yagirlbeppie · 5 days
I'm really hoping for this to happen to me
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yagirlbeppie · 9 days
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“The body has been made so problematic for women that it has often seemed easier to shrug it off and travel as a disembodied spirit.”
—Adrienne Rich; “Of Woman Born”
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yagirlbeppie · 11 days
My statistics database
Up to 1 in 10 men are serial rapists (2013 study, usa based)
Women are victims of 80% of sexual assault cases (2017-2022, england and wales)
Men are perpetrators in 98% of sexual assault cases (2017-2022, england and wales)
Men are perpetrators of 98% of mass shootings (1982-2023 december, usa based)
Men are suspects in 91% of homicides (2011-2022, england and wales)
Women are victims in 82% of domestic violence cases (2020, england and wales)
48% of transwomen (amabs) in usa prisons are there for sexual offences (2021, usa based)
59% of transwomen (amabs) in uk prisons are there for sexual offences, compared to the 16% of cis men (2021, uk based)
This database is always updating!
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yagirlbeppie · 11 days
Yesterday I was watching a podcast and the topic of saunas came up. This man said that a man was talking to him and other men about how much he hates his wife. But he doesn't want to divorce her because she does his laundry. And then men will complain about how women initiate majority of divorces. Yes, sir, that's because you're the only one benefiting from the marriage. Getting a divorce wouldn't benefit you.
Not too long ago I saw a man post a video on TikTok about how he knew his girlfriend was the one when he invited her over to his dirty apartment and she immediately started cleaning his apartment.
And why are women doing chores whilst sick, pregnant or taking care of a newborn??? HOLY SHT
It's more expensive for him to hire a maid, a cook, prostitute etc when he can get a woman to do it for free. Men have been exploiting women's labour for eons. Men don't even recognize the labour women are doing for them. Which is why it's invisible labour. They belittle it and view it as something that is expected of a woman and is easy to do yet won't do it themselves. But as a woman, don't you dare have preferences. Don't you dare ask for a tall, financially secure man or romantic loving relationship etc.
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yagirlbeppie · 12 days
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image i am in love with
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yagirlbeppie · 14 days
sakura haruno fics (ao3)
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an old anon sent me on the quest of a lifetime when they first asked for sakura fic recs and my brain went “lets read every fic on ao3 in the sakura haruno tag” (also ff.net but thats gonna have to be another post in the far off future bc ff is an old giant)
fics are split into finished, in progress, and abandoned (and the fics with ⭐ are my top faves) plus every category’s fics will be in order from shortest to longest. im gonna include the original summaries along with my own separate take (really more of a reaction) and any warnings the fics need!
THIS IS A LABOR OF LOVE!!!!! which is a nice way of saying it’s long as shit, it took me forever, and i loved every second of it! let me know if any links dont work, theres typos that dont look purposeful, there’s warnings missing, if any fics arent in order, the formatting isnt right, etc.etc.
my sincerest apologies to mobile users
fair warning: im not exaggerating when i say it’s really long
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yagirlbeppie · 21 days
Nejisaku fic update 💕💖💌
Go give it some love~ I'll be happy to see you over there <3
Relationship: Neji/Sakura
Summary: She yearned his company, his voice, but she refused to believe it. Because love could break her in more ways than sex could. "And who am I really? Your bed buddy?! Be honest with me, why do you keep coming back?!" She had to hear it, she had to break her own heart first, so there wouldn't be anything left for him to break.
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yagirlbeppie · 22 days
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I haven't seen one of these for him yet.
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yagirlbeppie · 22 days
It’s actually killing me how canonically kind and sensitive Giyuu is.
He stitched the haori’s of his two loved ones together and wore it for years. He remembered Murata’s name after all this time. He felt so strongly about Sabito’s death he had to repress his feelings entirely to function again. He gave two siblings a chance to try to find a way to cure becoming a demon despite his duty to do otherwise. In the manga he helped Mitsuri up when Tengen accidentally knocked her over at the first pillar meeting we see. He wanted to try and befriend Sanemi by giving him his favorite snack.
The fact that he went from smiling so wide and tearing up over his friend slapping him to showing hardly any emotions at all–just so he wouldn’t succumb to the despair and hopelessness of his grief, just so he could keep living–it’s so heartbreaking.
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yagirlbeppie · 24 days
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Art by Leah Gardner
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yagirlbeppie · 24 days
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yagirlbeppie · 24 days
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Healing and sweet dreams ❤️‍🩹
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yagirlbeppie · 1 month
To the writers that feel ignored: You breathe life into your characters in a way that nobody else can. Whether it’s a canon character, or an original character, your interpretation of them make them individual to you and your writing and so, so amazing. 
You are an amazing writer because you take the time to think about everything that you’re given in a thread, and use your imagination to make something out of nothing. You create an entire world almost everyday! That in itself is amazing, and then you write it with such passion. 
Sometimes when you reblog memes, or positivity posts and don’t get really any feedback, it can be tough, but I promise you it’s not because you’re not a great writer. Being a great writer is about dedicating yourself to your craft and doing what you love. I have every reason to believe that if you’re writing in the community, you’re doing what you love.  
Lets be real, I could sit here all day just throwing up compliments like they’re pieces of confetti, but I’m sure that’ll bore you eventually, so here’s what I was really getting at: 
You are a fantastic writer. You are kind. You are creative. You are smart. This is how I genuinely feel, even if we’ve never met, or done anything with each other. I promise you with all my heart that you are an amazing person and a brilliant writer. You bet your ass I admire you, and other people probably do too. 
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yagirlbeppie · 1 month
New Saisaku fic!
Relationship: Haruno Sakura/Sai
For a small moment things felt good. There was no order or patron among the landing of the seeds, despite that he felt calm.
"It's pretty don't you think so?" she asks, completely enthralled with the dancing seeds.
"We didn't have anything like this back in ROOT. So everything seems to be 'pretty', as you say," he adds.
I'm tryinna make internet friends, so don't be shy and leave some kudos!
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yagirlbeppie · 1 month
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mob mob mop!
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yagirlbeppie · 1 month
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yagirlbeppie · 1 month
One of the reason why I refuse to let my HP pavilion go
Fighting for my life trying to find a phone or tablet with a headphone jack. Fighting for my life trying to find a laptop with a cd rom. Fighting for my life trying to get more than one usb port or, god forbid, an hdmi. Fighting for my life trying to find any electronics that haven't been streamlined into flimsy chastity belts with the structural integrity of a sopping sheet of paper which require me to buy 3 extra devices (each with their own separate charging requirements) all because some silicon valley jackass somewhere decided holes were a bad thing.
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