yafic · 3 years
YOOO, show me how Bellamy and Clarke are attracted to eachother (S1-S3)
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The pilot in the drop ship. Their first sight of each other is basically both of them staring at each other, jaw dropped, before they get around to business of trying to be the boss.
Day trip is about 5 seconds away from one of them pushing the other one up against the wall and making out. Both of them. And it was shot to show, particularly, Bellamy’s attraction to Clarke, and how he tries to shake himself out of it, but continued on to have Clarke leaning back and rocking against the wall, checking him out while he failed to shoot the gun, teasing him all the while.
Unity day is basically Clarke eye fucking him, trying to get him to get get a drink with her, but he’s apparently decided that she’s off limits so he just grins and watches her walk away.
However, he ends up sleeping with a girl who looks exactly like Clarke. She’s in the threesome with Roma. Same hair style even. If you’re not paying attention, you could almost mistake her for Clarke. 
He spends the rest of season 1 and season 2 giving her moon eyes when she’s not looking. But their partnership is too important for this to be just sex, so they don’t go there. 
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Don’t think that lets Clarke off the hook, because she has a hard time not looking at his lips when he’s not talking about. Or his chest. She has never stopped checking him out, from season 1 until season 3. Bellamy almost always refrains from checking her out because that’s the kind of guy he is.
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If you want to see how Bellamy and Clarke are attracted to each other, go back and rewatch it, looking for when they look at and touch and tease each other.
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And none of this really even addresses season 3, in which their feelings are so far past just sexual attraction that everything is weighted with emotion, although take a look there at every time they touch (which is a whole hell of a lot more touching than it ever was before.) Bellamy is still trying to restrain himself, but you can see it’s harder for him to hold himself back from her.
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Listen, I was a Flarker to start. I bought the typical teen romance that they had set up in the first season, so I missed the tension between Bellamy and Clarke the first time, but it’s there. It goes up and down according to what else is going on and who else is involved and how much time they get to spend with each other, but it’s there. It doesn’t go away. It just gets deeper. They turn their attention elsewhere and then when they meet up again, it flares up. They have been building their connection from the very beginning, and it was never actually platonic. They just pushed aside any romantic or sexual feelings they had for each other so that they could survive and lead their people. 
And why wouldn’t they be attracted to each other? They are both super hot. 
I actually did not want to make this post, because I thought it would be a drag to search through the reaction gifs looking for specific moments from the seasons, especially since so many of them are from the finale right now, but you know what? It wasn’t actually hard to find moments of sexual tension in those gifs at all. Because there are so many of them. I may not have found the particular ones I wanted to show or the particular scenes I was talking about, but there were just lots of others. 
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yafic · 4 years
The 100 was always a show about the truth of humanity. It never seemed to take a side: it showed us both the good and the ugly of what humanity is capable of, and let us form our own opinions. Instead of portraying humans as good or evil, it thrived in the murky gray in which reality almost exclusively lives in.
But the story got away from the message. The characters and their relationships became two dimensional shells whose only purpose was to move the plot forward. The true message behind the journey was lost when the focus shifted away from the beating heart and soul of the show towards a convoluted plot. And now, after an incredible adventure, filled with great and terrible paths, that message has somehow become: humanity is dark and if you cannot handle that, give up.
I will not accept this. So here is the true message that should be at the heart of our beloved and disappointing show:
Humanity is a two sided coin.
It is dark and difficult and filled with pain and grief. But it is also composed of kindness and love and the warmth you feel when you help out a stranger.
It is the devastating losses that keep you up at night, and it is the moments of peace that chase away the nightmares.
It is the impossible choices that always seem to result in suffering, regardless of the choice you make, and it is the strength of a friend who will help ease some of the burden weighing you down.
It is the disappointment of wasted potential, and it is the excitement of a new adventure.
It is the knowledge that horrible things will happen, and it is the willingness to sacrifice your own happiness to ensure that they don’t.
It is the heartache from losing a loved one, and it is the blossoming of joy in the pit of your stomach when you spend time with someone you love.
It is the aching loneliness that burrows its way into your mind in the dead of night, and it is the sunshine that erupts from a beautiful laugh.
It is the darkness that comes from realizing just how far you would go to save the life of someone you love, and it is the comfort in knowing that they would do the same for you.
Humanity is, at its core, potential energy. It can be both dark and light, and it entirely depends on who is using it and why. Humanity is not something we should be ashamed of. We should only be ashamed of how we use it.
Humanity is everything, and more.
That is the true message of the 100.
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yafic · 4 years
The 100 (s1-s6): a shi-fi show that focuses on humanity and how far humans can go in order to survive or save the people they love. It shows the worst of humanity but also the best, with the hope that humans can ultimately change and do better/be the good guys. Clarke Griffin is the hero of the story and the main character. Bellamy Blake is also the hero of the story and the second main character. Bellarke is the central relationship of the show, they're the head and the heart, saving humanity together.
The 100 (s7): Clarke Griffin is sidelined for the majority of the season and then villainized because apparently she was 'never really the hero'. Bellamy Blake is also sidelined for ten episodes, then villainized, then killed off in the most disrespectful yet underwhelming way possible. Bellarke suddenly doesn't matter (both as a relationship and as humanity's leaders) and Clarke can just kill Bellamy over a book with no consequences whatsover. Finally, it shows that humanity is terrible and selfish, and is never going to change. There's no hope to do better so the best possible outcome is that everybody 'transcends' to a place that isn't much different from the CoL, and the human race goes entirely extinct. :)
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yafic · 4 years
Hi Rosy, how are you? I'm still shocked by the100 ending... but I wanted to ask you: in your opinion, the apparitione of Lexa means that she really was the great love of Clarke? Are we really wrong about bellarke? Or JR has changed course for some reason... I don't know what to think anymore. Thank you so much for your words and considerations 🙏❤
I’ve been trying to avoid the CL question.
But this is the way I go. 
I follow the text. The story on screen.
With season 7, we have a canon that contradicts and abandons a very large portion of the six season story.
That is a failure of storytelling. 
It IS possible to change the direction of the story and still support the previous narrative. They did it EVERY season but s7, so it’s not even like this show is not capable of swerving and staying with the canon. 
You CAN’T just erase the canon that came before without explaining how it got erased. It has to be part of the narrative. You can’t just say “no it’s not.”
The show erased Bellamy, Bellarke and Clarke as a hero in season 7.
It just dropped them. They both acted out of character. And you CAN’T say, well she’s a broken protagonist and make that your excuse, because she was a broken protagonist in s3, 4, 5, and 6. And even when she lashed out, she came back around and learned and grew and WAS THE HERO. So this excuse DOES. NOT. FLY. It contradicts the canon that was already here.
The same thing happened with CL. The lxa vision is fine. That’s not a problem. lesson, failure and love all rolled up in one. None of that is against canon.
And it’s ambiguous enough that people can take what they want from it. Abby was not Raven’s greatest love. Callie was not Cadogan’s. L is in line with those visions.
HOWEVER when JR comes in all WORDOFGOD and says, retroactively, that L was Clarke’s greatest love that is contradicting canon. s4, s5, and s6 all point to Bellamy as her greatest love. BUT when you erase Bellamy you can’t credit that Bellarke was the greatest love and center of the narrative.
Word of god says she’s the greatest love. The canon does not. 
Therefore, we stick with the canon.... which does NOT say it. 
You can’t erase canon. Canon was Bellarke as soulmates. Need. Love. The head and the heart. 
In erasing Bellamy and Bellarke JR betrayed his story and his main characters. 
Listen, he’s an asshole, and CL stans know that, don’t they? But they don’t care because all they want is to win a stupid shipwar. 
Shipwars are dumb and I won’t take part. 
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yafic · 4 years
The 100 Finale Speculation ...... the trailer for episode 16 shows the ark. I’m wondering if passing the “test” gives them a second chance. They basically transcend back to the ark which in turn gives them the ability to go back and do things differently. I hope that I’m not right because it’s not the ending I was looking for. My gut feel is that the extra minute, will be an epilogue, a flash forward to the result of them having done better. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
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yafic · 4 years
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Bellarke AU
If other universes exist I hope we’re happy somewhere. That there are universes where history doesn’t pull us apart and we become a tragic story full of sorrow and regret, ones where we don’t become our own undoing that only history would remember us for. I know in this story we could never belong to each other, but if there is another universe, another story, another us I hope we can love each other until our dying day.
— history became cruel to star-crossed lovers, they could never end up happy | our violent ends. //t.c 
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yafic · 4 years
THE 100 - I don’t know how to feel....I want to believe that JR is writing a good story. I want it to be like when you read an amazing book that has build up, twists and turns, moments when you’re scared to turn the page because you don’t want to know the outcome but you persist because you have faith in the story that you are reading and the direction you believe it was going in...to be rewarded by an amazing last chapter(s) that leaves you feeling satisfied and content. It doesn’t always have to be a happy ending but the ending has to feel complete!
So I will reserve my judgement until I read the last word and close the book BUT I’m worried that there is a lot that needs to be resolved in the last chapter for this story to feel complete. The story has seemingly had its heart ripped out and its brain isn’t functioning after all its been through. The story of Clarke & Bellamy appears to be over, the 🧠 & ❤️ are gone with no one to keep the Clarke or the show centered. It honestly feels like there is no hope. Please make this be the amazing story that I thought it was going to be!!! One more week, one more chapter.........
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yafic · 4 years
You are my family, too. I lost sight of that. But I promise I will never forget it again.....
Guess Clarke forgot 😢
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yafic · 4 years
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You Complete Me
The Yin To My Yang
The Moon To My Sun
You’re The Bow To My Arrow
Butter To My Bread
Sugar To My Spice
Macaroni To My Cheese
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yafic · 4 years
Hey! Just read your answer where you mention how Bellamy turns down Clarke in the list scene. I never thought of it that way, but I'm really curious to hear your reasoning behind it, if you will. I love your analysis and more often than not it has added more depth to the story that is unfolding on the screen. Thanks!
Ok so. He touches her shoulder to make her feel better. That’s not a move.
But SHE escalates that touch, making it more intimate.
She covers his hand with her own... I would like to remind the audience of another, similar action in season 3, when Niylah was caring for her wounds, and Clarke put her hand over hers and then moved it to her breast, thus escalating her first human touch in three months to sex.
So with Bellamy she puts her hand on his, and then nuzzles their hands with her cheek, escalating the intimacy to something that COULD be sexual again, but was, comparatively, actually much more about emotions than physicality.
Bellamy’s response to that was to drop the painful conversation and break the intimate touch and to say, “get some sleep.”
If it wasn’t a sexual move, or he didn’t interpret it as a sexual move, then it’s just an abrupt departure (he doesn’t even take his jacket, he walks out in his shirtsleeves,) dropping the conversation of who lives and who dies and suddenly no longer offering her emotional support for this terrible thing.
It’s kind of weird that he’d just ditch her when she needed emotional support for this HUGE list issue. So then that makes me wonder why he’d leave like that. (Forgetting his jacket, which has been confirmed is a symbolic representation of his need to feel armored against the danger of the world. Shirtsleeve Bellamy is open. Emotionally. Wearing a jacket that’s zipped up, he’s armored and got his defensive up. Running off without a jacket leaves him vulnerable. He RAN from clarke. Where was the vulnerability??
Oh yes, he DID interpret her move (same as with Niylah) as sexual in nature and it FLIPPED HIM OUT. He ran. From that gesture. 
She, meanwhile, stared after him sadly, and then went to work. Shortly after that... she went to bed with Niylah. So. Clearly sex WAS on her mind. She wanted him. She couldn’t have him. She went to someone else.
This leads to the next scene where we see them together. After Clarke’s with Niylah, she walks into the meeting late and Bellamy does what? He GLARES at her. 
My speculation? He knows where she was. With Niylah. And he is connecting her getting boned with the move she made on him right before. So what does he think? He thinks it was just sex and he was easily replaceable. He turned her down, so she got laid by Niylah instead. There WAS nothing romantic about her move on him, it was just sex in the time of the apocalypse, like all of Jasper’s group was up to, living it up at the end of the world.
The NEXT scene with them is him telling her it’s time to go and he is ANGRY with her. Clarke is very confused, she doesn’t know why he’s angry with her, I don’t think she connects anything to sex or Niylah or jealousy, because well, he wasn’t interested, right? she made a fool of herself and he turned her down. It couldn’t be jealousy or feelings could it? Nahh. It has to be OCTAVIA. Octavia? she asks, he admits he’s upset about Octavia.
BUT they have OFTEN talked of Octavia as a substitute for talking about their own feelings. When she wants to know how he feels, she asks about Octavia, when he wants to connect with her, he asks about Octavia. This is a pattern before this scene and after. Octavia connects them.
So, he gets over his mad at her, because they’re partners. Shortly after he thinks she’s dead for a moment and then he rescues her in the rover chase and then at the beach, SHE says that Octavia will recognize “how special he is,” and is terrified that he’ll realize SHE thinks he’s special and that move really was a romantic move that he rejected and she can’t face that, and he might not recognize THAT but he recognizes his feelings for her must be spoken, so he starts to say “if I don’t see you again,” and she cuts him off, afraid of the words, afraid of the feelings afraid of that if. 
And then they separate, because MISSION. 
That was ALL romantic development of the mutual pining type. Jealousy. Sexual moves. Rejections. “Does he/she love me?” and both coming to the conclusion “not that way” due to rejection/sleeping around.
Nobody believed my interpretation back when it happened, but people are now seeing it. Nothing has happened since to make me think my interpretation is inaccurate and a bit has happened that confirms it. Clarke has a tendency to go for the rebound shag.  (L,Niylah and Cillian.) Three times is a pattern. And oh they didn’t like me saying L was a rebound after the bellarke fight in Hakeldama, but patterns are patterns. And Bellamy’s jealousy has only GROWN.
This is romantic development. People think I’m making this shit up. 
edited to add the next ask:
Anonymous said:
What do you mean when you say the list scene where clarke makes a move and bellamy turns her down? Do you mean like him only accepting being on the list if she's on it?
ha ha no. read above.
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yafic · 4 years
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I didn’t catch this the first time. Bill doesn’t tell Bellamy where the friends are because he doesn’t trust Clarke. This signifies at least one of a few things.
The first is that he knows Bellamy is not completely gone - otherwise he would trust him. 
Second is that specifically, he didn’t tell Bellamy because he doesn’t trust Clarke - signifying that he knows that Bellamy is especially vulnerable to Clarke. 
It is likely that Bill saw the whole exchange between Clarke & Bellamy (and Octavia) and knows that he is particularly weak to Clarke. 
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yafic · 4 years
New video! Exile | Bellamy & Clarke
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yafic · 4 years
Those Bellamy conversations with Echo and Clarke...
The differences in the way Bellamy presents his conversion to Echo, and then to Clarke, is pretty striking.
With Echo, he focuses solely on her feelings for him. He thinks she should believe in him because she loves him. I expect you to be loyal because that is who you are with me.
But as soon as he says his new beliefs are more important that she is, her loyalty is gone.
Not that it shouldn’t be! But it’s still telling that he makes no attempt to explain himself because what he expected from her was unwavering loyalty. And when he doesn’t get that he has nothing more to say.
It’s almost like her loyalty was the basis for their entire relationship. Oh, wait! It was.
But with Clarke, the relationship - their whole dynamic - is much more reciprocal.
First he tries hard to explain to her how this change in him came about and why he feels so strongly about it. Then he reminds her that he didn’t give up on her when everyone said there was no hope. That he believed in her and because of that he was able to bring her back to life. He begs her to believe in him now, even if she doesn’t believe in his ideas.
When she can’t and won’t, he’s crushed, and becomes not only emotional but angry.
Bellamy barely had a reaction when Echo didn’t believe in him, but he’s devastated that Clarke isn’t willing to take this journey with him.
And that, my friends, is the difference in a nutshell.
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yafic · 4 years
Honestly, I wouldn't put it past JR to make Bellarke "kiss official" in the very last episode. He's waited this long, why not make it worth it? Obviously I'd love it sooner, but I can also see everyone finding out in the last scene. In a flash forward or. something.
That is the end of Pride and Prejudice 2005, and I’ve long said that Bellarke, the love story, is patterned off of Elizabeth and Darcy, so I can’t say that CAN’T happen. Although it actually is not the last scene, the confession and marriage proposal is, like, the third to last scene (no kiss), then he speaks to her father (no kiss,) then deleted wedding scene? then wedding night as a kind of postscript that is NOT in the book and THEN we get a kiss. So possible.
But thinking of the Bellarke love story WITHIN the post apocalyptic story of salvation of humanity, and it’s removed from the pride and prejudice story. And I think one of them sacrifices themselves for everyone and the other refuses to let them do that and they do it “together” and they head off into sacrifice together because they can’t bear to be apart, they choose LOVE, they choose together, they choose their soulmate and come together in a supernova that starts the universe on another path.
And in order to have that ending be really satisfying, I think we should have them get together EARLIER, deal with them finally being together, getting the hint of a happy ever after and then ripping it away from them with the necessary sacrifice. TOO TRAGIC BUT ALSO A BEAUTIFUL EPIC LOVE STORY OF LOVERS FATED TO BE TORN APART.... except when they choose each other, they get shunted off into their own happy ending as their family continues to struggle for the better future that Bellarke gifted them. 
And then postscript, maybe we find out through a much later scene where Clarke and Bellamy are old. OR through Clarke’s minddrive what happened to them. 
I don’t believe in speculating the narrative ending based on perceived character traits of the creators, nor on the gossip of what happens behind the scenes.
That’s actually like using an ad hominem attack in your actual literary analysis as if it were part of canon. If the ad hominem attack is “JR is a bad person who hates us and hates bellarke and wants to torture us,” and the analysis is “JR’s just the kind of person to leave it to the last scene,” you’re basing your theory on the ad hominem attack.
Like, I said it COULD happen, based not on him being a jerk, but on that being the structure of P&P. 
I think all of us, in fandom but also irl, in politics, in personal relationships, in other aspect of the internet, everywhere, have tended towards adhominem attacks and using that sort of personal character assassination as a substitute for evidence, logic, facts or understanding.
And I think it’s a problem. 
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yafic · 4 years
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“Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't survive without.”
I believe that this applies to Bellarke!!! Bellamy will pick whoever he thinks he can't survive without and we all know that is Clarke Griffin. ❤️ & 🧠
Bellarke WILL parallel Everlark
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yafic · 4 years
Soul mates are said to be two souls destined to be together, programmed to recognize each other across time and space.
- Jayde Scott
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Antis: They’re platonic! 
Me: They’re literally watching each other from across the stars. That’s some peak soulmate shit right there. 
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yafic · 4 years
Okay, so in my nutty state after 7x11, I’ve been thinking a lot about season 1! Bellarke and how things have changed a LOT, and while I was rewatching the 1x08 (day trip!), I had some thoughts about the “can we figure it out later?” from Bellamy.
Clarke’s response is “whenever you’re ready.” and obviously I’m aware that no writer’s room could’ve planned 7 seasons out, but day trip is the beginning of Bellamy and Clarke becoming what they are today: partners, best friends, soulmates, whatever you want to call them. My thoughts were that that simple exchange holds a lot of information about their relationship. There’s been so many wars and conflicts and crises throughout every season that there’s never really been a time for Bellamy and Clarke to actually settle down and realize how far gone for each other they are. Sure, they know that they love each other, but at this point, they still haven’t figured it out yet, since there hasn’t exactly been time.
Maybe I’m absolutely wrong, but the way this episode is the change in their relationship indicates that the script is important here. They’re not just talking about figuring out how to save Bellamy from Jaha, they’re talking about figuring out what they are to each other.
Season 1 is still relatively early to be talking about their feelings, but I think that the writers, and definitely JRoth are and were aware of how they’re more than just friends or partners to each other. The writers knew going in that they were canon in the books, and that fans were going to love them in season 1 of the show. So, I kind of see these two lines as a promise to figure them out, whenever they’re ready. Whenever Bellamy is ready, and Clarke, and to an extent, when the writers are ready.
We’re talking about a ship that’s 7 seasons in the making, and despite 7x11’s betrayal and setback and the lack of bellarke in the rest of season 7, I still have hope. Bellamy and Clarke will figure things out when they’re ready and not a moment before.
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