yea-ger · 3 years
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*:゚*:゚*。⋆ฺ*:゚*。⋆ฺ「 LEVI ACKERMAN 」*:゚*。⋆ฺ*:゚*。⋆ฺ*:゚*
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yea-ger · 3 years
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           It is Compassion • It is Love • It is Hope
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yea-ger · 3 years
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the way he talked to me, made me happy.
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yea-ger · 3 years
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エレン・イェーガー - Eren Jaeger 
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yea-ger · 3 years
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yea-ger · 3 years
things about eren that just (doesn't) makes sense
can't fucking contain his laughter and will laugh in the most serious situations
probably begged carla and grisha to let him dorm during college; made 45 slides power point just to convince his parents
likes walking around his dorm wearing nothing but his boxer briefs
owns the ipod music player and he treasure it the most since it is already extinct now; he once cried when he can't find it only to discover that it got stucked on his bed frame and mattress
plays computer games like a fuckin' crazy wild man; will definitely explode and throw everything shit out of his window if he lagged in the middle of his game or got defeated
dr. pepper or mountain dew with large meaty cheese pizza is his friday night to-go food
tried streaming on twitch but can't keep up with it lol
doesn't know how to use commands on discord so he probably let armin do the magic on groupchats
the type to start his essay's introduction with "buckle up your seat belt 'cause we goin' roller-coaster on this journey!"; he nearly failed that paper lol
listens to dark music and heavy metal; also likes music with a lot of curses, it makes him feel like the protagonist of an apocalyptic movie
loves mikasa and armin so much bcs he can freely be himself with them without getting judged but sometimes, he just wanna punch them (bff things)
got into fist fight on the first day of his freshmen year
can easily get distracted with everything; he's watching a movie then after a few secs he's on his phone, laughing on some memes he found on instagram
helped erwin with his techy problems
likes strong perfumes
he never win in a giveaway lol
his stories consists of him on the gym, eating out with his friends and music suggestions
probably dabbed on his graduation
he currently can't commit on romantic relationships; he just can't see himself getting broken-hearted over something stupid
he just wanted to be free and enjoy his adolescence years with having fun
but when he thinks about his future wife and kids, he would probably like 2 mini erens running around the house
has a thing for humidifier; he discovered this from mikasa and now he steals her scented oil
the type to countdown on how many days are left before the summer break
will definitely throw a huge party when his parents went away for a couple's outing, imitating the project X
carla discovered it when she accidentally saw eren's ig story that he forgot to hide
shit sherlock carla immediately went home and discovered his son's party lmao
eren was probably chugging tequila that time when she arrived and everyone literally freezed
he was grounded for the whole summer and grisha can't do anything about it
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yea-ger · 3 years
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yea-ger · 3 years
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The only truth in this world is that there is no truth. Anyone can become a god or a devil. All it takes is for people to believe it.
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yea-ger · 3 years
Well said. In short, Levi’s flaws are what make him such a standout character. I think if you attempt to whitewash those, you strip him of his best qualities. Additionally, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments regarding the pro-genocide crowd. It’s very reminiscent of incels, and the most damning mirror of this is is their objectification of Historia. Moving past that, though, great points on Eren’s characterization. I've found his character almost Shakespearean in its tragedy. It’s (c)
really poignant character writing that I find especially rare in manga, simply because it boils down to conviction. This is anecdotal, but it doesn’t take much for me to slip into his shoes and understand his position despite other options potentially being available. It’s easy to jump to that extreme because something so harsh (i.e., the world) rails against your beliefs. It speaks to the rebellious child always present in Eren, and to see that pillar of his character lead to this is tragic.
I actually think a lot of the people who side with Eren feel like him.
All they see is the bad stuff in the world. I might not want anything to do with those people because they're the ones who send death threats and harass other people in general, but just like Eren, I think the way they behave is human.
They are scared of the outside world because they've been hurt by it, no matter how miniscule it might seem to outsiders.
For incels it might be a girl rejecting them and further fear of rejection because many men aren't taught how to talk to people or anything necessary for healthy communication.
The communities that criticise their behaviour also often don't let people change without completely shitting on them as people.
So these communities that let them stew in their misery form.
For Eren it's his trauma. All of the horrible things Marley has done to Paradis. All of the horrible things Marley did to his father. Even all of the horrible things OG Ymir went through. Eren didn't just see it, he felt all of it and he doesn't want anyone else he knows to go through any of the awful stuff he has seen and felt.
A lot of it is probably made bigger than it is in his head, too. I think it's all in self-perception and character perspective.
I know a lot of people feel this entire thing is out of character for him and Eren wouldn't succumb to this cruel world because everything he has seen isn't that bad and he's resilient and he wasn't in Marley that long, but I think what's going on in his head really does matter a lot because we see over and over again how his mind forces him into a thoughtloop.
This is something that happens a lot to depressed people, actually: depression is an illness that turns the mind against you. It forces you to focus on the negative and no matter how many times people tell you everything is going to be alright, those words don't actually reach you because your mind runs back to the negative.
He can see the little kid being harassed by the Marleyans, but not find much joy in the food or technology or any of the fun when he first reaches Marley.
Then there's also the inevitability of the situation, the future memories he sees. He actually did end up saving the little kid, but then the Eldians of the mainland also reject the Paradisians' wish to connect and Willy ultimately declares war on them before Eren even does anything. They try everything, but none of it either seems to work or doesn't reach Eren.
Personally I think the path to where he is now is plenty believable.
We as an audience see the good and the bad, but Eren can only focus on the bad.
I dunno if I'd say the world railed against his conviction, but the world turned out to have a lot of awful people in it and he ended up not seeing any other choice but doing this.
I think I've also seen a comment that the narrative wants us to believe that there really was no choice and does it in forced ways, but as I've said many times already, I really think this is all Eren's character perspective. There pretty clearly were actually opportunities, especially before Liberio.
I think it even extends to himself where I think he seems to want to convince himself that he has always been this horrible murderer, when a lot of things earlier in the story contradict that.
Down to chapter 6, where his ultimate reasoning for what he did actually was that he wanted to save Mikasa.
He's an extremely unique and interesting character to me.
Thank you for the ask!
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yea-ger · 3 years
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yea-ger · 3 years
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エレン・イェーガー - Eren Yeager.
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yea-ger · 3 years
I do think Eren doing the Rumbling in believable to some extent, but my problem with Eren's character is that Eren has fallen a long way, but I want to see the process and the details of that fall. But there's been so little of Eren's pov so it just feels like there's no proper psychological depiction, and Isayama is being lazy or something
I feel like there's been chapters upon chapters of his POV and context. Inner monologue, outer dialog, parallels.
You just have to put it all together by yourself, which I think some people call insufficient and lazy storytelling and I consider good storytelling because I think you have to use your brain and draw your own conclusions based on what you're given, along with also the 100 chapters of context before Eren truly changed and even then I feel some of it is repetitive.
100, 106-108, 112, 120-123, 130, 131, 133 is all of the material I'm generally using when interpreting current Eren. There's also a couple of other scenes here and there.
That's an entirety of 12 chapters, it's not all focused on Eren, but I think it tells us a lot.
I guess I can agree with having a little bit more connective tissue between everything.
But other than that, it's really hard for me to think about this in a way because I'm not confused at all.
I think the only things that truly need to happen is Eren and his friends actually meeting Eren again, in a way the actual Eren, not what he has built himself into and the disembodied voice we have seen for quite a bit here and Historia's perspective in this whole thing.
We don't need more on the Ackermans or War Hammer because I feel like it doesn't matter for the point of the story. Both are just details for either plot progression or minor thematic stuff.
I think the finale for Eren and Historia matters a lot, though.
I hope those who are still confused on stuff and don't see what we've gotten as enough will get enough in these final two chapters, though.
Thank you for the ask!
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yea-ger · 3 years
calling them a “friend” in front of other people [a tiktok prank] ft. eren, armin, mikasa, jean, levi, reiner and porco
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♡   —   tags: fluff, gn!reader
♡   —   a/n: set in a modern au, they’re all around college age <3 in this case, you ask a friend to pretend they’re a colleague of yours and call your work phone while your personal one records everything~
♡   —   masterlist
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- you had been watching a movie with him, a lazy friday afternoon when a friend called you on your work phone
- eren paused the movie while you answered, not guessing your work friend was into the prank as well
- “nah it’s okay, i’m just watching a movie with a friend right now”
- eren was also on his phone while you talked and he almost got whiplash from rising his head so fast
- “babe? the fuck?” he whispered but you ignored him as you kept talking
- when you finally finished your call, you took the remote and pressed play on the movie but eren immediately paused it again
- “no no no what do you mean by friend? are we friends now?” he asked, making his hut with an astonished smile. “do you kiss all your friends then?”
- you burst in laughter and pointed at your personal phone that was propped on the coffee table pointing at you two and recording everything. “babe it’s a joke!”
- it took a couple of seconds for eren to understand what had happened but as soon as he did, he was throwing you on the couch, tickling your sides until you were laughing loudly, trying to make him stop
- “you’re a little prankster, huh!?” he laughed as he kept on tickling you mercilessly, trying to get his revenge for you little joke
- you were having lunch with armin at your apartment when your work phone started ringing. apologizing, you told him you had to answer and he nodded with a smile.
- “no it’s okay, i can take the call, i was just having lunch with this friend,” you said, your eyes not meeting his. if they had you would have been able to see his face dropping at your words.
- armin said nothing as you continued on your call and for a moment you thought your plan to prank him had completely failed. you noticed he had left a lot of food left on his plate but has already put his fork and knife down. “you’re not gonna eat that?”
- “i don’t want to eat too much, i have dinner plans tonight,” he casually mentioned.
- “mhm, with who?”
- “oh, just a friend,” he smiled with the sweetest, most devilish smile you had seen.
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yea-ger · 3 years
how i see the aot characters dressing (guys);
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eren dresses laid back & casual, not much effort but still manages to make it look really good. lots of sweatpants, plain/graphic tees, jewelers, and has nice shoes.
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levi (who i gave the benefit of the doubt) would wear casual formal clothes, slacks/tight jeans with button ups & plain shirts. dull colors, boots, simple sneakers, dress shoes.
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jean would have this casual style that he dresses up very well, he wears lots of accessories, any kind of jeans, has nice sneakers, great sense of style! a lot of his pieces are name brand too.
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armin has a soft boy aesthetic to him, lots of sweaters & baggy jeans, beat sneakers, light colors, cardigans underneath his shirts, etc. his pieces range from being name brand to thrifted.
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connie has a streetwear style that has a tinge of hypebeast to it, lots of jordan’s, nikes, all of that good stuff, cargo pants and accessories like hats & fanny packs. goofy style that matches his personality, loads of color.
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reiner has a very simple style, plain shirts with jackets and regular fit jeans. simple sneakers and some jewelry here and there, it’s not too much and not too little.
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porco dresses like a greaser lol. he’ll throw a leather jacket or a bomber jacket overtop of a plain shirt and some boots and call it a day. almost exactly how he dresses in the show, just modern times.
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zeke style was so hard to pinpoint, so these photos aren’t as accurate as i want them to be. he def wears boots more often than not, always throws on some type of jacket whether it be a cardigan or jean jacket, and likes to keep his outfits comfortable. somewhat hippie somewhat art hoe, somewhat minimalistic. it’s just his style...
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the girls are next!
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yea-ger · 3 years
𝙮𝙤𝙪 & 𝙢𝙚 - 𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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info: eren x reader ; modern college au ; fluff, fluff, fluff ; SKATER EREN ; no content warnings except for SEROTONIN ; one-shot ; ~3k words
links: aot masterlist | archive of our own | masterpost
note: @shisoaya​ & @teddysguitarpicks​ thank you for choosing sk8er eren fluff over sauna eren smut because this beautiful one-shot was born <3 i was a smiling fool while writing it - hope everyone enjoys some fluff as much as i did writing it +++ btw i didn’t want to fill up the fic with too much college background, so just so you know, the college background is basically the same as the one from my eren x reader x armin fic (ao3 link / tumblr link to pt 1 in case you want it 👀 this one is smutty so be aware ; it’s also on my masterlist)
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yea-ger · 3 years
can we just talk about how eren was the one who went straight into action to attack the colossal titan when appeared for the second time and how he was pretty level headed and told orders. i think that’s very cool of him. a huge aspect of eren is that he is usually led and clouded by emotion but in that instant he didn’t let that overtake him.
he also was able to calm down: armin, jean, and mikasa like??:?.:$
i feel like so many people hated eren or found him annoying, but he is such a great character and needs to be appreciated more instead of looked at as an annoying overly angry kid all the time
*not saying he isn’t emotional but that’s part of who he is
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yea-ger · 3 years
boyfriend eren headcanons
some sfw boyfriend eren headcanons, i’m gonna do nsfw in another post :) 
i was bored so enjoy :) :) :) 
prefers going over to your place, mostly because he gets embarrassed whenever you see how messy his room is
hates being on his phone so sometimes you’ll go hours without hearing from him
isn’t a huge fan of hand holding, but whenever you two go out together he’s always holding your hand, even though you aren’t the one that started it
he’s completely oblivious to the fact that everyone is in love with him
picks little fights over stupid things because he’s worried you’re losing interest in him
grabs your hand under the table whenever he’s upset
doesn’t get emotionally vulnerable often, but on the rare occasion he does, he likes to be held
loves it when you play with his hair but gets annoyed when you try to style it 
likes to intently watch you doing everyday tasks, memorizing your movements and mannerisms 
gets jealous easily but rarely vocalizes it; instead he hugs you from behind and makes intense eye contact with whoever it is that’s making him jealous
has a personal vendetta against babies, just for existing 
animals love him for some reason; takes you to the local animal shelter whenever you’re stressed to play with the cats and dogs
is secretly insecure and doesn’t understand why you’d want to be with him of all people, but hides it from you
blushes whenever you tell him you love him, but rolls his eyes and tries to play it off
gets happy whenever he sees you with armin and mikasa 
likes to call you “pretty” as a pet name 
loves loves loves sleeping
doesn’t budge when he’s asleep: he stays glued to your side like a magnet and grumbles angrily when you try to shove him away
horrible cook. could burn water
does dumb impulsive shit and then feels bad for making you worry
gets bored really easily, so he always has to be doing something engaging (means lots of adventures for you) 
visits his mom’s grave at least once a month to sit and tell her about you and life
is not shy when it comes to showing you off
makes sure everyone knows you’re his girlfriend
jean flirts with you just for the sole purpose of pissing eren off, and it works every time
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