, mouthing ‘demons’ at their direction… Sam was also the one to give away their gift 90% of the time. Ed mostly kept to himself, rarely ever mentioning his visions to anybody other than his brother or their parents, but Sam, sweet emotional Sam would rush to tell everybody what he saw, specially if it involved someone getting hurt.
Ed thought too much, Sam didn’t think enough, Ed saw short visions but in incredible detail, Sam saw things that would only happen next week or even later, yet not know the day, the time or even the place where his vision occurred. Which was why they had to stay together, to balance each other. They were finally led out of the hellish place, their class already waiting outside - they got scared and lost, they would tell them, only the two of them would ever know the truth tho, that they didn’t follow after the group when the school was being evacuated because the demons would follow after them, endangering their classmates and teachers. Blankets were placed over their shoulders, even the hunters were offered some - shock blankets, Ed had muttered to Sam - and water was handed to everybody.  It was the damn water that made him lose him. It only took Ed five seconds to open his bottle, but it was still somehow enough for Sam to suddenly sprint away from him, ignoring his twin calling for him, and nearly crashed against the tallest of the hunters.
‘‘Oi! Careful there, uh-’‘ Youou squinted at him, trying to figure out which one was he. ‘‘…Sam, right?’‘ Tearful eyes, lack of boredom, yup, that had to be him. The kid still clung to his leg, staring at him with wide worried eyes, and Youou was just starting to feel uncomfortable under his stare, when the kid reached over to tug on Seppius’s sleeve as well, looking even more alarmed. ‘‘They can’t both live in the same body…not for much longer.’‘ He whispered, just for the two of them. Youou blinked confusedly at him, trying to find the context of what he was saying. ‘’Uh-’’ ‘‘An apple has no say when the worm digs it’s way inside of it.’‘ He continued, his eyes glazed over and unfocused. ‘‘The worm doesn’t mean any harm, but it’s still eating the apple from the inside out, poking holes through it, unaware that it’s slowly killing it’s new home-’‘ ‘‘Sam.’‘ Ed quickly grabbed his brother, pulling him away from the two older boys. ‘‘Stop.’‘ Sam barely seemed to hear him at all tho, his eyes still glazed over and staring unseeingly at the two men.
Miss Marie nearly jumped out of her seat when the phone rang beside her, accidentally crumbling the paper that she was holding between her hands. She stared at it for a long time, taking a few deep breath  before finally, shakily, grabbing the phone.  ‘’Yes-’’ ‘‘Is our issue taken care of?’’ Miss Marie took a deep breath, the seemingly permanent smile on her face faltering for moments. ‘’I’d love to give you good news for once, sir, but I cannot be sure until I get notified of either their return, or of their funeral.’’ She forced out a little laugh to ease the tension. The man on the other side didn’t laugh with her. ‘‘You’ve failed us three times already. Fail us a fourth, and you won’t see a fifth chance.’‘  They hung up. Miss Marie dropped the phone where it belonged, holding her head between her shaky hands as she forced herself to breath. She had just started to count backwards as a breathing exercise, when her nose caught another scent other than the coffee still waiting for her on her desk. She stood upright, repeatedly sniffing the air. Smoke. Just as the thought popped up in her head, the fire alarms began to ring all over the academy.
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xxx2732772 · 7 years
Seppius didn't reply, his jaw clenching and unclenching absentmindedly. He was staring off at the men, his jaw set and his fingers digging deep into his palms. Every mission, every death defying thing they had ever done. It could have all been avoided, if Miss Marie had told them the truth.
"Is it so goddamn hard for people to be honest?" Seppius hissed angrily under his breath, his teeth gritted as he suddenly grabbed his bow. He aimed it easily at a demon across the hall, one that one of the other hunters was fighting. The arrow sailed through the air, filled with all the rage and frustration that was built up within Seppius. It struck the demon in the side, causing it to screech out and fall. Seppius stared numbly at the demon, yards away and an almost perfect shot. But he didn't even care.
Eve gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, though he barely seemed to notice. "Let's get out of here." Seppius said lowly, his voice so dark and steady Eve got slight chills. She nodded in agreement, grabbing her weapon from her holster. She watched the twins carefully, still seeming to be in their own little world.
"Hey, freaky twins! We are leaving now." Eve said bluntly, her usually bubbly mood almost completely gone as she watched the twins with a hard gaze
Demon Hunt RP
The two boys glanced at each other, both strangely calm - even the crybaby one didn’t looked scared anymore, and the serious one seemed to have lost some of his seemingly permanent boredom, as if them reuniting was the end of this nightmare and everything was okay now. ‘‘Just five more minutes.’‘ Ed, the serious one, murmured, while Sam, the crybaby, tilted his head to the side, nibbling on his thumb. ‘‘….Shouldn’t take long.’‘ He mumbled back. Youou was about to lose his mind. He adored children, he had 4 nephews and three nieces, he loved every single one of them, and one of his deepest secrets was his desire to have children of his own one day, but these two - they were really pushing it. ‘‘What the hell are you talking about?!’‘ He finally snapped, and the children blinked confusedly at him, both tilting their heads at the same time. ‘‘Don’t you two get it? We’re surrounded! If we don’t do anything now, we’re done for!’‘ Again, they just blinked at him, and Youou began to wonder if he was just that stupid, because they stared at him as if he had just asked what the color of the sky was, it only added even more to his growing paranoia.
One of demons broke the window of the door and began to squeeze itself through it, long claws reaching hungrily for them. Sam and Ed weren’t looking at it tho, instead they stared intensely at the ceiling, watching as the broken electricity cables unlatched themselves from the ceiling, dropping right on top of the demon, electrocuting it to death. The smell of burned rotten flesh filled the room, along with pained shrieks, until the demon dropped limp on the floor. Eris gaped at the scene, quickly stepping away and hiding the children behind her, as if protecting them from an invisible enemy. ‘’Okay, I’m not crazy right?! Those cables just moved by themselves, you all saw that right?!’’ She snapped, distressed. The twins glanced at each other, understanding flashing through their eyes. ‘‘Oh so she’s-’‘ Sam started. ‘‘An outsider.’‘ Ed continued. ‘‘She doesn’t know then…’‘ ‘‘..About that, about us.’‘ ‘‘But the others  know tho-’’ ‘‘-Their blood is different tho…their souls are-’‘ ‘‘Can you two please stop with the ….creepy twin talk thing?!’‘ Youou interrupted, holding his weight against the door to keep it shut. ‘‘We’re trying to not die here!’‘ ‘‘It’s almost over.’‘ Ed added, looking down at his clock. ‘‘In five, four…’‘ ‘‘What are they doing now?!’‘ Eris hissed at Eve and Seppius, staring nervously at the twins, who were causally swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as if this was all just a game to them. ‘‘Two.’‘ ‘‘One.’‘ And the sound of a shotgun echoed over the grunts and shrieks of the demons. The sound was followed by many other others, shooting, shouting, the sound of various steps approaching, the demons shrieking as they switched their attention to their new targets, only to be silenced by a bullet or an axe on their throats. Youou pulled a table up, to act as a wall and then dragged the whole group to hide behind it, avoiding getting anyone shot by a lost bullet. ‘‘Oi is anybody in there?! Academy fellas, is any of you still alive in there?’‘ An unfamiliar voice shouted, followed by the sound of the door being forced open. Youou forced the others to stay down, while he took the first peek, to make sure it wasn’t a trap. A group of at the least twenty people were taking care of the demons, killing them one by one, the one with a shotgun approaching them with his hands up in a friendly gesture. ‘‘Chill bro, we’re one of the groups of hunters that take care of this part of the city!’‘ The man reassured them quickly, counting them with his eyes, his brows knitting together in obvious confusion. ‘‘….Is there really only four of you? Were the casualties that high?!’‘ Youou frowned, opening his mouth to answer, but the man was still talking, looking around with obvious distraught. ’’The academy informed us that they had sent fifteen of their hunters already…we didn’t bothered to show up until now because we thought you guys had this under control, but then one of the teachers called, saying that they were still missing two children-’‘
Youou blocked out the rest, his brain too loud to allow his ears to hear anything else. Fifteen. They told them they were fifteen, their academy dismissed reinforcements because they were ‘fifteen’. ‘‘Of course you three must go! This is a mission only for the most skilled hunters, which are you boys!’‘ Miss Marie told them- Miss Marie told them
‘‘-It’s just a small mission, tiny village in the woods, a level five or two, shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes-’‘ ‘‘-on the beach, just a few casualties, nothing too dangerous, just Fay and Seppius should be enough-’‘ ‘‘Of course the three of you must go!-’‘ Youou gritted his teeth, his fingers digging hard on Seppius’s shoulder without meaning to. ‘’It was a trap.’’ He hissed, low enough so that only Seppius could hear. ‘’All those missions-! Every single one of them, the altered difficulty levels, the lies about the casualties, the fact that the three of us were always picked for those missions in remote places-!’’ He met Seppius’s eyes, his red eyes glinting with fury and bloodthirst. ‘’It was all a set up.’’ A few steps behind them, Ed glanced at Sam. The most scaredy of the twins kept on staring fixedly at the two men, his eyes glazed over and clouded, unseeing yet seeing too much. Ed gaze his hand a firm squeeze, and waited. It would probably be his turn next.
Other Fay had expected some work, he had braced himself for a folder full of evidence that he would have to somehow get rid of. This….was far more than just a folder.
The blond stood in the center or the room, dusty from barely being used at all, and although all dorms looked the same, Seth’s barely even looked like a dorm anymore. Papers scattered everywhere, broken, smashed, and even chewed on furniture laid in pieces all across the room, several bottles full of black liquid gathered on top of the desk, along with several bottles or dark pills, the white walls dirty with brown spots of dried blood…Other Fay wouldn’t be surprised if he took a step forward and accidentally got himself trapped in a bear trap randomly laid at the center of the room. But it wasn’t the miserable state of the room that made him freeze and his blood pressure increase. Other Fay could nearly hear his heartbeat in his ears as he gathered as many random  papers in his arms as he could, and just like he had suspected, although those were all picked at random, several keywords immediately caught his attention on each single one of them. ‘‘-but although that was their main objective, the Project E.Y.E took a sudden abrupt turn when the head of the organization was expelled from the project, replaced by-’‘ ‘‘- missing children found dead, all missing one eye, needle punctures on their arms-’‘ ‘‘-as expected, most of the victims were blond, mostly blue eyed blondes-’‘ ‘‘-a single survivor, their only successful experiment-’‘ ‘‘-something went wrong, according to the sources, the child’s body rejected the E.Y.E and the project stopped working, sitting uselessly on the child’s eye socket, blind and useless-’’ ‘’-tried to remove the E.Y.E-’’ ‘‘- defective - ‘‘ ‘’- a massacre, all scientists in the room were found dead, the police’s reports described it as ‘similar to an animal attack’ -’‘ ‘‘-the child was gone tho, and so was the E.Y.E-’‘
With his blood boiling in his veins, Other Fay crushed the papers between his hands, stepping on them, smashing them, ripping them, but those were just ten out of thousands. Breathless, the parasite looked around him, his hands shaking by his sides. The walls, the ceiling, the floor, all around him, papers and more papers, evidence, far more than he could destroy, and the clock on the wall seemed to smirk mockingly at him with each passing minute. He didn’t have enough time. He couldn’t throw it to the trash, all that paper would be suspicious, he couldn’t hide it either, the big boy was too smart, he couldn’t send it elsewhere because he was running out of time-! His hip jumped against the desk, knocking down a candle. His eye landed on it, trembling fingers wrapping around the candle.  Suddenly, his single eye widened as a thought flashed through his brain, and tossing the candle aside, Other Fay scrambled towards the drawers, searching through each single one of them. Where there were candles, there were matches. If he had matches, he had fire. And if he had fire, he still could fix this.
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