yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
A day in the life of a ghostbuster, in FAQs and images
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You may scoff at anything unexplained and supernatural, but to the Ghostbusters – a group of spiritual practitioners who help people sort out supernatural problems that could not be solved by normal means – the unexplained can drastically affect one’s quality of life and should be dealt with appropriately.
That’s why despite naysayers, the Ghostbusters have withstood the test of time, thriving out of the basement of Katong Shopping Centre as well as a temple in Geylang, backed by a growing international clientele. There have been numerous coverage of this ghost-busting father-and-son duo, so we are not going to bore you with that today. 
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If you would like a rundown of the services they offer, just go through the gallery above. For those more discerning, we’re going straight into the burning questions that some of us really, really, really want to know.
How does a ghost look like?
They look just like us! Except that they are more translucent and pale and you can't see their feet. Some of the spirits who died an unnatural death can look pretty scary though. They will appear in the state in which they passed on, for example by hanging, after a car accident and etc.
Can anyone learn how to exorcise a ghost?
Anyone can learn, but whether or not you have the grit to stay in this profession for a long term is another matter. Of course, you need to be bold and unafraid of the unknown such as ghosts and spirits. The heart needs to be good, and you have to be in this line for the right reasons. In addition, you will also need to have an affinity with the deities in order for you to progress in your learning. For all the above reasons, not everyone will be suitable for this line. 
Where do the ghosts go after they’re exorcised? 
Contrary to popular belief, we do not keep them! We usually send them on their way to the next stage of their spiritual journey. That's why we favour the use of joss paper and hell money to send the spirits away peacefully. Even in the underworld, money makes any journey smoother!
Can I become friends with a ghost without them affecting my luck?
Unfortunately, no. Being around a ghost will sap you of your positive energy and good luck. Over time, this will cause you many problems like health issues, quarrels with family, poor interpersonal relationships and loss of wealth.
What’s the scariest thing you’ve encountered?
We have so many interesting stories, including several possession cases, but once you been in this line long enough, nothing from the spiritual world really scares you anymore. In fact we do find that some of our fellow humans can be scarier than ghosts!
Do you have any precautions you do to make sure your life is not affected negatively by what you bring back from work?
Our guardian deities will protect us from severe harm and there are of course rituals and procedures that we perform to protect ourselves. However, being in this business also means that we are giving away our good luck and merit to help those in need. That is why we charge a reasonable fee for what we do. To supplement that, we also do charity to accumulate merit and good karma as well.  In fact, we do a charity event for the old folks and needy every year on our deity, the Supreme Jade Emperor’s Birthday every year and give back to society.
Can anyone with very bad luck turn their luck around?
We would say yes!  Except in exceptional cases where the client refuses to heed our advice or there is a special situation.  We recalled one case in which the client had very bad luck and upon checking with our deity, we found out that this particular client had borrowed money from a friend who had passed away and he needs to repay his debt in order to change his situation around.  Unfortunately this client borrowed money from so many people that he did not know which of his creditor had passed away and was thus unable to fufill his debt obligations.  Never a borrower or lender be!
How much of our lives are influenced by our “Ba Zi”? What can I do if my Ba Zi points to a mediocre life? 
Our Ba Zi form and influence our character and path at the time of birth but it is not the end of. We still have some control over our post-destined fates, as well as our emotions. The rituals we do help you make the best of what you are given.  In addition, we should have a positive mindset of wanting to know your destiny.  By going through a bazi consultation, you will be equipped with life’s map and be prepared for whatever that is coming your way, be it good or bad.
A peek into a Ghostbuster’s life (Photo Gallery)
There is no typical day in a Ghostbuster’s life. From invitation of deities into houses to days-long exorcisms, they provide a repertoire of supernatural services to help individuals. Here are some of the services they provide. 
Invitation of deity into home
Before bringing home a statue of a deity, it is important to invite the being properly into the house so that it may protect the occupants of the dwelling from harm and bring good fortune to the family. There are elaborate processes, detailed specifications and rituals that one must follow, which can be easily outsourced to practitioners such as the Ghostbusters. 
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Luck enhancement
What’s better than finding a 4-leaf clover? Becoming luckier, even if you didn’t find a 4-leaf clover! For that, there are certain rituals to help those who need a little boost in the luck department. Whether you’re a businessman clearing obstacles or trying to lift yourself up from a low period, the rituals can be tailored to fit your needs. 
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Exorcisms/Easing Rituals
Sometimes, entities get attracted by negative energy and latch onto an individual, causing bouts of bad luck to follow through. Call it placebo if you want, but there are many documented cases of difficult problems solving itself upon successful intervention from the Ghostbusters. Coincidence, or not? 
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Bazi Consultation
Bazi is the study of the elemental forces that form and influence a person's character and path at the time of birth. By understanding a person's predestined fate, the team will combine various rituals to help an individual achieve his maximum potential in life.
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Science versus supernatural
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Madam Lau is a teacher at a well-known school. Her husband works as a psychiatrist in a private practice. Both no-nonsense professionals in their late forties, it was a surprise to find them at the doorsteps of Ghostbusters, seeking the help of Grandmaster Chew Hon Chin.
Their son has been diagnosed with depression, and are plagued with suicidal thoughts. He claimed to hear voices telling him to kill his family and then commit suicide. All these voices was driving him to the verge of breakdown and despite seeing a professional psychologist for the past four years, he did not experience any improvement.
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The moment Madam Lau’s son sat down in front of Grandmaster Chew, he frowned and told them, ”There is a teenager girl spirit with long hair wearing a blue school uniform behind you. Do you know of any deceased persons like this?” 
Upon hearing Grandmaster’s words, Madam Lau’s son went silent and looked at the floor with shame and started crying. Madam Lau then explained to Grandmaster Chew that when her son was in secondary school, he had an admirer who professed her feelings for her son. However her love was unreciprocated and she subsequently committed suicide in a moment of folly.
What they did not know is that the spirit of the teenage girl will come back to haunt their son, causing him to experience mental breakdowns all these time. 
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Grandmaster Chew then proceed to conduct rituals to send away the teenage girl following Madam Lau’s son and sure enough, his mental condition improved and he can no longer hear voices talking to him. To his parents’ delight, he is now back at school and achieving good grades in his studies. 
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Saving marriages with the supernatural
Married for over 20 years to her husband, Madam Lee and her husband have two daughters together and are thriving in their construction business. Building the business from scratch was not easy and after many years of hard work, their efforts finally paid off and for a while, they basked in their successes. 
Two years ago, her husband started to come home late, drunk to the bones almost every night. He told his wife that he had been entertaining clients outside and initially, she was not really bothered. But as the weeks go by, her husband’s behaviour persisted. She even found a red lipstick stain on her husband’s collar, and subsequently, got into a verbal fight with her husband. Deciding to engage a private investigator, her worst fears were confirmed. Her husband has found a mistress outside.
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Heartbroken and aggrieved, Madam Lee decided to seek out the help of Grandmaster Chew Hon Chin to see how she can save her marriage for the sake of her two teenage daughters. Upon beginning the consultation, Grandmaster Chew asked her, “ Do you have a happy marriage?” 
Upon hearing these words, Madam Lee broke down in tears and after composing herself, she asked the Grandmaster how he could have known that she was here because of her marriage. 
Grandmaster Chew replied, “I can see a female spirit related to you that followed you into the shop. This spirit is your sister from a miscarriage that your mother suffered from many years back. Her presence is causing you to have many problems in your marriage and sometimes you and your husband quarrel for the smallest of reasons. She also causes a wedge in the relationship between you and your husband. The correct ritual must be done for her, if not it will be very difficult for you to save your marriage.”
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Grandmaster Chew then proceeded to perform some rituals to appease her deceased sister and also conducted a geomancy audit for Madam Lee’s residence. 
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Sure enough, three weeks after performing the necessary rituals, Madam Lee’s husband came home one night, knelt in front of her and broke down in tears. He confessed about the affair and sought his wife’s forgiveness for his moment of folly and misdeeds. He then promised his wife that he would end the affair for the sake of the family. After ending the affair, he also purchased a landed property in his wife’s name and put her firmly in charge of the family’s finances. 
Amazed by her change in fortunes, Madam Lee repeatedly gave thanks to Grandmaster Chew for saving her family and to this day comes back regularly to consult Grandmaster Chew and the Ghostbuster Team on a wide range of matters. 
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
A sister at his neck, a child at his leg
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Recently, an African-American man made an appointment and came all the way from the United States of America to Singapore. His reason? He explained on the phone that he was facing problems in his life and expressed his wish to visit Grandmaster Chew at the earliest available opportunity. 
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A short moment after consultation began, Grandmaster Chew was able to tell what was bothering him. “Your luck has not been smooth sailing and whatever businesses that you have are facing obstacles. You have pains in your neck and also in your left leg when you walk. Despite seeing many doctors, you have not experienced any significant relief. Is that correct?” 
Upon hearing this, the man’s eyes widened in amazement and he exclaimed, ”How did you know about this? I did not tell anyone about the conditions that I am suffering from!” 
Grandmaster explained, “My heavenly eye revealed that there is a spirit of a teenage girl following behind you, clawing at your neck, as well as a black child tugging at your left leg. Did your mother lose a child before you are born? Also, there is an unborn child around you. It seems like the teenage girl is your sister and the black child is your son.”
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Dumbfounded, the man took a while to compose his thoughts before continuing. He explained to Grandmaster Chew that he was originally from Ghana before he migrated to the United States. Back in the days, medical care was lacking in Ghana and his mother had indeed suffered a miscarriage before him. As for the young child, he explained that in his teenage years, he had a brief relationship with a woman in Ghana and the child is most likely lost after he broke up with the woman. 
After hearing about his story, Grandmaster Chew continued, “ I can see a half naked African Shaman chanting and dancing in front of a fire as well. Did you also sought out an African shaman to conduct some rituals involving fire before coming to see me?”
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The man nodded and said, “Yes, due to all my pains, I returned and sought out a famous shaman in Ghana to help me and yes, he performed a ritual for me in front of a fire in the desert. However, my conditions did not improve.”
With all said and done, Grandmaster then performed the necessary rituals for his late child and sister. Two weeks after the rituals were performed, the man called up the Ghostbuster team. Things have gotten better! Thanking the Grandmaster repeatedly, he explained that ever since the rituals, his neck pain has subsided and he can now walk at a much faster pace without pain. His business has also improved and he made a promise to visit Ghostbuster to give thanks for his improvements!
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
A True Singapore Ghost Story
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A beach party that shook everyone up in the Lunar seventh month. Believe it or not.
Master Chew Teck Fatt has in recent years acquired the powerful Dhama eye. With the help of the ritual complements bestowed upon him by the Goddess of Mercy, it allows him to see the source of supernatural elements. He left his career as a military specialist to follow his father’s footsteps with an aim to continue the latter’s work in the supernatural. The father-and-son team travels regularly to various parts of the world, from the United States, China, Africa, Europe and Asia, for their work.
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Part 6: True Singapore ghost stories, really
We’ve come to the final in a series of real-life ghost stories from Grandmaster Chew, the owner of a geomancy consultancy shop located in Katong Shopping Centre. Having problems of your own? Consider the supernatural side of it with these stories! 
Naming un-convention
Mrs Fang owns a successful beauty business. She has an intelligent toddler who could name 150 countries when she was just two years old. However, as she grew older, she would yell at the window in her room and claimed that there were monsters. Sometimes she talked to herself at home and told Mrs Fang that she spoke to an old gentleman.
Terrified, Mr Fang took their daughter to see psychologists and visited some famous masters who practices geomancy, but nothing helped. After many detours, a friend introduced them to Grandmaster Chew Hon Chin. 
He peered into her life with his celestial eyes and asked, “Did you find other people to name your daughter?” 
Mrs Fang nodded, “Yes. A famous feng-shui master named her!” 
The Grandmaster smiled and explained because the parents didn’t name her, her name didn’t match her life. She also offended the land god, so her ancestors didn’t recognise her and didn’t give her blessings. All these caused her bizarre behaviours which gave Mr. Fang many troubles.
The Grandmaster added, “To change the situation, you have to perform the rituals on your daughter’s behalf and to tell your ancestors your daughter’s name. Then you’ll have to pacify the land god.” 
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After this, her daughter has no longer talked to herself or saw anything odd. Mrs Fang appreciated the help of the Grandmaster. Therefore, she went back often to worship the gods and became a loyal client of the Ghostbusters of Jade Emperor.
Ghost in the shell
Mr Ho was a glazier, who had been working all his life with minimal reward. He turned to religion and worshipped the idols of Lord Guan, Tua Peh Kong and Guan-Yin at home, he still suffered from no income, with mounting bills to pay.
When he consulted Grandmaster Chew in his Ghostbusters' shop, Grandmaster Chew replied, “Why do you have a hole in your living room, and it’s filled with shells? You also put the altar for gods in the wrong side, and there are ants on the statue of Tua Peh Kong.” Mr. Ho was surprised by how the Grandmaster knew these things.
Without hesitation, he invited the Grandmaster to practice geomancy in his home. When the Grandmaster stepped inside their house, Mrs Ho wasn’t happy. Grandmaster Chew glanced at her and reminded her that she hasn’t clean her ancestor's graves for, and was met with silence. He later pointed out, “The way you arranged the statues are not in order. If you want, you keep either Lord Guan or Tua Peh Kong.”
Mr Ho could not decide, so he stalled as long as he could. One day, the mirror fell without any reasons. Mr Ho knew something went wrong, so he consulted Grandmaster Chew again. He explained that the gods seized the positions again, so he recommended him to keep Tua Peh Kong.
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Moving forward, Mr Ho started his own business, and his career thrived. Now he drove a fancy car. Recently, he expressed his endless gratitude to Grandmaster Chew by financing and helping with the events held by the shop.
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Part 5: True Singapore ghost stories, really
Need we more introductions? After four previous stories from Ghostbusters, a shop specialising in dealing with the supernatural in Katong Shopping Centre, we hear more from Grandmaster Chew about the importance of honouring our ancestors.
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A father's plea
A long-time client of Ghostbuster walked into the shop one day to enquire about strange recurring dreams he had been having lately.  
In his dreams, his deceased father appeared to pull his hand repeatedly while crying for help. At the beginning, he thought the dreams were coping mechanisms that helped him on days he particularly missed his deceased father, but when he started to have the same dreams for several nights in a row, he realised that something was wrong.
He decided to seek out the help of Grandmaster Chew. After explaining the reason for his visit, he asked Grandmaster Chew, “What is my father’s request? Why is he pulling my hand in the dreams?”
Grandmaster deliberated for a moment before replying “Your father has a tomb in Singapore right? Is this how the tomb look like?” He then sketch out the shape of the tomb for the client and described the tomb’s surroundings.
“My eyes have the ability to see what is wrong with anyone and what is obstructing a person’s luck. If I can see your father’s tomb so clearly, that means there is an issue there. In fact your father’s spirit is trapped within the tomb, that is why he has been appearing in your dreams and asking for your help!”
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Upon hearing this, the client then invited Grandmaster Chew to visit the tomb and conduct special prayers.  True enough, after the rituals were completed, he stopped having dreams of his father and his luck and business begin to improve tremendously.  Since this incident, he has been a loyal client to Ghostbuster and even introduced many of his associates to visit Grandmaster Chew.
Ancestors taught him humility
Mr Lee operates a commercial renovation business with projects all over the world.  He only came to seek out the help of Grandmaster Chew as his business was deteriorating rapidly and his business projects was facing obstacles and cashflow problems. His problems were so great that he had considered selling his Singapore condominium to continue financing his business.
Before seeking out the help of Grandmaster Chew, he sought out the help of several other masters both in Thailand and Singapore, but no one was able to help him. Upon a friend’s recommendation and out of desperation Mr Lee then decided to seek out Grandmaster Chew's advice.
As he sat down in front of Grandmaster Chew, he begin to explain the problems he was facing. Before Grandmaster Chew had the chance to reply, he said to Grandmaster Chew in an arrogant and sarcastic tone, “Is your divination accurate? Are you really able to help me in my problems? If you can’t help my problems I will arrange for my workers to come remove your shop signboard for you.”  
Upon hearing this, Grandmaster laughed out loud, and said to him: “My signboard has been around for many years, if you want to change the signboard, make sure you do a nicer one for me!”. Realising his rudeness, Mr Lee laughed meekly and proceeded to ask Grandmaster Chew for his advice.
Grandmaster Chew then used his heavenly eye and saw that Mr Lee’s ancestors were all following him, he proceeded to describe how Mr Lee’s Grandmother’s appearance and how Mr Lee had failed to make offerings to his ancestors, therefore his ventures faced many obstacles as he did not receive the support of his ancestors.  He then proceeded to perform a ritual for Mr Lee’s ancestors.  
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Upon three weeks of completion of the ritual, Mr Lee managed to solve his business cashflow problems. Instead of selling his condominium to finance his business, he even managed to invest in another new property.
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Part 4: True Singapore ghost stories, really
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There'll never be a lack of supernatural stories as long as “Ghostbuster”, a geomancy consultancy shop located in Katong Shopping Centre is around. We continue hearing from Grandmaster Chew and his disciples about the interesting stories they encounter as part of their job.
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Fight for supremacy
A few months ago, the owner of an automobile workshop, Mr Lim, approached Grandmaster Chew at his shop. Mr Lim is a Malaysian who had worked in Singapore for about 20 years. Having started off as an apprentice, he moved up the ranks to own his current workshop. Business was good initially but after he installed a new altar on recommendation from another fengshui master, business started declining drastically. Clients stopped making payments to his company, which quickly landed itself in the red, when it previously was a profitable outfit.
Out of exasperation, Mr. Lim approached Grand Master Chew for help through a friend’s recommendation.
Mr. Lim had barely sat down in the shop when Grand Master Chew asked, “Do you have an altar at home with Tua Pek Kong?”
Mr Lim was startled, “How could you have known this when you’ve never been to my house?” Grandmaster Chew continued, “The previous master did not do a good job. I can tell that the seat for Tua Pek Kong is too high.”
“This explains the drastic decline in your business and why it hasn’t been profitable for the past few years.”
Awestruck by Grandmaster Chew’s uncanny ability, he decided to get the Ghostbusters to alter the fengshui in his house and to reposition the altar. Grandmaster Chew entrusted this task to Master Chew Teck Fatt and his disciple Master Calvin Chong.
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A week later, Grand Master Chew received good news from Mr. Lim. The clients who had owed him money had began to contact him to arrange for repayments, while his business started to improve again. He also made a windfall. Having witnessed the amazing results, he started believing in Grand Master Chew’s philosophy, that it is possible to change your fate and improve your life.
A visitor from afar
A customer walked into Ghostbuster in late 2017. He was a businessman from Kuwait and had heard about Grandmaster Chew from the internet. He decided to seek consultation with Grandmaster Chew to understand why his pet shop have been facing so many problems lately and why business has been declining rapidly.  
As he sat down in the shop, Grandmaster started to draw his shop’s layout for him.  He then said, “You have a shop, inside the shop, there is a television located near the entrance and a window at the back of the shop. At the back near the window, you have a fish tank. Is that correct?”  
Upon hearing these, the client was shocked. The shop was located in Kuwait and everything was as what Grandmaster had described. How could he have known? He humbly sorted advices on dealing with the obstacles he's facing with his shop, to which Grandmaster replied, “There is a spirit of a dark long-haired lady standing at the entrance of your shop.”
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“This spirit causes discomfort to those who enter the shop and that is why your business have so many obstacles!” Upon hearing this, the client then consulted Grandmaster on what to do for his business, to which Grandmaster advised him the rituals to be done and what to do upon his return to Kuwait.
Three weeks later, the same client called and express his gratitude for Grandmaster’s advice. His business is now improving and for the first time in many months he even managed to turn in a profit!
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Part 3: True Singapore ghost stories, really
Grandmaster Chew, a “ghostbuster” and owner of “Ghostbuster”, a geomancy consultancy shop located in Katong Shopping Centre, comes back with more ghostly tales to haunt the weak and humble the brave! This time round, his son and disciple, Master Jeroen Chew, also shared a story of his own...
The importance of fulfilling promises
Back in 2015, Grandmaster Chew retells the story of an Indian client who frantically sought out his help. The man has been facing strange incidents in his flat. Without fail at midnight every day, his kitchen tap will turn on on its own. This carried on for a full year, as he sought out plumbers and masters from different faiths to assist him. He finally approach Grandmaster Chew after exhausting multiple options.
Once the man sat in front of Grandmaster Chew, he took a look into his life. Without prompting, Grandmaster Chew drew out the layout of his flat and said to him, “There are many child spirits in your house who are turning on the tap in your house every night.”
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He continued. “There is also a Hindu deity standing behind these child spirits. He looks angry. He's the one commanding them to do these hauntings.”
Delivering the sucker punch, he finally got to the crux of the situation. “Have you asked any Hindu deity to grant your wishes? After it's done, did you fulfilled your promise to the deity?”
Upon hearing this, the client's face turned white.  He confessed that several years ago, he had prayed at a Hindu temple for the deities to help him in his business and to grant him prosperity. He thrived but forgotten his promise to the deities. 
Grandmaster Chew then advised him on the importance of integrity, and how it's important to fulfil promises, be it big or small. He sent him off back to the Hindu temple to apologise to the deity and seek its forgiveness, which ultimately paved a clearer path forward for his client.
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A father's legacy
Grandmaster Chew is not alone in his calling. His son and disciple, Master Jeroen Chew, did not fall far from the tree and has interesting stories of his own. He recalls an interesting incident when he visited a client's home for a home audit.
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Bala was a software engineer in a major company. Since his father passed away, he has been facing many problems and obstacles. He found that relations with his superiors were difficult, and they made things difficult for him such as transferring the unwilling Bala to the night shift. Short of quitting his job and at his wits end, Bala decided to seek out the help of Grandmaster Chew who promptly directed Master Jeroen Chew to conduct an audit in Bala’s house.
“When auditing a geomancy, we will usually look at the altar table first. This is because the altar table can have a profound effect on one’s luck,” Master Jeroen said.
“In this case, when I entered the altar prayer room, I could see that there was an orange robe beneath the altar table. I proceed to ask Bala why there was a orange robe under his altar table and whether the robe belonged to his deceased father.”  
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Bala replied that he did not keep any of his father’s belongings and there should not be anything under the altar table. However, at Master Jeroen Chew’s insistence, he opened up the cupboard beneath the altar table and to his astonishment, found his father’s old orange robes, used for Hindu ceremonies, parked right there.  
Master Jeroen then explained that as he had kept the robe and did not burn it when his father passed away, his father’s spirit was lingering in front of his altar table looking for his robe. This in turn affected Bala’s luck and fortune.  
To help Bala, he conducted a ritual to cleanse Bala’s house and burn the orange robes. Two weeks after the session, Master Jeroen received some good news from Bala. His superior, the very same one who had been giving him problems, was transferred out of his department. And even better, he was promoted to his superior’s position. Till this day, he remains a loyal client at Ghostbuster.
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Part 2: True Singapore ghost stories, really
From Part 1 of this ghostly series, we continue with more legit ghostly tales, straight from the mouth of Grandmaster Chew, a “ghostbuster” and owner of "Ghostbuster", a geomancy consultancy shop located in Katong Shopping Centre.
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This time, people seek love and salvation from unfriendly outside influences.  
In the luck for love
Mrs Peng is a successful businesswoman who lives in an apartment with her daughter. Both mother and daughter are pretty, with great personalities to boot, yet they did not have any luck in the romance department.
After her divorce, Mrs Peng was not able to find a new life partner. She was also worried for her daughter who was of marriageable age, but had yet to hold down a long-lasting relationship. Their relatives suggested the help of Grandmaster Chew.
Mrs Peng’s suspicions were confirmed by Grandmaster Chew. He highlighted Mrs Peng’s rocky marriage and the streak of bad love relationships the pair will encounter in their lives. Her main concern was for her daughter, so Mrs Peng asked if this bad luck is passed on from generation to generation.
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With his celestial eyes, Grandmaster Chew informed that Mrs Peng’s father had a little brother who passed away before he had his own family, so he lingers to set obstacles for Mrs Peng and her daughter, influencing the bad romantic relationships in their lives. Grandmaster Chew, therefore, suggested performing precise rituals to deal with this situation properly.
Shortly after the rituals, her daughter found a good boyfriend, and right now, they are preparing for a most joyous occasion, a wedding. An ecstatic Mrs. Peng was even surprised to encounter some suitors herself, and is in the midst of finding her own happiness.
Trouble follows you home
The Zhangs was a happy family unit until two years ago, when their daughter started experiencing unknown headaches and with a frail respiratory system. At school, she faced bullies and was not on good terms with her peers.  
When Mr Zhang learned of Grandmaster Chew, he brought his daughter to ask for his help. The first thing Grandmaster Chew said as he laid eyes on Mr Zhang’s daughter was that she likes outdoor activities. Young Miss Zhang remained silent, surprised.
He followed up by saying that it’s true that his daughter loved to climb mountains and go camping, and Grandmaster Chew replied, “Your daughter didn’t come home alone.”
A while ago, Miss Zhang went to Indonesia to go climbing and unwittingly offended a female ghost. Grandmaster Chew revealed that the female ghost was so offended by her daughters and her friends that it began following her around, affecting her health and fortune.
To help, Grandmaster Chew performed the rituals to send the offensive female ghost away. With that done, young Miss Zhang’s health improved, as well as her relationship with peers.
This content was provided by Ghostbuster 玉皇玄歩.
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yahoosg-spookytales · 5 years
Part 1: True Singapore ghost stories, really
At the peak of his popularity, Singapore ghost stories author Russell Lee took over the imaginations (and nightmares) of Singaporeans, but readers never really knew if the stories are real or fake.
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For some legit tales to make your skin crawl, we’ve enlisted the help of Grandmaster Chew, a “ghostbuster” and owner of "Ghostbuster", a geomancy consultancy shop located in Katong Shopping Centre. His decade-long career in the art of the unknown has produced some true Singapore ghost stories.
Don’t say we never share!  
The teacher with a problem
Mrs Wang is a teacher in a prestigious middle school in Singapore. A diligent worker, she felt that her good performance at work was never recognised by her supervisor. A junior colleague was even promoted before her, and it caused her great doubts about her own abilities. There were also some indications of marital trouble.
One of her friends recommended to see Grandmaster Chew. When she got there, Mrs Wang informed the master that she felt trapped in unhappy situations, both at work and at home.
Grandmaster Chew told her, “Your grandmother is following you around and she looks angry. It seems like she’s looking for something. A pair of beaded slippers. Was she a Nyonya?”
Mrs. Wang was surprised at his comments, “I didn’t tell you a thing about my family, so how did you know all of this?”
He continued, “It should be your grandmother who followed you. She wants something. Did she leave anything behind before she passed away?”
Troubled, Mrs Wang called her aunt. Coincidence or not, there was a pair of slippers belonging to her grandmother that was left behind at her aunt’s place. Mrs Wang brought it back to Grandmaster Chew, who performed rituals and burned the slippers along with some offerings to Mrs Wang’s late grandmother.
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A few days later, Mrs. Wang’s husband seems like a new man. He no longer treated her as before, and to Mrs Wang’s surprise, he even remembered their wedding anniversary and planned a romantic dinner. 
To top the cherry of a spiritual cake, Mrs Wang’s work went smoother and shortly after, she was promoted to the head of her department. Grateful for the help from Grandmaster Chew, she called to inform him about her change of luck, and he felt reassured that his work is helping people improve their life.  
Moving on from a dead brother
Mr Chen has never had a smooth career. Once employed in a headhunting company, he’s had to face a lot of backstabbers at work, while encountering several unfortunate incidents in his life. One day he read about the Ghostbusters of Singapore in the newspaper, and he decided to go to Grandmaster Chew to decipher his Eight Characters (Ba Zi).
Once he laid his eyes on him, Grandmaster Chew said, “Do you often hear weird sounds? There are sounds in your home, and a ghost.”
“You have a room in your home where your family kept the stuff of your brother. Is there a license plate in the room?”
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It turns out that Mr Chen encountered a stroke of bad luck two years ago. He and his little brother got into a traffic accident while on a motorbike. Mr Chen slipped by Death’s grasp with severe injuries but unfortunately, his little brother passed away.  
Mr Chen replied, “Yes, it’s the one we were using when the accident happened. My mother has been unable to let go, so his room stayed as it was.”
Grandmaster Chew explained, “Human and ghosts should never walk on the same path. Your little brother is no longer breathing in our world, yet by keeping his belongings around, he will be unable to part with the living world and reach the Afterlife. By keeping his memorabilia, your family will keep feeling melancholic, lose money, remain unhealthy and in the worst case scenario, may need surgeries for health problems. You’ll have to face him and bid a proper farewell to your little brother.”
Afterwards, Mr. Chen went home to talk to his mother. That same night, his mother dreamt that his little brother asked not to be sent away because he didn’t want to be homeless and wander everywhere. The day after, Mr. Chen came to see Grandmaster Chew again to ask for advice about the worrying dream. The Grandmaster suggested that they could set up a memorial altar to worship their ancestors and make some offering to the little brother through that. Mr Chen dutifully followed all the instructions.
Thereafter, Mr Chen’s career improved and he even had the opportunity to work abroad for a few years. A while later, Grandmaster Chew instructed him to start his company in Singapore to be his own boss. His business thrived and to this day, he still keeps in contact with the Grandmaster. 
This content was provided by Ghostbuster 玉皇玄歩.
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