yakuzadog · 5 months
It is what it is but like. Can it be something else
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yakuzadog · 5 months
celibacysweep jokes can be funny but some of yall are looping a little too far into acephobia with the implications of ur "this site is full of teenagers [...because no one else Should be a virgin]" "it's TUMBLR what do you expect/they're on the loser site lmao obviosuly [not having sex makes you pathetic, sex is a marker of value]" "hah virgins [this is a shameful thing to be! hah!]" "no one on this site fucks 🙄 [and that is a moral judgement of them as a person]" jokes
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yakuzadog · 6 months
saw that one “are cishet aro men queer” poll that’s going around and like. I’m not gonna reblog it bc the results are frankly disappointing and the discourse going on in the tags is really dumb but, unfriendly reminder, if you’re aro/acephobic you’re a loser lmao…. bye. anyway hi aro men you are very valid and I think you’re super awesome and cool ‼️
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yakuzadog · 7 months
Help a Mentally Ill NB...
Hii, my name is Io, I'm a black nonbinary person who struggles greatly with mental illness tot he point I'm unable to work full time.
I'm currently about to go back to my old job bc of how hard I struggle with my current one and I barely make any income to survive. I'm in the process of filing for disability and also food stamps, but the process is extremely long + complicated and doesn't help me currently with my situation.
I'm currently only working one day this entire pay period and I would really appreciate some help covering myself for the time being until I get my job situation sorted out. I have a credit card I need to pay off along with t hat.
I'm putting the goal at 300 bc it covers cat food and groceries and my credit card, that's also abt my average paycheck usually as well.
kofi: https://ko-fi.com/batbbit
pp: paypal.me/sleepynova
cshapp: $batbbit
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yakuzadog · 8 months
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Hey guys! Opening my comms back up. I'm currently unemployed and in need of some side cash. Detailed info below the cut. DM me about commissions or questions!
Divine Draws Commission Pricing and Info
Head shot/half body Full color: $35 USD Flats: $25 USD
Full body Full color: $50 USD Flats: $40 USD
Full color + background (full body/half body) $80 USD
Additional characters/character sheets are an additional $10 per character.
What I'll do: -OCs -Furries -Gore -NSFW (MUST BE 18+ and you have to confirm with me on what I'm willing to do in this regard) -Characters from existing media
What I WON'T do: -Mecha -Heavily armored characters
If you want something drawn and don't see it mentioned here, shoot me a DM!
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yakuzadog · 8 months
Me: It is Perfectly Normal to struggle while doing visual tasks in the dark, and fumbling while plugging in my phone is a neutral act. It has been over a decade, can you please just-
The Thing Inside My Brain:
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yakuzadog · 9 months
Hey if you're romance or sex repulsed just know that's is fine to be repulsed. You have the right to express your feelings. You have the right to take up space in the aro and ace communities. There's nothing wrong with you. You're not a morally bad person. You aren't spreading a stereotype or negativity by sharing your experience. You deserve to be here just as much as everyone else. You shouldn't have to silence yourself in favor of others.
You deserve support. You deserve representation. You deserve activism and protection. You deserve to be heard and seen.
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yakuzadog · 9 months
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yakuzadog · 9 months
It costs 0$ to Repost a Black disabled queer small business! It could lead to my next sale.
I'm moving next month and I'd appreciate extra sales to help with costs and lower the stock I'll have to move. Also my store will be in pre-order mode all October. So if you want something, order soon.
I sell pins, stickers, compression gloves, artist gloves, binders, hip braces, wrist braces, compression socks, sports bras, compression leggings & more!
Store details below!
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yakuzadog · 9 months
matching friendship bracelets except they’re connected with a chain and— yes okay i handcuffed us together
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yakuzadog · 10 months
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Hi I'm Abi! I'm a Black disabled queer creator! Please share, it could lead to my next sale!
I need 2100$ for a sleep apnea device. So please share!
I sell pins, compression gloves, artist gloves, wrist braces, elbow sleeves, compression socks & more!
Store details below!
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yakuzadog · 11 months
btw, happy pride to all ace people who aren't sex-positive and/or have very strict boundaries about things/aren't up for sexual topics/talks and such
(happy pride to the rest of aces too!)
I just feel like there's so much push to make aces more... "likable" by saying "well a lot of aces ENJOY sexual stuff, they just don't wanna have that themselves!". And like, that's valid! But I guess some of us aces aren't as easy to market to allos and we also deserve to be around, y'know :'')
I've been pushed a lot/labelled a prude/told I was "boring" because I didn't want to get into explicit conversations, RPs or draw certain things, and like. Nah. I'm fucking tired of that. Some aces are okay with these topics, some aces aren't, but if you claim to accept and understand asexuality, you need to respect all of us, not only the aces you think that are "more fun" or "more natural".
so yeah. happy pride to all aces, even those people deem unnatural!
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yakuzadog · 11 months
hii, i need some help...
so I'm very possibly moving and I'm struggling to save up at all for it currently due to a lot of things coming up including my cat's upcoming medical bill.
I would like to have some help getting there by starting with maybe getting help paying off my credit card?
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i have commissions open but I'm sick from the stress of everything and work really slow, patience will be needed. if you want to donate or boost that's appreciated too though. kofi: https://ko-fi.com/batbbit
pp: paypal.me/sleepynova
cshapp: $batbbit
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yakuzadog · 11 months
when ppl joke abt their "exclus phase" as if it was an emo phase or a stan account phase it drives me crazy cuz like. how is that funny to you... like "haha look at the real tangible harm to queer people that i contributed to. wasn't that so cringe. we all had that phase lol" like erm. well i didn't. i was one of the aspec people y'all were sending death threats to. but i'm glad it was fun for you 👍
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yakuzadog · 1 year
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Comms time!
Link info in comments
I'll try to respond to DMs/asks for questions/inquiries but I only take official commissions through email!
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yakuzadog · 1 year
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yakuzadog · 1 year
love it when people say hung instead of hanged when referring to gallows like LOL nice compliment but they are getting killed for real
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