yas-mink · 5 years
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yas-mink · 5 years
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Like if you download
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yas-mink · 6 years
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This is no ordinary lamp! It once changed the course of a young man’s life. A young man who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed. A diamond in the rough.
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yas-mink · 6 years
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Okay, I’m going to go see her.
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yas-mink · 6 years
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yas-mink · 6 years
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Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin, nice to have you on the show. Can we call you Al, or maybe just Din? Or how about Laddie? Aladdin (1992)
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yas-mink · 6 years
Being high is one of my favorite feelings.
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yas-mink · 6 years
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yas-mink · 6 years
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yas-mink · 6 years
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yas-mink · 6 years
pure love to whoever wrote this
You are the provider and protector of peace. Without you, the world cannot know it. You are instinctually fair and accepting toward any person in any situation, always accounting for the emotions of others above your own. This is amplified in close relationships where you have the tendency to put the needs of others before unconsidered needs that you may have, indirectly and gradually giving away your whole self.  You will readily give up your own desires and even sacrifice or alter parts of yourself to satisfy someone else’s demands. You prefer compromise over confrontation and do not readily demonstrate assertiveness or aggression. This surrender is inherent, not intentional, because you feel the most fulfilled when you’re pleasing, fulfilling, or contributing to someone else’s concept of happiness. 
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yas-mink · 7 years
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yas-mink · 7 years
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yas-mink · 7 years
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yas-mink · 7 years
the only thing that kept me alive was the love of my family
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yas-mink · 7 years
why do we love the most who takes everything from us. Even ourselves.
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yas-mink · 7 years
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