xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex Concentrate is the most chemically active product within the Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing System. When mixed with water, this light grey powder is applied as a cementitious slurry coat to above-grade or below-grade concrete, either as a single coat or as the first of a two-coat application. The Xypex Crystalline Technology remains at the core of this line that has evolved into an integrated system: Thus came about Xypex concrete waterproofing products.
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xypex21 · 3 years
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Xypex products use water as a migrating medium to enter and travel down the capillaries of the concrete. This process precipitates a chemical reaction between Xypex, moisture and the by-products of cement hydration, forming a new non-soluble crystalline structure. This integral structure fills the capillary tracts rendering the concrete waterproof. Thus came about Xypex concrete waterproofing products. https://www.xypex.com/about/crystalline-technology
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex concrete waterproofing and protection system and represent one of three different ways to install Xypex Crystalline Technology into concrete.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex Additive products, added to the concrete at time of batching, are part of the Xypex concrete waterproofing and protection system and represent one of three different ways to install Xypex Crystalline Technology into concrete.
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xypex21 · 3 years
No other admixture combines potent antimicrobial properties with Xypex crystalline waterproofing technology to offer protection of concrete sewer and wastewater structures.
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xypex21 · 3 years
If you are looking for waterproofing admix for concrete, you are at the right palace the Xypex concrete waterproofing and protection system and represent one of three different ways to install Xypex Crystalline Technology into concrete.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex Coating products, for surface application, are part of the Xypex concrete waterproofing and protection system and represent one of three different ways to install Xypex Crystalline Technology into concrete.
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xypex21 · 3 years
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More than fifty years ago, demonstrating some brilliant ingenuity, a group of chemists at Xypex Chemical Corporation developed a technology that would change the way concrete is protected from intrusive liquids.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Both physical damage and chemical attack of concrete in sewage and septic systems is possible. However, the chemical attack is much more prevalent and has two primary causes: acid attack and sulfate attack. In the wastewater industry, the acid attack mechanism is normally referred to as Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) – a process in which sulfides in the wastewater stream are transformed by biological reactions into sulfuric acid. The sulfur compounds produced by this reaction penetrate the concrete substrate helping to initiate sulfate attack.
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xypex21 · 3 years
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Crystalline waterproofing technology was an idea that grew because Xypex chemists questioned what concrete was all about and found a way to make it better. This integral structure fills the capillary tracts rendering the concrete waterproof. Thus came about Xypex concrete waterproofing products.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex products have been thoroughly tested in independent labs throughout the world and according to international standards. Permeability, chemical resistance, compressive strength, freeze-thaw durability, potable water, and other tests, all concluding positive results.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex Bio-San C500 is a unique way of protecting concrete in harsh sewage conditions with high levels of hydrogen sulfide that cause microbial-induced corrosion. No other admixture combines potent antimicrobial properties with Xypex crystalline waterproofing technology to offer complete protection of concrete sewer and wastewater structures.
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xypex21 · 3 years
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In thousands of applications, Xypex has fulfilled a promise we made to ourselves right from the beginning. Our market would be global, our distributor network would be second to none, we would build an infrastructure of people who would be knowledgeable, responsive, and reliable — and our products, always, would be the best in the business.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Basic to the development of Xypex Crystalline Technology was a thorough understanding of concrete's chemical and physical makeup. Concrete is porous. Its tunnel-like capillaries are a natural part of its mass and permit the passage of water and other liquids. https://www.xypex.com/about/crystalline-technology
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex Coating products, for surface application, are part of the Xypex concrete waterproofing and protection system and represent one of three different ways to install Xypex Crystalline Technology into concrete.
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xypex21 · 3 years
In thousands of applications, Xypex has fulfilled on a promise we made to ourselves right from the beginning. Our market would be global, our distributor network would be second to none, we would build an infrastructure of people who would be knowledgeable, responsive, and reliable — and our products, always, would be the best in the business.
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xypex21 · 3 years
Xypex provides a wide range of concrete repair applications such as stopping flowing water, patching, resurfacing, and rehabilitating concrete as well as repairing cracks.
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