yamok--sauce · 9 hours
This clip 😭😭😭🩷
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yamok--sauce · 5 days
“A Fragment out of Time”, published in 1974. Kirk / Spock. page 1 page 2
I had to share it with you because I can’t stop laughing, and every time I reread it it just gets funnier and fUNNIER
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
So in DS9, the very first day Sisko arrives at the station, before meeting Kira, he is told "have you ever met a Bajoran woman?" and then kind of explained that they have a very strong character in what humans perceive as aggressive way.
We do not meet many Bajoran women as deeply as Kira, but some we meet sometimes fit her "no fucks found" attitude. Even Leeta, while more cheerful and naive looking, has a strong character and doesn't put up with bullshit. She may look more "girly" to humans (boyish to Bajoran?), but she still runs low on fucks.
Now, Kira's boyfriends that we meet tend to be calm, compassionate and caring in a way some human men are, but may not be perceived as very masculine.
So, culturally, we could say that "feminine Bajoran women" are more masculine to humans and "masculine Bajoran men" are more feminine to humans.
And then Ferengi, who are like an exaggerated old school version of how humans are.
In all this, we have Rom. Ferengi think he is a lesser man (=less masculine) because he doesn't know how to make profit (a trait that has been insisted to be "male"). He is insecure and shy. He doesn't even walk with the same allure as the other ferengi men, including his son. And he starts a revolution by forming a union as maybe the only masculine trait of showing character and trying to be in control of a group of people. Something clearly against Ferengi's rules and customs.
And Leeta, who is maybe a bit queer to Bajoran eyes is attracted to this maybe a bit queer Ferengi. This maybe a bit masculine Bajoran girl is attracted to this maybe a bit feminine Ferengi boy. And then he does the very masculine Bajoran/feminine Ferengi thing of caring for others with the strike.
They really were meant for each other.
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
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I’ve been in this business a long time, and I know there’s nothing worse than following the wrong trend. Now, you’re a smart fellow, with your own inimitable sense of style. Perhaps… you should mention this to your lady friend. I’d hate to see her fall victim to fashion.
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
Latin American Garashir first meeting. Aka one of the gayest versions of this scene
Some things to note.
Garak at first calls Julian “Shamir”. This isn’t his actual name in this dub or anything it’s just a mistake so i (reluctantly) decided to not have the subtitles reflect this mistake.
And more importantly.
I once went through each and every dub Netflix has of ds9 and watched this scene in an attempt to figure out which of Garak’s voice actors understood the homoerotic undertones (are they even subtle enough to be called undertones?) of this scene based on their performances. I could only determine that not only did this voice actor understand what was up, he made it his personal mission to deliver us levels of flirtatiousness the world can scarcely handle.
Garak sounds so unbelievably flamboyant, dramatic and flirty here that I genuinely can’t listen to this scene without feeling like I’m intruding on their privacy or something. Genuinely gasped when he called him jovencito in that horny tone. Im usually totally biased to Spain’s dubs since I’m from there, but Spain’s version of this scene is so dry that there’s simply no competition. I’m not a big fan of Julian’s voice actor here cause I think his voice is a bit too deep, but I’m in love with Garak’s
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
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from this post
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
is this something
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
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It’s just that I fell in love with a war
And nobody told me it ended
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
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u guys were so nice about my last Bashir + Obrien post, heres more! lads day out tennis & a pint wheeeey
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
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Any luck, Mr. Spock?
Some spirk doodles I eked away at over the past several days... was listening to 40's 50's 60's tunes while drawing these so that's the vibe I think ^_^ for the context... they're on some mission IDK LOL
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
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Have you ever danced with the devil
In the pale moonlight?
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yamok--sauce · 8 days
Apparently, back in the day, there was a really notorious tie in novel for Star Trek that had a lot of slash elements called Killing Time
The slash elements were requested to be removed by Paramount, and they were, BUT due to a mistake, the original was sent to print without the edits
When it was caught, they’d printed 250k of this “first edition” which subsequently became collectors items for Kirk/Spock fans, since later editions DID include the edits censoring the slash
NOW, I bring this up because my friend who’s into the original Star Trek found and was reading the first edition at the desk at the library we work at, cause we’re slow on weekends and we’re the only ones here. She laughs at it, so I ask and she tells me about the general backstory of the book, and that she laughed because (among other things) Kirk, who doesn’t get mad in the og series really, was being described as hot headed and apparently just getting into fights left and right
So I’m looking over her shoulder at the scene, commenting on the character changes that resemble modern fic-degradation of characterization for the sake of a shipping dynamic, when I realize something
Now, my only interaction with the Star Trek series directly was the 2009 reboot, and my friends hasn’t seen those and is only interested in the originals. As I’m looking at this scene, and my friend is pointing out the character changes to Kirk, I realize that this is the fucking premise of the reboot, down to the fucking alternative timeline shenanigans, the rank swap, and Kirk being a hotheaded fuck up
The 2009 film was literally based on this slash fiction misprint they tried to bury!
Im reeling.
I can’t be the only one who made this connection.
So I google to see if anyone else has, and oh yes, good, there was someone
The fucking author of Killing Time
…I feel like I’ve uncovered a conspiracy. I’ve still got 3 hours left in my shift and I can’t focus. The world must know.
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yamok--sauce · 11 days
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STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE // S314 Stratagem When it arrived in your star system, I watched the incoming telemetry with the other members of the council. Seven million lives… were extinguished in front of my eyes. I asked myself how many of those were children?
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yamok--sauce · 13 days
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STAR TREK: PRODIGY - S2E5 Observer's Paradox
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yamok--sauce · 13 days
R.I.P. James Darren 😭
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yamok--sauce · 15 days
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yamok--sauce · 15 days
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Star Trek: Voyager I Faces
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