memory time bc im in a p stubborn karkat shift rn n i can feel tht kenma also wants to front n give me memories but i cant fucken get anything done until i fucken write this shit down
okay so like
it sucks a lot, my timeline. bc i know tht i have actual memories n theyre here but i cant get to them until i write down all the gross dream bubble bullshit tht keeps flooding my think pan n drowning out anything rational or comforting in the slightest.
to begin with, i keep having nightmares about gamzee being in the vents and whenever i try to relax i can hear the fucking stupid honks and the rasp of his voice right next to my fucking ear n the fuckin scrape of his claws against my sopor smeared throat while i try to shoosh pap him into a calm state n also keep myself from sobbing uncontrollably in fear,,,
then theres the dream bubble where the same fucking thing happens every. single. fucking. time. that i get stuck in it. rose and kanaya are crying, theyre holding each other, and dirk gets ready to slit my throat for doing something that im not entirely sure i did or what i even fucking did. all i know is that im scared and exhausted and on edge and the shitty katana blade is sharp against my fleshy carapace and im crying and its too fucking much to deal with
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kin list
karkat vantas
kenma kozume
reigen arataka
ichimatsu matsuno
gumball watterson
deimos (starfighter)
bender (futurama)
jim halpert (the office)
jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
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this blog is basically just gonna be me trying to keep track of all my memories n rambles n shit so ill make a list of my kins n tag it w list/// ig?? idk ive never rlly done anything like this before on like a blog like sure ill yell into the void on my vent insta but its not like i spend time programming a theme for it or anything like tht
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