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work-life balance
     The division of one's time and focus between working and family or leisure activities.
Importance of a Work-life Balance 
A work-life balance is extremely crucial to everyone, especially in times of stress. This is because it affects the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. 
Not having a work-life balance often leads to great amounts of stress and when that happens, our immune system is the one to suffer. Due to our immune system being low during these times, we would be more prone to flu viruses and at extreme cases, have respiratory or digestive problems.
So, to sum it up, unless you want to die, you need to have a good work life balance.
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Perks of Having a Work-life balance
1) Having a work-life balance not only allows us to have suffice rest but also prevents burn-outs from school or work.
Whilst occasional stress is normal, burnouts are certainly not. According to The Help Guide, burnouts occur “when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands”.
Burn-outs will cause an impact to our social and work life, this will greatly affect our work. Besides preventing burn-outs, having a work-life balance helps in having more focus during work.
2) You’ll be more productive.
Youngsters these days are constantly commenting how they’ve been unproductive the whole day. Therefore, having a healthy work-life balance isn’t just essential to your well-being – it also boosts your productivity.
From finally getting your work done to spending quality time with your family, creating a good balance between your work life and your personal life will allow you to be more productive in both areas.
3)  You can actually Enjoy Work
Always dreading waking at at 5 in the morning for school? Find yourself ‘subconsciously’ setting your alarm on snooze every morning? Don’t know what a weekend is?
 A hatred for your life (or just about anything) is one of the most common signs of a non-existent work-life balance.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Knowing when to switch off is often the best way to allow yourself to actually enjoy the time you’re there.
Note: Unfortunately, having a work-life balance doesn’t guarantee that’ll you’ll live a happily ever after (even though we all wish it would).
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I’ve promoted the benefits of a work-life balance to you, now it’s time to answer the key question--
How does one achieve a work-life balance in the first place?
To put it simply, you need to work for it (pun intended).
A) Have good time management
Do not start doing your holiday homework on the last week of the holiday; don’t go to bed at 3 in the morning and wake up at 2 in the afternoon. Everything else aside, you should be fine. 
Getting a personal planner should also help (although Typo sells them for $15, which is basically daylight robbery).
B) Shuffle your priorities
One saying goes, “You can have it all, but not all at once.” (quote not said by us)
Consider which of your endeavors will be the highest priority during which semester. 
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We obviously did not come up with this as this is totally unhelpful. Therefore, you should listen to your parents and study 24/7. 
Just kidding. Just don’t slack all the time.
C) Know when to relax
After all, you can’t be studying all the time.
Some simple and inexpensive ways students can renew their energy might include: reading a good book, watching a movie or TV show, taking a walk or a run (only for those crazy, athletic people), or even the simple act of taking a nice hot bubble bath.
Watching Youtube also helps.
Lastly, remember that even though finding this balance can be challenging, the positive effect it will have on your overall health and wellness will be more than worth the effort.
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Not done by the person who moderates this blog, so don’t blame me if it sucks and don’t praise me if it’s good.
Week 1
Monday- jog on the spot(3 min)
                Push-up(2sets of 10)
                Lunges(2 sets of 10)
Tuesday- wall sit(5 min)
                Side plank(3 min)
                Jumping jacks(x30)
Wednesday- high knees running in place(3 min)
                       Burpees(2 min)
                       Sit-up(1 min)
Thursday-Run 1.6km
Friday-pull ups(1 min)
          -leg raises(x20)
Saturday-push ups(20)
Sunday-squats(2 min)
             -burpees(2 mins)
Week 2
Monday:1.6 km
Tuesday: lunges(2 sets of 10)
                -push up(2 sets of 10
Wednesday-jog on the spot(3 min)
                    -side plank(3 min)
Thursday-wall sit(5 min)
                -leg raises(x20)
Friday-squats(2 mins)
           -burpees(2 min)
Saturday-jumping jacks(x30)
              -high knees running in place
Sunday-sit up(1 min)
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Plagiarism is bad, y’all.
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