yasminisyasmin · 3 years
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Blast from the past. This was a poster for the charity that I had set up in the name of my late father. Named after him and his mother, my grandmother. and I’m really proud to be resurrecting his legacy and plans to make sure the whole world will know his name soon. Al Haj Abdul Muquith Choudhury. And the names of those who tried to destroy him and his philanthropy. @amcariza - in 2015, was destroyed by my own blood family. Yes. I know. Shocking. And I know they think they’ve gotten away with it. By destroyed, I mean all the projects in the rural village, the new office was ransacked. Looted. And all the lovely amazing people I worked with threatened. One of whom, has since died. And that’s why I am on the war path :) For the past few years @amcariza field project have been suspended. I have not done all the work that we had been hoping to but never mind. Because I am relentless and I am fearless and I know that either I will die or this will become a success. Let us see eh! And as the international day of elimination of violence against women and girls approaches, and I’m due to publish my memoirs, and talk about not only the horrors I’ve had to endure at the hands of my wicked, evil family. And many others corrupt. Talentless. Who I see are occupying platforms, sectors in which they are busy crowing. I’m also very very clear in my mission, to be the first woman, who will push on through, without ever having to compromise my integrity and my commitment to uphold the promise I made to the most vulnerable communities I work with. That I will always protect people on planet first. Not profit. The good news is, I’m also delighted to be sharing the immense array of non-stop support and love and help I’ve had with @lovedeshscout lovedesh 10+ files is my memoirs, and it is coming out and I hope you enjoy reading it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUqR4WIe8i/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
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Aja Barber is not authentic. And she needs to be cancelled along with all the other brown and black women, being platformed by white media execs. They secretly are desperate for income streams - and need to exploit my black and brown sisters. And use them. And many fall for it. I’ve already published my dispute with Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and her agent. And creators Love Production. Go take a look on the Lovedesh news section. And now I can go full throttle on exposing the horror @lovedeshscout has faced with Aja Barber. Who has trampled over the feelings and voices of the victims of Rana Plaza. By refusing to listen. Do you remember who they are? In 2013, a factory collapsed, killing 1136 garment workers. Some of whom were young as 13. Teenage bodies never been found I look at this woman and I feel nothing but pity for her. As much as I can appreciate how sad and hard it must’ve been, to be a black stylist in a white fashion world, there is no excuse whatsoever, in erasing the plight of the poorest common workers, whom I collaborate with. This is a black woman who has established a career, claiming to campaign for sustainable fashion and workers rights. She has blocked me after I attempted to bring to her evidence of the white female counterparts that she hangs out with, that she is so desperate to platform. What she doesn’t realise is that she is internally racist. I see you Aja. We see you. I am fearless. That is why she has been entered into @lovedeshscout Hall Of Horrors. A list of entities, individuals and organisations as well as many charities and campaigners, upon whom I possess evidence of them being harmful to people and planet. I also sent her entire publishing house, @hachetteuk and literary agency @rcwliteraryagency and many more letters. They have ghosted me. Yo listen be a love. Please forward Aja this post and let her know I couldn’t tag her as she has blocked me. It is snowballing All you’ve done is given me great permission, to now crank up the engine. And ensure this woman, and everyone else involved with her say sorry. #ajabarber #sustainablefashion @diet_prada https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUpHQ2onLd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
New hair my loves ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CVN8_81FISG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
New hair my loves xxx https://www.instagram.com/p/CVN84DLlVSn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
#Manspreading #menlikerusell leave us women alone. I can do what I like. When I like. How I like. However I like. Where I like. Whenever I like. Innit tho. Bwahahaha. Early October Halloween treat. Girls. Come get it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVEPyogIxem/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
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Am off to speak at a school. Careers fair. Secondary boys. Aged 15/16. In London. A government funded school. Comprehensive. As entrepreneurs, it is critical to help youth consider different careers. We never had this when I was growing up. Wonder what difference it would have made. Careers. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVAI2tZM8hr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
Eating #prawn. #howto https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyuR-AIQBq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
Where is it!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyuFzSI_Te/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
On divorce. Or why I prefer to stay a bachelorette. Ha ha. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyuAqrIYfE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
Who remembers. Blurred Lines.
Next up. They are coming thick and fast.
Oh did I mention the word Thicke.
Robin Thicke.
That disgusting horrendous creepy pervert. And I was so disappointed in Pharrell for taking part.
Here is a book. Coming out. By the model in his video. Blurred Lines.
You know the song, that claimed that when asked women say “no”, we really mean “yes”.
A few excerpts I saw on Twitter. From the The Telegraph & Daily Telegraph music account.
“‘Blurred Lines’ has become a shorthand for everything that was about to change for women – and everything that needs to change, but hasn’t" | Writes @RebeccaCNReid
📚Next month sees the release of Emily Ratajkowski’s first book, a work of non-fiction titled My Body.
In it she reflects on the complicated, toxic legacy of the music video which launched her career
Ratajkowski said she didn’t initially want to do the video.
But she was apparently soothed by the fact it had a female director and agreed to go to the casting.
📹"If a leaked passage is any indication, My Body contains a very depressing description of the shoot"
"The line which seems to have caused the most commotion is when Ratajkowski writes, in a description of shooting the video, that Thicke touched her breasts without her consent"
(Thicke is yet to comment on the accusation)
🗣️Shortly after the song was released, a barrage of criticism followed.
"But the majority of that criticism wasn’t levelled at Thicke and Williams, who were both in their 30s and making money from the song"
"The inexplicable assumption, instead, was that 21-year-old Emily Ratajkowski should explain her decision to be in the video"
"She found herself constantly having to defend her decision to take part, and explained that she saw it as a feminist choice"
"And while so-called “choice feminism” is now regarded dimly by those with a degree in gender studies, at the time her point was well made" writes @RebeccaCNReid
"It became a seismic moment for pop feminism. Within months, Beyoncé was performing in front of a “feminist” sign"
But while Ratajkowski became the poster girl for a certain type of feminism, the Blurred Lines backlash rumbled on.
Eventually, Pharrell apologised for having been involved at all.
🗣️In 2015, Ratajkowski said: "When it comes on in a bar, I run into the bathroom and hide."
"The cultural footprint of the song and the video went far beyond the experiences of those who made it. It was the start of a conversation that lasted for the rest of the decade about feminism, sex, gender roles and consent" writes @RebeccaCNReid
🎶"That’s the odd thing about ‘Blurred Lines’. It’s not really a song any more"
"It has become a shorthand for everything that was about to change for women – and everything that needs to change, but hasn’t."
This beautiful woman even ends up apologising. Why is she apologising for having to earn money, doing a job, when she herself was a victim. But there you go. Insanity.
Anyhow. The full article is here.
FYI. The latter followed it up, I recall a music video where he had women twerking for him. It made me sad to see the amount of women who signed up for this. As Pharrel sits in a chair. And eyes them up. I felt horror.
Today both men continue to operate in the music entertainment sector. With no real redress nor stigma.
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
A reminder. I operate without fear or favour. I really don’t give a damn that I am having to publish stories behind some of the biggest names as well as the most privileged. what is happened to me, Lovedesh as well as the vulnerable communities that I’ve been working towards transforming, is a shocking scandal. if you want to wake up and find out just how bad the world has gotten, then come along tomorrow and register at Lovedesh to listen to a live zoom event. we are going to be talking to victims of Rana plaza who also want to share their opinions and thoughts and tell people to shut up on their behalf. As they are sick and tired of especially white foreign campaigners talking over them or using brown and black people to breadcrumb opportunities to, while staying colonialist. https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5jCl2l39y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
At last. The first chapter is from my memoir is being revealed tomorrow. And we are hosting a live conversation with victims of Rana plaza, one of our strategic stakeholders in the mission to protect people on planet at @lovedeshscout As London fashion week approaches, it is disgusting and disgraceful to find that we are having to publish receipts, on how some of the biggest names in the world have attempted to destroy, damage and a real human rights work I’ve been doing. We are also exposing and naming and shaming those who have hurt Lovedesh, and are proud to be sharing a famous African proverb. That has inspired us. I cannot wait to start sharing with you who they are and the name stretch from Hollywood, to London to Europe. Surprisingly, we have found so many angels in Bangladesh who have supported us. And that much of the problem lies within the fashion campaigning sector as well as many others, who are so greedy and exploitative, it is in the public interest to publish the receipts. I really hope you can join us. https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5in8cF-GG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
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Yes. Really. Follow the new British luxury design house @lovedeshscout that plans to do just that. #sustainablefashion #lfw (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT2iHf5sVWf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
It is so shocking to see how, some of the biggest names and those with money, power, platform and privilege. Treat rude of us who do human rights. You see at some point, always knew I would have to go public. I really didn’t want to. It is so exhausting. But I’m also the kind of person, who does not let things go, not if they are big things. And they’ve hurt the poorest. It is vile, it is disgusting that people who should know better, I’ve been caught behaving in the most disgusting manner and fashion. And why, it is in the public interest for the truth to be revealed. The evidence to be shown, of those who actually hurt and damage and destroy and you will not only vulnerable communities, but also social impact business leaders like myself, who did nothing wrong. As agreed, clamour for status and influence is destroying our society, planet and people. And to be surrounded, in such a hunger games style scenario, has depressed my little heart. I remember even as a young girl, growing up and heating injustice. I think I was subjected to a lot of violence, and also seeing my beautiful beloved father, under attack from white skinhead racists in the 1970s. To my piece size Childs brain, it just did not make sense. How can someone, who has done nothing, be so horrifically attacked, denied and hurt. Back in those curry house days, in Southwest London, they did it because of skin colour. They were ignorant, talk to hate and scaremongering was rife. The idea that we are not one human race but lots of different types of humans is a disgrace. The human soul is a human soul. It has no colour, no smell and no nationality. Culture, rituals and traditions are all social constructs designed by humankind to feel connected. But when in pursuit of such ideals, the very human soul is hurt, it is a betrayal of the planet and of humankind. You can read more when I publish the Lovedesh 10+ files, my memoirs. As well as follow @lovedeshscout - so you can keep up-to-date with all the beef, all the tea and more ❤️. Yasmin C #justsaying #ranaplaza #shutup4ranaplaza #justiceforyasmin (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzxURwlg-Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
A quick description of what Lovedesh does. And why we work the way we do As well as some of our biggest fans and beneficiaries. We are so proud to work with you victims of Rana Plaza. It won’t be long now, until you get voice. #RanaPlaza #ShutUpRanaPlaza https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzuhIiong8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
This was posted by our founder and Ceo @msyiy - Yasmin Choudhury As #lfw London Fashion Week approaches. Much of the history and shenanigans will be revealed. Learn more about the highs. Lows. Sighs. And Hollows. Of trying to deliver good in #susutainablefashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzt5NBouks/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasminisyasmin · 3 years
Enough said. Only joking. And reminder. That despite all the hard work. I love humour. And before I get enraged men. FYI. Men are great. Husbands are better than boyfriends. And some of my best friends are men. But. Only if they are good. Otherwise stay alone people! Ha ha ha. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxatwvlkN8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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