ycseniarivera · 1 year
In all honesty, Nia knew that Ryder would pull something like this. Someone who was as mischievous as him would indeed make a huge cannonball without caring about getting the people around wet. And as much as Nia wanted to be mad, they couldn't find it in themselves to say something to Ryder. Besides, the whole point of a pool party was to get a little wet, right? Eyes narrowed as they took in Ryder emerging back up from underwater, shaking their head in amusement. "You're just lucky I like you," they responded once they heard his apology. They stood there for a second as they watch the water droplets fall from their skin and swimsuit. "Bet I could make a bigger cannonball than you, though."
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WHO: Ryder & open!
WHERE: Public Pool
WHEN: Pool Party (June, 2023)
The thing about pool parties was that they were supposed to be laidback and easygoing... the kind of thing where someone could just relax, take it easy, unwind after a stressful week. But to Ryder, when the lights went down, the sky darkened, the kids went home, and the music went up, that was when the fun happened. Relaxation be damned. He saw the other person in the pool, really, he did. He just didn't care as he launched himself off of the side of the pool, legs pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around them in a perfectly executed cannonball, knowing that it would soak them... but that was all part of the fun, wasn't it? He resurfaced with a wide grin, full of mischief. "Sorry 'bout that."
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Oh, God. That would be so awkward! But speaking of cutting heads off, were you ever those kids that cut the heads off of their dolls or action figures? Seeing the new Barbie trailers keep reminding of how many Barbies and Bratz dolls that I beheaded for fun. Definitely kind of wondered where those heads all went to, but. You know. Yeah, I do! Is that way too nerdy of me? I know horse girls tend to be that way about horses but what can I say? They're just too cute and funny to pass up. Plus, they're pretty comfy as well. No, no, I'm okay with you borrowing them. Just as long as they come back to my hamper in the near future. Right?! I wore them once and they just feel so odd. especially with feeling the material in between each toe. Like, no thanks. I'm just glad that neither of us wears those.
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Well… I had been planning on cutting your head out of all of the photos we took together and had hanging around the house, but then I thought… hm, no, Stelly that seems a little bit petty. So I decided to let it go. I'm kidding, don't worry. You have socks with horse puns on them?! Okay, screw accidentally taking them, I'm absolutely borrowing them just to show them off. I'll wash them and give them back, don't worry! Oooh, god, no, I hate those. How do people wear them without getting sweaty or itchy feet?!
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Everyone had always said that Nia needed to be less on their phone when they were in public and they were starting to feel like those people were right. Though, it was nice to feel like you're a main character in a movie when you were walking down the sidewalk. Or at least, that was how Nia felt. A disinterested look fell upon Nia's face at the mention of a copycat cafe that tried to replicate Cobblestone. "That would be weird if we had a cafe that tried to do what Cobblestone is doing. Or if we had a chain like Starbs here. At least Cobblestone uses local coffee beans, you know?" There was something special about Merrock being local owned and that most of the shops here were open for years on end. It felt more personal and homey in their mind. Eyebrows perked up at the mention of Merrock changing, wondering what it was like for this man to come back to see his hometown after being away for so long. In some ways, it was easy for Nia to become disenchanted with Merrock but they knew that was because they were so used to the town. Deep down, they still knew just how much of a gem it was. There weren't many towns around that felt like Merrock, that was for sure. "What do you think has changed the most? Not that you've probably seen everything that's changed, but I'm sure there's little details. Like the new barn by Lake Malory or us having a new mayor," they spoke, looking around. To Nia, it's stayed the same in their eyes. At the question posed, Nia took a second to think before giving a dishonest answer to the other. "I'm studying mortuary science. Hoping to become a mortician," they spoke, trying to hide the laugh that was threatening to burst from their lips. And it wasn't too much of a lie. They really would like to study it in the fall, but they needed to find the cash to save up to enroll. A laugh escaped their lips, "nah, I don't think forty is old. I hear that it's the new twenty or whatever. But I can see why'd you come back. You do enough reflecting and it's enough to make you want to revisit your roots. Does your family know you're back in town yet?"
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The corner of his mouth tugged up into an understanding smile when they said that they should pay more attention to their surroundings. Who hadn't gotten caught up listening to music or checking texts on their phone when they were walking along, only to either ignore everything around them, or end up walking straight into something or someone? "Best case scenario, someone would try to re-open a copycat that pales in comparison, and everyone's miserable… worst case? Starbucks," he winced playfully, shaking his head. Many, many people loved a good Starbucks, he was sure. But Jace had always been fond of businesses run by locals, places that you could go where everyone knew who you were, what you wanted, the whole nine yards. He had made it a habit to get to know those places anywhere that he went, as long as he had the chance. "You wouldn't think a small town like Merrock could change a lot in twenty years, but it did." Or maybe he had done most of the changing, and just hadn't quite adapted to that yet. But he pushed it from his head to instead nod along with what they were saying, "what are you studying? If you don't mind me asking, I mean," maybe it was kind of intrusive to just ask a random person on the street what they were studying, but he was interested, after all. "I'm old," he answered honestly, letting out a breathless laugh as he pocketed his hands, "I don't know, I'm just -- on the cusp of forty and I haven't seen my siblings in a long time, and it felt like now was a good time to do that."
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Bare skin wasn't Yesenia's thing, they loved the look of the ink and the dull, almost relaxing feeling of the needles going in their skin. The first time they ever got a tattoo, they remember, was when they were sixteen after being able to forge one of their parent's signatures. Since then, they've gotten more than enough ink dotted along their body. Each tattoo fit Yesenia's personality perfectly and played well with their aesthetic. Scattered designs littered across their body, some with meaning and some just for fun.
Today, Nia thought they'd go ahead and get the next tattoo that had lingered in the back of their mind. They wanted to get a horse shoe tattooed on their body, something that would allow them to honor their love for the animal. It didn't take long to walk from their house to Mods, and they breathed a deep sigh of relief when they walked into the shop. A smile graced their face at the person who greeted them. "Hi, are you guys taking walk-ins today? I was hoping to get a consultation for a tattoo. I've got an idea in my mind, but I'm not sure where I should have the placement or what the design should be. I was hoping one of you guys could lend an ear."
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starter : open location : mods tattoo shop
It wasn't the busiest time in the day as it was only an early morning. Callum liked his job indeed, it was helping him through his rough period as well. He certainly could do something else, but he had no interest in anything else as much as he had for tattooing. He was always talented artist so that might be one of the reason to pursue it as a career.
Callum liked this little town, it was his salvation, after all. Of course, he did miss his family but he knew there wasn't another option for him at the moment. He was enjoying his peace and he wasn't really involved in gossiping or that kind of things. He heard the bell on the door and that interrupt his thoughts.
"Hi, what can I do for you today?"
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Nia shook their head as the other apologized, "you're fine. I guess I should pay more attention to my surroundings." Their Hadestown playlist could wait a few more moments. Nia listened as they heard the other speak, knowing just how much things could change when you were gone from a place for long periods of time. They mostly felt that way when they came back from competitions. A laugh left their throat at the other's words, "I honestly can't imagine what Merrockites would do if Cobblestone wasn't in town anymore." Nothing quite hit like a croissant with a cup of coffee in the morning from the beloved cafe. And it was nice that the baristas knew your name by heart if you stopped by regularly. Eyebrows moved upwards at the answer to their question, Nia understanding that he was someone who was coming back to his hometown after bing gone for awhile. Another laugh escaped their mouth as the mention of him feeling like a tourist in his own hometown, "I get that." Nia took a moment to think about the question that he posed before responding with a shake of their head. "No," they lied before standing there for a second, not knowing why they said that. Maybe it was because everyone else knew them in town and this person didn't. A chance to make a different impression, perhaps. "I-, uh, I go to school at the community college. Moved here last year," they fibbed again. "What brings you back in town?"
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Good, way to go, Jace, ask the one person on the street with headphones on a question that could have been asked of anyone. He offered them an apologetic smile as they pulled the headphones to their shoulders, "sorry about that," but then he felt relief touch him when they said that the coffee shop was, in fact, still there. For all he knew, it could have been a brand new place or, God forbid, a Starbucks. And then he was going to be in for a world of pain, that was for sure. "That's sort of what I figured, but times change, I couldn't be so sure that everyone still loved the place," maybe the coffee had gotten bad, or someone had found something unsavory in a baked good… but that didn't seem to be the case at all, he was happy to learn. When they asked if he was new in town, he laughed, shaking his head. "No. I mean, yes, but no -- I grew up here, this is my first time back in a long time, so I'm still trying to figure out what's new, what's gone, what's stayed the same. Kind of do feel like a tourist, actually," he squinted up at the street signs nearby. "Are you local?"
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Since the weather was certainly nicer these past few weeks, Nia found themselves walking around downtown more often when they had some free time. There was something about walking through the streets of Merrock, especially when it was one of the main streets. Some storefronts had changed throughout the years while others had stayed since they were a child, and it was fun for Nia to see what made their hometown what it was. Nia was strolling along the sidewalk, phone in their hand as they looked for the next song to play in their headphones. Hearing a muffled sound, Nia looked behind them and noticed an older man staring at them. Moving their headphones to their shoulders, they shook their head quickly. "Oh yeah, it's still there. I think the residents of Merrock would start a riot if it were to ever change locations or close down," they laughed before taking a second to look over the man. Not recognizing the face, Nia decided to ask, "are you new here?" Well, maybe not new new if they heard that he knew what Cobblestone was, "like are you one of the regular tourists who come here every few years?"
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WHO: Jace & OPEN!
WHERE: Downtown Merrock
WHEN: May, 2023
It was funny how some things changed, and others never really changed at all. In some ways, Merrock was very much so the same town that Jason had left two decades ago, a lot of the same people, same store fronts, that same smell of salt and flower blossoms when you opened your car door in the little parking lot downtown, not very far from the docks. And yet in other ways, he felt like he needed to learn it all over again, figure out who everyone was now, where to go to find this, where to go to find that. It was a whole different world, which was okay. He was a whole different person. He spent a few minutes walking along the sidewalk before clearing his throat, hoping to catch the attention of the person in front of him. "Excuse me -- is Cobblestone still right up here? I don't want to keep heading in the wrong direction if you tell me it's closed or moved."
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Ah, yes, I've seen a few episodes of that. But you're so right, I think if they can time travel and stuff, there can also be a genderfluid Doctor Who. You can be my little sidekick this time! Perhaps we could find a way to let you go big time and you can quit your 9 to 5 job. Though, I don't know if you'd want to try to get noticed on TikTok or YouTube. I do! My co-workers are great, plus we help each other out. I was thinking a whole case of Takis or Hot Cheetos. You know, something to munch on while I potentially help you out with tormenting Stelly.
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Great, let's be time travelers, like that guy Doctor Who and all his friends. You can be Doctor Who, he was a lady last time, so it's time for him to expand his gender even further. Though I guess the doctor is kinda...already genderfluid? Thank you, but I also have to feed my sorry self, and that's where the issues lie. That sounds like really hard work, but it's kinda like you have horse friends while you do it too, which is cool. What kinda compensation are we talking?
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Though, I bet it's rewarding after you get done with it, yeah? I would feel proud to be able to run that much in the morning. Thanks! I'd like to think so, too. I may not have gotten it in four or five minutes, but I did finish it eventually. A little bit! With Volunteer Week, I decided to go through anything I didn't need then donated it to the places in town that took in donations. True! We've still got time, plus it can always turn into summer cleaning if needed. How have you been with going out and volunteering? I've been to a few places! Which have been fun.
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Yeah, it really is no fun but I try to do it as much as I can. Walking the mile isn’t bad, though! The important thing is that you made it eventually! Mhmm. Have you gotten any spring cleaning done yet? I think I’ve gotten some stuff done so far, though there is still plenty of time! I know what you mean there. Me too! They seem to have magic powers or something.
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Thank God you're not one to get mad over socks! I've read some Reddit threads about how some people get petty over the littlest things, and it makes me happy that I never have to worry about that with you. Oh, I definitely do! Even some that have horse puns on 'em, so I'm okay with that. Sharing is caring, right? I'm just glad that neither of us own those socks where each toe is separated. You know those ones?
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How dare you! This friendship is over and you're evicted, effective immediately -- no, it's cool, don't worry about it. But given that you said tiny skulls, they probably are mine, that's a good call. However, if you see me running around the house in socks with horses or horsehoes on them -- I'm assuming you have those? -- don't ask questions. We'll call it the great sock swap!
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Yes! It wasn't on my bucket list, but I was able to add it to the list and then cross it off. Do you have a bucket list? Whether on paper or in your head? I find that keeping a small list in my journal helps me with my short and long term goals. You're welcome! Yeah! Maybe it was like, poisonous bad bees and Pooh just goes on a rampage of being like Chucky or something! It would be wicked cool reboot, honestly. Though, I think it would scar lifelong fans of him. I think they do make it! I don't know how many places serve it, though! Maybe we should get a vegan restaurant in town just for those who don't eat meat, you know? I think those are becoming more popular.
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Now you can cross that one off of the bucket list! Not that I think it was something on your bucket list to begin with, but you can say that anyway, right? Thanks, I appreciate you -- you're a good pal, Nia! I hadn't thought about a bee angle, but they can sometimes make people have some pretty adverse side effects, so I suppose it wouldn't be too far off base to assume that Pooh got stung and then his entire life kind of spiraled out of control, right? Right, and then if you're vegetarian, I guess you just have… and waffles. Maybe you could eat that impossible chicken or something, do they make that? I feel like they've made big strides in fake meat lately!
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Okay, so, I think I might've taken one of your socks accidentally when I was doing laundry earlier, so if you're missing any socks that are patterned with skulls on them then I think they might be with me. If I find it in any of my piles of clothes, I'll be sure to send it right back to you. Pinky promise. @stellylee
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
No problem! Exactly! Like, I know for me, my senses can be really strong so I can associate a certain smell with a certain look and so on. It might be mind games in our head, but I can get really into it. Yeah, exactly! Oh yes, I do! You can never, ever have too much cheese or bacon when it comes to potato skins. And I usually have sour cream on top if we've got the bottled kind. It's such a good snack in a pinch.
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Thanks, Nia! You're honestly a sweet peach, I don't know what I'd do without you. See! You get me, it honestly is all about the senses: the way something looks jus makes us think that it smells or tastes different somehow. Doesn't matter whether or not it's true. Oh, totally, and they make us think about being a kid all over again, you now? Do you like the potato skins loaded up with as much as possible? I love 'em with cheese and bacon and dipped in sour cream!
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Well, if you ever find a time machine that can transport you back into that time period, I will come with you. Just to see it happen. Damn, here's to hoping that you get to move away from where you're at now! I know that you've got more potential than sitting at a desk all day. It depends. Most days, I clean up after them, feed them, make sure the stables are all ready for them. But I think I like grooming them the best 'cause I get to be up close with them. So, it's more 30/60 if we're talking percentage-wise. Hm, if you need a person on the inside, I'll need some compensation.
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I want to go back in time, find out who invented the concept, and kiss they square on the mouth. Yeah, that's what I'd want as well, especially because there's no upwards in the job without...working at a bank, which is evil. So just a ballpark figure here: what percentage of your job is cleaning horse poop versus other tasks? Listen, I know it's my job, but I need a person on the inside.
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Wow! A mile is still pretty impressive, especially if you run that much daily. I was always one of those kids who walked the mile in school, so I can't imagine doing it for fun. Damn, I feel you on a sports injury. I'm still trying to get into the swing of things after mine. But like you said, it's baby steps. Oh, the procrastination for it is so strong with me. I know logically that it will get done quicker if I actually start it, but getting it started is my problem. I need those cleaning powers of those I see on Instagram who can speed through it!
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I try, at least! Maybe a mile? I’ve been told to take it easy with my old football injury and all. So I’m sure I can keep up but it’s still small steps. Yeah, the spring cleaning hasn’t really made much progress. Part of me knows it needs to get done, but the other part of me doesn’t want to do it because I know I have to do it.
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Those are some of the best snacks for the summer, plus it's nice that they can always cool you down as well. I would love to try some next time there is one! I know in the summer there's always at least one. Oooh, that sounds like so much fun to drink! And what's more to love than a drink that can also be a dessert!
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I remember loving those when I was a kid. The fruit snacks, or candy that is so deeply colored it stains your tongue and teeth for hours. Next big event or picnic, I will definitely make you some of either! The rosé is one of my favorites too, because it tastes like dessert!
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
Oh yes! That movie is such a classic! I know Stelly loves it a lot, too, so it's always on during those months. Me too, it's nice that they shine a light on some of the local artists or ones that aren't too popular. Picnics are so much fun! Minus the bees getting into your food. That might just be a me thing, though! But I agree, there's nothing better than being able to enjoy the weather while it's nice. Because before you know it, it'll be back to the colder months. Ah, that's nice! Do you get flowers and everything for it? I know my parents are starting to do their gardening and stuff.
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Yes! Or how Nightmare Before Christmas plays on repeat from October through December. Mhmm! I like that there are smaller, less well-known comic artists, which is pretty cool. I love it, there's a lot of things to do. I'm hoping we can do another picnic this year once the weather clears up. Always love to get out there and just enjoy being outdoors. You're welcome! And thank you! It's been good... busy... been trying to clean my place up and decorate it for spring.
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
I bet! I know I really love how warm water is when I'm in the shower but I think it would be nice to be able to soak your toes in something like that. Oh, I feel you about that. I tried to do my own toes once, and it did not turn out like it thought it would. I might have to try out the spa one of these days. I usually get manicures there, but it sounds like fun to get a pedicure as well. Me too! I think it'll be fun to go and help the community out.
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Fingers crossed! Oh, I know what you mean about that part. I am also pretty ticklish but the warm foot bath feels so nice. Besides, my toes look much better when I’m not trying to sit and reach my feet. It was a lot of fun! I’m glad that we got to do it. I am, I plan on making a day out of it! How about you?
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