yashicanandarchive · 1 year
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and then she wore…founder's day ( #10 )
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yashicanandarchive · 1 year
⌝ His words stunned her as much as her own admittance had him. They were full and firm, a certainty to them that Yash hadn't heard from others. The fear she held didn't bother Matty, and Elias seemed perhaps immune to it, but there certainly had been frustrated with the woman that she was simply trying to treat the symptom of the fear rather than the cause. It wasn't like they were wrong to expect it of her but Yash wasn't ready for all that. Being afraid was hard enough, addressing it felt harder.
⌝ The space between them illuminated as the man held out his own phone and Yash let out a sigh of stupidity, that she had forgot her own that was just in her pocket. How had she forgotten something so simple? "Better," she agreed, shaking her head as she reached for her own now, turning on the flashlight as he had. It wasn't nearly as good as the industrial one she had with her, but just having it and knowing so made her heartbeat immediately start to slow, smile forming across her face.
⌝ "I feel so silly, that I'd forget my phone had a light, I just - I panicked," she admitted, her own phone's light hitting the same space as his own and Yashica stepping closer to him, chocolate coloured hair falling around her warm caramel cheeks. "I'm s-," she went to apologise again but having heard the previous firmness of his words was able to cut herself off, dark eyes hitting his own and letting out a lilting laugh, such a contrast to her previous fears as she shoved them deep down in her core like she always did, to be amenable, and personable.
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⌝ "Thank you," she offered instead, gesturing towards the light of his phone. "You could have just let me stand there freaking out until morning, or worse."
The seconds standing outside of the street lights dim halo feel like hours as her heartbeat hammers in his ears. Each rapid beat feels like the vibration of a great drum. And still he waits. He gives her space. He gives her time. While he means her no harm, he can’t quite say  the same for anyone else that may be lurking in the dark. Though as far as he’d been aware since his arrival, Opulence was leagues kinder to its residents both supernatural and not than any other similar community he’d visited. 
I don’t do well in the dark.
Augustin’s brow furrowed at this admission and he found himself almost…stunned. Frozen? Maybe. Wetting his lips carefully he slowly lowers his hand and moves it towards the pocket of his jacket with exaggerated care– and then she apologizes for screaming.  For bothering him. 
The fact that she assumed...made him think the usual outside reaction to her fear was annoyance, and that struck a potent chord of emotion within him.
“Don’t,” he says quickly “Don’t apologize. Not to me, not to anyone— never for this.”Removing his phone from his pocket he’s quick to unlock it and select the flashlight, bathing the space between them in bright artificial light. It doesn’t completely chase away the shadows but it keeps them at bay, especially for the girl–the human, without his heightened senses, without his ability. Swallowing the grimace at the heat of his previous statement he offers her a tentative smile “Better…?”
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yashicanandarchive · 1 year
⌝ "Oh yeah? I'm glad I probably had graduated before that happened," she teased, not big on Radiohead even if the band had been any good. "What did you play? Or were you the singer?"
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⌝ Yashica understood what he meant when Fionn said Elora was his friend. The woman had made the mistake of thinking things had escalated with her own friend and in the end it hadn't been worth all the trouble, she shouldn't have thought things could be that way between them, it had only hurt her and had taken longer than she'd have liked to deal with. "Well, maybe with a friend it would be," she agreed of the 'rejection' element. "With a stranger though, it's not so bad. You should give it a go, even if it's not meant to lead anywhere, just put yourself out there. That's what I did. I did dating apps, I did speed dating, I hit on guys at bars, I threw myself out there, even if it felt kind of dumb sometimes."
"No boy bands!" Fionn insisted, as if genuinely worried she'd think that of him. "I was in a really bad band in high school, though," he added as an afterthought. "We thought we were gonna be the next Radiohead, but ... I guess talent kind of helps when it comes to musical aspirations." And all Fionn had ever contributed had been a few guitar chords and a lack of appreciation for lyrics.
"She's my friend," he said simply, as if that both explained his reasoning for not doing anything and what type of a person she was to him. "I don't think that's true. I mean, wouldn't it be awkward if you asked someone out and then got rejected?"
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yashicanandarchive · 1 year
⌝ "I see the sunset almost every morning," Yashica admitted, mostly because it was when she was actually able to leave work because she was still so terrified of being out at night. "It would actually be really nice to see it with someone else, even if we were just sitting in the parking lot of the club," she insisted, broad smile that filled her voice as she shared.
⌝ There was a guilt he fortunately couldn't see that came across her face when her own beastie had been sewn up but he showed his own had a light inside that apparently Yash had missed in the whole process of things. The sounds, the scents, and apparently the lights, the town now already sewn. How had he got it in there without her noticing? For a moment the woman was quiet, clutching the toy of his she'd been given back once it had been sewn up, not wanting to be upset with any of the staff but also pretty annoyed.
⌝ "How often do you intend to be there?" she attempted to ask with excited intrigue but it was probably clear she was upset, a quivering to her words as she looked down at his own toy, unsure how to fix things since she'd had other intentions that were now out the window. "I don't know if a stuffed to should be involved in gardening, he might get dirty," she reasoned, arms growing tighter around the barely stuffed toy.
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⌝ When they approached the counter, Yash still wasn't sure what to do, able to feel her heart beating a million miles a minute as stress overcame her, hopeful that of the werewolf talents Elias had received hearing her heart would not be one of them. "I have to start over," she admitted, obviously quite ashamed as her voice was quiet. "I'm not sure when you got to add your light in but I didn't realise when they got sewn up that meant we were done, I didn't even see any of the things you're meant to add." Yash felt even stupider saying all of this in front of the girls who worked there because she knew it was a childish thing to get upset about, and if it was for her she wouldn't have cared but she felt this pressure to make it what Elias had hoped, like if she messed this up he'd think she wasn't worth his time.
“Well yeah, of course.” he agreed, “I didn’t mean come here every time, I just-” he shook his head, he knew she probably knew what he meant and digging further into the hole he’d created for himself would do nothing other than bury him in words. He was grateful that she asked another question, a metaphorical rope to save himself with. “For next time? I don’t mind really. A nice walk somewhere? Maybe we could watch the sunset, or the sunrise, if you’re a night owl. Oh! We could go to the botanical gardens, they usually have lovely displays this time of year. Is there anything special you would like to do?”
He smiled proudly as she agreed that a few grey hairs were nothing to worry about. It wasn’t often he had confidence in his looks, unsure of what they even were by now, but it helped to have someone, whose opinion he thought so much of, back up his claims. “Of course.” he confirmed to her thanking him. He wasn’t looking for thanks of any kind, but, he thought it better to assure her.
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He smiled brightly as she agreed that the griffin plush at least looked friendly. “Great! And don’t worry about a thing, because-” he paused to fumble around with the griffin, looking for the light he’d put into it. Finally finding the button, he pressed it and with the tactile response, assured himself that now its chest must have lit up. “He’ll protect you from all the spooks the night can throw at you! Well, when I’m not there, of course. We’ll take shifts.” he thought on his answer of what he and his beastie would get up to, he didn’t want to take it too many places as it would be precious to him, and to have it be lost or damaged would be terribly upsetting. “Well, we’ll mostly listen to music in my beanbag chair, it’s one of my favourite things. But, I also recently planted some flowers in my yard, so, if he’s got a green hoof, he can help watering them. Maybe he’ll come to cooking club with me and my mom, but, I’d probably keep him in my bag, it can get messy there.”
With the griffin now ready, he waited for Yashica to finish up with the unicorn so that they could make their little birth certificates and finish up. “Do you have a name in mind? I’d like you to name the unicorn for me, if that’s okay. I just think it’ll make it extra special.”
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yashicanandarchive · 1 year
⌝ Yashica was enjoying herself. "I mean, we can do something else next time, doing the same thing every time might get a bit dull," she offered, because she wanted a next time too and didn't think a lack of a desire for a wall of plush toys would be an issue. This toy would be her special one from him and their first date, she'd like it for that reason alone. "What would you want to do?" she asked.
⌝ "A few grey hairs aren't going to ruin your good looks at all," Yashica assured him, definitely not bothered by it - especially now that she knew his age and had processed it. It felt different though when she had casually announced she was beautiful, meaning it sort of offhandedly, to when he said it, his agreement coming with a firmness that brought about that cliche feeling of butterflies in her stomach. "Thank you," she flushed, her shoulder softly touching against his own. Part of her considered taking the moment, kissing him and showing him she really did like him, but she also didn't want to throw him off in the middle of a public space so simply lingered by his arm as they held the plushes that belonged to the opposite person.
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⌝ Yash was surprised when they were sewn up, unsure if they were meant to do so already or if they'd missed putting little voice boxes or various sound effects inside. He had said that he wanted a few specific things. "He is looking very friendly," she did assure him though. "And he will be in for a treat because I watch far far too many of those," Yashica laughed. "What is it that your beastie will be doing when he goes home?" Yash asked, sort of unsure what Elias did beyond spend time with his parents when he was home alone.
“Well, if you like it, there can be plenty more!” he chirped, only really giving it thought after he’d spoken. He wondered if she was saying it by way of explaining she wasn’t a fan. So, decided to speak up again to cover all basis. “If not, we can do something else next time. No harm done.” He really hoped there’d be a next time, especially now he was worried he’d taken her somewhere she wasn’t enjoying.
“Both beautiful and grey, huh?” he smiled, “I’ll have to remind you of that next time I need to shave. Getting a few silver surfers of my own, apparently. Maybe I’m part unicorn after all.” he smiled, adjusting his mental image of a unicorn from being white and pale blue to more of a dulled grey. Still beautiful, just not to his own personal design. “You are a beautiful human girl.” he agreed, “Inside and out.” he decided not to dwell on the compliments, not wanting to make her uncomfortable or embarrassed. But, he wanted to make his feelings known, even in a small way for now.
He nodded at her instructions and set about stuffing the plush the best he could, only allowing the staff to step in to make sure the coating was even, and to sew up the seam once he’d added a little light and a small fabric heart. With the griffin all but complete, he gave it a few gentle squeezes to check its firmness before holding him up at chest height, to show him off. “How’s he looking? You getting friendly vibes? Think he could become a regular for movie marathons? He told me he loves romcoms.”
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ Yash heard the voice before she saw anything, that hummingbird heart in her chest jumping, as did her body, deep brown eyes listing to see a pallid flat hand held out. The woman was by no means naive, she too knew what it meant to be a woman alone in the dark when a man approached but in Opulence, if she was hurt, there were far more ways to determine guilt than outside the barrier and so, for the most part there was that protection, that getting away with this was harder than normal. Of course, it didn't make her heart rate slow, it didn't make her move towards the figure as he spoke.
⌝ "I - I -," Yash stuttered, an attempt by her human gaze to focus, to find the man's features in the darkness. Perhaps he really could get away with something if she couldn't describe his face...
⌝ Eventually, however, her eyes adjusted, making out strict features with dark hair, a little taller than Yash but not looming as some men could be. "My flashlight went out and I - I don't do well in the dark," she admitted, unsure how the man would be able to assist her with this.
⌝ Logically she should have reached for her phone, it had a flashlight on it, but logic was harder to find when fear was prominent in ones mind. Even as she found her words, clutching at the strap of her bag with knuckles going white, fear drenched her scent, wafting off her in the wind, practically drawing predators to her. Silly thing, she should have found a ride, or perhaps just stayed home to avoid the trouble all together, but mortals in Opulence were by no means smarter than those outside. Some were even more reckless.
⌝ "I'm sorry I screamed," she offered, defaulting to a need to be polite and amenable. Yashica had yet to move, eyes simply stuck on him as she remained in the circle of the street lamps light. "I didn't mean to bother you."
What are you doing? Night time was what one could classically consider his time. The hour of the vampire. At the very least he should be at work. Could have been at work. Had been at work. For longer than he cared to count. While he didn’t need sleep, there had been stolen moments of privacy for the odd shower or simply to sit and catch up on paperwork. It was easier to let time pass him by when he pulled the odd shift at the hospital whilst things were still in the process of settling in for his private practice. 
A hospital was still a hospital even in a town full of supernaturals. Hardly entirely special, a little unique; with the odd case not seen outside the borders of Opulence. Maybe he was tempting fate by walking alone at this hour, but he hadn’t owned a car in a very long time; that kind of thing required something a little more permanent. The kind of permanent he hadn’t had in decades, in a way Opulence was his chance at a new beginning. 
As if he had the luxury to entertain such a thought after all this time. 
And it had been a very long time. 
To be lost in his own thoughts was not an uncommon occurrence, to drift not quite down memory lane whilst his body went through the motions. His feet already knew the way to something he dared not call home. Between one thought and the next he catches it out of the corner of his eye, the flickering light within the inky darkness broken only by the dim light of the moon occasionally broken up by the odd street light. Hardly the blinding glow of a city and in that one might fight comfort. 
Perhaps someone, but not every one. 
A heartbeat heavy with fear. Enhanced senses picking further upon the stench of it, of the nerves and the shuddering breaths. The silence is broken by a shatter of glass so loud to his ear that it might as well be happening at his side– this is followed by scream so violet it’s like a physical blow. He staggers as though struck, attention snapping in the direction of its source while his feet already begin to move. To run. 
To help, to help, to help–
There’s no breath to heave as he skids to a stop upon catching the figure outlined by the glow, gaze wide as he takes in the scene. No one is under attack. There is no heavy iron stench of blood or gasping desperate breaths of pain. But they are there in another form and at a first glance it’s a woman, and he is a man. And it is so very dark out. 
He hasn’t lived so long and not learned. 
He keeps his distance, one hand raised palm flat out as if to soothe and assure “I don’t mean to alarm,” he starts softly, keeping his posture open and unassuming and the distance between them so very important “I just, I heard a scream–you scream and I…are you alright? Are you okay? Has someone…?” 
There are no other someones around. 
Just the two of them here in the not quite dark. 
“Do you need help?”
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ "I don't know if I've been given a plush toy since I was little, I mean, until now," she smiled a little. It still was more than Yash assumed most people Elias' age had in their home, even sitting on shelves, but she wasn't actually sure about that. Maybe she was the weird one for not having them...
⌝ Yash listened as Elias pretended to speak to the tiny toy, a smile crossing her face. Some of the things Elias was doing did sort of remind her of dating in high school but maybe that wasn't so bad? It was nice to have someone who actually cared about the date, she'd really only been on one other so far where the guy did but there just hadn't been much chemistry, Micah's heart had been elsewhere, and Yash wasn't really the groupie sort, she'd never have handled someone travelling the way he apparently was now. "He'll tell me at the right time," she agreed.
⌝ "They can be beautiful and grey, but just apparently not pink and glittery which is probably a shame," Yashica explained a little more, perhaps they could go and find it one day, spend the day wandering the woods. Really though all Yashica wanted to say was that she could help Elias compliment her more appropriately but the intense come on was likely to make him more nervous than he'd shared with the griffin he was. "I promise I do not look like a troll, I'm a beautiful human girl," she specified because no way could she compete with the various sirens and vampires around the place.
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⌝ "Okay, floppy," she agreed, wanting to make sure that the creature had enough to fill his body and limbs without stuffing him tightly. It took a few moments before the whirring stopped and she was done. "Opposite, I like a good firm plush," she asserted, tapping her rings against where the device was before a staff member in the end assisted him and Yash went quite so she didn't interrupt.
“No?” he asked back in return, confused why she’d wondered that. “I have one that’s, like, my prized possession, but, any others are just little gifts I’ve gotten over the years that sit on shelves or desks or whatever. Most of the toys I had as a kid were shared with people staying at the hotel, or, I’d get to keep something people left behind. We weren’t flush with cash or anything, especially not at the start when I was little.”
He whispered into the griffin’s ear, but deliberately loud enough that she would hear it too. “Because I really, really like you, and it makes me nervous that I’ll say something wrong and scare you away. I’ve never even been on a date before, so, everything’s coming from the heart, even if it’s a bit dorky.” when he finished, he held the griffin up. “Well, I’ve told him, so, I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready to. Griffins have a great sense of timing, I’ve been told.”
As she began to explain the reality of unicorns, Elias put his hands over his ears to block out her truths. “Stop, stop, stop, stop!” he whined, playfully. “Unicorns are beautiful, just like you. I won’t be hearing slander for either. Even if you were a troll, you’d be the most beautiful troll I’ve ever met. I’m appreciative that you put in effort, though, and I’m only sorry I can’t more accurately compliment you for it. But, I know you look amazing and I hope you know you do too.”
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“Keep him nice and floppy, please!” he chimed, making sure he could be heard over the machine whirring to life. “What about this fine fellow, here? What treatment shall he be receiving tonight?” he took the griffin to the spot beside them, allowing a member of staff to step in and help him out.
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ Typically Yashica was able to wait until morning before she left work, she could keep herself in Supernaturals until the sun rose and she could walk to grab a coffee and do the rest of her day before she inevitably collapsed and slept for a few hours in bed at home. She didn't need to be outside in the evening air. However, tonight she had promised the building manager she'd be back inside before three am so that he could shut down the building buzzers while they were replaced - meaning she wouldn't be able to get back inside after three until at least the following afternoon.
⌝. So Yash had prepared, or so she thought, walking along the desolate week night streets of South Opulence in the direction of her apartment in Descray. The mortal girl had an industrial size flashlight she had been testing for a few nights, she made sure not to bring her typically large purse and instead had a backpack on her and she just needed to make it home. It hadn't quite occured to her that testing the light with such frequency would mean she was using the battery, a lot of battery, and as she rounded a corner in Descray towards her home the brilliant light illuminating the dirty street began to flicker.
⌝ "Don't - don't do this," Yash practically stuttered as her palm hit the slide of the light, temporarily holding it's brilliance while the young woman paused where she stood, brown ballet flats pressed to one another alongside the length of her feet to keep her steady as her whole body seemed to quiver and her heart rate began to increase. "Seriously?" Yashica grew frustrating, a thud with a rattle of batteries in plastic each time she hit the light, a few times it returned, but eventually the violence she was putting against it was not enough to retain the light and Yash was left with only flickering dull street lights.
⌝ The girl did not cope well with this, the pounding in her chest growing into an erratic pounding, her breath becoming hard. Yashica tried to focus on where there was light, rushing forward to stand beneath the street light but in doing so she dropped the flashlight, object hitting the concrete hard and shattering, causing Yashica to let out a violent scream that echoed through the streets, high pitched and ripping through the cool night air.
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ "I wouldn't hate you," Yash insisted with a volume increase that was not quite yelling but certainly shocked he would think anyone would hate him over something so trivial. He seemed such a sweet man, Yash finding it a bit easier as the evening wore on to see him as older since his concern seemed genuine and so less juvenile than her mind had initially put onto him. "I'd definitely want to know why, you didn't try to ever form a boy band did you?" she played.
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⌝ Yashica did not know who Elora was, having never met the girl and not being a part of those sorts of circles. "Why don't you ask this Elora person would then?" she wondered, unsure if perhaps she was like his friends sister or something like that, something that might get in the way of things. "All you can do is ask, you know?"
"I don't know if I'd feel me in a nice jacket." He'd feel like he was wearing a costume, pretending to be someone he wasn't. "Got it. No crocs," Fionn said with a slight smile. "Would you hate me if I said I actually own acid wash jeans, though?"
"I just like..." It was a good question, and he thought for a moment. "It's hard to explain. Just people who are easy to be around. I guess that's kind of hard to feel out on Tinder, though. I'd know it when I meet them. Like with Elora, I guess. When I can just talk to them for hours and hours and it feels like it was only ten minutes. When I don't need to be anyone but me with them"
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ "It's not bad or anything," she insisted. Yes, it was sort of generic, it wasn't unique but there were worse ways to look and ultimately until one found their style it was a good option. "Better than wearing crocs or being like really into acid wash jeans, you know? Maybe could use a nice jacket, like an easy brown suede one, or a leather jacket?"
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⌝ "Some girls," she offered because no, not her, but other women. "Women like different things. I mean, what do you like?" she asked for clarity, presuming even if he didn't have a physical type he'd like a certain sort of personality or someone who had certain interests. "No way, you're still young, having a job at all shows you're a stable guy with good intentions, I think anyway. Not like you could be a doctor at your age, you're not Doogie Howser."
"Um, this?" He glanced down at his outfit, as if suddenly concerned that Yash might be judging it as they spoke. Sweatshirt, jeans, vans - a typical Fionn option, if a little boring, or maybe overly casual. If he was being honest, his style - if you could even call it that - had barely changed since his teenage years. Maybe she was right, and it was time for an upgrade, if only to help him stop getting asked for ID.
"Is that what girls like?" He was so far out in the deep end he was willing to take any advice she could offer, completely at her mercy. "I kind of thought having it obvious that I'm just a barista would make me seem... I don't know. Kind of career-less. Bit of a fuck up, I guess." Or maybe those were just his parents' words, sewn into his brain to be constantly reminded of. "Less charming, more... what the fuck is he doing with his life."
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ "Don't you have, like, a bunch at home?" she asked him because he had said that was what he had wanted to show her in his house, a plush of a specific dinosaur. "Oh, I just meant like plush toys," Yashica explained, not intending to have sounded like she meant an expert on cryptids and beasts.
⌝ "Why would you be too shy to tell me things? Do I seem like I'll be mean?" Yash worried because she knew that she had inadvertently upset him when she had left his house, perhaps now he was worried that he might say something and she'd end up being hurtful about it. "Lots of people have said they've met a unicorn in the forest but it apparently doesn't look like the way you'd want it to. Matty says it's like dark grey and has kind of matted hair," Yashica explained of the creature that had apparently been seen. "Well it's a good thing you have them to tell you, I put in a lot of effort so you didn't look like you had agreed to a date with a troll," Yashica joked of her apparent beauty. She did actually feel sort of beautiful that night, even if Elias couldn't tell.
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⌝ "How stuffed do you like yours?" she asked him as she took the unicorn she was making him back and gave him the griffin. "Me be prepared? Okay," she agreed, not wanting to shock him with the sound but also unsure how to give much of a warning she did a soft test push of the pedal before actually going through with the rest.
“Oh, I’m no expert, I just studied up because, well, I really wanted this to be perfect for you. If that means becoming a beastie expert, then, I’ll wear the title, at least for tonight.” he smiled, hoping his over-enthusiasm wasn’t coming across as bothersome or overbearing.
“Well, I don’t know much griffin regional dialect, but, I definitely get the general idea he’s putting out. I know he’ll do the same for me, when I’m to shy to tell you stuff too.” he couldn’t stop smiling, he was having a lot of simplistic fun, and he treasured that more than most. “I speak unicorn a lot better, I’ve just had more practise, and it’s all good things coming from them too. Looks like you’re quite popular in the world of beasties. That doesn’t surprise me, though, you’re just that beautiful.”
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When he’d finished checking out his unicorn, he offered it back out for her to take. “Alright, let’s get these little guys stuffed and fluffed!” he gestured towards the stuffing machine, offering for her to go first. “They’re a little loud, so, be prepared for that when you push the pedal.”
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ "Noooo, you musn't," she resisted when he suggested that he get his haircut. Something to grab onto was a good thing, though perhaps it sounded very different. "You are attractive," Yashica continued. He was, in Yash's mind, too young for herself but that didn't mean he was unattractive. Perhaps this was his way of trying to get her to compliment him however. "New clothing never hurts though, what do you normally wear?"
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⌝ "I don't know, shady can be a fun thing?" she mused in response. "No! It would look like you'd tried, people like that, someone who wants to put in effort." At least Yashica did, she liked someone who was willing to go the extra mile for someone they connected with, who didn't like that sort of thing. "It's not like you work at an IT company or in a law office, you're a barista, it's charming."
"Sometimes." Sometimes the truth could be harsh, too, but Fionn tried to avoid being that way. He'd never seen the point in tearing people down just for the hell of it. He'd had enough of that in his life, he didn't need to inflict brutal, cutting honesty on anyone else. Sure, he was an open book, but if he kept his thoughts positive enough, maybe he'd never have to.
"Maybe I should take your advice on haircuts too, then," he offered an amused expression by way of approval of her comment. "Or outfits. Reinvent me as someone attractive?" He wasn't entirely sure that was possible, but maybe Yash's advice would work wonders. Wonders in this case being one woman responding to Fionn on Tinder. Or even swiping for him. He supposed more implausible things had probably happened in Opulence.
"Is shady a good thing?" It didn't sound like a positive, but she was phrasing it like it made him seem cool and mysterious, so he was holding out hope. "I don't know, wouldn't it seem a bit try hard if I had a whole load of staged park photos? And I'm not sure about work pictures either. It'd make my Tinder look more like a LinkedIn." Not what he was going for, exactly. "I guess I don't really know what girls like, though. I've never had much luck."
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ Yash was obviously not as avid a plush collector as he seemed to be so there wasn't really anything she would specifically desire. The toy would probably not end up in her bed but sat on a shelf, pulled down for watching movies on occasion. "I will say if there is something I like but you're the expert," she offered.
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⌝ "I do like him," Yashica agreed, looking at the creature that was held before her, Elias playing a round with the toy a little. Yashica couldn't remember the last time she'd had something of the toys nature, probably before her parents had passed and for a moment considered she might be as inclined to them if her parents had still been around. "You speak Griffin?" she asked him, offering the unicorn she held to him and taking the other, waiting for him to decide if he liked what she had picked.
He smiled warmly, appreciating that she said similar to him in liking things because they were from that person, not because of what they were individually. “You’re very sweet, but, if there’s something you know you really want, point me in that direction.” he wanted to make sure there was no worry that he’d be offended or put out if he had to alter his creation to suit her preferences. It was her beastie, after all.
“You like him?” he grinned, holding the beastie up. He used his thumbs to move the Griffin’s floppy head as if it were turning to look at her, then nodded it. “He says he likes you, but, he’s too shy to tell you himself, so, he asked me to.” he held him out further for her to take. “Let’s do a quick beastie swap, just to make sure you can feel the same vibes I’m getting off this little guy.”
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
FMK: Fionn, JD, JC
"Oh, well, um...Juan Diego is very...very handsome. I wouldn't want to say nooooo."
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"Probably marry Fionn, since I know he is sweet and kill JC, just because I think he might be too scary for me."
@juandiego-flores, @fionnchristie, @duderosiers
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
FMK: Elias, Mars, Ryden
"I would marry Elias, obviously, and then uh - I don't want to sleep with or murder either Ryden or Mars because either one would result in the other one being mad! Also seems cruel, if I murder one and sleep with the other, like that's just ruder than I need to be. I'll sleep with Elias and kill Mars and Ryden, just to be fair."
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@eliasamiri, @marsdenlee, @wolfontheloose
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ Yash smiled as Elias insisted he wanted to stay together so she could tell him no if she didn't like something, her fingers softly brushing over the unicorn she held for him. "I'm not vetoing anything, I'll like whatever you make because you made it," she insisted, but still allowed her arm to brush gently against his own. "I'll stay with you though."
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⌝. "Aww, a griffin," Yash cooed at his selection. Not one specifically for any sort of beastie she did like that he had picked something with so many obvious texture changes but also something that was sort of regal and brave, things Yash wasn't sure she was but did admire. "I think it's a brilliant choice, I already like them. You want to test to see if my unicorn feels already to your senses?" Yash asked in turn, holding it out incase he wanted to.
“No, no. I want to stay together!” he urged, “You’re welcome to veto my choices. I want you to love your beastie, after all.” he didn’t want to potentially ruin the date by picking something she hated, and felt allowing her to see the process would be both more of a bonding experience as well as a failsafe for her to overrule any bad decisions on his part.
With the yellow beasties laid out before him, he listened to her explanation and tried to envision them in his mind’s eye. Naturally, he was drawn to the unicorn as it was what he would pick for himself, but, not knowing where it was in the pile, he lifted each one gently, making cautious effort not to feel around too much and potentially give away which was which based on horns, eyes or anything else, and placed it to his forehead, taking in the texture, but most importantly, the vibes. He wasn’t sure exactly what it was he was hoping to feel, but, he knew he’d know which one he enjoyed his time with most. “Okay,” he spoke gently after having spent a moment in silent reflection with the potential new friends. “How are we feeling about - this guy?” He turned towards her, holding the griffin aloft as the chosen beastie. “He’s giving me a good balance of soft and fluffy and sharp and pointy.”
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ "I think it's similarly paced," she nodded, not one hundred percent, they'd only gone on a few dates but she figured the fact that they had just gone on a few dates and we're thinking about wedding bells and moving in together the way it sounded like some people could be around town said a lot. "We'll get there, I feel like a lot of that stuff you have to feel safe with the person first."
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⌝ Yash once more kept her mouth shut, it did seem like it would complicate things having previously charged him for the privilege, breaking rules in doing so, and Yash did wish she would stop mentioning it so it wasn't quite so difficult to keep things to their relationship as friends and not as boss and employee. "I suspect if he only cared what you looked like not sleeping with other people would be sort of irrelevant?" Yash offered instead. "You probably should talk to him, but I do think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill, maybe he should be the one talking to you." Because it sounded more like Violet was hesitant than the man.
⌝ "Looks like we're almost doe, which is just as well, I promised my brother I'd call him before his next date, give him a bit of a pep talk," Yashica acknowledged as she looked at all the kits they'd already prepared.
Violet nodded, chuckling a little as Yashica laughed at her own words. “Yeah, no I suppose that’s true. Is it nice to have someone who is as cautious as you in a way though? Like, do you feel like you’re moving at the same pace? It can be difficult when one person wants to rush into something and the other is a little more hesitant - as long as you’re both communicating with each other about how you’re feeling and what you’re needing, being cautious about it all is probably a good thing,” she hummed, offering her a small smile. 
“D’you think so? It means we’re officially just sleeping with each other, but… I don’t know whether it means more to him than just that. It’s hard - meeting through the club and-“ she paused, letting out a soft sigh. “I just find it hard to believe that he’s interested in who I am as person, instead of just what I look like,” she shrugged. “Ah well. I guess I just need to talk to him about it,” she resolved, her voice taking on a determined edge to it as she finished up with the bags she was working on. “Wow. We did a lot while we were talking, huh?”
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