Everyone has the moment. The moment is a time, a small fraction of your life. A mere moment, but that moment stays with and manifests in you, in your mind for the rest of your life. It’s defined as a heart break, a death, or an end. A sort of drawn out monotone play and you are on the stage. Nonetheless it all ends the same in a loss.
           I’m not too sure if you can see your play. I’m not sure if you have any idea of what that play would be. I guess for now just look at mine. My play haunts me nearly every day. My play comes every year and every year it all could end the same in one single game. The curtain draws with the snap of the ball, the Friday night lights shine in the sky, beaming on my skin, sweat ridden mixed with the wear and the tear of preseason blues. The emerald green grass unfolds under me as I’m crouched in my stance, ready for that ball to be snapped. Ahead of me is the enemy, the obstacle in my way, the other team. A lot of plays have the villain and heroes, but in my play, we are all the same, just two gladiators battling it out. This though, this is the start and the start is almost unimportant, for my story starts at the end.
           A second on the clock, 4th quarter down by two scores, Richmond's ball.  Set up in v formation, or victory. Every season spans out as a different tale, but every game is just the same with two different names, a home and an away, battling to seize victory for the day. One side wins and is praised as valiant victors. On the other side the one not victorious, the side I was on, we are shamed. Anyways, as I stood there, facing the opposing team, as I faced the end, thoughts rang through my mind corrupting me, positioning my very thoughts to the same phrase, “There must be a way, please God let there be a way.” Although I knew at the same time there was nothing I could do. The thought struck my mind, a dreadful thought that screamed out into the night “why...” Tears bubbled behind my eye as the second seemed to never pass. The world insinuates into a false reality, it became cold and distant. Sounds around me became muffled, everything seemed to change, a grim blue shade took ahold meaning to stay. The shade threw me towards the harsh revelation of the matter, the fact that I failed. I failed my team, my friends, my brothers in arms, the family… The family that all sacrificed to achieve something greater than themselves. We’ve all come so far since the start, overcoming struggle after struggle, over and over and for all that to end in one single second. This one single second to end everything is just unreal.
           Snapping back to reality, the heavy cloud that overtook me floats away as a voice booms out, “DOWN… SET,” the second cadence rang out, “HIT…”  as the ball snapped to the opposing Q.B. who then proceeds to take a knee. A high-pitched whistle blew around me, the blaring sounds took a hold to show the end. Second over, game over and all that lead up to this the blood, the sweat, the pain that we faced was all for nothing.
           A pin dropped ever so slightly, a heartbreak one can say. Cheering took over the right side of the field. My legs, uncooperating, growing weak standing there, failing to carry me towards our sideline.  So, I stayed there on the field just swaying side to side. The tears that I hid behind my eyes ellipse my grasp thus giving in and collapsing to the ground in a flood. Step after step a blur passed as I shook hands to the last one. Coming together the team stood, as silent cries took to the skies. My last game why did it end this way.
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Buying Local by Katherine Spriggs is a paper or position paper based on buying locally sold foods from small farms compared to big industrialized farms. Her main reasons from buying local is that it's better for the environment and we should give up some convenience to better the environment. Throughout the essay she give reasons to why the problem faced at hand is important. Katherine has convinced me that the problem faced at hand is important from the many different economical situations face at hand and the green house emissions. I’ve personally worked on industrialized farms and small town farms and see the issues both sides have faced. The only problem I have against her argument is the price, that her suggesting buying from local businesses, will drive down prices. Simply it won’t on a large scale looking economically if lest say one town has a farm a large farm that supplies a few nearby towns with goods. The problem is that cars and the towns around will have to drive a distance to their nearest farm to buy goods. The time it takes to travel the distance plus the times a certain week/month you'll need to travel will basically equate to the same green gas emissions that it would take to ship food out to a closer grocery store. Another counter argument or issue I find with her argument is her not accounting for areas of places without the ability to farm naturally like going outside and planting crops. Take a look at places like Arizona or New Mexico and lets say Alaska too, these places will not have access to the same greens the north will have access to. By not farming on a large scale a lot of food resources they have had access to will no longer be there such as sweet corn or soybeans. The north will have the same issue a lot of crops grown in warmer climates such as chili peppers, large ranch cattle like longhorns etc. What Spriggs does effectively is the argument for buying from local farms in the north. Also in paragraph four specifically she explains the self sufficient of small scale farms her paragraph here. She explicitly explains the exact reasons of why a small scale farm is more Eco friendly, more sustainable due to crop rotation etc. Spriggs also puts in multiple pictures to “help” her argument. The pictures also do not help sway her point across I find most of the picture redundant and unneeded for they don’t actually or aren't actually put to help her argument. The pictures are more used as a visual to break her writing to give a break to us the readers. Spriggs has a thought out reasons to why people should buy locally, due to reasons such as, it would lesson greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, lower the soil erosion or the fertilization problems due to over farming. She has an effective argument, but hasn’t looked over all the different problems that industrialized farms solve such as year round food, economical values of grocery stores and not having access to farms other than driving a distance to find food you would be able to pick up at your local Walmart.
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The website http://muttloverescue.org is about as you can guess an adoption site. The website is persuasive much in pathos it plays into your emotions. As soon as you pull up the website it shows you a picture of a dog to sort of pull you into the website. On the website it has a part that says save a life. This link goes to where you can see what the shelter is about. The link also shows what dogs have been helped by other people. On the logical side the website doesn’t add up. It isn’t structurally sound; the website is a dull brown, it does not pull you in. If the website was to be improved first change the color to a warmer or a trusting color like a blue. There is also a lot of negative or neutral space surrounding the main parts the meat of the website, it’s like opening a bag of chips and half of the bag is air, there needs to be more substance. On the home page the donate button is right where it needs to be. I personally would have liked to see a page explicitly saying where my donations will be going or how they will be effective. The website does give a brief description going into how $450 raised is to help for housing a dog. To find this you do need to search for it. The website doesn’t really have much morality in it other than it’s a no kill shelter and that whole adoption vs buying a dog. Again, the website is good in it emotionally field it could be better though I would like to see what they do to help the dogs maybe a video on their facilities. Logically the website looks like it was built on Weebly and that can in a way lessen their abilities to put together a well suited website to rid of the neutral space or fix the continuity issues on the website.
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Movie Review
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
 Directed by J.J. Abrams
Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Max von Sydow
 Synopsis: The 7th movie in the Star Wars franchise gives a reboot of all the classic characters and some new goers in a new adventure to save the galaxy from the first order.
Disney brings a new face to the Star Wars franchise with the 7th install of the series. Inspired by the older movies and based off a, “new story.”  I say that in quotes for the story is not all that new. The story follows the same format as A New Hope and Revenge of the Sith. The only differences are the characters, the planets and a few scenes.
Before dissecting the movie’s plot, let’s talk about what the movie does well. At first glance yes, the movie is of a great quality. What I mean by this is the actors/acting is good, the CGI is of a great quality expected of Disney and it’s an entertaining movie to first watch to get into the Star Wars franchise. The movie gives all the tropes of the old movies and a new refresh for new viewers such as new characters.
The problem to the new movies though is the similarities that it draws to the old movies. Now understanding that most of the new viewers probably have not seen the original trilogies. That does not excuse the similarities The Force Awakens draws from A New Hope and Revenge of the Sith. If you take the three movies side by side it is a carbon copy of the first two. It starts out the same not with a battle on a space cruiser but an attack on a rebel base by an unknown or evil force. The other deference is Finn well his character development. Finn, I would like to say, has the best development of any character in this movie. As a viewer you can see his discrepancies from the first order. You can understand the pain when his comrade dies and the pain he feels when the he experiences the death of citizens. Continuing with the story, Poe (the Rebel alliance ace piolet) is captured in this instance he is in part playing the same role as Leia in A New Hope. Captured by a Dark character and brought aboard his ship. Now here’s where the story is a bit of a stretch where they change the plot but essentially is still the same. The escape from the ship without all the action it is the exact same ending or escape as C3P0 did with R2. Through a ship to a desert planet where they meet up with the new stories main character, main good guy Luke in the old movie Rey in the new one. The plot doesn’t really get much better from there. Ray masters a trick that takes regular Jedi years and years sometimes lifetimes to do in three seconds. It just doesn’t fit in the star wars universe well the logic of the movie.
Now instead of me picking a part each similarity I would say you would need to experience the movie for yourself. Overall if you’re looking for a nostalgic Star Wars story with new characters this is the movie for you. Otherwise if you were here to experience a new refreshing plot in the star wars movies this isn’t the movie it’s what I would say a refurbished movie. For a rating I would say its about a C- at best. The only reason the rating is not lower is the acting and as I said earlier.
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