xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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What I do and what I like to do the most is traveling, also I can say adventures. When I was a kid, I always travel with my parents far away from home, for example, Mongolia, Tibet... we never travel with the travel agencies, my father drives all the time. I believe the most difficult thing about traveling to those places with prairies, it is the tough conditions. Most time we got no place to live then we have to stay in the herdsman’s houses which most of them are made with wood, grasses. I had those experiences for my life, this helps me to be a tough person, no matter how bad the conditions are, I can always do what I want to and never give up. I always want to thank my parents to give me those opportunities to have those experiences and make who I am today. Those pictures took when I climbed the mountain in Tibet, it was almost 6000meters altitudes there and the mountain is really high which means it was cold there. However I got to 6000 meters and I was really enjoy the landscape there, really nice to me. No matter how many obstacles in front of me, I will conquer them like I am climbing to a really high place on the mountain, I will see everything from the highest point someday, I believe if I keep working hard and never give up, I will be the guy who can be called success.
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xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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My name is Xingyuan Huang; writing in Chinese, it should be 黄星源. In China, the names should be given by grandparents, However, this name was given by my parents. The name my grandparents gave was called ‘Xingyi Huang’ which is like a girl’s name, therefore my parents renamed me later when I was 3 years old. Huang means yellow in Chinese, but in name, it is only a Last name. Xing also as 星in Chinese means stars, yuan,源 means the origin, my parents hope I can reach the origin of the stars, also means to stand on the top of all star someday, that does not means they hope me to be a spaceman. In our minds, stars are far away and they are really high on the sky, my parents hope me to be more success than everyone else, to be on top of them, as my future to be even further away than the stars. If I got a chance to give name to my child, I would say, I will think about one about the universe.
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xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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Obviously, to everyone, this is just a good-looking rock, possibly someone think it is ugly. However, this rock has its story with me, it has nothing to do with others by it is actually important to me, I can never forget that day when I got it. It was a summer vacation which I spent with my parents in a place of China, called Tibet, there are full of prairies and mountains at that place. The most meaningful thing I had done there is that I climbed one of the peaks of the highest mountain on the world called Mt. Qomolangma. To be honest I was really scared at that time, there was full of snow and rocks there, however my parents encouraged me and told me that if I can climb onto that peak, I will be the person who can do most people can’t do in my age. Finally, I conquered my fear and climbed to the half point of the peak which called Yuzhu peak, there was 6300 meters altitude there, we can’t risk our lives to climb higher, that is one of my most regretful things on this world that I could not get to the highest point. At that time, I saw this rock, it stayed on the top of other rocks, it did not move a single step even the wind blow or the snow rushed to it. I suddenly notice that I want to be that rock, even I can’t reach the same height as others do, but I will keep working hard and nothing can move my step to success. This rock has been staying in my home for 2 years and no one touched it, it is still shinning as before, it never changes, like my undoubted steps to my life goals. In general, this rock is really important to me and the reason why I want to sell it is because I want those people who want to give up on their dreams to understand even there are many obstacles on our roads, we have to conquer them and our dream will come true someday. I want to sell this rock with my article above for half properties of one’s own, no matter q dollar or 1 billion dolars, hope the buyer can earn more than double of what they paid for.
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xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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This is a gun existing on the real world, called UMP-9, but I don’t want to talk about the real world one, I want to say about it in the game Pubg. This is a submachine gun with low damage and gamers would rather choose to use M4A1 or Akm which are rifle guns having higher damage. They think it is not cool to use ump 9 because they can easily to killed by others who has better guns, but I don’t think so. The reason I like this gun because it is smaller and it has less sound than other guns, I can easily take down the enemy from behind without making too much noise and run away easily. Another reason I like this gun is because one game I used all of my bullets when there was like 3 enemies around me, at this time my girlfriend rush to me in order to give me the bullets, she was killed by the enemies but I killed all of the enemies for her later, at last we won the game, I will never forget what she had done to give me hope when I am in dangerous.
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xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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This is a character in the computer game: League of Legend. I played this game since I was 13 years old. League of Legend means a lot to me, it contains my most unforgettable memories of gaming with my best friends, defeated enemies with them and enjoy the happiness of victories. The only champion I play is her in the picture, she is Irelia. This is a skin I owned in the game, I think it is one of my coolest things on this world. This skin called “order of Lotus”. This skin is meaningful to me and the reason why it is cool because one of my best gaming friends send it to me as my birthday gift. We played this game for 4 years together, in the United States, we are all oversea students and I can actually feel it is like home to stay touching with those guys, although we never met since now. However, I am in college right now, which means I can’t put that much time into gaming as before in high school, we don’t talk a lot like before, I don’t play games all night like before for a long time, but the only skin I use is this one, my best gaming friend sent me on 2016, winter, makes me warm.
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xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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xygoo23-blog · 6 years
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