yamsgarden · 15 hours
imagine if werewolf knots were square
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yamsgarden · 2 days
i love the sonic adventure 2 battle intro cause of that stupid animation knuckles has in it
i can’t find a gif of it can somebody please post it
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yamsgarden · 2 days
nothing sexier than that picture with the italian players on top of eachother after the win and the english ones going through the 5 stages of grief in the back
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yamsgarden · 2 days
Just some more Still Wakes the Deep blah blah, but omg having just been diagnosed Diabetes type 1 myself recently, it makes me only love and feel for Roy 10X more...
This shit is litteraly poison, but so does the food we eat with how much sugar there is in ugh OTL
Never thought in a million year I had DT1, I had 0 symptoms and am in pretty good shape, but then suddenly, organs are starting to hurt really badly out of nowhere...
Don't wait too long poeple and check with your doctors even if there's ''nothing'' T0T and to all Diabetic ppl out there, keep on fighting 💪✨
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yamsgarden · 3 days
Roy is such a cutie patootie, he's my favorite too. His death hit me like a truck dude
He really do feel like "the cool uncle everyone would like to have" haha
yeahh for some reasons almost all characters give a really nice vibe and camaderie, even though the work conditions seem awful. That's why it's so much more heartbreaking seeing this litlte community getting tear to shred T_T
Oh man, i litterally cried my eyes out hahaa it's crazy how good the writting an execution is. It was kinda shocking to see the youtubers i was wathing the playthrough of cryied/ shed tears too
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yamsgarden · 3 days
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sketching caz and roy while on the train
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yamsgarden · 3 days
I love how you draw roy from swtd it's so insanely accurate
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aaa thank you so much ^0^ i'm used to draw fanart of already 2D artstyles so stylizing realistic looking characters is quite hard but very fun ngl
caz and roy are definitely my favs to draw hahaa
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yamsgarden · 4 days
Idk if it's a hot take but... ngl I'm rly disappointed in the Splatoon 3 DLC OTL I finally got to play it for a few hours
Although, I never played rogue games before, so it's probably not for me. I loved so much the Splatoon 2 DLC Octo Expansion though... Side Order feel so repetetive and grindy to me, I wanted more story or exploration idk T_T
(I still think the Octo Expansion should have been the main selling point of Splatoon 2 and it's main story should have been the DLC but yeahhh I'm sure Nintendo knew they'd make more money with having the Octos behind a paywall OTL)
Like many said, the Side Order trailer looked so promising, it's just... disappointing with the lack of variety and very little to no cutscenes and repetiveness. The gears look nice, wish there were more and I just want the VR headgear personally
but oh well, at least I got the Splatoon 1 skin I guess XD And we get to spend time with the Off the Hook queens so... But yeah I'm sad about it OTL
Visually it looks insane though, the artstyle is GORGEOUS no question about that
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yamsgarden · 8 days
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Ninjas can’t see stands, right?
Edit: 2024 edits
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yamsgarden · 8 days
Ohmygosfuckinggood it's 6h42 am here and i just saw the latest splatoon trailer for the FINAL SPLATFEST AND HOLY SHIT?!
Ohmygod I can't... And having been a fan ever since Splatoon 1 i can't choose between the 3 idol groups 💔💔💔 HGN I'm both losing my mind at how amazing this looks and at how it's already the end?!
Shooo my loved ones just joined the game like one a month ago and the other at the start of splatoon 3. Give us more time 2 years of splatfest is too short 🙏💦 jk jk
But I'm sure they're going to make more games for it for the future... right?! It's a main Nintendo serie now so hahaha surely it's not gonna get 10+ years to make like Pikmin and Metroid... right?!
Ohmyheart... I thunk im gonna have to go with the og Squid Sisters tho, Callie will always stay my favorite... But Marina tho aaa i can't choose
Edit: Oh just saw that the themes are past vs present vs future... hgn then I'll take present for sure haha XD OFF THE HOOK HERR WE GO-- I litterally love them all anyway soooo
Also someone pointed out it says Grand Festival and not Final Festival so aaa I really do hope they're still going to be more Splatfest after this one 🙏🔥
It would the first time they continue after an ultimate Splatfest... Plus my friends just joined recently and we play daily 😭💦
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yamsgarden · 9 days
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Choose ur Pesci 🐡🌱🌿🌳🌺🌹
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yamsgarden · 9 days
paper squadra there it moves
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yamsgarden · 9 days
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yamsgarden · 9 days
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I love this stupid game and its stupid dialog options, it's the best part
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yamsgarden · 10 days
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paper squadra all animation tests
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yamsgarden · 10 days
aaa i could finally sit down and play paper mario after like litterally 20 years
and HOLY SHIT-- it's so good
been playing it in french too and ehh... yeah i absolutely love it XD there,s os much text and dialogue tho so idk if i would have enjoyed it as much when i was a kid since i didn't understood english...
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yamsgarden · 10 days
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Let the story unfold. 💜
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