yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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Rough draft presented during 1 on 1s 
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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Inspo & References 
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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changed the colours of the chains to be an almost periwinkle colour a bit more blue than purple to keep it standing out but also complimentary
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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Had to adjust the size and shape because when i resized in illustrator it got extremely distorted and the shape did not hold up at the smaller size, and the angle looked off compared to the type
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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Logo redesign, In class we discussed turning circles into chains that are open almost like broken and interlocking at the same time, this is the design i came up with
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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After discussing in class the purple was determined a little too close to a competitor so i made it a substantially lighter purple almost pink, and to avoid similarities to another brands logo I changed them to overlapping circles, which can symbolize chains and alls the interlocking can be also like a coming together holding hands type thing
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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Playing with the logo style and colours
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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In colour
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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New logo with changes made from in class crit. It was suggested to make the R the same height as the other letters to make it a little more interesting. And that the boxes was a little weird above the “i” so I moved them to the side which I think looks quite nicer, also I uped the line weight of the boxes to make them more translatable and readable at different sizes
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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yazbrand-blog · 7 years
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Playing with different sans serif fonts to see which one works best with my brand and its attributes. Want to find one that can stand on its own as a word mark logo 
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