yanderepunk · 3 years
tw: death! and vomit!! if theres anything else i should tag let me know!! do enjoy. im rlly hoping this is comprehensive, i hurriedly wrote it at 5am. imagine hr fav ig🤨
he took ur hand. he picked u up off the ground. he was staring deeply into ur eyes, his face dumbfounded with love.
"im in love with u" he whispered.
you didnt give him a reaction. you stared blankly.
"its ok. u dont need to love me just yet!! ill teach u to love me, 'kay?" he said.
he carried u home that night.
"wut would u like to eat t'night" he asked from the kitchen.
u still dont give him the satisfaction of an answer.
"fine, go without food t'night"
morning comes and when he wakes up hes happy to be greeted with ur presence.
"ive always dreamt of this yknow, waking up next to my lover..." he says with a dreamy sigh.
"i do wish u would actually talk to me though."
u just stare.
he lets out a sharp inhale from his nose. "ull grow used to me i promise. we just both have to be patient."
days go by and he thinks ur growing used to ur new living conditions.
"i dont think uve showered since uve got here" he says during movie night.
"no offense but i think its about time u take a bath. u smell rancid."
he carries u to the bathroom and starts getting a bath ready. while the water is filling he removes ur clothes. he gets u in and out of the bath quickly so u two can continue the movie.
"ive been thinking of introducing u to my friend" he tells u. "ill invite him over tomorrow 'kay?" he looks at u happily, "thisll be great"
the day comes. the house is clean, hes got food cooking in the oven, ur in a beautiful dress. things couldnt be more perfect. theres a knock on the door. he looks at u excitedly, "ill get it" he says quickly.
his friend is outside with a bottle of wine when he opens the door.
"come in!" ur partner tells his friend with a huge smile.
"im glad to know u finally found someone! i was startin to think ud die alone." his friend said laughing. his face twisted as soon as he walked in. he knew his friend couldnt cook but that smell was just terrible.
"u should of left the cooking up to ur partner jeez" he says with furrowed brows, "guess we'll have takeout t'night" he adds on.
"hey wheres ur little lover i wanna meet 'em" he says looking around.
"over here" ur boyfriend points to the bedroom. ur sat in a chair. ur lovely dress and hair complimenting ur looks.
his friends face drops along with the bottle of wine he hadnt set down yet. "w-what"
"go say hi!!" his friend nudges him.
"th-this is a joke right?"
his friend walks to u. the stench grows more. ur vacant eyes stare at nothing. he could feel the cold radiating off of ur motionless body. he vomits.
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yanderepunk · 4 years
a little sasuke thing i wrote lol. send in anon requests if youd like. rlly in the mood to write naruto characters. anyones fine.
sasuke is an uchiha. an uchiha who has lost everything. he had nothing. he had nothing.
for the longest he was okay with his vacant nothing.
then you came along.
i mean when you think about it-its youre fault he loves you.
if you didnt want him to love you why were you an angel? his angel. the light in his sad sad sad dark world.
amongst his despair, you put your hand out and saved him.
hes only returning the favor. yeah thats what it is. hes returning the favor! you saved him so he oughta save you from the dirty world. full of death, war, crime, nothing but pain.
hes protecting you from it. keeping you from accepting the worlds hatred into your pure heart.
he only means well by locking you in a room. if youd be a good little pet you could roam the house free. but until then the bedroom works well as a cage.
you should just accept him. theres no use in reject. youre his already. theres no escape.
theres no getting away. not from an uchiha who truly loves you.
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