yanderedreaming · 2 years
Descent into darkness
Pairings: Reader x Chrollo Lucilfer
Warnings: Slow burn obsession, possessive, Yandere behaviour, perverted thoughts, mentions of sex, masturbation.
Summary: Chrollo slowly dwindles in obsession when he falls for the one woman who he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with, the question is, does she?
Word count: 8.4k
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There were only two things that were dear to Chrollo Lucilfer in his life, the phantom troupe and Y/n, the woman he fell head over heels for. Chrollo could remember the first time he saw her, the memory still fresh in his mind.
It was after his entire ordeal with that dreaded chain user, Chrollo wondered around the busy streets of York New city to spend his time away from the troupe, unable to use his nen ability, he didn’t have much to keep him entertained. Chrollo wasn’t the type of person to look at the bright side, the only thing he could do was to live his life until the members of the troupe found a nen exorcist to help get his nen back.
His days were passing by slowly, occupying the top floor of a pent house in one of the most luxurious buildings in York New city, he would spend most of his time reading books in his study. Although he was quite fond of reading and did appreciate the time he was able to spend doing so, he got bored of it quickly, he was too used to living an exhilarating life filled with crime.
In an out of character moment of his, Chrollo decided to visit one of the most famous and exclusive bars in the city, the type where entry was granted on the basis of our outfit, and the drinks far too expensive for any 9-5 worker to afford. The reason for choosing this specific bar was nothing more than wanting to try something new, perhaps observe the elite class a bit closely, he might even find someone to steal from when he got his nen back. Thinking about the bar got him craving a drink, remembering the days the troupe would get together and have a celebratory drink after each heist.
He dressed up in sleek black suit, tailor made for him, with a white button down shirt and black tie. He chose the safest option, not wanting to stand out too much, hoping to blend into the crowd looking for unsuspecting rich women to talk to and get to know, maybe finding the one he would steal from later on.
As he arrived at the bar, the door man eyed him carefully from top to toe, perhaps determining his net worth based on the clothes he wore. The tailor made suit from Paris paired with his Italian baby crocodile skin shoes screamed rich to the door man who stepped to the side to let him in. 
Everything from the Teak wooden doors, to the Murano glass sculptures which must’ve appreciated in value over time, probably cost more than the average worker could’ve made in a year. The bar was average sized, an empty space occupying the centre, with the bar counter on the very end of the room, booths surrounding the bar. 
Chrollo made his way to the bar counter, sitting on the bar stool in front of him, eyeing the various high end bottles of whiskey on display, his eyes stopped at a bottle of John E. Fitzgerald 20 year old bourbon. He never had the opportunity to try this one, due to the limited amount of bottles that were released. Each glass would cost him around $80. 
He sipped took a moment to admire the bourbon in the glass, to the unsuspecting eye, it looked just like any other regular whiskey. The only thing that could distinguish it was the taste, and boy was it good. It was the smoothest tasting whiskey he’d ever tried, the initial flavour of stewed plums mixed with caramel were over taken by the delectable aftertaste of bitter dark chocolate and dried tobacco. 
He savoured every sip, careful not to drink it too fast, the mild almost sherry tasting flavour didn’t change the fact that the alcohol content was rather high, a few glasses could render him drunk and senseless. If there was one thing Chrollo did not like, it was not being in control, so drinking too much was always out of the question.
Having taken his sweet time to admire the drink in his hand, he turned around to scan the floor, eyeing each and every guest in there. Women dressed in long gowns, their necks adorned with the finest diamonds one could ever see. The men wearing the finest suits, each suit, more expensive than the other. It was here that he couldn’t differentiate between the many men and women around as they all had the same look on their faces, they all shared the same snooty expressions as they chatted away, their conversations intended to one up the other, all flaunting off their wealth.
Chrollo hated such people, who really did nothing in their lives, and just pranced around flaunting their vast riches. Nothing sensible coming out of their mouths, nothing soft about their faces. The look of arrogance plastered across each and every one of their faces. Although he was a skilled actor, and an even better thief, having to act like the perfect gentleman in front of these pompous bastards was not the ideal way for him to spend his evenings, but none the less, he loved what he did, and right now he had to charm his way into their beds.
From the corner of his eye, he saw someone exiting a door, most probably the rest room and making their way to the floor of the bar. Chrollo was great at reading people, a single look could tell him what was on their mind and what type of a person they were. He could determine with one look that this woman was different from the rest.
She was no doubt beautiful, a certain elegance to her as she walked over to a group of women and men standing in the exact centre of the floor. Her face was soft, her [eye colour and shape] has a slight glint to them. Her [hair colour, type and length] was let loose, falling over her shoulders framing her delicate face. She was dressed differently from the rest of them too, her green satin dress hugged the upper part of her body quite well, before flaring out slightly, a large slit on the right side of the dress gave him a view of her [the type of legs you have]. 
Her jewellery was not as loud as the ones that the other women wore, rather it was quite delicate, no doubt it was expensive, but it was an appropriate size, not calling for any attention. Perhaps her pretty face was more than enough to get all the attention she needed. Chrollo chose to listen in to the conversation, seeing as they weren’t too far away from him, he wanted to know whether his observations were correct.
“Mrs. Jameson, have you thought about my proposal?” she asked, her voice delicate and sincere. “Miss. [last name], I’m not too sure I’d want to invest in something that does not reap any benefits for me.” the lady she was talking to replied, her voice was filled with arrogance. “Oh, I think the good feeling you’ll get should be more than enough!” she chucked slightly before continuing, “But a 5 percent return is the most I can promise you. Would you consider it, at least?” She sounded earnest, as though it was something she wanted dearly. 
“Ms. [last name], you’re looking as beautiful as ever tonight.” A man came up from behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder, she shifted uncomfortably, the man was occupying too much of her personal space, “Ah, Mr. Hill. I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.” she replied, you could tell she was uncomfortable by the way she spoke. “I wouldn’t have missed seeing your beautiful self for the world, and I told you to call me Pariston” he said, rubbing her shoulder and taking a step closer to her, she took a step back, trying to get him to stop touching her and replied, “Well, I should get going. My boyfriend will be here any minute now.” she laughed nervously. 
“Y/n, We all know you don’t have a boyfriend, why don’t you just accept my offer. Go out with me, and I’ll help you with your project. We all win?” the man said tightening his grip on her shoulder, leaning in to whisper something inaudible in her ear. Her eyes widened, and she shot him a look of disgust. 
Chrollo’s legs guided him to her, for some reason he couldn’t help but get annoyed at the way this man was invading the personal space of a woman who was clearly uncomfortable. “Excuse me.” Chrollo spoke, the man turned to look at him, and the Y/n used this opportunity to try to squirm out of the man’s grasp but he made sure not to let her go. “Yes?” the man asked visibly annoyed at the interference. 
“Could you refrain from touching her?” Chrollo said with a rather authoritative tone, the man turned to look at Y/n, who was doe eyed internally thanking the man for finally saying something, the other patrons couldn’t have cared less. “Is something the matter?” Pariston asked his tongue clicking in annoyance. “Yes, it is. I don’t appreciate the casual way you’re touching my girlfriend.” he replied with a stern look. His eyes darted to the girl who had a hopeful look on her face, her mouth curling upwards seeing her saviour. 
“Girlfr-” Pariston was cut off by the girl, “Yes, Girlfriend. Now if you leave me.” she said stepping to Chrollo’s side now that Pariston’s grip loosened on her. “Huh. I always thought you were making up the whole boyfriend thing.” He said, with a smile which betrayed his bitter tone. “Well then, I’ll leave you be.” he said walking off.
Chrollos eyes never left his form, he stared at Pariston with disgust, such an impeccable man. Men who cannot respect women were on top of the list of things Chrollo hated. “Thank you.” the girl whispered, her face turned to him. “Its not a problem Y/n. Do you wish to stay? or shall I walk you out?” he asked. She paused to think for a second, scanning the floor to see if she could find someone who might be interested in her venture, seeing none she responded with, “I think I’m just going to leave.” 
“Well then, let me walk you out.” Chrollo said extending his arm to allow her to grab it as they walked out of the bar, her hand linked to his arm, as the other patrons turned to their direction watching them walk away.
“Um, I never got your name.”
“Its Chrollo. Chrollo Lucilfer.”
“Chrollo? That’s a unique name, what does it mean?” She asked, tilting her head to the side to watch him for his response. Her inquisitive eyes scanned his face, admiring his features. “I don’t know actually.” he responded with a smile. She let out a small “Oh” before both of them walked a little in silence. 
“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with those people.” he continued, “What project are you working on?” Y/n clicked her tongue with a smile on her face, remembering how all her efforts went to waste, she didn’t manage to get a single investor. “Well, I’m trying to build a few orphanages in some impoverished areas.” she exhaled her breath and continued, “Its just unfair. How these children get left behind and they have to fend for themselves. I just hate it. I want to help them out, you know?” 
Chrollo turned to look at her, her bright eyes were now dull, she was no longer smiling and was facing the ground. “That’s really nice of you actually.” he smiled at her, it felt good knowing that there were people out there who cared for the underserved community, he could relate to everything those children would go through. “Here’s a thought. Why don’t you let me buy you dinner, and you can bring forth your proposal to me. I’d love to hear more about it.” 
Her sad demeaner changed at once, she looked up at him with her bright doe eyes, a glint of hope in them. She smiled, biting her lip before saying, “On one condition.” Chrollo chuckled and said, “So you’re setting conditions? What’s the condition then?” she hummed before responding, “Yes. I am. You have to let me buy you dinner. Its only fair. I owe you a big thanks for saving me from that creep anyway!” Chrollo smiled and nodded.
The restaurant she chose was a classy one, she claimed the food was the best food she had ever tasted and the ambiance was nice and quiet. The two occupied a table close to the window, a view of the skyline of York New city was visible from where they were seated. “So, I’ve narrowed down about 9 locations where I’d like to start building the orphanages. I’ve already completed about 8 with the money I had. But I’m in need of more for the last one.” 
She paused to take a sip of her red wine, while he listened intently, she then went to explain the structure of each orphanages and how she plans to fund them. Going in depth to talk about the facilities the orphanages provided to the kids, and how the children could stay there, even if they didn’t get adopted, until they were old enough and well educated enough to move out. 
Chrollo listened in fascination to her plans, they were well thought out and focused more on the kids than anything, the security checks she conducted on the ‘house mothers’ of the orphanage. Sharing her success stories from the 8 that had been in operation since the past 6-8 months. Her current income went to fund those and she couldn’t afford to build the last one as of yet. 
“My father and I are currently engaged in a legal battle for the property I inherited. Its quite a long story but my grandfather left me half of his assets, I wanted to put that money to good use, even sold a building or two for the orphanages. My father, went to court and well, all my property’s been seized till the battle ends, their lawyer keeps on dragging it out, its so frustrating!” she was a little tipsy by now, the alcohol allowed her to open up quite a bit. “So, what caused the delay of the final orphanage?” Chrollo asked, she talked about how a certain thing delayed her plans for the final one.
She pursed her lips, thinking of whether she should speak up or not, afraid she might scare him away with the location. She took a deep breath and exhaled, a forced smile was on her lips, as she replied hesitantly, her head turned to the right, to face the window looking at the skyline. “The location- well, its uh” she paused, her hand made its way to the back of her neck to rub it.
“Its this really small place, it used to be an internment camp set up by a dictator about a few hundred years ago. Since then its used as a dumping ground. Now the complicated thing here is that, the citizens there really don’t have an identity.” Chrollo’s eyes slightly widened, he knew she was talking about his home, “Meteor City?” he asked and she nodded in response. 
“There were two problems with Meteor City. The first was the fact that essentially putting money into such a place would put me in danger, the mafia wouldn’t be too pleased with the idea.” he nodded, it was a known fact that the people of the city had been shunned, dubbed terrorists and criminals for the suicide bombings that a few of them carried out a few years ago. 
“The second being the fact that the city is run as a gerontocracy. The leaders were apprehensive of an outsider wanting to make a change. Well, to be totally honest with you, they’re not entirely convinced as of yet either. But I know I can convince them” she said followed by a somehow which came out more as a whisper than anything. 
He said nothing, just stared at her for a few seconds to try and understand her motivations, after a few seconds he could understand they were nothing but selfless.“I understand.” he nodded, glancing up to look at her. She was still staring out the window, her lips stained red and plumpy due to the red wine she was drinking, some how he couldn’t stop staring at her, he couldn’t help but feel something. 
“I’ll win the legal battle eventually. My father just wants me demotivate me by dragging it on. He wants me to lose hope.” her voice was low as she said this, it was evident she was hurt by his actions, suddenly her voice picked up, it sounded determined as she said, “I won’t lose hope. I’ll do whatever I can.” she turned to face him before finishing, “I’ll pay every last penny with interest, I’ve got some jewellery that my mother left me so if anything, I’ll just sell it.” She had a fierce and determined look in her eyes, she wanted to accomplish something, she wanted to help others. 
Chrollo couldn’t but help admire her resolve. “Well, I’m sold.” he said, a genuine smile on his face. “Wait. What?” she looked confused, she didn’t expect him to say that given his silence stance during most of the conversation. “
“I can’t help but admire you Y/n. I think its great that you’re taking such a risk to help others so I’ll help you. Just tell me what you need and I’ll get it done.” She extended her hands to grab one of his hands, taking them into her own holding them up. “Thank you. I’ll repay every single penny. You can even keep my jewellery as collateral!” 
“No, that won’t be necessary.” he said, taking his other hand to place it on the one grabbing his own. He thought it would be a good time to tell her about his humble beginnings, how he originated from Meteor City and was just like one of the orphans she so desperately wanted to help. For the first time in his life, someone from her class looked at him with awe and excitement as he recalled his life story- leaving out the part where he was a Class A criminal of course- usually people would have either a look of pity, or a look of fear, but no. She didn’t have that look, nothing but pure awe as he spoke.
As the months passed, Chrollo spent more and more of his time with Y/n, he enjoyed every single minute he spent with her. The way her face would light up when he would come up with a good idea, the way she would talk to him about a broad range of topics, and how she made him feel so warm and carefree. She was rubbing off on him.
The total opposite of him, is she was the light then he was the dark, if she was the sun, then he was the moon. She was everything Chrollo wanted to be. Despite the troubles she faced in life, she was optimistic, despite all the problems she faced, she always looked at the brighter side, despite having every reason to lose it, she chose to channel her energy into something positive. He never knew what love was, but he could tell he was slowly falling in love with her.
At first, he couldn’t understand why he wanted to see her more and more, every time he would leave her place he felt a certain emptiness wash over him he attributed that to his boredom. He could no longer read in peace, because everything reminded him of her, every novel where the protagonist would have a lover, he couldn’t help but picture her as the heroine. 
Food would taste better when he was with her, everything seemed brighter, the things that would annoy him didn’t anymore, the people around him would blend in with the background when he was with her, he never noticed anything but her. He started to crave her presence, his nights would feel lonely, his days were far more exciting. Chrollo was now a day person, he would wake up full of anticipation everyday, rushing to get dressed to see her. He knew this wasn’t normal. 
It wasn’t until he walked into her penthouse one fine day when he realised he was falling for her. She was sat on her living room sofa, her face red, her eyes filled with tears. Seeing her like this distressed him and he ran over to her, he stood right in front of her, bending down to her eye level, he placed his left hand on her hands, his right hand touched the side of her cheek. She looked up to meet his eyes, her trembling lips holding back a sob. 
“Y/n, are you okay? Please tell me what’s wrong? Did someone hurt you?” he asked, his voice trembling hundreds of scenarios running through his mind, each one worse than the other. “C-Ch-Chrollo” she finally spoke, she could no longer hold back, she fell forward, her trembling hands went to hold onto his arms as her head leaned forward to bury it in his chest. 
He could tell she wanted a hug, so he pulled her close, placing one hand on the back of her head, the other placed on her back rubbing soothing circles on it. “Y/n, please tell me what’s wrong. Please stop crying.” his voice was laced with concern, the person who wasn’t afraid of death, was deathly afraid for the first time in his life. Her gut wrenching sobs tore through his chest and he couldn’t take it anymore. She was strong, never let anything get to her. Something big must’ve happened to make her feel like this. Feeling Chrollo’s warm embrace calmed her down slightly, she began to speak.
“I lost.” she was sobbing once again, he pulled her out of the hug and grabbed her face with his hands to look into her eyes, his forehead started to crease, the uneasy feeling not subsiding. “Y/n what did you lose? Please, I can’t bear to see you cry.” It was true, every time he heard her sob, every time he saw another tear stream down his face, he would feel a pang in his heart, he felt helpless, unable to stop her from crying. 
“Th-the legal b-battle” she turned her eyes away from him, a sense of relief came over him, although he hated seeing her cry, he was sort of relieved that she wasn’t hurt. “Y/n, its alright. Please just stop crying. I promise you we’ll figure it out. I won’t leave you alone, it doesn’t matter if you lost money. You’ll always have a roof over your head and everything you need, I’ll make sure of it.” Hearing his words didn’t comfort her, instead let out another sob turning her head to the side before speaking.
“I’ll get by. But the kids? what will they do? How will I repay-” Chrollo cut her off, he wiped the tears away and pulled her into a tight hug kissing the top of her head, “I told you. I won’t leave you when you need me. I’ll do it, I’ll do everything you need. Just please, stop crying.” It was painful to see her like this. All he could do now was embrace her and let the torrent of her tears soak through his shirt. 
Her hands made their way to his back, she deepened the hug shaking her head. “No, I can’t let you do that for me.” her voice was stifled as her head was buried in his chest. “I’ll do anything for you.” He never once thought while speaking to her during this conversation, everything he was saying just came out. His heart was doing the talking for the first time in a while. 
He felt the need to be there for her, he felt the need to protect her against the world. He wanted her to smile again, her to shed tears except for tears of joy. “Chrollo, I-” he cut her off, he couldn’t take it anymore. He just wanted to see her smile again. “I love you Y/n.” 
Her breath hitched when she heard him say this, she forgot about everything in that moment, the only thing she cared about were the words that left his mouth. She opened her mouth to speak, but held her tongue. Not wanting to say anything at the moment. No, not right now. Not like this. She knew the moment wasn’t right.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Chrollo regretted saying them. Not because he didn’t mean them-he did- but because he didn’t know how she felt. He didn’t stop to think about the impact of such heavy words. His mind has been over powered by his heart, the sight he saw before him dulled his senses and he just blurted it out.
“You don’t have to say anything.” He said, after a few moments has passed, not hearing any words coming out of her mouth hurt him. It made him angry, why? When he finally knew for sure he loved someone, why didn’t they return the feeling? He chose not to showcase his anger, fearing it would push her away, swallowing it.
He slowly pulled away from her, defeated, his words put them in an awkward position. Her eyes were staring off to the side, not making any eye contact. He sighed, knowing he had just opened up Pandora's box, the way way through it was to just say it, there was no going back now.
He closed his eyes and let his heart take over for one last time, “I really do love you. I’ve never felt this way before. I look forward to spending time with you, its the only thing that gets me up in the morning.” He paused to take a breath, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, but at the same time he heart sank with each word he spoke.
“I don’t care if you don’t return my feelings. It won’t make me look at you any different. I’ll still stick by you through it all.” He partially spoke the truth, he wouldn’t ever leave you, but he lied about not caring. He did care, he wanted you to return the feelings, to love him back, to be his.
“I care about you. I do. But I don’t think I should say anything considering the state of mind i’m in.” she replied, he did give her that warm feeling in her chest. Something she hadn’t felt for a long time, but she had far too much going on to think about him in that sense.
“It’s alright Y/n. Hey! Look at me” he said as he turned her head to look at him, her eyes hesitant to look into his, worried she might see the pain he was trying to hide in his voice.
“I’ve thought about it and we could always file an appeal. I know this really great lawyer and i’ll get him to work on the case. Just leave it all to me and focus on your work. You can trust me” he smiled, his eyes were shining, perhaps because of the tears that were slowly forming in them.
Chrollo was not one to cry, he can count on his fingers the amount of times he’s cried, and almost all of them have been when he lost someone he cared for, to him, he was losing you, but he would make sure that would never happen and he was sure as hell he would come close to crying if he didn’t leave.
“I’ve gotta head back now. But please, smile for me before I leave?” he asked, rubbing his thumb on her cheek. Her lips trembled, slowly forming a smile, tilting her head to rest it on the palm of his hand that was placed on the side of her face. She closed her eyes and let out a small laugh, her forced smile turning genuine.
Chrollo left her penthouse. As soon as he closed the door of it, he couldn’t leave the door handle, his grip was not loosening and his legs weren’t cooperating. He didn’t want to go back, he wanted to stay with her. But he knew he had to let his head take over once again, no more thinking with the heart.
He spend the rest of the day going over every little detail, trying to understand when and where it all went wrong. He thought she must’ve felt the same way, she was always kind to him. Told him how much she enjoyed his company, would call him at night when he left. They also flirted quite a bit, perhaps unintentionally on her part.
For the first time in his life, Chrollo had let lose. He was starting to feel like a normal person, and just as normal people did, he stopped being so calculative, he stopped plotting every aspect of life and just let loose. This was a mistake he wouldn’t make again.
She didn’t call him that night, he shifted uncomfortably in his bed the entire night, glancing to his side, thinking maybe his phone was on Do not disturb mode, no she was in his in his favourites. Any notification from her could bypass that. Maybe his ringer wasn’t on? No it still was. She just didn’t call him. His mind told him not to reach out to her either, not after he poured his entire heart out to her, not until he had a solid strategy to make her his.
He places his thumb and ring finger over his temples, rubbing it in circular motions trying to think of something else, he didn’t like the feeling of waiting. He grew so used to her voice, he grew used to their late night phone calls till he could hear all the energy drained out of her, as her voice would change from the usual chirpy one, to the tired deep one.
How beautiful it sounds when she’s almost asleep, the fatigue in her voice as she shifts in her bed, the way she would groan trying to find the right position on her bed to fall asleep.
He started to feel a little something while thinking of her voice, he started to feel a lot more when he had a mental image of her trying to go to sleep, shifting in her sleep, as her satin nighty would ride up exposing her soft things. How she would push her chest into the pillow she hugged for comfort, perhaps she would do more to it.
Chrollo’s hand made its way down to his pants and he started to touch his throbbing cock, he closed his eyes and stroked it, imagining it was her tight cunt that was gripping it rather than his hand. Her sultry eyes looking at him as he ploughed into her, eyebrows ceasing as she bit her lip, telling him she couldn’t take it anymore. Imagining her tits bouncing with each thrust.
He groaned as the mental picture he developed was perfection, he used his thumb to rub the underside of his tip, tightening his hold on his cock while pumping it faster trying to find relief. Recalling how she would say his name right before she went to sleep, how his same sounded so perfect coming out of her mouth. How he craved her to scream his name, moan his name, while staring at him with her sultry eyes begging for more.
The final thought of her taking him so well had him coming, with a loud groan he spilled his seed out on his hand, his eyes shot open to see nothing but darkness in front of him. He had been alone his entire life, he never shared his bed with anyone, but he knew he waited all this time for the right person, and sure enough he found her and there was no way he was going to let go of her now.
The next day, Chrollo had an early start to his day. Waking up at 7 am he got out of bed immediately, stripping himself of his clothes and stepping into the piping hot shower. He let the water run over him for a while, soap in hand rubbing it over his torso. The thoughts of the conversation they had still fresh in his mind.
He knew he was going to go see her today, he had to act mature about the situation, he had to act like her ideal man. He was already hiding his true authentic self from her, he just needed to change his approach slightly to attract her more.
He dressed a little differently today, opting out of his usual T shirt and jeans combo to wear a white button down shirt that fitted him well, the contours of his muscles visible through the fabric, leaving the top two buttons undone to showcase the top part of his chest. He wore it with black trousers and black loafers.
His hair was met down, no product used whatsoever, she often told him she admired the way his loose hair would frame his face. The first compliment she ever gave him. He picked up his perfume, the one she came by while visiting a department store, thinking it would suit him, she gifted it to him. The first gift she ever gave him.
Taking a final look in the mirror, Chrollo grabbed his phone and car keys before heading out to her place. He wouldn’t pretend as if yesterday never happened, living in denial was not an attractive thing. He wouldn’t bring it up, waiting to see if she would. He knew the only way she would bring it up would be if she felt the same, if she didn’t he just needed to work his magic.
He played a few of her favourite tracks on the way, reminiscing the time she grabbed his phone to add to his Spotify playlist. The songs weren’t his type, but they grew on him so much so that it’d be the only music he’d hear during his drives over to her.
Upon reaching bed penthouse, Chrollo rang the bell, listening for her footsteps to make it over to the door. When he didn’t hear them he started to grow anxious, tapping his foot on the marble floor he was standing on. Looking down at his watch he saw it was 9:50 am. She would wake around 8, so she should’ve been up and about by now. He rang the bell once more, this time he heard shuffling behind the door till it finally opened.
As the door unlocked and opened he could see she was still half asleep. She hadn’t changed out of her satin night suit and her eyes were half open. She probably didn’t get a good nights sleep, he thought.
“Chrollo, Hey! Come on in” she said trying to sound enthusiastic as she gave him space to enter. “I’m sorry did I wake you?” He asked, stepping in. “No no, I just couldn’t sleep. Getting out of bed proved to be quite the challenge for me today” she said with a laugh, making her way to the living room couch where the two of them sat.
“I had a talk with Mr. Hill last night” she said, jumping right into it. His face remained neutral, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous at the mention of another man’s name. Especially one who has been trying to pursue Y/n since the past 3 years, according to her.
“Oh? What did the two of you talk about?” She turned her face away from his direction looking directly ahead. Chrollo picked up on this little habit of hers, he knew she would only do this when she was nervous.
“He heard about the case. So he came by yesterday and offered some help.” She said, his eyes narrowed at her statement. He knew she wasn’t looking at him, she could never look someone in the eye when she was nervous about what she was saying.
“He said he had obtained a recording of my father that basically would throw away his entire case if it were to be played in court.”
“What did he want in return?” Chrollo knew that a man like Pariston would not help anyone out on a whim, there had to be more to his offer. If he didn’t tell her what he wanted in return, he’d surely use the favour to his advantage to get closer to her and he could not risk that happening.
“He said he wanted to uh spend some time with me in return.” She bit her lip closing her eyes, she didn’t want to tell him this, not that she owed him anything, they weren’t dating. But she wanted him to say something, wanted him to offer up a solution. She knew if she liked someone, it was Chrollo.
His fist formed into a ball when he heard this, his eyes slightly widened upon hearing what Pariston wanted in return. He was slowly losing his cool. He knew she was beautiful, she checked all the boxes of perfection. An aristocratic girl, belonging to one of the richest families in the country. Her kind heart and caring soul were enough to make anyone fall in love with her. Her looks were enough to draw any man in.
“So; what do you want to do then.” He said, his twitching eyes fixated on his own fingers which were tapping away at the edge of the sofa. Something in him snapped that very moment, it was hard to keep his cool, but he tried his best. 
“I don’t know what to do.” 
“I won’t let you do it.” He said, facing downwards not wanting to make eye contact with her as he looked at his fingers. He was done playing the nice guy, it got him nowhere. He expected her to tell him how she told him off, instead she said she didn’t know what to do?
Thats’s the thing with love, its unpredictable. You just cannot plan for it, you cannot stick to a plan when your heart takes the lead. Chrollo had the perfect plan to make her fall in love with him, but when he felt as if he was about to lose the woman he loved, he lost his composure.
“What do you mean you won’t le-” 
“I said, I won’t let him have you.” He said looking up at her, his eyes were cold, a dark expression on his face. Chrollo had a lot of firsts with her. The first time he broke out of his façade was with her, the first time he craved the company of someone was with her, the first time he fell in love was with her, and the first time he ever let his heart take over was with her. He wasn’t going to back down so easily, no he would take what was his, and he had decided, she was going to be his.
She was silent, the dark look on his face rendered her speechless. She kept her eyes on him, specifically his hands, not wanting to look at his face any longer, the Chrollo she knew was not like this.
“Chrollo, I didn’t say I wanted to date him o-or sleep with him or whatever he meant by spending some time with him. I’m sorry if its a sensitive topic for you, I just find myself feeling at ease whenever I discuss a problem with you.” 
He got up from the sofa, and stayed standing, his eyes fixated on her. She felt a lot smaller now that he was standing over her, she felt uneasy with all the staring.
“You don’t need your inheritance. I have enough for us and to keep your orphanage going.” he said with a bitter tone. He felt annoyed at the impact she had on him, just a night before he had decided to con his way into her heart, but the sudden news foiled all his plans, he was unable to control his emotions and he hated it.
“F-For us?” she stuttered. 
“Yes. For us.” he said as a matter of fact. Chrollo was a thief at heart, and he was going to steal the most important treasure he’s ever laid eyes on, her.
He bent down to grab her hands, he held onto them tight enough to squeeze them slightly, but not enough to hurt her. His expression was a soft and kind one now. She was astonished at how he could change his entire aura, his expressions in a split second. How he could put on a kind face after a sudden outburst.
Something about the soft look on his face made her think that maybe he was back in his senses, maybe it was just a sudden outburst and he’s calm now. In reality, Chrollo knew he had gone too far, he had to put on a show. He couldn’t risk showing this side of him, the side that was cold, ruthless and unforgiving.
“Chrollo, I’m not going to do it. I just know you’re like really smart and that you could come up with a solution. I’m sorry for upsetting you, i’m stupid. I know” she decided to change the topic, not wanting to talk about what he had just said. It was a dangerous topic, one she wanted to avoid.
“And you won’t have to, my love. I’ll protect you from everyone. You can trust me.” He gave a reassuring squeeze on her hands.
She held back her tongue, the use of the words ‘my love’ indicated possession rather than endearment and it didn’t sit right with her, but she didn’t want to piss him off. Sure she spent her days with him over the past few months and knew the type of person he was, but what if she didn’t know who he really was? She never saw this side of him before, and something told her he worked hard to hide it.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” She asked, not wanting to acknowledge what he had said.
“Yes, that would be very nice” he said, patting her hand once before standing up, taking a step back to give her space to head to the kitchen. He sat back on the sofa waiting for his tea.
As she prepared the tea, he kept on admiring her. The domesticity felt good, he felt at peace. The woman he loved was standing there, preparing a cup of tea for him, and soon enough, he was going to seal the deal. Take her with him and never look back.
“Here.” She returned with it, placing it in front of him, before sitting on the other sofa, closer to the door, he noted, not that it mattered anyway, there was no way she could get away from him.
“You should get packing. Just grab the essen-“
“Excuse me?” Her eyes widened as she set the tea aside.
“i was saying you should pack your stuff. We’ll leave here shortly.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m not leaving my home.” He hummed when he heard this.
“Y/n, home isn’t really a place, its a feeling. A person. As long as that person is with you, you’re home.” He said with a smile, using the same lines she had said a while ago, when he asked her if she missed her childhood home that she had to sell for the orphanage considering it was too big and living there alone was a little too much for her.
“You’re crazy. You’re a psychopath, please leave.” Her tome was bitter, she was done holding back. Maybe it was her fault for not saying anything before, she shouldn’t given him the shut up call when he started getting on her nerves.
Chrollo let out a small chuckle when he heard the word leave her mouth. Psychopath. He had been referred as one quite a few times. How could he be one though? He had always been told he could feel no empathy, but why did his heart shatter when he saw her cry? He couldn’t form any romantic bonds, then why did he fall so hard for her?
If he was a psychopath then he had all the more reason not to let her go. According to everyone, he was unable to love, but he loved her. It was a rare occurrence for him, so he just couldn’t give up, no matter the costs.
“I’m not going anywhere without you, my love” his voice was unnervingly sweet. The tone of his voice did not match the words that came out of them. Knowing there was no way he was going to talk any sense, her eyes darted to the door, mentally coming up with a plan.
He noticed this and lightly shook his head smiling, she was so cute to think she could make a run for it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said, calming sipping on his tea, but she ignored what he had to say and made a dash for it, as soon as she heard the ceramic cup break when it touched the ground, she felt his hands grabbing her waist, picking her up. She tried to kick him, but to no avail. He slammed her onto the couch, her back towards him and kept his hand firmly on her back, pushing her back down every-time she tried to get back up.
He was fast and strong, she never knew it. The false sense of hope that she felt seeing him calmly sip on his tea, thinking she had a chance faded as soon as she felt his grip on her waist. She couldn’t escape.
“I didn’t expect you to act like a brat, my love.”
“Stop calling me that and let me go!” she sobbed, trying to land a punch on him hoping to throw him off, each time he spoke made the need to escape increase. 
“Apartment 223, river view towers, Dayroad park.” her body froze when she heard him repeat the address of her best friend, she never told him where she lived, nor did she ever talk much about her, considering she was out of the city for an extended business trip. Her reaction was enough for him to continue, knowing he hit a soft spot.
“I heard your little friend is back. Why don’t we pay her a visit?” he said leaning forward to whisper the last part in her ear, the way he spoke told her the visit was going to be anything but a friendly one.
“What do you want, Chrollo.” She knew what he wanted, but she just wanted to buy some time to think.
“I want you to stay with me forever. I want you to come back with me so we can go back to our home.” he placed a small kiss on the crook of her neck as he said this, the feeling felt like no other, her soft skin against his lips was driving him crazy, he craved her skin for so long, he dreamt of her underneath him begging for release, looking at him with those pleading bedroom eyes.
Her scent was intoxicating, he didn’t know how he had been so patient for all this time, but he knew he had to hold on a little longer, she’d come around eventually and if she didn’t, he knew just how to make her come around eventually.
“I told you I loved you. I meant it when I said it” he said, hoping she would come around, he knew just telling her he loved her wouldn’t work, but he didn’t want her to be the bad guy in her eyes, he wanted to slowly work his way in, perhaps she might feel bad eventually considering how she has a heart of gold and rejecting someone never sat right by her before.
“This isn’t love, you don’t do this to the one you love!” He stroked her hair as she complained on telling him what he was doing was wrong, promising him that she would forget it ever happened if he just let her go, she’d be find living in denial.
“I can’t let you go now. We’re going home. I can’t think of a life where you’re not by my side.” He said, his decision was final. There was no way he would let go of her no matter how hard she pleaded, Chrollo was taking her with him whether she liked it or not. He kissed the top of her head and smiled uttering his final words before knocking her out and taking him home, to their home.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Daddy’s home!
Pairings: Reader x Yandere Chrollo
Warnings: Yandere, stalking.
Summary: Y/n runs away once she learns who Chrollo really is, what would happen when he finally tracks her down and finds out she’s not alone.
Word Count: 2.8k
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Her contagious smile could be seen from miles away, it was the thing that drew him in, in the first place. One look at that smile and he felt as if all his problems were gone, one kiss by those beautiful lips of hers and he wouldn’t have a care in the world. Nothing would matter to him as long as he had her by his side.
The crazy thing about love is that you never know when it hits you. You could have completely given up on everything, have given up on life even, thinking it’s never going to get better but then that’s exactly when it hits you. You find that one person right there and then leaving you wondering how you ever lived life before them.
That’s what happened to Chrollo when he first met her. She was different from the rest, not in a cliché way, but she really did stand out in a crowd. Her unnerving attitude to life drew all eyes to her. The way her hips swayed from side to side, matching the beat of the music inviting looks from all the men and women alike.
She wasn’t the biggest beauty he had ever seen, he’d seen far prettier girls, but there was just something about her but he couldn’t place his finger on it. What started out in all fun and games, with him trying to pass his boring days till he got his nen ability back turned into a full blown romance, one he could not get enough of.
He was so happy when he was with her, he could forget everything that had ever happened to him, she was his world, and he was hers. It was all until she tried to snoop through his phone, his perfect self raised doubts in her heart as she wanted to get to the bottom of it, and she did. She found out who he was, his true identity. 
She walked away without ever saying good bye, a simple note left on his bedside which red ‘You filthy murderer.’ She didn’t need to say more, everything she heard was enough, no confirmation needed as she walked away from him, moving to a different continent to get a fresh start. She had vanished off of the face of this Earth, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t find her. She took his heart along with her, she took his smile away.
He searched long and hard for her, and eventually he found her, 4 years too late for his liking, she was happily chatting away with an older woman, helping her carry her bags to, what he presumed, was her apartment building. He knew better than to approach her in broad daylight, planning to break into her apartment the same night, he couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to whisk her back away, take her back home.
He broke into her apartment that very night, looking around to see how she was living, trying to find any signs of a man there. Her apartment was clean, but the living conditions weren’t up to standard. It was tiny and not a sight for the sore eyes. He exhaled all his breath, wondering how she could live under such conditions, how she could be living in the life of luxury she deserved if she didn’t walk away from him all those years ago.
He walked to her bedroom door, silently opening it and stepping in. His heart raced when he saw her sleeping form, she looked so peaceful, eyes clamped shut, lips pouting, sleeping on her side. He halted his steps when he was standing right next to her, leaning down slightly to take in her sleeping form. If only she was always this peaceful.
A few loose strands fell on her face, and he proceeded to tuck them behind her hair, she shuffled in her sleep mumbling a quiet “Reya?” As her eyes started to open. She shot her eyes open pushing herself back on the bad, her chest started to heave and she brought her hands to her chest as if she was trying to breathe.
Her lips trembled as she looked around the room as if searching for something. Chrollo narrowed his eyes when he saw her do so, in fact, the other side of the bed did look as if someone had slept on it, the slight dent on the pillow and the creased bedsheet gave it away.
Her eyes stopped right at the slightly ajar door of the closet, she turned to look back at him as if trying not to give away the fact she was hiding something. “How did you find me?” She asked, trying to keep her cool.
Chrollo analysed her expressions, the mix of fear and anger was all over her face, he hummed turning his face to the closet to see what reaction he could get out her her. If someone was hiding there, she would surely stop him.
He took a step towards the closet, her eyes darted from him to the closet, she couldn’t help but to display her fear as she slightly lifted her body trying to position it in a way that would make it easier for her to get up.
“Hmm. I wonder what you’re hiding” he stated as he walked over to the closet, his hand reaching over to open the door. Before he could do that she jerked towards him, shouting a loud “NO” before grabbing onto his hand to stop him from getting any closer.
His eyes widened when he got this reaction from her, the cliché movie scenes where a cheating partner would hide their lover in the closet playing in his mind. He pushed her down simultaneously pulling the closet door open with such force, that it hit the wall, a loud bang echoed in her apartment. 
To his surprise, he didn’t see a man, rather he saw a young child. She was half asleep, her sitting position told him that she had just gotten up because of the sudden commotion. Her long raven hair fell over her shoulders, as she rubbed her half lidded eyes. “Mommy?” She asked, holding a white rabbit plush toy close to her chest.
Y/n was paralysed, her secret was out. He had seen her daughter, the sudden revel left her unable to even move, trying to think of a way to save her child from him. It wasn’t until he reached out to grab her that she snapped out of her fear desperately trying to reach for her child.
Chrollo was quick to pluck the child out of the closet and bring her up to his chest. “Stay down.” He said as he stared directly at Y/n. The child started to panic when she saw this strange man. “Shh. Daddy’s home” he said, rocking the child as if it were an infant, changing his stoic self to look a lot more approachable. There was no doubt in his mind that the child was his, she was a spitting image of him, and no one could tell him otherwise.
She stopped panicking and paused, turning her head to look at the man who claimed to be her father, her mother told her that her father was a soldier who was in heaven having a ‘tea party’ with God. She never knew what her father looked like, only heard vague descriptions from her mother each of which ended with the words, ‘just like you’
She brought her hands to touch his face, to confirm she was in fact, not dreaming. Her eyes gleamed as she confirmed that he really was there. “A-are you really my daddy?” She asked, excitement coursing through her body. His nod caused her to display her toothy smile, staring at him before looking back at her mother.
“Mommy mommy!! Daddy’s back” she was practically bouncing up and down, clapping her hands before throwing herself into his chest, wrapping her arms around him to hug him. The first time she ever hugged her father, she was beyond ecstatic, her mother was quite the opposite though, she was trembling, fallen on the floor defeated. The lump that formed in her throat made her unable to say anything, her tears streamed down her face as she saw her entire life in the hands of the man who could take it away from her, with a single flick of his wrist.
It took all the strength she had in her to finally speak up, “What are you doing here?” She didn’t know anything, she couldn’t care about anything, all she wanted was for him to focus his attention on her and leave her daughter alone.
“Aww, I was expected a hug and a kiss. Maybe you telling me just how much you missed me, isn’t that how mommy’s should welcome daddy’s home?” he asked, in his sickly sweet voice, turning to look at his daughter who was nodding profusely. He had a sick smile on his face, one that told her to tread lightly. 
“Yes mommy! Aren’t you happy daddy’s home?” she asked, once again turning to her father for approval who gave her a slight nod in response. Her biggest weakness was now his greatest strength. Keeping his daughter away from him for all those years was a mistake, her daughter had craved to be loved by her father, just like any child would, and finally seeing him made her desperately gain his approval even if it meant siding with him over her mother.
“Y-Yes, mommy’s very happy. Reya, could you leave mommy alone with daddy for a bit?” she asked, the question was more so directed towards Chrollo than her daughter. Surprisingly, he turned to his daughter and nodded putting her back down and telling her to go find something to play with as they talked about finding a big house to live together in.
The poor innocent child shook with excitement as she ran out, he looked over his shoulder till she was out of sight, closing the door and walking over the Y/n, till he stood right above her. He didn’t have a furious look in his eyes, or a look of disapproval, rather he maintained his calm smile as he spoke.
“Is this why you started snooping?”
“Y-Yes.. I found out I was pregnant and didn’t want to tell you until I was sure” 
“Sure of what?”
“Sure of who you really were. I realised I never knew nearly as much about you.”
He hummed in response, finally putting the pieces together. He did think it was weird how she started to snoop out of the blue and how you just upped and left without even confronting him in the first place.
“You didn’t give me the chance of being there for you wh-” she cut him off as she replied, “Give the same person who murdered innocent children the chance to be a father?” she asked in disbelief, the hypocrisy was insane, how can any sane woman let her child be exposed to someone of his kind?
“She was still my child. I deserved to be in her life.” 
“You? A mass murderer? You who has a class A bounty on your head? You’re not capable of love. All you’re capable of is obsession, is feeling the need to control, to possess!” She spat out, everything in her body told her to stop talking, to just shut up, but the lack of closure she received when she left always did sort of get to her. The anger she felt at how he claimed he deserved to be a part of her life just made her explode out of anger her motherly instincts kicking in.
“And you? You think you’re a good mother. What kind of a mother keeps her child away from their father.”
“Don’t question a mothers resolve. I did what I needed to do to keep her safe”
“That’s besides the point. I’m still her father. I made her” he said trying to ignore all the logical points she brought up to bring up the obvious biological argument.
“Your only contribution was your sperm. Everything else was me. I carried her for 9 months, I endured all the pains, I risked my life to give birth to her. I worked hard to keep a roof over her head and food on her plate.” she said croaking remembering back to how she struggled hard to provide for her daughter, how she had become so frail when she was pregnant with Reya that she nearly lost her live while giving birth to her. But it was all worth it, all her worries seemed to vanish into thin air as she held her child in her arms vowing to never leave her side.
“You didn’t give me the chance to provide for her. How would you feel if I just took our child away from you, ran away without warning?” His threat was disguised as a question.
“She was a part of me, I ran away, it’s not the same!” She spat out, his words left a bitter taste on her tongue.
“You made me miss out on so much Y/n. I wasn’t there when you gave birth, I wasn’t there when she took her first steps. I wasn’t there for such an important part of her life.” Usually, he wouldn’t have cared. Chrollo wasn’t the type to actually want to see the development of his child, he never wanted one in the first place. But something about how it was taken away from him, made him want it.
She chose not to say anything in response, all she wanted was for him to leave and for this conversation to reach an end. Her lack of response did make it seem like she has nothing to say in return, however, he knew this wasn’t the case, she could go on and on to convey her point.
He bent down till he was at her face level, she was still slumped down on the floor, not making any sudden movements to go after her daughter, she was smarter than that.
“Care to tell me why you shoved my daughter in the closet?” He asked in a condescending tone, in an attempt to discredit her side of the argument.
“She sleepwalks and usually ends up there” she said in between whimpers making sure to keep her voice low.
“Quite the mother you are.” He said in a snarky tone trying to invoke a reaction out of her, however she remained quiet not wanting to give him the satisfaction. All she did was ball up her fists and keep her eyes fixated on the floor.
“Reya darling” Chrollo called out for his daughter. The shuffling noise outside stopped, the sounds of her tiny feet hitting the wooden floor were heard, she was running back to the room.
Her smile faded when she heard her father say it was time to leave, thinking he was going to leave her once again. “Daddy! Please don’t leave” she said in between sniffles as she hugged his leg and looked up to him, her grey eyes filled with tears.
He bent down to pick her up and said, “Daddy won’t leave you ever again. You’re coming back with me to our big home!”
“What about mommy?” She asked, turning to look at her mother, who was facing the floor.
“Mommy can come if she wants.” He said as he turning to look at her, he could feel her cold stare on his back, the bitter expression on her face when she knew she was helpless. They were going to come back with him, and she would never escape him now that he had his little Reya to keep her mother in check.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
He’s all that
Pairings: Reader x Ran Haitani
Warnings: Recording, Smut.
Summary: You meet Ran Haitani for round 2 after your fateful encounter at a night club. [Part 2 of She’s all that]
Word Count: 2.7k
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One night stands have become quite the common practice in todays day and age, the act of wooing a woman over and courting her for marriage before getting a sweet taste of sex has been long forgotten.
Busy men and eager women opt for the easiest option to release all their week long stress by hitting various clubs, dressed in their fanciest outfits and doused in perfume that would make the opposite sex (or every/any gender) turn their heads whenever they passed by.
The club was the go to place for men such as Ran Haitani, it was where he could find the finest women he could bed for the night, once he got everything they had to offer, he would disappear into the night looking for the next woman who could satisfy his needs.
On the rare occasion he would find a woman who would make him want more, he would be quick to seal the deal, to act like the perfect gentleman to get his seconds, or thirds even depending on how good the seconds were, and he found the woman who made him want more, he found you.
The night he spent with you at the club was one he was reliving throughout the week, not only in his mind, but also on his TV, recording your escapades with him was something he was quite happy of, but watching the same video over and over again proved to be tiring for him, he wanted a new clip, with more angles this time.
Which is why he invited you to his apartment for a nice ‘home cooked’ meal followed by dessert, the thing he was patiently waiting for the entire week. The conversation you two had were quite interesting.
Ran did take a liking to you, but he decided it wasn’t enough to fully devote himself to you, not that he wasn’t attracted to you, he just couldn’t deal with a relationship at the moment. He was confused and didn’t really know what to do. Part of him wanted to make you his, while the other part knew how his dangerous lifestyle is something he wouldn’t want anyone to be introduced to.
“You look as stunning as ever” Ran said as soon as he opened the door to his penthouse to let you in, you kept your look simple, a little black dress paired with red heels and a red clutch for a pop of colour.
“And you never fail to impress me either” you replied while you placed your hand flat on his chest slightly caressing it. He smiled at the contact taking the physical contact as a good sign.
“Why don’t we have a drink while the food’s getting prepared?” He proposed, walking over to the couch with his hand flat on your back inching lower and lower with each step he took.
“What would you like to drink then, Mr Haitani?” You asked in a low tone, too busy scanning his penthouse, it was as extravagant as you imagined it would be. The minimalistic interior was quite the sight for sore eyes, you were rather pleased it wasn’t over done.
He chuckled as he heard you say this, enjoying how you would always say something he wouldn’t have expected you to say. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
“Mhmm..” you hummed trying to find the bar you were sure he had in his penthouse, for some reason you associated having bar set ups with the mafia or whatever they were, you weren’t too clear on what he did exactly.
“So then, what would you like to drink?”
Just as he asked you this, you found the bar. It was on the large balcony outside, tucked away in a corner behind the pool. You grabbed Ran’s hand and led him outside walking over to the glass bar that had been set up. It had quite a vast array of alcohol, something that you appreciated quite a bit.
“I’ll be having a legs spreader” you said as you stopped right in front of the bar and letting his hand go. He eyed your form as you made your way behind the bar taking out all the necessary equipment to prepare the drinks.
“As I asked you before. What would you like to drink, Mr. Haitani?” His lips curved upwards in a smile which he suppressed, not wanting to make his infatuation with you this evident.
“I’ll have whatever the lady’s having”
“The lady’s having a legs spreader, but might I suggest you get the Porn star martini?” You asked with your back facing him, your fingers grazing over the many bottles of alcohol before picking up the ones that you needed for the drinks.
Ran always had a thing for a woman who would take charge, someone who wasn’t afraid to be bold, to make it evident that they wanted him just as much as he wanted them, to not be cliche and pretend to be bratty just for attention and to look innocent which they clearly weren’t.
“You know, I work better with music”
“Oh! Here, play whatever you like” He said with a smile handing you his phone. You scrolled and opened his spotify and added a few songs to his playlist before hitting the shuffle button and getting to work.
“Here you go, one pornstar martini” you slid the drink over to him preparing yours. You were determined to get in as much alcohol as you could to get the courage you needed to go all out with the handsome man right in front of you.
A few drinks and suggestive comments later you decided to walk over to the pool. You stood on the edge of the shallow side, the air had a slight chill to it, but the water was warm and inviting you in. Perhaps it was the fact that you had one too many drinks that awoke that wild side of yours, or you just wanted to follow the path you had laid out for yourself the night you encountered him, regardless you decided to do something you’ve never done before.
You unzipped your dress, allowing it to fall to your feet and stepped into the pool your body slowly submerging in the water. A curious look was on Ran’s face as he saw you undress yourself right on his balcony. Sure his building was higher than most, and there wasn’t a very small chance that someone would see you, he just couldn’t understand how someone as sweet as you had a side so wild that it made him think his deep conversation the other day was in fact with someone else.
“Not going to join me?”
“A little afraid i’ll drown” he joked
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you the kiss of life if that happens”
“You’ve got my attention” he got up from the bar stool and walked over to the edge of the pool, undressing himself before he turned to look at the security camera that was pointed at the pool, licking his lips as a smirk formed on his face when he realised he could film something quite different this time.
As he got in the water you swam towards him stopping right in front of him hands making their way to his back to allow for your chest to press up against his. Ran’s hands also made their way to your back, his cold fingers dancing over your wet back feeling your soft skin against his, reminiscing the night you shared a few days ago.
You tip toed your self to reach his height in order to kiss him. The faint taste of passionfruit still on his lips as the two of you shared a deep and passionate kiss, much different to the one you had on your first night, the lustful kiss you had before wasn’t the case this time, there was a hint of sincerity, a hint of want and a hint of familiarity this time.
Ran’s hands made their way to your ass, squeezing it before both of them cupped the lower part of it, you got off your feet slightly thinking he wanted to pick you up and he did. His strong arms lifted you till your crotch aligned with his own, you quickly wrapped your legs around his hips, while his arms supported your weight.
His bulge was poking into you and he made quite the effort to rub you against his erection, the sensation of which had you moaning against the kiss. The cold air hitting your wet skin made you shiver ever so slightly, but he turned you so that his back was downwind allowing his body to shield yours.
He walked over to the edge of the pool and placed you there so that you were sitting on the marble floor, his eyes darted to his left for a second before he began kissing you once again before you had time to react.
He left light kisses on your neck all the way down to your pelvis. He shifted his mouth from your pelvis to your inner thigh, inching in to your clothed cunt which was being stroked teasingly by his fingers.
You shifted your body to bring his face closer to your core, your hand caressing his purple locks.
“I’d like to take my sweet time pleasuring your beautiful self, if you wouldn’t mind”
“My beautiful self would prefer that sweet time to arrive sooner rather than later”
Ran licked his lips coating them with his saliva so that he could leave wet kisses on your core, his plush lips felt heavenly, each kiss sent a wave of pleasure through your body, his mouth stopping over your clit, tongue sticking out to give it a lick.
He started off slow and deliberate, understanding what motion you preferred the most. After he understood what you preferred, he picked up the pace pleasuring you like you had never been before. Your grip on his hair tightened and you pushed your weight on your free hand to support yourself.
Your back arched and your legs were trying their best stay open. Understanding you were close, Ran’s arm made its way to your back to hold you in place, a few moments later you felt a wave of pleasure like no other, the euphoric feeling taking over you as your head shot back and a loud moan escaped your mouth.
Your body gave way and you didn’t make any effort to support your own weight seeing as Ran’s arm was supporting your body, preventing your back from crashing down on the marble floor.
“I take it you enjoyed that quite a bit”
“I take it the next part is going to be equally enjoyable” you said with half lidded eyes, greedy for more. 
Ran got out of the pool and picked you up placing you on the bar counter, his eyes darted above once more, you were a little confused as to why he kept on looking back there but you were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt his hard member rubbing against your core. 
He didn’t make the effort to rub his cock on your core since you were wet enough already. Positioning himself on your entrance he pushed his cock inside you, it sliding in effortlessly without the need for you to adjust to the length.
Your legs were placed on his shoulders and his hands were placed on either side of your waist, holding you in place bucking his hips back and forth, the deep penetration owing to just how massive he was, along with the position you were in had your toes curling in pleasure. 
Feeling a lack of sensation on your lips, you pulled him down for a kiss but for some reason he pulled away after a few seconds, going back to the position he was in prior before his eyes darted to look above to the right, you furrowed your brows, your eyes making their way to look at what he was looking at. 
“Are you recording us?” You asked when you saw the red blinking light. Using your arms for support you pushed yourself up, and let your legs down. He paused, his mouth agape feeling slightly embarrassed at being caught, none the less, he wasn’t going to admit he had been recording them all this time.
“No no! I-“ you cut him off mid sentence, your forefinger placed under his chin lifting it slightly, your lips hovering over his as you whispered seductively, “That’s a pity. I would’ve asked for a copy” His panicked expression was soon replaced with one of determination, he wanted nothing more than to fuck the living day lights out of you at this moment.
He pushed you back down on the bar counter, his movements more unforgiving as each thrust had his tip kissing your cervix, the thrusts were much harder and more deliberate. You looked up at the camera and adjusted yourself slightly so you would be seen in a better angle. 
You turned to face him, his purple eyes locked with yours, droplets of sweat had formed on his face, his slicked back and styled hair had come undone, falling over his forehead, some strands sticking to it. He looked absolutely breath taking, this was a sight you wanted to see everyday for the rest of your life. 
Ran’s grip on your waist tightened, his thrusts sloppier than before. You let your legs let go of his waist placing them on the bar stool, allowing him to pull out of you and release his seed on your stomach. He groans got louder each time he pumped his cock all the way till he was done.
Grabbing a tissue from the side, you wiped his seed off of your body and lifted your body off of the bar counter, your face making contact with Ran’s as his arms were placed on either side of you, trapping you in as he tried to catch his breath. Your sudden movement caught him off guard, a confused look on his face trying to understand why you got up so quick.
“Are you alright?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.
“I’m fine, just need to grab my clothes is all.” you replied. It wasn’t anything that Ran did, it was just the fact that you did feel your heart skip a beat every time you saw him in that state, in such a vulnerable and raw state.
“Let me get them for you” 
Ran lifted his boxers to cover himself up then made his way to the pool side to grab your belongings for you. The thought of you wanting to grab your stuff made him think that maybe he did something to piss you off, maybe it really was the recording aspect?
“A-Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked, placing your items to your side staring intently at you waiting for a response.
“Its quite late. I really should leave”
“You didn’t even have dinner yet and its really late, you shouldn’t go back home at this hour.” Ran retorted. 
A part of him wanted you to spend the night, he enjoyed the conversation the two of you had post your sexual escapade at the club and he wanted to have that again with you. He couldn’t get in a relationship but he did like you. Friends with benefits was far too tacky for his liking too. He was just confused at this point, hoping spending some actual time with you would clear all his confusions.
“I have an early morning tomorrow Ran”
“At least let me drive you back?” 
You stared at him for a few seconds, you were stupid to think this way but maybe you were different? Maybe Ran did like you? Maybe this might turn into something more? He had an earnest look on his face, something you’d never expect to see from a one night stand- or a two night stand? 
You smiled and nodded you head, “I’ll wait by the elevator” 
“Let me just grab my keys” he responded walking towards his living room table to pick his car keys off of it while you made your way to the door, taking a step outside.  
“Oh and by the way” you said as you stood halfway out of his penthouse, “I would much rather prefer a few close up shots” you said as you winked closing the door behind you. He knew what you were talking about and couldn’t help but smile.
A smile was plastered over his lips, no matter how much he got, it wasn’t enough. You certainly were the type who kept him wanting more, and more he will get.
An: Honestly, I think Ran is the type to try his best for the woman he’s interested in. I don’t think he’s as cold as people portray him to be, he can be quite the softie (and caring) when he’s attracted to someone
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Baby don’t cry
Pairings: Fem!reader and Chrollo Lucilfer
Warnings: Stalking, implied manipulation, murder, smut.
Summary: y/n’s been having the worst luck with men. No man seems to stick around other than her friend Chrollo Lucilfer who’s always been there for her.
Word Count: 3k
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Chrollo Lucilfer was the one constant man in your life. He was the perfect example of how a man should be; kind, gentle, caring and chivalrous. The one man who would come to you whenever you were feeling low, prioritising you over all else. Each time a new guy you liked ghosted you and you never heard from them again, you’d go right back into Chrollo’s warm embrace, and he would reassure you telling you they weren’t worth it, that you should give up and focus on yourself instead. The right one would just walk into your life and you wouldn’t even realise it until it happens.
Every time it happened you’d question yourself, what was it about you that drove men away? Why does it always happen? The questioned plagued your thoughts and you were slowly giving up on love, remembering what Chrollo had told you. Your dependence on Chrollo also grew, you felt safe with him. The feeling of being watched all the time would subside when you were with him, the feeling of not being enough subsided when you were with him which is why when he told you he would be gone for 3 months for a business trip your heart broke, you felt anxious. 
The time when Chrollo wasn’t there was sad at best, you dove into work and would go for drinks with a co-worker occasionally. Never once entertaining a person of the opposite gender knowing how it would end anyway. You had given up hope, maybe you were destined to be an old cat lady? 
Just as Chrollo had said that you would find someone and not even know until it happens. You found Andrew, a new co worker, he was by all means perfect, you had allowed him into your life because he was your co-worker and never expected things to end up the way that they did but they did. You were finally in a stable relationship, you couldn’t wait to tell Chrollo! 
You waited for your friend to return from his business trip, he wasn’t much of a texter so you didn’t bother. It wasn’t until he returned that you introduced him to Andrew, the two hit it off quite well and you couldn’t be happier. Chrollo was happy for you, and told you you deserved to be with someone who made you happy.
On your 6 month anniversary with Andrew he broke up with you. Your heart shattered. The Andrew you knew was just a façade, apparently he got with you to make his ex jealous and it worked, she wanted him back and you were dumped in the process. He left you standing there, your body paralysed. You didn’t know how long it had been since Andrew walked away, you just wallowed in self pity your feet moving on their own to go back to find that warm embrace that always made you feel better, hence, how you ended up in Chrollo’s penthouse.
As soon as he opened the door you crashed into his arms and broke out in a sob, holding him tight just to feel the warmth once again. “Y/n, please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see tears in your beautiful eyes.” Chrollo spoke, his hand caressing your hair while the other pulled you close into a tight hug. “Chrollo I- I can’t. Why di-did it happen? Am I not g-good enough?” You spoke in between sobs your hands grabbing the collar of his shirt for support as you lifted your face from his chest to look into his eyes. It was as if he knew this was bound to happen, it was quite the common occurrence at this point. “Y/n, I know its hard. That b*stard never deserved you. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and everything a man could ask for. If I was your boyfriend, I’d never make you cry. Heck, I’d rush to marry you.” He continued, “Don’t shed your tears for someone who’s undeserving of them. I’ll always be here for you, whenever you need me.”
Each word that Chrollo spoke was laced with authenticity and care. You could tell, his voice was always soft when he spoke to you, his arms always open for you. As attractive as he was, he never once gave into any flirting attempts made by any one of the women that flocked around him, his eyes were always on you. Were you missing something? Was it because of you? The sudden realisation hit you and you couldn’t help but wonder and to test the waters you inched forward. It was now or never.
You inched forward, slightly closing your eyes setting them on his plump lips waiting for him to close the gap which he hesitantly did so. The moment his lips touched yours you felt a wave of relief flush over you, the feeling was amazing, the chemistry was already there.
He started to move his lips softly and you moved yours in unison parting them slightly to allow his tongue to enter in your mouth, the kiss deepened and your lips move on their own trying to savour each second of this passionate kiss, your tongue exploring his mouth and your hands running through his black locks. Both of his hands made their way to your back and he pulled you in closer, your bodies pressed up against one another. He broke off the kiss and started kissing your neck, sucking each spot lightly leaving a trail of hickeys along the way, you were quick to get rid of his shirt wanting to jump right in, the heat of the moment clouding your judgement.
Chrollo unzipped your black dress and turned you around wrapping his arms around your waist, your back pressed against his chest as he slid the strap of your little black dress and placed soft kisses on your shoulder your hand grabbed the back of his neck to push it in as a form of encouragement. His erection poked your back, your back arching slighting to let the dress fall down, as soon as it did, he was quick to close the gap and deepen the tight embrace. 
You turned back around and pulled him into another deep kiss, his hands made their way to your ass as he whispered “jump” in your ear, you then wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss in the process as he walked towards the direction of his bed room lightly throwing you down on the bed and immediately getting on top of you. He began to retrace the hickeys he had left on your neck, going further down this time to your cleavage, he licked his lips as he pressed your breasts together kissing them. 
You moaned his name and rubbed the back of his head pushing it deeper into your cleavage wanting more. Chrollo stopped for a second and got back up, running his hands through his hair he turned away from you, you hoisted yourself up on your elbows and asked, “What’s wrong?” concern lacing your voice, wondering if he wasn’t interested anymore.
“y/n, I can’t do this. You’re too fragile, I feel as if I’m taking advantage of your emotional state.” he said and he turned to look at you, his eyes scanning your body as he bit his lips, “Fuck, you’re so perfect. I’ve wanted to be with you since the day I met you. I’ve been hopelessly in love with you, but I don’t want you to think of me as an a** for trying to fuck you when you’re down” He said rubbing his palms on his face.
“You’re not taking advantage of anything Chrollo. I want you. I need you.” you said, he looked at you, his grey eyes locked with your own, he took a step towards you before he stopped and asked, “I need you to say it. Explicitly say it.” you got up from your position and placed his hand on your chest and spoke in response, “Chrollo Lucilfer. I want you to fuck me.” 
As if impulse was the driving factor, his hand squeezed your breast lightly, every fibre of his being was telling him to rip your bra off and to start sucking your breasts. His eyes darting from your face to your chest and as if he was mentally scolding himself his hand started to slowly withdraw. “I’m in love with you y/n. I really am. Heck, i’m madly in love with you. I can’t see anyone but you and-“ he paused to take a deep breath, “I don’t want you to give into carnal desire and just do it for the sake of it. I can’t risk losing you” his voice trailed off while he spoke the last part.
Y/n’s lips parted ever so slightly and she said, “Chrollo. I never tried anything because I valued you so much. I’ve always been attracted to you but was scared of losing you too. This isn’t carnal desire, this is me being brave enough to take a step.” Your voice was low, but loud enough for him to hear. His face lit up hearing those words and he rushed forward to kiss you once again, hearing you express your feelings was all he wanted.
He pushed you on the bed and ripped your bra off, pausing for a second to take in the view before lowering himself to start placing kisses all around your right breast while massaging the left. He kissed and sucked every inch of your breast before stopping right near the nipple, slowly licking around it before lightly brushing his lips on your nipple as his mouth hovered over it.
He parted his mouth to take it in, swirling his tongue around it while gently sucking, slowly he took more of your breast in his mouth and continued that motion earning a moan from you in response. Your breasts were a big erogenous zone for you, the way he was sucking them was getting you wetter by the second. Chrollo’s eyes looked up to see your face, your eyes were lidded and your lips parted, small moans leaving them. Knowing how your breasts were the key to your arousal, he turned to face the next one, mimicking the actions he did on the other one. He released your left nipple, a popping sound emitting as a result and grabbed both of your breasts squeezing them together before gently kissing the centre and moving down to kiss your stomach.
He left light kisses there knowing you were rather ticklish and didn’t want to risk ruining the mood. His hands grabbed your clothed core and began rubbing the fabric right where it was. He lowered your panties and grabbed either one of your legs placing them on his shoulder before his hands made their way to your hips to hold you in place, his tongue then started by giving you a big lick on your core, swirling around your clit before taking it in his mouth sucking it lightly, his tongue working in circular motions to stimulate it. He brought one of his hands down to insert two fingers in your core while the other made its way to grab your breast, massaging it lightly. You placed one hand on his head, lightly grabbing a fistful of hair while the other rested on the hand that was on your breast encouraging him to continue massaging them.
His fingers pumped inside you slowly before exploring your core trying to find that one spot that would be enough to drive you over the edge, once he found it he curled them up and started working his magic, the orgasmic feeling intensified with each pump, his mouth sucking your clit just right and the hand on your breast had started to tighten its grip when he felt your back arch knowing you were close. He worked his magic on all fronts until your grip on his hair tightened and you said, “Don’t stop” the wave of pleasure took over you and you let out a loud moan as you came.
Taking a breath of two you started to get up, grabbing Chrollo by his pants and taking them off along with his boxers. His throbbing cock was out now and your eyes widened, you never imagined he would be this big, well endowed was an under statement, swallowing whatever spit you had in your mouth, your hand made their way to grab his dick, but before you could do that he grabbed you by the wrists and pinned you back on the bed.
“No, I can’t wait any longer” he said, positioning himself on top of you, your genitals aligning. He rubbed his cock on your entrance, to coat it with your cum sliding it up to your clit rubbing it slightly before bringing it back down right in front of your entrance.
“Are you ready, love?” He asked with his tender voice. You nodded and he lowered his face to place a soft kiss on your lips right as he entered you. A wave of pleasure came over you and you let out a small moan, Chrollo grunted when his cock was fully inside, he was careful to slide it in slowly, a few small thrusts to get you used to the size.
“You can pick up the pace now.” You said, finally used to his size and he started thrusting in you a little faster each time. You moaned each time you felt his tip kiss your cervix, knowing you liked it fast, he picked up the pace till he was thrusting in you like there was no tomorrow, you were a moaning mess by this point.
“Fuck, Chrollo, God, Omg” was all you could say, with your hands firmly on his back, your nails were digging in the skin of his back but neither one of you could care less. You were just enjoying the feeling, the sensation of Chrollo deep inside you.
Chrollo stopped just as he was close, taking his cock out he picked you up and placed you on the table, your legs fell on either side of his and he entered you once again. This time thrusting deep as soon as he entered, the flat surface table stopped your movement allowing him to hit you deeper and harder. If you were a moaning mess before, you don’t even know what you were now.
He placed his hands on your waist and held you firmly in place fucking you even harder than before if that was even possible, leaving you babbling incoherently. Chrollo’s hands moved from your waist to your back as he pulled you forward, you moved your legs to grab his waist, your ass still positioned on the table, he arched your back and placed one hand on your back to arch it while the other made its way to the back of your neck pulling it down. He took one of your breasts in his mouth and sucked on it while still thrusting inside you.
The feeling of his thick cock filling you along with the sensation you felt while he sucked your breast pushed you over the edge once again, your walls tightened and you came once again. Shortly after Chrollo’s cock began twitching and you knew he was about to come too. A few more thrusts and he came inside of you. His hot seed filled you up completely and he grunted loudly as he did. He thrusted deep once more before pulling his cock out a second later.
Chrollo picked you up and placed you on the bed, handing you a wet wipe to clean up, as he did the same. After which he got into bed right next to you and pulled you in a tight embrace. He kissed your forehead and said, “I love you y/n. I want to be with you. So, what do you say? Will you be mine?” His grey eyes were fixated on yours, you stared at him deeply and gave him a soft kiss on the lips before replying, “yes” Chrollo smiled and started to kiss you all over your face, he was ecstatic to say the least.
He knew just how drained you were which was confirmed when you fell asleep in his arms slowly after. Chrollo smiled to himself, feeling as is he had the biggest victory of his life, the treasure he wanted the most was finally his and nothing could take it away from him.
He was upset that it couldn’t happen sooner, and that you gave yourself to that scum, Andrew, but it didn’t matter, heck, it was actually something that helped him, all those times he watched the two of you make love allowed him to pick up on a lot of things, he knew what you liked in bed. He knew what you wanted in a relationship and was able to give you just that, anything to keep his love happy. Shalnark’s ability came in handy when it was time to finally get you to run to him once again. This time he was certain he wouldn’t let you go, the jealousy he felt when you were with Andrew made him promise himself he would never let you into another man’s embrace ever again.
His phone screen lit up, and he grabbed it, the message from Shalnark read, we’ve disposed of him. A smile adorned his face as he turned to look at your sleeping frame. Getting rid of all those men was certainly worth it, the love of his life was now sleeping soundly in his arms.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Mirror mirror on the wall
Pairings: Reader x Baji Keisuke
Warnings: Smut.
Summary: Just some mirror sex with our favourite boy!
Word Count: 1.6k
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“You look so beautiful.” he said as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you in close. You were standing in front of the mirror applying the last touches of your makeup when Keisuke showed up from behind you. He stared directly into the mirror as well, but his eyes were watching you, taking in your beauty.
“You look quite dashing yourself” you said with a smile on your face, placing a hand underneath his chin as the two of you stared at each other. He bent down to kiss the crook of your neck his fingers started to dance over your body.
“Mine” he mumbled, placing small kisses on your neck before travelling up your jaw kissing the edge of your lip. Pulling back slightly with half lidded eyes, perhaps pre drinks weren’t the best idea.
You turned your face to look at him licking your lips as you saw his plump glossy lips. You took a moment to appreciate his looks, you never understood how you ever got so lucky. You leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips, even though you were wearing heels you still had to tip toe to reach his height.
You could taste the whiskey he had been sipping earlier as your tongue explored his mouth. Suddenly you pulled back when you realised your red lipstick must’ve smudged, and surely enough it had been. You pouted picking up a tissue to wipe away the edges before picking up the tube of lipstick you had just placed back down to reapply it.
“What’s wrong doll?” he asked breath fanning in your ear as he pushed his crotch against your back.
“My lipstick” you turned to face him with your pout, “I look like a clown!” you said crossing your arms below your chest, the act causing them to pop out. He turned you to face the mirror, bringing his face right next to yours.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on.” he placed a soft kiss on your cheek before continuing, “I’d still get hard looking at you even if you were dressed up as a clown” you giggled when he said this, hitting his chest with the back of your hand. 
“You cheeky bastard” you shook your head, bending down to grab the lipstick once again, but Keisuke grabbed your arms pinning them to your back, you looked up with a confused expression.
“Kei?” you asked with knitted brows. You did know what he was trying to do, but it was more fun this way.
“I was thinking” he said licking his lips as he watched your exposed back, hand running over it, “maybe we should have a nice quickie before we leave” 
“Kei! we never go out, we always end right back in bed when we get dressed.” you protested. Every time the two of you got dressed for a romantic evening it would end with the two of you sweaty, exhausted and practically passed out in bed by the time you had to leave. 
“I can’t help myself baby” he said, directing your hands to the mirror, setting them flat against them as he pulled you closer till you were bending down, he ran his hands over your exposed back, Keisuke would always buy the sexiest backless dresses for you for this very reason.
His hand stopped right over the small of your back pushing it down to form an arch, you licked your lips contemplating whether you should let him fuck you. On one hand you couldn’t resist how good he looked, plus you could see him as he took you from behind owing to the mirror, on the other hand you did want to attend the rehearsal dinner of your colleague. 
“Kei” you said in a stern voice, hoping he would get the memo. He ran his hands up your thigh, slipping under the satin dress you wore tracing soothing circles along the way. His eyes were busy taking in your form, and he replied with a simple hum. 
“You promised” 
“You can’t be looking like a full course meal and expect me to not get horny” he said in a deep voice, his voice going down a few octaves as he spoke, the perfect setting had him craving the sweet release he knew he was going to get a little while later. He was mentally thanking the Gods for giving you the idea of getting a full length mirror, which would give him the perfect view as he fucked you senseless.
You couldn’t argue with his reasoning, you felt the same way, the excitement of watching his face as he fucked you senseless was flashing in your mind. You always did wonder how his face looked when he took you from behind as it was his favourite position.
“I’ll give you 10 minutes” you said, spreading your legs open, still using the mirror to support you.
“10 is all I need” hands making their way to your shoulders to slip the straps of your dress off, pulling it down slightly so he could see your tits bouncing in the mirror as he fucked you.
His hands slid down, taking as much of the dress off as possible till one of them wrapped itself right below your breasts supporting your body, while the other pushed your dress to the side, placing it on your waist to expose your red lacy thong.
“Would’ve asked for more time if I knew you were wearing this” he said, pulling your panties down, trying not to spend half of his given time to ogle at your body.
You let out a small moan as you felt his fingers make contact with your wet cunt, sliding up your slit, playing with your wet folds before locating your clit, rubbing it in circles to get you wetter. 
He removed his hands after a short while, the time crunch would make it hard for him to get in a good amount of foreplay as he usually did, undoing his pants and letting them fall to the floor.
He pumped his cock a few times before positioning it right at your entrance, coating it with your slick, before setting it right on your entrance. Confident with its placement, he moved his hand to rest on your hip, squeezing the flesh around it. Keisuke looked up at the mirror, his eyes fixated on your face while slipping his cock in.
Your face contorted with pleasure as you felt him slide in, the expressions you made as he thrusted inside you were priceless, he couldn’t take his eyes off of your face.
“Fuck baby you look so hot” he said picking up the pace, you tried to keep your eyes open, to look at his face but could not do so, the intense pleasure had them rolling in the back of your head and you just chose to keep them closed as a result.
Your parted mouth let out moans that grew in frequency as he thrusted faster, your tits slapping against one another. The feeling of wanting to grab onto something was strong, you wanted to grab onto his skin, to curl your fingers while holding onto his flesh, but the cold flat mirror was the only thing your hands were touching. 
You felt so full, his cock smashing into you, his husky breath tailored to his thrusts. “so good” you babble, making sure to keep your feet planted on the floor so that your legs don’t give way and you go crashing into the mirror, not that Keisuke would let you considering he was supporting you more than you were supporting yourself right now.
“Open those eyes doll, wanna see those pretty eyes of yours” he groans and you comply opening your eyes to look at him in all his glory. Droplets of sweat on his chiselled chest, his toned arms holding onto you tight, the veins practically popping out.
You adored the way his hair was tied up so neatly in a pony tail, how the intense fuck fest the two of you were having caused a few stands to come loose, falling right onto his face. 
“Fuck baby, pick up the pace. I don’t wanna be late” it took everything in you to form a full sentence as you closed your eyes again. You guys were already late as is, and if you continued any longer, you know it could last the whole night. Nodding Keisuke brought his hand that was holding onto your hips down to your core, to stimulate your bud. 
“No, don’t” As you said this, a confused expression formed on his face before he understood why you said so and picked up the pace, wanting to cum quick so the two of you could be on your way.
A few final thrusts and he came undone, spilling his seed inside you before pulling right back out. His grip on you never loosened, he knew your legs would give out so he picked you up and placed you on the chair, giving you a kiss on your forehead.
You looked in the mirror in horror, sure you knew your makeup was a little messed up and your hair dishevelled, but it was worse than you thought. Sighing in defeat you turned to look at him, pouting and faking sniffles. Keisuse could read you like an open book and he knew just what that look meant.
“Round 2″ he asked and you nodded in defeat. Your hair and makeup was too far gone to be fixed, you might as well just cum.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Hello everyone! I’m sorry I still haven’t gotten to the last 3 requests of my 150 followers event. I had so much going on that I did not have any time. I’m sure i’ll get done with it soon enough, but i’ve been so busy its been really hard to even come up with anything decent.
Basically I started a new job at this bank after a year of relaxation. (Parents weren’t too keen on my lazy life style haha) The job is quite demanding and I’ve barely got any time these days.
But i will post some stuff that’s been sitting in my drafts for a while until I find the time to complete the requests. Thank you for the requests and hope you can wait a while xx
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Happy Anniversary, Love
150 followers event
Pairings: Reader x Yandere Chrollo
Warnings: Forced captivity, yandere behaviour, yandere, dub con, non con, smut, dark content.
Summary: Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Chrollo and his darling, will his patience run out when Y/n decided to be a brat today, of all days?
Word Count: 4.2k
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MDNI: Please read the warnings.
“I bought this for you.” Chrollo spoke, entering the room he shared with you. The dimly lit room provided you with enough light to see what was in his hands, it was a dress. A red satin dress from what you could make out. 
Your eyes turned away, wanting to look at anything but the face of your captor and his seemingly genuine smile, you remembered the time when your eyes would sparkle with excitement whenever you saw that smile of his, how you fell head over heels in love with it. 
You thought back to when you fell in love with him, he was so different back then. He was kind, caring, considerate, a true gentleman; always opening the doors for you, never once letting you pay, walking you back to your apartment without ever trying to invite himself in. 
It didn’t help that he was the most dashing man you had ever seen, always dressed to the 10s, his grey sparkling eyes could draw just about anyone in, his beautiful smile which he would only exhibit when he was in your presence. You felt like you were the luckiest woman alive, oh just how wrong were you?
“My love?” his voice brought you back to reality, the one you didn’t want to face. You wished you could go back in time and just walk past him when you first saw him, you wished you never entertained his offer to buy you another cup of coffee when he spilled yours after bumping into you. You wished you never invited him in that day, and gave him everything you had to offer.
“I thought you could wear it tonight” he said after not hearing a reply from you, it wasn’t uncommon for you to ignore him, you would do it ever so often, the version of you he fell in love with had been replaced by a cold and bitter woman and it was none other than his fault.
“I’m not going.” you spat out, your voice laced with venom. You couldn’t understand how he thought you’d be alright with celebrating your 1 year ‘anniversary’ with him, when he had captured you half way through your relationship, that was the day it ended for you, your relationship was no longer one of lovers, but of a captor and captee. 
“My love, what has brought about this foul mood of yours” he said, stepping towards you hand reaching out for yours, picking it up to bring it to his face. You didn’t flinch when he touched you anymore, you had gotten used to it in the 6 months you had been held captive, but that didn’t mean you were alright with it.
He kissed your knuckles and stares intently at you, observing your body for any slight movements, the last time you had a foul mood you snapped at him and tried to run away, which was stupid on your part, escaping this man was nothing short of impossible.
“You.” you said as you turned to look at him, your face exhibiting all the pent up anger inside you. “You’re the only cause of my foul mood, actually, my mood will always remain as foul as this, if not worse, as long as I have to stare at that pathetic face of yours.” you said pulling your hand away.
“You know I don’t appreciate that bratty attitude of yours” his calm face betrayed the venom laced in his voice, you always did wonder how he could maintain such a calm exterior all the time.
Chrollo didn’t have time for your temper tantrum, he had prepared a lovely evening for the two of you, on the balcony of his luxurious penthouse, he was a man who liked to stick to a schedule, and your temper tantrum was just messing with it.
“Oh, I forgot to mention. I ran into your friend.. hmm what was her name again” he pretended to think for a second before speaking again, “Oh yes, Sasha. She had a baby, thought you should know that.” he observed you for a change in expression, it was the one consistent thing you had in your life. His observations of you, everything else was quite unpredictable.
You knew why he had brought her up, it was a silent threat. The mention of your friends baby was just adding more weight to his threat. You boiled with anger, how could he so casually threaten you, how could he be so calm when indirectly talking about how he could kill your friend, and her new born baby on top of it?
In his mind your tantrums were uncalled for. He did everything he could for you, he spent as much time as he could with you, he bought this luxurious penthouse for you, he fed you, provided you with all the jewels in the world and he, someone who was previously thought to be incapable of loving someone, loved you? Why were you so ungrateful?
You always had a good grasp of your emotions, you didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of breaking you down but something about how he would so casually bring up your childhood best-friend, who was like a sister to you made you lose your cool.
You raised your hand to strike his cheek, expecting to hear a loud smacking noise followed by the sight of his flushed red cheek, but that didn’t happen. He was far quicker than you as he stopped your slap mid air, his hand holding onto your wrist as he shed his calm demeanour, showing his true colours.
“Y/n.” He said and you immediately froze, it was not the tone he used, rather the use of your name. Since the two of you had started dating, he had never used your name, not even once. You could tell his choice of words was intentional.
Your hand started to shake, regret setting in immediately. What could you have hoped to achieve by slapping him? What good would that have done? No, it wouldn’t have done anything, you just dug your own grave. You were too scared to look him in the eyes, at the same time you didn’t want to look away, you chose to divert your sight to his free hand, expecting it to make a move.
His grip on your arm tightened, you let out a small yelp already feeling the bruises form where he had formed his tight grip. “Y-you’re hurting me” you spoke out, your voice barely audible as it took everything for you to say this.
“Am I really the monster you think I am?” He said, his dagger eyes never leaving your form, you could’ve sworn his gaze could burn holes in your body. You wanted to lash out on him, telling him just how horrible he was. How you’d rather be dead than to spend another day with him, how taking your freedom away was the worst thing anyone could ever do to another person but you choked on your words, the only thing you could say were the three words he didn’t want to hear, “i hate you.”
“I’ve been nothing but patient with you, now go and get dressed.” He said letting go of your hand, your other hand instinctively made its way to rub the bruising area as you felt it sting as he let go.
Your mind told you to go, to comply. Telling you how retaliating would do you no good, but your heart told you to take a stand and you did. “I’m not going to get dressed. I won’t let you defile something as precious as an anniversary by making me spend it with you” you took a step back as you said it, pushing all the regret down to make space for the sudden outburst of confidence and rage. There was no turning back for you now.
“We aren’t together, we were through the day you kidnapped me.”
Chrollo paused, a smirk on his face he let out a light chuckle which ended up with him erupting in full blown laughter. You were confused at his sudden burst of laughter, what did you say to him that was so funny?
“We’re not together?” He asked, wiping the tears that formed in his eyes due to the intense laughing session he just had.
“No. We’re not.”
“Then why do you share a bed with me?” He asked, stepping closer. “Why have I been so loving and caring if you’re not even my significant other?” He took a step each time he completed a sentence.
“Why have I been denying myself of you, when you’re my hostage?“ you stepped back when he was inches away from you, but he extended his arms to hold you in place till he took his final step, his body brushing against yours leaning in till his lips were brushing against your ears, licking his lips before he said, “Then why don’t I do what the other captors do to their hostages?”
He brushed his knuckles against your cheek as he said this, admiring how soft your skin felt to his touch, wondering why he never gave into his temptation before. He loved you, he missed all the good times the two of you had together, he knew you loved him too because he was the one who deflowered you, he was the one who made you go insane, the only one who’s touch you would crave. 
Chrollo had been good, he avoided touching sexually you without your consent, lightly brushing your skin, resting his hand on your thigh, even the occasional kiss on your cheek as you slept wasn’t ever enough to satisfy his need. He realised he was addicted to you, you awoke the nympho inside him, and then you denied him. His patience had run thin, your crude words made him stop holding onto his temptation, he was going to have you tonight.
You chose to remain silent, arguing with him was never a good idea, he always had the best counter argument, he would always make you question your own belief’s so you decided to say nothing in hopes he would back off. 
“I expect a reply when I ask you a question, Y/n.” he said, as his hand grabbed the back of your neck to turn your face towards him, you were so close to his face that you felt his hot breath on your forehead. Your mind thought of a million things to say, but each one idea had been tossed out the window, it was never good enough. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll go get changed” you said, trying to take a step back, but his grip on your neck never loosened, his eyes told you what he was going to say next, you knew he wasn’t going to let you go now. 
His hands made their way to cup your face, whether it was a romantic act or one to stop your face from moving, you didn’t know. Nonetheless, he glanced at your pump lips, stained red from the red wine you sneakily had a glass of, and he leaned down till his lips made contact with yours, taking you in fully, his grip on your face was tight enough to prevent you from moving your face, you resorted to move your body to break free, but he was faster than you, placing a hand on your back pushing you to him, your bodies touching leaving no room in between, his other hand made its way back to where it was, you couldn’t break free.
He made his way over to the bed, not breaking the kiss, pushing you down on it. His hands danced over your sides, pulling your satin nighty up along with them as his lips slowly started to trail down the column of your neck inhaling your natural scent along the way. You brought your hands up to his shoulders to push him away saying, “Stop it. I’ll be good!”
“I’ve lusted after you, thought about you endlessly, but never once did I give into my temptation out of love, and you chose to demean our relationship. Tell me why I shouldn’t just give into the most natural instinct I possess as man?” He said, lifting his head from the column of your neck, his eyes had a hint of sadness to them, as if your words really did hurt him. He wasn’t dumb, he knew it was unfair for him to just pluck you out of your life, taking away all the life you had out of you and keep you locked in the confines of the bedroom he shared with you, but love is a crazy thing.
“I’m sorry for what I said.” you said, pursing your lips. You weren’t sorry, if anything, you wished you said more, you wished you had the courage to say worse. Chrollo knew how you didn’t mean what you said, he could always judge the authenticity of your words as he was hearing them and you knew that. The change in his expression now made you wish you actually meant them.
You watched as he ran his fingers over your body tracing the sweet valley in between your breasts before grabbing them, squeezing them together and placing soft kisses all over them. The old you would’ve been a melting mess by now, but knowing the amount of blood that’s been shed with those very hands just made you sick.
He pulled the neck of your slip down to reveal your breasts, groaning at the sight, sparing no second before diving right in, nipple in his mouth flicking it with his tongue. You held back your moan, your body couldn’t help but give in, but your mind kept on telling you to fight back. 
You hadn’t been touched like this in 6 months, and you would’ve been content with it if you never gave yourself to him, but once you got a taste of sex all those months ago, you could never go back. He watched your face contort when he sucked ever so lightly at your nipple, he saw how the heat rose to your cheeks out of shame for your body giving in. 
“I know you want it, my love” he said, pulling away from your nipple making his way down to your core. A sudden panic overcame you as you lifted your back up to pull yourself away, there was no telling what would happen when he would dive in between your legs, you didn’t know if you could keep your composure once that happened.
“No!! Not there” you exclaimed, as he took your back being off the bed as an opportunity to slide your nighty down, the fabric gathering around your hips, before he pushed you back down taking it all off, leaving you bare for him. His hand was firmly placed on your stomach, stopping you from getting back up and his free hand was placed on your thigh, pushing it open to see the passport to heaven that was placed in between them.
“Then where would you like it, my love?” he asked, a slight smirk on his face knowing you wouldn’t have a good enough come back to this, he already had a comeback for when you’d say nowhere. 
Disregarding your apologies and pleas for another change, Chrollo dived right in between your legs, his nose running along your core taking in the sweet smell he had been deprived of for all those months, you felt your core gush at the slight contact, your hands hesitantly trying to push him away as you felt his wet tongue slide all over your folds, your back arching when you felt it slip in between your core, licking at your entrance. 
Groaning out of pleasure while his mouth was taking you all in, all you could muster was a weak ‘stop’ as your own body was betraying you, your other thigh slid to the side slightly, as if to gave him more room to continue on pleasuring you, you knew it was wrong, it was so wrong how your body was slowly giving into temptation, how your mind was clouded by the thoughts of his thick cock slamming into you until you were a crying mess, but why did it feel so right?
His tongue explored your wet core, sliding everything as if to taste every single spot he hadn’t been able to for all this time, his grip on your thigh tightened as his erection was trying to break free out of his pants, he pushed his mouth as far in as he could, the temptation to bite you, the temptation to take you all in was too strong for him to handle.
His lips nipped at your bud, his eyes fixated on your own face contorted in pleasure, knitted brows, lips that had started to bleed at how hard you were biting down at them, at how you were trying to find that one boost of strength to push him away. His fingers slid inside your throbbing hole pumping in and curling against that spot he so effortlessly found. Stretching you out to prepare you for something that was easily thrice the size of his lean fingers.
You breaths got deeper, the sensations clouded your judgement, you tried to think hard at all the atrocities he had committed in the past, trying to snap out of your daze, trying to deny him his pleasure but a mind broken moan of absolute euphoria escaped your lips as your slick coated his finger, dripping over to your thighs when you came.
“How I've missed those beautiful sounds.” he said as your moan finally came to an end.
He got up from his position, quick to pounce on you not letting you have the moment after cumming when you’d come to your senses and push him off. Perhaps letting you feel that sweet release was a mistake, your judgement was no longer clouded once you got what you want, but watching your body arch for him and hearing those sweet moans was all for him, not you. 
You planted your hands firmly on his bare chest, pushing him away closing your legs. Although it was a moment of weakness that let him touch you like that, it was gone, you were thinking clearly now. 
“Get off of me!” you shrieked, trying to wiggle up so your bare cunt wasn’t touching his clothed crotch anymore, hands keeping him at am arms length away from your body while he continued to push down till your arms hand bent, elbows planted on the bed desperate to support your cause.
“My love, just a second ago you were a moaning mess, what happened to you now?“ he asked, a slipping in a sly remark along the way, his hands were quick to grab your own, pinning them up with one hand, his legs pushed in between yours, stretching them open while his free hands fondled with your breasts before slipping slide his boxers off.
Your eyes shifted from his face to his lower body, you could see his cock was now out, it was rock hard and the tip glistened with the pre cum that was coating it. He gave it a few testing pumps before positioning it at your entrance.
You moved your hips to throw if off, making sure he wouldn’t be able to slam into you, your eyes darted to his face, an unwavering expression on his face. He knew it was about time, he knew it would happen and you would give in. The little fight you put up was no match for him, he would have his way.
His hand left his cock, and held onto your hip holding you in place, while he placed one of his knees on your thighs to make sure wiggling away wasn’t an option for you. He guided his cock to your opening before looking back at you, he wanted to stare deep into those eyes he fell in love with when he entered you.
You felt his tip push in, a sudden sensation of pain overtook you as he stretched you out, he closed his eyes to revel the feeling. A wave of nostalgia washing over him thinking about how good it felt when he first took your virginity, and how it felt the same even now. How you were still as tight as the first time he slid inside you.
“Fuck” he cussed while moaning, slowly slipping in, your walls clenching his cock tight. He stopped slightly right as his tip was inside you, trying to give you time to adjust, but the carnal desire took over as he said, in a barely audible tone, “Can’t take it anymore” before leaning down to take your lips into his own and slamming inside you right away.
Your mouth opened as you shrieked against his lips, he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in and let it explore all the crevices of your mouth.
He groaned against the kiss as he bucked his hips to thrust deeper inside you, slamming his tip against your cervix as if trying to break it to get deeper in. Your mouth was still ajar, not having the strength to close it or fight him off, your hands bend down to grab his own that had a tight hold on your wrist, desperate to grab onto anything.
He moved his knee off of your thigh and your head shot back in pleasure as the pain wasn’t the dominant feeling anymore. You moaned against the kiss, back arching to feel him deeper, if it was even possible, your cunt clenched him even harder once you did so, he grunted with every thrust he made, unable to keep his composure.
His hand left your wrist and took one of your own into it, fingers intertwining with your own pushing your hand deeper into the bed with all his strength, your free hand made its way to his back, nails digging into his skin while pushing him down to feel his chest over yours.
Your mouth started to move on its own and you deepened the kiss, the pleasure clouding your mind once again, he was the only man who had ever been inside you, yet you knew he was a sex God.
“Fuck. Oh fuck” you whined as he broke out of the kiss to catch his breath and take a look at your bouncing tits, your face contorted in pleasure and you started babbling incoherently. His thrusts got even faster, and his desperation to cum was growing stronger. His hand left your hips to push down on your thigh as he used it as support to push himself up, the added height allowed him to slam harder into you.
You were sure the sounds the two of you were making were echoing in the entire house, you didn’t care if the entire building could hear the two of you, you just wanted to feel good after feeling so miserable after so long, you didn’t care what was happening, you’d just let him have this one night of affection even if it wasn’t for him.
“Yes baby, cum on my cock for me” he said, his deep voice pushing you over the edge as you let out a loud moan as a wave of pleasure overcame you, pulling his face in for a deep kiss as you came, biting his lips till you tasted something metallic in your mouth.
His thrusts got sloppy indicating he was close, you lifted your free leg to hook it on his waist, your hand left his back to slide over his chiseled chest as he pumped inside you.
“Cum for me, love.” You said, the euphoric high still taking over you, hearing those words out of your mouth pushed him over the edge as he came inside you, thrusting in once or twice to ride out his orgasm.
He slid out of you, his body still on yours as he gazed into your eyes intently, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your forehead as he said, “Happy anniversary, my love” before rolling over to get off of you, pulling you in close for a hug, leaving no room for air.
His free hand was placed flatly on his forehead as he tried to catch his breath as if thinking ‘what just happened’ a big smile on his face as he turned to look at you. Your panting form, disheveled hair, flushed cheeks and after sex glow made you look like the most ethereal being in the universe in his eyes. God did he love you.
“I love you so much” he said, as his hands rubbed on your back, he knew you wouldn’t say anything in response, but he didn’t care. He just loved you too much and knew you were going to be in his arms for the rest of your life. He protected you against the bad of the world, keeping you safe, providing the love any woman could ever ask for.
According to Chrollo he was protecting you from the world, protecting you from all those people who might come after you after realising you were his one weakness, but in reality, he was the biggest threat to you, and you willingly exposed yourself to that threat. There was nothing you could do to save yourself, you were his forever and Chrollo Lucilfer was not one to let his treasure walk away.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
May I have this dance?
150 Followers event
Pairings: Reader x Nozel Silva
Warnings: None
Summary: 150 Followers event prompt number 25 [dancing together, one of them takes the other’s hand, kisses it]
Word Count: 1.2k
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White and baby blue flowers decorated the bed post, loose rose petals matching the colour of the ones on the bed scattered all over the floor. Scented candles placed all over the room, the smell of them complimenting the smell of the flowers leaving the room to look as romantic as you had anticipated it to be.
Your husband- Nozel- led you in the room, allowing your eyes to scan it and take in the sight. Your hand left his briefly to walk forward turning your face to take a look at every inch of the room. It had been decorated so perfectly, matching not only the colours of the House of Silva, but the colours of your respective outfits.
“I hope you like it” he said taking a step forward to where you were. Stopping right by your side to turn to look at your expressions looking for an answer. Your angelic smile gave him the answer he was looking for.
“I love it!” you said with utmost enthusiasm. You expected your wedding night to be bland, without any romantic gesture from this man. Not that you felt as if he didn’t care and was only completing an obligation by marrying the woman who had been chosen for him, but because there was a hint of awkwardness between the two of you.
Having only met a few times prior to your wedding, never alone in an enclosed space gave rise to a hint of awkwardness, especially considering the fact that the two of you would be consummating your marriage.
Hesitantly, Nozel’s hand made its way to yours his fingers brushing up against yours curling slightly to take your in them. You could tell he was wary of overwhelming you and wanted nothing more than for you to be comfortable and enjoy what the rest of the night had to offer.
‘Perhaps a little romance to start us off.’ You thought, your fingers twitching slightly with his touch before he pulled his away, stepping in front of you. You were a little taken a back, thinking that maybe he actually didn’t want to hold your hand.
He extended his left hand, palm facing up slightly above your waist and asked you the following question that made you smile with relief, “May I have this dance?” 
You placed your hand on his, your fingers resting on his palm which he encompassed with his own in a gentle grasp. His right hand made its way to your waist, sliding to your back before finding its place on it. Your own free hand made its way to his shoulder and you nodded with a smile giving him the green signal to start with the dance.
The classical music that was on blast outside was loud enough to be heard in your now shared room, your husband danced with you, holding you as close as your current position allowed, wanting to start the night that would define the res of your lives on a positive note.
“You look absolutely” he paused, trying to find the right word to describe just how stunning you looked, he was lost in your eyes as if the answer was somewhere deep within them.
“absolutely?” you asked, tilting your head slightly.
“Ravishing, exquisite” he took a breath before saying, “just.. beautiful.” 
You turned your face away ever so slightly, the heat rose to your cheeks and you felt like a teenage girl who got a single compliment from her crush.
“You looked rather dashing too” you mumbled ever so slightly, feeling a little shy.
Your ballroom dance had slowed down to a slightly slower and more intimate one, Nozel pulling you more towards him with the hand that was resting on your back, inching slightly lower to find its place on the small of your back.
He then lifted his hand and yours in the process, intertwining his fingers with yours and bringing the back of your hand to his lips, lightly kissing your knuckles. The action caused to you look right at him, your eyes locked with beautiful purple orbs. 
 “I’m glad you’re the one who was chosen for me.” he said in a low tone, his eyes still locked with yours. This may not have been the most romantic thing he could’ve said, but it was reality- a reality that you were unwilling to accept at first. But now, you were quite satisfied with it.
“As am I” you responded. Your husband brought your other hand up to his shoulder to place it there. The hand that was once holding yours now made its way to your back, you eliminated the distance yourself this time, pulling yourself closer to him, your face looking up at his, lips inching closer and closer, your eyes lightly shutting as you got closer.
Nozel closed the rest of the gap, his lips falling on yours for you to have your very first kiss- apparently the royals weren’t too fond with ‘PDA’ which is why you never kissed him at the alter.
Your body moved with the music, following his own movements. Your lips touching his, moving slightly to take in his top lip in between yours effectively deepening the kiss the two of you shared. You sucked on his top lip before letting it go to go to the bottom one, the two of you moved in sync.
He kissed you so delicately, his lips moving softly like the flap of the wings of a butterfly. Not trying to assert dominance, but seeking a beautiful union to create a passionate moment, a memory that would be etched into your mind for the rest of their lives; a fond memory of the wonderful first kiss that you shared.
For you, time had stopped when your lips met, your heart fluttering as the warmth in your chest intensified, a content look all over your face. Nozel slightly opened his eyes to look at your face, to steal a guilty look at the beauty in front of him.
After this went on for a few more moments, he parted away slowly, his eyes opening as slow as he pulled back as they moved from looking at your soft lips back to your eyes. A soft smile on his face as he felt relieved.
The two of you danced a little more, your smile never left your face, the tingle on your lips still present- your lips missing the feeling of his against them.
He brought his face closer to yours, instead of kissing your lips he kissed your cheek, you could feel the love through the tender kiss he placed on your cheek, his lips making their way to your jaw kissing it before moving down to your neck where he placed light kisses all the way down to the crook of your neck.
He kissed the area, sucking on it ever so lightly, his hands rubbing your back giving you a soothing sensation. Finally he withdrew his face and brought it up to touch his forehead with yours as the two of you continued on dancing, your bodies pressing together to begin commemorating the union of the two of you.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Make me
150 Followers event
Pairings: Reader x Erwin Smith
Warnings: Spanking, Smut.
Summary: 150 Followers event prompt number 14 [Make me]
Word Count: 1.5k
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“Erwin I’m bored.” you whine, tapping your fingernail on his wooden desk where he was busy writing up a report to send to premier Zachary detailing the account from the latest mission that was a bust. 
These weekly reports had been getting to you, your boyfriend, being the head of the Scout regiment, was always swarmed with work- increasingly so ever since it was discovered that one of the men in his squad had the ability to change into the very creature that threatened your existence.
“Y/n, why don’t you fill out the form for the request of funds for our next mission.” he said as his eyes were still immersed in the document he was reading, barely moving his head while he spoke to you- an act that you had grown used to.
“How long will this go on? You’re going on another mission?” you said walking over to him. Placing your hands on his shoulders before sliding them down to feel his muscular chest. “Can’t you let Levi and the others go instead” you said brining your face closer to his ear, as you whispered, “just sit this one out. You wont regret it.” 
Your attempts at seduction were in vain, the man didn’t do so much as flinch when he felt your hot breath fan against his ear, your lips grazing past it to incite some sort of a reaction out of him, his biggest flaw was that he was a workaholic.
You huff out of annoyance when the only thing you got out of him was an uninterested hum- but you were not one to give up. Your days were boring and stretched out, your nights lonely, your bed cold.
If your mere touch wasn’t enough to get what you wanted, a little more might suffice. You walked over to him, finger placed on his chest, twirling it as you circled around him trying to find the best possible position to present yourself in front of him. 
Having decided the best possible way, you propped yourself on the table where he was busy working, scooting yourself to the centre and right in front of him- You certainly did get his attention now.
“Y/N, what are you doing? The documents are getting messed up!” he protested with wide eyes, they hadn’t been numbered and having to rearrange them by trying to make sense of where one document started to where the other ended was going to be a pain.
“I don’t know, what do you think I'm doing?” you questioned, twirling a lock of hair with your finger making the best effort to pop your chest out.
“I think you’re messing up my work” Erwin grabbed you by your waist, the feeling of his big strong hands on your tiny waist enlivened you, but to your dismay it was merely a means to move you out of the way. 
“I’m not budging” applying your full weight on the table, and gripping the edges so he wouldn’t be able to move you. An exasperated expression on his face as he said, “Could you please move? I promise I’ll make it up to you.” 
He had to make it up to you for the past God knows how many times, you weren’t going to let him add this to the list of times so you shook your head and said in a seductive manner, hoping to arouse him, “Make me”
Your half lidded eyes looked back at his face to see him huff out of annoyance, this was not the expression you were looking for. You jumped off of the desk in vexation turning to face it and throwing all the pages on the floor in one swooping motion of your arms. A childish tantrum at best- but the only way you could take your anger out before storming off.
“What did you just do?!” Erwin gasped, his eyes fixated on the mess on the floor, his hard work all gone to waste because you decided to have an attitude. 
“If you can’t give me attention, then you’ll have to suffer.” You knew this was a highly petty and childish remark, but you were tired of this. Life was better before and frankly enough, you didn’t even know when you would see him for the last time- that was just how life in the walls worked. You wanted to make the best of it, you wanted to make as many joyous memories as you could.
Erwin lowered his eyes and quietly walked over to you, your eyebrows tweaked in curiosity as you were unable to see the expression he had made ‘what is he going to do?’ you thought.
He turned you around and pushed you on the table, you placed your hands on it to make sure you didn’t fall face first, his hand grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down bringing his crotch to your ass and pressing against it.
Your breath hitched when you felt your dress being pull. ‘This. This is what I wanted.’  you thought. His thumb grazed your shoulder softly, the fabric moving along with his thumb, you were so focused on the feeling of his touch that you didn’t even notice how his other hand collided with your ass cheek. 
The spank that seemingly came out of nowhere didn’t really hurt much, but you still felt a light sting on your skin. You gasped in surprise, your boyfriend was not the type to engage in such actions, never once did he display his strength in front of you.
 “Count for me.” he said as another slap landed on your ass, the same spot as the one that he spanked before. It stung slightly more this time, even though he didn’t exert more pressure than before. You nodded against the table and began counting.
“5-Ah” The succession of slaps in the same spot made it sore, you were sure your skin was the most brilliant shade of pink at the moment, you bit your lip anticipating the next one.
“6″ Thankfully he changed to your other cheek, the contact felt like nothing compared to what you were feeling on the other one. 
“10-OW” You shrieked as the tenth and final slap landed on your cheek, the two now in a uniform tone.
You tapped your toes on the floor, licking your lips trying to look over your shoulder to see if he would actually give you what you wanted, if he was going to quench the thirst you had been feeling for such a long time, if the ache was finally going to go away.
He pushed your head back down cutting of your view. 
“I’m not done with you yet.” he hissed, you could hear him unzipping his pants, you smiled in excitement, lightly swaying your hips to show him your willingness to be finally be relieved. 
Erwin positioned his cock at your entrance, rubbing it on your clenching hole teasingly slow. “Look how wet you are.” he whispers before finally aligning it to push it in now that it had been lubricated enough.
As he moves his hips to enter you, your walls burn at the sensation. Your static sex life made it so that you were unable to accommodate his length anymore. You felt yourself being stretched out, the urge to push yourself forward to relieve some of the pain was supressed by your own doing. You weren’t going to let him think it was hurting, otherwise he would pull away.
“oh my god” he moaned, the feeling of your gummy walls encircling around his thick cock was enough to send him over the edge even though he just started, he didn’t even realise just how much he enjoyed feeling you take him so well.
“I’m gonna move” he stated trying to make it look like he really didn’t care what you would say but in reality he was waiting for some sort of approval from you and approval he got. You nodded as soon as you heard this.
Wasting no time, Erwin’s pace suddenly picked up brutally so- you couldn’t hold back the lewd moans that were escaping your mouth. The pain subsiding as the pleasure took over giving you a euphoric feeling, your mind clouded with pleasure.
“oh my god-oh my god- I'm gonna- goddd” you babbled, feeling yourself about to reach your climax. He grabbed you by the neck lifting your head up to look at him.
“You wanna cum hmm?” his pace slowed down, the high you were chasing began to fleet. “You better fix those papers up for me if you wanna cum.” he stated, thrusting in you in an agonisingly slow pace, you were aching for your release.
“Yes yes yes! I’ll do it, pleaseee” you start pleading trying your best to hold onto the feeling.
“That’s a good girl.” Erwin smiled and continued to thrust into you with that same pace that was sending you. The smile on your face returned, the same feeling began to build up once again, your hole clenched around his cock, the feeling also sent him over the edge and the two of you came at the same time. Your juices mixing together as you moaned in unison.
After getting the best orgasm of your life, fixing the papers really felt like nothing. You were far too happy to care about anything at the moment, if it were up to you- you’d do it again. 
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Hello! Can you write with prompt number 15 (make me) for Erwin from Attack On Titan? (NSFW)
Hi anon! I’ve posted it.
Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoyed it xx
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
The one that got away
150 followers event
Pairings: Reader x Ran Haitani
Warnings: Mentions of blood, self inflicted wound, Yandere behaviour, manipulation, stalking.
Summary: 150 followers event prompt number 11 [I didn’t know where else to go]
Word Count: 1.6k
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Breakups are a painful thing, having to forget all the good memories to make room for the bad ones to make sure you never look back again. One moment of weakness could end up in a disaster if you let your heart take over allowing you to fall back into the arms of that same person who left that same heart - that guided you to him- shattered. 
The pain is always a lot to handle at first, but it subsides. The new memories you make slowly take the room of the old painful memories surrounding your relationship. The good memories of that said relationship all seem to have become forgotten the minute your heart shatters, perhaps its your minds way of coping with what’s to come.
It’s quite a weird feeling, the person who was once your world, is the one you despise more than anyone else. How a single moment can change everything, how a single moment can turn the purest of love, to hatred, but in the case of Ran Haitani, obsession.
All those sweet promises of nothing, all the times you would kiss him on the forehead and tell him how much you loved him. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, how could someone have lied every time they opened their mouth. How could you stomp over his heart and leave him one day broken to pick up the pieces all by himself when he was so used to her?
In Ran’s mind he was the ideal boyfriend to you. He bought you lavish gifts, gave you his card, had you move in with him, always had two men keep an eye on you to keep you safe and sound. How could you complain of the lack of freedom when everything was done to protect you? To keep you safe? When you were his entire world, but clearly he didn’t mean as much.
He tried his best to keep his mind off of you, but all the alcohol in the world couldn’t replicate the warm feeling he felt when he was with you, his friends couldn’t make him laugh the way you did. No other person could make him feel the euphoric sensations when they touched him like you did. 
You occupied his mind day in and day out, he followed you around making sure to maintain a safe distance so as to not rouse suspicion. He gave up on everything else, his only goal was to get you back- whether you liked it or not.
He knew just how kind your heart was, how you could never turn away a person when they would ask for your help which is why he did what he thought was the best possible thing to get you to meet him. He stabbed himself.
The pain that he felt in his arm was nothing compared to the pain he felt in his heart, he could ignore it if it meant he would feel your touch once again. He placed a hand on his shoulder to stop the bleeding and started the 5 minutes walk it would take to show outside your door.
The sound of something colliding against your wooden door made you jolt up in surprise, the fact that you were watching a horror flick didn’t do you any good. You turned the Tv screen off waiting for any other sounds that could rule out the fact that perhaps you were just hearing things. You then heard a very familiar voice call out to you: he sounded like he was in pain.
You rushed to open the door, only to find your ex boyfriend slumped on the floor, his suit bloodied as he applied pressure to a wound.
“Ran! Oh my god!” you shrieked as your body shook at his state.
“Y/n, I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” he said in a distressed tone. You could heart he pain in his voice, your heart shattered to see him in so much pain.
“Ran can you stand?” you asked, hands trembling as you tried to get him to pick him up. He nodded and slowly started to get up all the while he hissed in pain as he walked to your couch.
“I’m sorry Y/n, I don’t want to burd-”
“Ran please don’t say that, let me tend to your wounds okay?” you said. You felt horrible. The fact that he felt the need to apologise was heart breaking. Did you really make him feel as if you were this heartless? this cold? 
Seeing him in such a wounded state made you think back to the last time he got injured, the pain you felt back then was quite similar to the one you felt now. Even though you broke up with him, you still did love him and seeing him in such a state made your heart sink.
You walked over to your kitchen to grab the first aid kit from one of the shelves. Being the clumsy girl you are, you used it quite a bit which is why it was in such an obvious place. You ran back to his side, to cut open his shirt to start disinfecting the wound.
Perspiration formed on your forehead, the anxiety you felt at the moment was quite overwhelming which made your hands shake. It was worse than you thought it was, the cut seemed rather deep. The blood wouldn’t stop pouring out of his wound, the fear of the unknown getting to you.
His half lidded eyes looked up at you and he gave you a benign smile in hopes of calming you down but you looked back at him with defeated eyes. His hand reached out to grab yours giving it a weak squeeze as a form of reassurance as he spoke, “Y/n don’t stress, you can do it.” 
Taking a deep breath you tried to forget everything and just do the best that you can, you couldn’t afford to let your anxieties get the best of you in a life or death situation like this. ‘Its fine. Its going to be fine’ you reassured yourself before you started to stitch up his wounds as best you could.
As you were busy stitching up his wounds, Ran couldn’t help but stare at you longingly. He missed the feeling of your skin, he missed how you’d bite your lip when you’d be in complete focus. He just missed everything about you, it didn’t matter the position he was in, in fact he was grateful that it gave him the chance to spend some time with you.
“What are you looking at” 
“I couldn’t help it.” he said unfazed. 
You exhaled your breath turning to look at him. “Its done” you said, a content smile on your face having successfully stitched him up: the results gratifying.
“I can never thank you enough”  
You looked down on your sanguine hands and asked, in a low tone, “Why did you come here?”
“I wanted to see you.” he replied.
“Ran, you should’ve gone to your doctor. What if I couldn’t do it? Moreover, what if I wasn’t home?” you began scolding him. Now that he was out of harms way- for the time being that is- you focused on his illogical move. 
“Y/N, I trust you with my life. Even if you couldn’t do it, I’d be satisfied knowing you were the last person I ever saw.” 
“What the hell Ran? Did you even think about me? How would that make me feel? Seeing the man I love bleed out because of my incompetence!” your blood started boiling at this point, he clearly was out of his mind.
He lowered his face and said, “I know it was selfish of me. But you got me through it all. All I could think of was you. All I could see was you. It was like my life was flashing before my eyes.” He lifted his eyes after saying all of this, he looked close to tears. “It was as if- as if you were my life.” he bit his lip and turned his face to the side.
The anger that built up inside her subsided. It turned into pity- into regret. You had been so horrible to him, you pretended as if he never existed in the first place just to make it easier for you. And him? You were all he could think about, he couldn’t get over you, he was hurting inside because of you. 
You had never seen Ran shed a singe tear- let alone ever have any tears threaten to spill from his eyes but here he was, eyes glossy with the tears that were forming in them. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t respect your wishes. I just can’t bear to never see you again. Let me back in your life? Let me see you?” He implored. 
You bit your lip trying to think rationally. He may be all vulnerable right now, but he was so controlling all the time. You couldn’t let him snake back into your life just like that, he’ll probably end up convincing you to get back together. 
You lowered your eyes, something Ran knew you did when you had to say something that you knew he wouldn’t like. Taking that as he que, he started wincing in pain, his hand shot out to grab yours and hold it.
“Are you okay? Ran??” 
“I just got this sharp pain, but I feel better now, thank you.” It was clear he meant that he felt better because of you, given the situation and how fragile he was at the moment, you decided not to reject his offer. For the time being, you’ll let him back into your life.
“Would asking for a hug be too much?” he asked with an earnest tone. You sighed and leaned in to embrace him. ‘I guess he deserves at least this after what he went through’ you thought.
It was becoming too hard for Ran to stop himself from smiling and to maintain his pathetic state. Step one had been completed, and he was certain he would never let you go. 
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
[ OUT LIKE A LIGHT ] haitani ran x reader
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࿓ PAIRING: ran haitani x fem!reader
࿓ SUMMARY: After coming home from a doctors appointment, your biggest fear comes true.
࿓ A/N: sorry for being dead these past few weeks, school is kicking my ass kms…Anyways, I had this idea when I woke up lol so here it, pretty shitty but yk what it is what it is. title is based off the the song out like a light by the honeysticks & ricky montgomery…lmk if ya'll want a part 2.
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Sobs wracked through your body. You’re not sure how long you’ve sat here crying, shocked at how there was still tears left to cry.
You had just gotten back from the doctors office, the news of your diagnosis causing you to stumble to your apartment in a haze. The papers from your visit crumpled up in your fist tightly. Your mind was racing minutes ago, but now its blank. What should you think? What do you do in this situation?
What would anyone who is seventeen and just found out they were pregnant do?
You should tell him. he deserves to know right? He is the father. He is at as much fault for this as you are, why shouldn’t you tell him?
Thoughts of his reaction to your pregnancy swirl through your head. He wouldn’t be happy. he’s a delinquent, he lives a dangerous life not fit for a baby. He barely has time to see you, how would he be able to help you raise your child? He would kick you out, leaving to never speak or see you again. He was a good looking man who could get everything he wanted, getting another girlfriend to replace you would be so easy. Easier than dealing with you and your baby.
“Y/n? are you home?” His deep voice rings out through the house. You feel your heart drop to your stomach, now you must face your worst fear. Ran is going to leave you.
“Y/n, how did the- hey, hey, hey whats wrong? why are you crying sweetheart?” Ran finds you on the floor of your shared room. He slowly kneels down next to you and pulls you into his chest. Rubbing comforting circles on your back with one hand, while running his fingers through your hair with the other.
A mix of his name and a sob came bubbling out of your mouth as you cried out for him, he feels his heart break at this. He shushes you, encouraging you to take deep breathes as he gently rocked you in his embrace.
“Shhh, honey calm down it’s alright, I’m here now,” He whispered into your hair, leaving small kisses on the crown of your head.
You both sat entwined for a good few minutes. noticing your breathing was much steadier than when he found you, Ran pulled you back a bit to look into you face. He raises his hands to cup your cheeks, wiping away all the stray tears.
“What happened baby?” He questions you, concern lacing his quiet and raspy voice. A small reassuring smile on his face.
You cant do it.
You cant tell him.
Ran was everything to you. You loved him more than anything. You knew him like the back of your hand, you knew how he would react to this. Ran is going to leave you. you can feel your heart starting to break, a dull pain in your chest along with a sick feeling in your gut.
unable to speak, you unclench your fist to present the crumpled papers to him. confusion crosses his face for a moment before he takes the paper to read. You watch as a wave of emotions crosses over his face, shock, anger, fear, sadness.
“Ran” Your voice is much stronger than before, “ I’m pregnant”. Hearing you say it seems to make the reality of the situation hit the both of you. The severity of it and the consequences that will come with it.
His violet eyes seem dull as they look up at you, a large contrast from the usual loving gaze he usually has. He’s quiet, uncharacteristically so. You take this as a bad sign.
He stands from the ground suddenly, leaving you to tumble a bit out of his lap. Papers still clutched in his hands, the photo of your ultrasound front and center showing off the growing child in you. He looks towards the door, then back down to you.
Not once does he speak.
The look in his eyes, however, convey his thoughts. Ran is still a kid, he’s young and stupid. In no way is he ready to raise a child, financially or mentally. He knows he loves you, never would he doubt his love for you, but he is not ready for this. To be a father.
“Ran…what’s-why aren’t you saying anything,” You whispered. A new wave of sadness crashing onto you causing tears to fall once more. finally you feel your heart completely break.
You knew what was to come any minute now, but you prayed that that moment would never come. You prayed that Ran would give you his soft smile that always made you melt and assure you that everything was okay, that he was going to be right there for you every step of the way. He practically raised Rindou already, you knew he would be a good father. You knew he had it in him.
A life you fear you may never experience flashes through your mind. Visions of him with your baby, playing in the living room or him pushing them on the swings at the park where you and Ran met filled your mind. You wondered who the child would look like, probably Ran, you’ve noticed the Haitani genes are quite strong. What would you name the child? Maybe a type of flower much like their father and uncle.
Once again sobs wracked through you, breathing becoming hard and tears clouded your vision. Ran doesn't attempt to console you as he did before.
With one last glance at your broken figure on the floor, he took one step, then another and another until he was at the door. Heart pounding in his chest, his mind was racing and he could feel his own eyes start to swell up with tears. He could hear your broken cries from the front door, each sob from you breaking his heart. Everything in him told him to turn around and dry your tears and calm you down.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, before reaching for the handle of the door. Pocketing the ultrasound photo, he steps outside of your apartment.
Shutting the door, he’s now unable to hear you, but no relief comes to him. He lets out a sigh as he wipes away the tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Straightening up, Ran puts up his facade, the usual bored unbothered look on his face, before he begins his walk out of the building.
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Hi! congrats on 150 followers! If there are still spots left, could you do this prompt (when a character is taken hostage by the antagonist, and their lover goes absolutely ballistic, doing everything in their power to protect their lover, and the antagonist has to restrain them, but it doesn’t stop this character from trying to get to their lover, doesn’t matter what happens to them, doesn’t matter if they get beaten as long as their lover’s safe) with Phinks?
Hi anon! You can find it here.
Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy it!
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
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Look how happy he got when he saw them smile:/ they’re everything to him
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
Could I request Chrollo with prompt #2 (only one bed) with some light nsfw?
Hello anon! I'm sorry but this prompt already has been taken and written. Could you choose a different prompt instead?
150 followers event
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yanderedreaming · 2 years
In the lonely hour
150 Followers event
Pairings: Reader x Chrollo Lucilfer
Warnings: Mentions of blood, use of knife, dubcon, smut.
Summary: 150 Followers event prompt number 3 [Knife against the throat]
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Your friends and family would always tell you just how lucky you were. They would pass random comments every now and then that would make you feel as if you really were the luckiest girl in the world. 
Your boyfriend Chrollo was the epitome of a perfect boyfriend; caring, smart, handsome, loving and rich. The sex was really good too- until it wasn’t. Plain vanilla sex just didn’t cut it out for you anymore, you wanted something a little more wild, something more exhilarating.
You left countless hints here and there, casually mentioning certain things ‘most girls’ like during sex such as hair pulling or spanking and would gauge his reaction to see if he caught on- which he didn’t. When that didn’t work, you physically tried to get him to choke you lightly hoping he would take the hint, but even that wasn’t enough.
Maybe you were ungrateful, everything can’t be perfect now can it? You could sacrifice your sex life for a loving and loyal guy, aiming for perfection might not be the best thing.
You got back to your apartment after a long day of work, having nothing to do, you decided to watch a slasher thriller, one of your favourite type of movies. Chrollo was out of town for the weekend so your Friday night date was replaced by a Friday night of wine and horror- not that it bothered you.
The lights in your apartment were turned off, the only thing illuminating your apartment was the dim light of the television with the volume turned all the way up, the eerie music playing in the background as the killer was looking for his victim who found shelter in the closet had you fully immersed in the story. ‘Looks like its time for another dumb bitch to die’  you thought.
Suddenly your phone started ringing, you paused the telly and picked up your phone, ‘Unknown caller?’ You frowned.
“Hello?” you asked, but there was no reply just the sound of a man breathing. You shifted the phone away from your face to see the screen once again trying to see if you had muted yourself or something, but that was not the case.
“Hello?” you tried once again, this time louder. Once again, no response just the heavy breathing.
“Damn brats!” you exclaimed hanging up the call. ‘Prank calls are in poor taste’ 
Before you could resume the movie once again, your phone began ringing, it was yet another unknown caller. You started to get annoyed at this point, you were halfway through the movie, right before the plot twist, but some annoying brat decided to mess with you.
This time you heard what you could only make out to be a mumbled voice. The heavy breathing was making it hard for you to make out just what he was saying. 
“Speak up!” your curiosity got the best of you, you kind of did want to know who it was. Maybe it was one of your old friends who was visiting town?
“Red’s my favourite colour too” The man spoke. Your eyes widened ever so slightly at this comment, you were wearing a red tank top, but there was no way someone could see you, the blinds were closed all the way.
Before you could say anything else, the call dropped. You felt a little unnerved at this point. As it was an unknown caller, you really couldn’t call back. All you could do was to wait for them to call you back.
Sure enough you got a call a few moments later, this time you wasted no time to pick up the call.
“Hello?” you asked in a faint tone.
“Jessica’s not going to make it.” You suddenly froze, Jessica was one of the bimbo’s in the movie you were watching, what’s more; Jessica is the one who was hiding in the closet, your screen had been paused on her. The call dropped, followed by a shuffling noise, you shot your head back to see if there was anyone behind you, but you saw no one. You scanned the room slowly, your hand gripping your phone in case you needed to make a run for it.
Out of nowhere you felt something cold pressing against your skin, the area began to sting and you felt something trickling down your throat. ‘A knife’ you realised what was happening fairly quick, perhaps it was because of all the slasher thrillers you were obsessed with.
You mimicked his silence, unable to muster up the courage to say anything at this point. It wasn’t until you felt the knife moving to the underside of your jaw, the tip slightly brushing against your skin did you finally mutter a weak ‘please.’
The knife was replaced with the intruders hand which found its way to your neck, fingers wrapping around it tightly. Your face was not in his direction, you were staring straight ahead, while his face was directed to the right side of yours. Due to this, you made no attempt to look at him, hoping he’d just take what he wanted and leave when you tell him you don’t even know what he looks like.
He pulled you by the neck, brining your cheek to his lips planting a small kiss on it biting your skin slightly in the process. His grip on your throat tightened when you tried to pull your face away slightly, the panic setting in. 
“W-what do you want?” your desperate shriek sounding much more pathetic than you imagined it to be. He ignored your question, busy rubbing your thigh with his free hand knife still in hand, your chest started rising and falling slowly desperate to compose yourself before the adrenaline that was setting in would make you pull a stupid stunt that would cost your life.
“I thought this is what you wanted, my love.” That voice was all too familiar, it was your boyfriend, Chrollo- you were sure of it. 
“C-Chrollo?” you stuttered, he hummed in response. You hadn’t even realised that tears were streaming down your face till he brushed them away with the pad of his thumb.
Hearing that familiar voice calmed you down a little, but the sense of impending doom did not leave. How this man had done what he had just done in such a calm manner, with such efficiency as if this was something he was fairly used to. How he hid so well, how he moved swiftly from one place to another, effortlessly pulling a knife on you all with such skill.
Chrollo gripped the knife and starting tracing light circles on your thighs with it, light enough to ensure you do not get scraped by the material. He ran the blade up your thigh, stopping at your clothed sex. He expertly found your bud and made an attempt to lightly circle around it, before sliding it up to reach the hem of your blouse. 
He positioned the knife in a way that the sharp side was facing upwards and your tank top was being stretched back by the blade. In one swift motion he ran the blade up, your tank top splitting open as a result. Leaving you in front of him bare chested. Your boyfriend locked eyes with your chest, his eyes hungry as if they were ready to devour you.
Chrollo placed the tip of the knife under your chin, pushing it up slightly to make you look up, then he lowered his head to your chest, some light kisses and touches later he had decided he wanted to move onto ‘other stuff.’
He then pushed you down by your throat, the side of your face pressed against the couch, his body bending down for his chest to lie on your sides. The soft touches his hand provided you with, his slender fingers caressing your bare thighs.
His warm breath tickled your ear, nose running through your hair slightly taking in your intoxicating scent. “I’m going to let you go now, but don’t try anything funny, alright?“ he said against your ear. Even though this was the man you had been with for the past several months, a shiver ran down your spine and you hesitantly nodded.
“Good girl” he said in a low raspy voice, his lips enveloping your ear lobe sucking on it lightly, tongue swirling against it before letting go and pulling himself away from you, bringing you up with him with the hold he had on your throat, which loosened slightly to give you more room to breathe.
His eyes shone like never before, the faint light that had been emitted from the television was enough for you make out his features. Somehow Chrollo looked more like himself than he ever did, he looked quite sinister. His ‘acting’ and movements were far too good to be something this man was ‘pretending’ to do, it felt too real and strangely enough, befitting him.
He brought you down on your knees, spreading his legs open and directing your face right above his crotch giving you a look that clearly said ‘you know what to do.’ You placed your hands on his knees, sliding them up to the hem of his pants, a low grunt emitted from his mouth when your hand brushed past his erection.
You unzipped his pants and he got up ever so slightly to allow you to pull off both his pants and his boxers in one motion. He was fully hard, something that never was the case without you either stroking his cock or sucking it. Your eyes slowly made their way to his face to see his expression, it was full of anticipation. He raised his eyebrows when you paused to look at him, trying to tell you to get back to what you were doing.
His hand went from your throat to the back of your head, grabbing a fist full of your hair to bring your mouth closer. You opened it to take his length in, barely able to fit it all in considering just how big he really is, your tongue swirling on the underside of his cock tracing that one prominent vein that would always earn you a moan from him.
Chrollo was always polite when you gave him head, allowed you to get in a few licks and sucks before you could get right back up and continue on with sex. Never once did he force you to take in more than you could or even move on his own- but today was different.
He pushed your head down to take in more of his length, keeping it down even though your gag reflex had started to kick in, you felt his tip touch the back of your throat, your tongue unable to move. 
“Look at me.” he commanded in a raspy voice and you complied. His eyes were half lidded, mouth slightly agape enjoying the sensation he felt fucking your throat. 
“You look so good with my cock so far up your mouth, my love.” he said followed by a loud grunt as he used his hand to direct your movements. 
As if directing you wasn’t enough, Chrollo started to move his hips, his free hand making its way to your face grabbing your cheeks to close your mouth even more than you already did. The feeling of the gummy walls of your mouth encircling his thick cock caused him to shiver. He never felt this good.
Without warning, Chrollo started to fuck your face even harder, your grip on his thighs tightened, your nails digging into his flesh trying your best to keep going. Right as you thought he was about to cum, he pulled your head back, the sudden air filling your lungs caused you to start coughing.
“A-Are you done?” you asked in between coughs, but he just pulled you towards him, slamming you belly down on the couch. 
He then lifted your skirt up and pulled down your panties, placing his tip on your entrance feeling the wet slick that just formed there. 
“Hmm, so you really did like it” he hummed, sliding his cock inside in a painfully slow manner. You moaned feeling the tingling sensation of finally being filled after yearning for it.
He slid his tip in and out a few times, not pushing in fully, wanting you to beg- to plead.
“Chrollo please!” you whimpered trying to push yourself down on his cock, the action earned you a tight slap on either one of your ass cheeks.
Just as he spanked you, Chrollo pushed his full length inside you without warning and continued to thrust inside you, picking up the pace with each movement. His balls slapped your ass, the lewd noise of slapping skin filled the room, he had always been so gentle with you, this-this was new.
His breathing got heavier, his thick cock dragging along your gummy walls made you feel so good. You never moaned this loud before, the way he was fucking you- so raw and intense- you just couldn’t believe it.
He bent down, exerting his full weight on your back fucking you so deep you were sure your outline would be engraved on the soft cushions of the couch. He placed his hand on the back of your neck, his lips finding yours to take them in for a raw lustful kiss muffling away his groans in your mouth.
You tremble under him, his cock going in so deep, his girth stretching you out fully. The air was knocked out of you with one final thrust of his. You felt a surge of hot liquid fill you up as he pulled out of you. 
“Better not move an inch, I’m gonna fuck all that cum back inside you.” Chrollo said in between pants getting up to go grab a water for the two of you. It wasn’t like you could move anyway, you remained still in your position waiting for him to fuck you again. Guess he really was the perfect boyfriend, all you needed was to give him a light push in the right direction.
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