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Oromia est un système de collecte. Oromia est la culture. Oromia est identité. Oromia est la justice sociale. Oromia est une politique libre qui se construit dans le système gada. Oromia Egalitarian Association est un système de richesse. En général Oromia Liberté, Justice / amour, paix profonde / famille, soins et unité. Que l'oromia soit entendue, que l'oromo soit détruit, que l'oromie soit détruit, que l'oromie soit détruit, soyons oromo, le racisme, l'ennemi et la honte ont été libérés aujourd'hui. Cauchemar! Vanité! Ignorance! Anti-gens! Le peuple oromo d'Oromo n'est pas un système de justice, d'égalité et de liberté, car l'unité de tout le peuple éthiopien est une promesse secrète. Il vivra toujours en oromie et en Éthiopie. Cela montre que les ennemis historiques oromos abandonnent tout espoir. Qu'ils abandonnent, l'oromie sera bénie comme le soleil et le soleil sera béni comme le soleil.
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News in Ethiopia paramount is continew killer Oromia and all Ethiopia people.
1. To All Oromos: Rejoice!
At the time when you are suffering from an unparalleled human rights abuses at the hands of the Abiy Ahmed government, we have something to share with you.
I have just received the official and unredacted (166 pages long) version of the so-called "Ph.D. Dissertation " manuscript, apparently authored by no other than Ethiopia's only Nobel Laureate, Abiy Ahmed.
We want to thank our sources (Oromos) for taking the risk and extracting this material from where it has been "securely" kept for the last 4 years mainly to protect the intellectual deficiency of Abiy Ahmed and the institution that conferred the degree from public scrutiny.
2. To Abiy Ahmed: Cry!
You may feel that you can insult intellectuals including those who signed on this document, highly respected professionals, and political leaders (I watched you spit your venom on Dawud Ibsa at the forum you recently gathered opposition political parties to discuss ways out of the conundrum you have created). You may feel that you are invincible with the power to break Oromummaa! You may assume that your secrete will be kept in the locker where you wanted them deposited forever.
No, you are wrong. Dead wrong. What you have done has unleashed the beast not only among many of us who knew on day one that you are the wrong person to assume the position. It even went further to the extent of awakening those Oromos who have been protecting you and giving you the benefit of the doubt that you might change the course of action you have been on once you noticed it is a dead end. Here is affidavit #1!
To the Academic Community in Ethiopia: Shine the light!
By examining the work that has apparently enabled Abiy Ahmed to get a terminal degree that is possible, you will be able to know whether academic institutions in Ethiopia uphold the principles, rules, and regulations, as well as standards in their books, are applied to all students regardless of their backgrounds.
3. What lies ahead?
In the days to come, we will give a professional, fact-based, learned, and expert assessment of the work Abiy Ahmed is claimed to have done as though we would for any graduate student. We would do so by making several interesting observations.
a) who served on his advisory committee, b) the institution to which the work was submitted (which institutions granted him the title); c) the originality of the work ( references, citations, and plagiarism); d) the granting institution's rules and regulations defining graduate work; e) the depth and intellectual contribution of the work, and whether it is worthy of the degree conferred.
4. Why it matters?
First things first, it is an issue of academic integrity (cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, complicity). Second, it is about academic honesty: dishonesty tarnishes institutional reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students. All members of the academic community regard academic dishonesty as a serious offense.
What Abiy Ahmed has done to Oromos over the last 2 years has gone beyond crime. There aren't that many words that can adequately describe our collective anger at what he did. We will never rest. We will revenge, and rest assured we will make him regret his actions. I hope that this document will shine a piercing light on who this guy actually is.
Via Green United Kushitic. GUKO.
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Elections and the Constitution: Some Points
1. The constitution, whether the authority is a people, whether it is a public authority, whether the manifestation is a constitution, its use is directly (i.e. through direct democracy, eg via referendum, petition, protest, etc.), by representation (ie, through representative democracy, ie through It establishes a clear principle that the decisions made in the name and on behalf of the people, eg via Parliament, and participation (ie, participatory democracy, egthrough consultation, submissions, inputs, etc.) (Article 8).
2. He tells us that no one can hold this public power and use it on behalf of the people, only in the Constitution (Article 9). It makes it clear that it is also illegal to possess, use, or abuse the power prescribed by the Constitution.
3. Who has the authority under the Constitution;
  A) directly elected by the people;
  B) designated by the House of Peoples' Representatives in accordance with their ordinances and protocols;
  C) Only by being elected by the people and elected by constitutional institutions.
4. Ethiopia is a parliamentary democracy. As such, it is the parliament (ie, the House of Peoples' Representatives) that has the highest political power in Ethiopia.
In the regions, the regional councils serve as the highest authority.
Representing democracy is implemented through these councils.
Parliament establishes the government (ie, assigns executives), establishes public institutions in law, appoints appointments, oversees their work, monitors, evaluates, and corrects as needed.
The regional councils act in the same manner, within states.
Without the consent of the parliament and the regional councils, no executive body that holds and exercises power will be admitted, nor will it be legally recognized.
5. The working hours of both the Parliament and the Regional Councils are limited in time. As a result, members of parliament and councils are elected to serve five years. Trying to "serve" for more than 5 years, it is illegal to "serve" without being elected or represented by the public. It is also unconstitutional.
6. No one can extend this constitutional mandate, by will, or by negotiation.
7. When the Parliament fails to be effective for a number of reasons (dysfunctional), the decree set forth in Article 60 states that there is a way to shorten the five-year term of the parliament, to dissolve its five-year representation, to make another election, to renew its representation and mandate. For example, if the parliament, whose nomination the government has nominated, lost control of the government - scandal, incompetence, public protests, acts of betrayal, etc. - there could be a go-to election before the end of his 5-year reign. .
Also, if the ruling party, which has the threat of being elected to the end of the term, is "politically motivated" in the face of the possibility of winning, then the parliament will be dissolved before the end of the term.
If a ruling party with a majority in the parliament breaks up (if a splinter is formed within the party), or if the coalition of parties forming a coalition loses and loses a majority party in the process, there will also be elections before the month (Article 60). ).
In addition, after a new election, there is a divided parliament (commonly called the Hung Parliament), where parties have agreed to form a coalition government, and set a deadline for the parties to sit for one week. If a government is not formed within a period of time, there may be a possibility that they will tear down the parliament and run for a new election (Article 60 (2)).
All of this, however, is not a constitutional act to shorten parliamentary elections, but to extend parliamentary and governmental life, to extend elections.
8. No party, including the Electoral Board, shall advance the election or extend the parliamentary life. The Election Board has the mandate and mandate to set and conduct elections before the parliamentary age. But cannot age.
9. The Electoral Board shall endeavor to enforce the election in accordance with the timetable. However, if there is a federal or state entity that wants to vote, it cannot prevent elections. When asked to make a choice, he could say no - even if that means pushing responsibility. However, he can never restrict the body of the electorate to say, "You can't do it."
10. Ethiopia is a federation. Regional governments are set up by regional councils. If the regional councils are not elected, a government vacuum will be formed, and a power vacuum will arise. To prevent this, states have a duty to renew their representation of their councils every 5 years by holding regional council elections.
As a result, whether or not a national election is held, States can hold regional elections as necessary. In particular, if the five-year limit expires, you cannot vote. For an unselected government cannot continue in power.
If the National Electoral Board cooperates, it is good, because it is a constitutional obligation. If they do not cooperate, they can make themselves available to the electorate, including observers, by exercising free will, without creating a vacuum of power, or by illegality.
The Electoral Board cannot prevent them from doing this. For it should not hinder them from fulfilling their constitutional obligations.
Just because the federal government does not want to vote, and only because it has the power and authority to continue illegally, which must be repeated by states, means that we have to penalize those who go the legal way. This, of course, is neither constitutional, legal, political, moral.
12. As is currently being heard, the Tigray region's desire to make a choice (if it is true), is correct. It is constitutional. It's legal.
In fact, it should be encouraged in other regions too. (In particular, in Oromia last year after a constitutionally-constituted and electoral government collapsed, it is also a question of duty, of survival. In this context, I will go back in detail.)
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If it is not good enough for Lemma Megerssa, Mufriat Kamil, or Debre-tsion Gebre-Michael, EPP / Ethiopia military rule/ can't be good enough for Mustefe Omar.
If it is not good enough for Oromia, Tigray, Sidama, or the SNNPRS, then it must be worse for the Somali, Gambella, Benishangul-Gumuz, Harari, or Afar Regions.
#EPP_is_dead_on_arrival #Leave_the_dead_to_the_dead!
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Close down but outside your points are you open up One region they may be opening themselves up to a problem they didn't even understand so that's that all has to be recorded no one has been here before so no one can tell you don't worry I have the answer but think and a smart as we can in making these decisions we're going to have to make significant cuts to the budget because we were all depending on federal funding you have to remember the extent as in frustrated about this you know why because I'm frustrated but we did the budget for one we've been having conversations since this started with the Federal Government don't worry we're going to find the state don't worry want to find the state don't worry we're going to find the state two weeks ago don't worry this time we're really going to find the state don't worry the next bill 0 promise promise promise promise promise nothing and now we're in a position where we have to do a financial forecast and we have to tell school districts you should expect a significant time today again the federal representatives said don't worry next bill is going to have state funding see it's not political sexy for them to find the state right when they can do finding with a can go hand it out to individuals and call them up and say I got your money here it is that is more politically appeal you give funding to a state who would you call to say that even knows we was just giving money to another government bright so I get why does what they do I get the Senate also represents many states where this is not a bigger problem you know you look at the map to talk about the same type of problem we do I get it but
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WWw YassinArafat 99
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