yayamoussa-blog · 7 years
Founder & President of Africa Today TV, is a former senior economist with the International monetary Fund in Washington DC, USA. Prior to joining the IMF, he was a former senior credit analyst with IBCA, a rating agency in Paris and London, and a senior financial manager with Caisse des Depôts et Consignations in Paris, France.
Yaya Moussa published thousands of pages on multinational corporations and sector analysis, including surveys of the European venture capital industry (239 pages; 1989) and of European insurance industry (490 pages; 1991)
Public Affairs
Yaya Moussa is a member of the International Advisory Board of the World Affairs CouncilWashington DC. He is also a Fellow of the British Royal Society of Arts.
Early life
Yaya Moussa was born in Ngaoundere, Cameroon. He attended College de Mazenod, a private high school and then earn a scholarship to study in France.
Higher education
Yaya Moussa obtained his Ph.D. in management from Paris-Dauphine University in 1990. He also holds various graduate degrees including an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Master of Science from Oxford University, a master in Public Administration & Policy from Columbia University, and the degree of Paris Institute of Political Studies.
Personal life
Married, two children
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