yareadyfreddie · 20 minutes
"terminally ill people should be allowed to choose to die if they feel it is the best decision for them" and "euthanasia can easily become eugenics" and "we should provide support for depressed and suicidal people" are statements that can come into conflict but should all be respected
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yareadyfreddie · 20 minutes
Self care is writing fan fiction that you are the sole target audience for.
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yareadyfreddie · 20 minutes
got a major pest problem this year actually
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yareadyfreddie · 22 minutes
ok I just wanna say if you see a kink on tumblr or wherever that really turns u on and then you try it irl and it doesn’t make u feel the way you hoped it would THATS OK!! You can let that kink live in fantasy!! There are a lot of things that turn my brain on that I don’t enjoy during actual sex!! Isn’t human sexuality interesting!!
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yareadyfreddie · 3 hours
i’m gonna cry it’s raining right now and i just passed by a family where both parents were without an umbrella but their kid who couldn’t have been older than like 3-4 was proudly holding this GIANT umbrella whose diameter was as tall (if not taller) as the kid. both the parents were getting absolutely drenched but u could tell the kid was just so happy to have an “adult” task and carry the umbrella themselves and i think that sacrifice is what love is all about
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yareadyfreddie · 3 hours
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Beautiful scene in Scotland. By Mary Ethel Muir Donaldson, ca. 1920s. More about Ms. Donaldson.
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yareadyfreddie · 3 hours
"you can't ship that, it'll never be canon!"
look, when I was your age, we shipped characters who never even met in canon. uphill. both ways. in the snow.
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yareadyfreddie · 3 hours
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yareadyfreddie · 3 hours
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yareadyfreddie · 16 hours
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yareadyfreddie · 16 hours
how to outline a story:
write a bullet point list of everything that happens
realize it doesn’t make sense
start writing anyway
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yareadyfreddie · 16 hours
lotr but nobody knows anything about the other races
Pippin thinks Legolas is a woman
Boromir is convinced that the hobbits are all 15 max
Everyone thinks that Merry and Pippin are twins, except for Legolas, who is convinced the hobbits are quadruplets
Sam thinks that Aragorn, Boromir and Legolas don't have to eat to survive
Legolas doesn't mention things he sees or hears because he thinks the others have noticed them to and just assumes they have a plan
Pippin complains that he is hungry and Legolas just gives him a handful of grass. Pippin is so confused that he just takes it, and now Legolas tries to figure out what hobbits can eat by just giving them random shit, like
Things the hobbits have accepted and likely eaten later (a list by legolas)
-Grass - Leaves
-Stones - a hair tie
-A feather - one of Gimli's shoes
The hobbits and Gimli just assume that this is what elves eat
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yareadyfreddie · 16 hours
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I knew having Redditors cross-train on Tumblr would produce weird fucking magic.
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yareadyfreddie · 16 hours
SV fic where Shen Yuan rationally decides to be gay. For rational, strategic reasons. He has to do it.
Reason 1: every woman in the world has pretty much been reserved for the protagonist. trying to get with anyone would seal his fight as a rival, on top of a villain! he's basically either got to spend the rest of his life a bachelor or find another option.
Reason 2: obviously as a straight man Shen Yuan would prefer the bachelor option, but that's just leaving him wide open to attacks! Shen Qingqiu already did a poor job of cementing any alliances, having no family to speak of and pissing off the majority of his sect siblings. frankly he's left Shen Yuan in a bind that only some kind of concrete financial and social alliance could solve!
Reason 3: no man wants to die a virgin, right?
Reason 4: increasingly progressive standards in fiction have actually made it gauche to kill off openly gay characters. while a stallion novel might still go in that direction, it's not like he could make his fate much worse, so it's worth a shot, right?
anyway this all leads to Shen Yuan carefully reconstructing the image of Shen Qingqiu into the token complicated gay character. obviously he's not going to put the moves on any of his disciples (he doesn't want to fall into those gay stereotypes!), but to cement the image of himself as a gay man he's going to need to put the moves on someone.
it's a shame that the OG was so well-established in his enmity towards the sect leader. Yue Qingyuan seems like he might have at least entertained such interest, although he's also more of a brotherly type and probably not gay, so perhaps it's for the best in the long run.
luckily, another option falls right into Shen Qingqiu's lap (almost literally!) when he saves Liu Qingge from a qi deviation.
Liu Qingge is actually the perfect target for an unrequited crush. it recontextualizes some of his and the original's enmity, Liu Qingge was dead in the original story so it's not likely to mess up anything worse than him just being alive does, Liu Qingge is beautiful enough that it's believable anyone would be secretly in love with him, and a war god is almost certainly straight, which gives Shen Qingqiu time to adjust to the idea of living as a gay man for the rest of his (hopefully long) life. y'know, before he finds an actual gay to partner with!
the only downside is that coming on to Liu Qingge might discourage him from protecting Shen Qingqiu and repaying his debt in the long run. luckily, that doesn't seem to be the case! despite his face frequently turning red (from anger?) and him sometimes literally fleeing at Shen Qingqiu's awkward attempts at flirting, Liu Qingge never misses an appointment to cleanse his meridians, and seems to take his safety and well-being very seriously.
what an honorable man!
shame that Luo Binghe doesn't seem to like him, though. Shen Qingqiu's not sure what to make of all that. that's your future brother-in-law, Binghe! at least make an attempt to win him over! oh well. at least he's not ruining a relationship between in-laws that otherwise could have been good, as he makes extra sure to subtly bemoan, in front of Luo Binghe, the tragedy of his deep unrequited love for Liu Qingge. for like the third time that week.
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yareadyfreddie · 17 hours
It wrinkles my brain that Jupiter’s moon Europa has oceans that are sixty miles deep, while Earth’s oceans only reach seven miles deep at most. I’m willing to bet good money that there’s life in Europa’s oceans. Like five bucks. You hear me, NASA? I bet you five bucks that there’s life on Europa… Now that there’s money and reputation on the line, I bet they send a mission there real quick.
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yareadyfreddie · 17 hours
don't want to write I want to think very hard about my fic until it emerges from my head fully formed like athena
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yareadyfreddie · 17 hours
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