yasmindemirxx · 11 months
“sure, i’m having fun,” his shoulders go up before he took a sip. noah didn’t mind parties, he did enjoy them especially when they came with free alcohol. “even more now that we got to talking,” he gave her a smile as he leaned back into his seat. “what you’ve been up to?” 
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"oh? is that so?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him. a soft smile forming on her lips. it wasn't all the time that yasemin attended parties like this. hell, back when her daughter was born, she had given up going to them. that was until recently. it was something she was trying to get used too. "aside from work, i've been planning a trip down to myrtle beach for a week or two. what about you?"
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
“which is exactly what’s happening. you’d think a fancy hotel like this would have better air conditioning,” but then again, how many times a year do people gather like this inside of the hotel? hearing the mention of emine, vera’s own smile softens. “i get that. you should call her, see how she’s doing… if you haven’t already done that. if you did, i say do it again. i’m sure whoever is looking after her wouldn’t mind.”
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"some places really need to update their buildings. maybe get a new HVAC system." just anything to help keep the place cool. as it stood, being outside was better than being in there. "i did. maybe six times already. pretty sure my mom is annoyed by now." she wouldn't blame her mom too. but that was yasemin. being the overprotective and worried mom that she was.
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
there’d rarely been a moment where viktor’s hands had been empty that night, always reaching for something to smoke or drink; when they weren’t trying to cause shit out in the ballroom, they made fortress on one of the balconies, a much-needed break away from the liveliness. now, however, they needed a re-up and a semi-friendly person to prod at; instantly making their way into yasmin’s orbit. “only sort of fun? sounds like you’re not drinking enough,” they ordered a whiskey neat, small smirk as they looked at her. “it’s fucking - alright. you look real fucking nice, though - real sparkly. that color looks good on you, too, feels like i’ve just seen my hot teacher outside the classroom. i think i’m getting warm just staring - quick, do i have a fever?”
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"i'm not exactly a party person." she replied. hence why she was only sort of having fun. she was used to going to work, followed by going home. after emine was born, she had given up going out when ever she wanted to.  she had instead given all of her attention to her daughter and making sure she raised her well. "i'm already on my second glass of wine." she pointed out. wine had been her go to drink at events like this. settling for that compared to others. " thank you. i almost forgot i had this dress in my closet." she replied. a dress she had for a little while now. but never wearing it until tonight.
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
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whatever she wore, she wore it best. ⠀⠀  from madness, to that little black dress.
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
“fresh air,” vera answered, eyes falling onto yasmin as she continued to walk onto the porch. “it feels like a fucking sauna in there with the amount people in there. what about you? you doing okay?”
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"as they say, too many people in room does make it hot. with the body heat and all." she pointed out as a small smile formed on her lips. "i'm doing the best i can. honestly, being away from emine makes me nervous. i know she's in good hands but just, i'm nervous about tonight."
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 — @yasmindemirxx
location — pearl hotel
Noah came back to the table with two drinks in his hands, one for him and one for Yasmine. Taking a seat next to her, he placed her glass in front of her smiling at her as he clinked his own against hers. “A drink for the pretty lady,” he added before he took a sip from his whiskey, “having fun?”
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seeing noah come back, a small smile formed on her lips. "thank you." she replied before taking the glass of wine before taking a sip of her own drink. "sort of. " she replied. she was more used to staying at home. though despite that, she was trying her hardest to get out of the house again. "what about you? are you having fun?"
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
grabbing her glass of wine, she took a sip of it before looking over at jas. was she used to compliments like that? not at all. but she liked it. "red wine. Cabernet Sauvignon to be more exact." she replied. wine had always been her go to drink. sure, she had a few others she liked, but red wine was the one she liked the most.
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Location: The Pearl Hotel Ballroom Closed Starter: @yasmindemirxx
"God definitely took his time with you." Jaz said coming up behind her at the bar. She was looking good. Then again he couldn't really remember a time when she didn't. "What you drinking?" With how busy his schedule tended to be he hadn't seen her in a while.
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
“Sort of?” Levi repeated her words questioningly, his eyebrows raising. “The party not up to your standards, Yasemin? Not hitting up that open bar and photobooth?” He jokingly asked. “You look beautiful, by the way,” he added. 
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"it is. but you know me. not a big party person. i'm more used to going to work, followed by coming home, having dinner and ending my night with a glass or two of wine." that had been a regular thing she had done. and the weekends? those were spent doing things she couldn't do during the week. "thank you." she replied, a small smile forming on her lips. "so, are you ready for those sleepless nights to come once the baby is born?"
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
location: the pearl hotel ballroom open to: @hcrrifying​
one glass of wine done, she knew she would be needing at least one more to get through the night. grabbing the glass as soon as it was placed down in front of her, she turned around. leaning against the bar, she looked out at everyone there.  seeing a familiar face approach her, she didn't say anything at first. taking a sip from her glass,  she soon enough looked over at them though. "well so far, the night has been sort of fun."
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
location: the pearl hotel balcony open to: @veracalma​
to say she had called to check in on how emine was doing more than once was an understatement. but being away left her feeling nervous. especially after what had happened recently.  a sigh escaping her lips, she hung up after talking to her mom. hearing the door open, she looked over to see who it was. seeing it was vera, she smiled a bit. "coming out to get some fresh air? or to get away for a little bit?"
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
open to everyone! ( @nightreststarters​​ )
location: the pearl hotel ballroom
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“We hope everyone’s enjoying the food, enjoying the music and don’t forget to make use of our photobooth and write a note over there at the station and leave it in the decked out glass bottle. We’ll be reading everyone’s messages after the wedding. Again, thank you for coming out tonight and celebrating with us. Let’s all have a great night, yeah?” Levi said, a wide grin on his lips as he finished addressing the group of people, getting off the stage to go back to his beautiful fiancée only to bump into someone. “Hey, I’m sorry– Hey, you came!” He suddenly said, his eyes lighting up. “You enjoying yourself so far?”
come for an hour or two and then go home. that was the plan. after what had happened recently, the last thing she really wanted was to leave her daughter. but she was in good hands right now. with her mother watching her for a little bit.   feeling someone bump into her, she turned to see who it was.  one of the soon to be newleyweds. while she didn't know him personally, she had talked to him once or twice. maybe. who knew. "i am. sort of. " she replied.
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
“yeah, thanks.” he knew she meant well, he knew everyone around him did. and he was grateful for it though right now it didn’t look like it, but he hoped they understood where he was coming from, scratch that - he knew they did, because everyone has lost someone important in the past few months. “eventually…” one day somehow they won’t be able to get away with it, “they have to mess up at some point, they have to. there’s no way they’re that good.”
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"if they aren't that good, they'll mess up. if they are that good, then i don't think the police will ever find out who it is." she replied. and she hated saying that. she hated it more than anything. so far, who ever was doing this had yet to slip up. and it was frustrating. it was almost as if they were left to just sit there until something else happened again. "i'm surprised no one has bothered calling the state police. pretty sure they would have had this case solved by now."
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
They nodded. “Thanks. That means a lot.” Glancing sideways at the other woman, they sighed. “So…how are you doing?” The night after the festival had been a lot for everyone. Just because they felt like shit didn’t mean Yasmin didn’t.
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"i'm doing okay. keeping myself distracted with work." and in a way, it was helping. it helped her even for a few hours, forget about what was going on. "and working on planning out this mini road trip for emine and i." a week or two away that she planned on taking a few weeks before emine had to go back to school. "have you thought about going on a road trip? just to get away for a week or two."
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
location: outside the daiily dose open to: @noahbasilio​
waking up an hour earlier on her day off to meet a friend was a rare thing for her to do. a yawn escaping her lips. she made her way out of the daily dose with the things they had ordered. handing him his coffee and the pastry he wanted, she soon enough sat down nexct to him.  "next time we decide to meet up, it should be for lunch." she spoke as she looked over at him. she didn't mind waking up early. but on her days off, sleeping in at least an hour later than the time she usually got up was something she had always done.
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
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Hande Erçel x Nocturne 🤍
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yasmindemirxx · 11 months
location: anywhere open to: @balvares​
a yawn escaping her lips, yasmin made her way down the sidewalk. with an hour to spare before having to head to work, she figured she would get at least a small walk in.  seeing bianca ahead of her, she couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow. "didn't think i would see you up this early." she spoke as she walked up to her. "feel like getting some breakfast?" she asked as she looked at her. "my treat."
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yasmindemirxx · 1 year
dante’s loss cut right through grey’s heart and he had to find a way to live without him. something he never thought he’d have to do. and it hurt more than anything knowing he’d never see him in person again, knowing someone as bright as him was gone. “i’m still here,” his shoulders went up in a shrug, it was pointless saying he’s fine when it was obvious from a mile away he wasn’t, but somehow he was still holding on. “i know, but there’s nothing to talk about yas,” what was the point of talking about any of this? it won’t bring him back and it won’t help greyson deal with any of it. what he needed was dante, but he can’t have that. “good people keep dying and we sit around waiting for it to end.”
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"regardless, i'm still here if you need anything. even if you just want to sit in silence." the pain of losing a loved one hurt more than words could say. she could understand what greyson was going through. that pain he was feeling. because she had been through it too. when her father died, she went through it all.  or as her mother had told her, she had gone through all of the stages of grief. denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. and she knew greyson would be going through those too. it was apart of life in a way.  "as hard as it is to say, with the police not doing anything, who knows when it will end." what would it even take for them to care? when no one in town left?
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